var positioning = "rel"; var dad = "classic" var mainMode = "desc_input"; var textMaxLength = 0; var textMaxChars = 0; var currentEditor = null; function resetAll() { $("#editForms section").remove(); $(".droparea").remove(); $("#dragbase .draggable").remove(); document.getElementById("edit_title").innerHTML = "" document.getElementById("edit_task").innerHTML = "" $("#img_placeholder img").remove(); $("#img_placeholder svg").remove(); var bgInit = document.getElementById("bg-init"); = "block"; $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 0); actualDraggable = null; draggable_count = 0; } function confirmReset() { if (window.confirm("Všechny popisky budou smazány. Opravdu pokračovat?")) { resetAll() } } function gotoMainSelect() { document.getElementById("main_select").style.display = "block" document.getElementById("edit_panes").style.display = "none" } function setMode(mode) { //resetAll() document.getElementById("edit_panes").style.display = "block" mainMode = mode; switch (mode) { case "desc_input": document.getElementById("form_absolute").style.display = "block" document.getElementById("mainmode_input").checked = true; break; case "desc_dad": document.getElementById("form_absolute").style.display = "block" document.getElementById("mainmode_dad").checked = true; //document.getElementById("textValue").style.display = "block" break; default: break; } var activeTab = $( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active" ); if (activeTab == 1) generatePreview(); if (activeTab == 2) generateCode(); } function setDad(val) { dad = val; if (val == "dad") { document.getElementById("dragbase").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("dragbase").style.display = "none"; } } // The instanceReady event is fired, when an instance of CKEditor has finished // its initialization. CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (ev) { // Show the editor name and description in the browser status bar. document.getElementById('eMessage').innerHTML = 'Instance ' + + '<\/code> loaded.'; // Show this sample buttons. //document.getElementById( 'eButtons' ).style.display = 'block'; }); var configEdit = { allowedContent: true, toolbar: [ { name: 'basicstyles', groups: ['basicstyles', 'cleanup'], items: ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', '-', 'RemoveFormat'] }, ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink'], ['FontSize', 'TextColor', 'BGColor'], { name: 'paragraph', groups: ['indent', 'blocks', 'align'], items: ['Outdent', 'Indent', '-', 'Blockquote', 'CreateDiv', '-', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'] }, { name: 'insert', items: ['Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar'] }, ['NewPage'] ], on: { focus: onFocus, blur: onBlur, selectionChange: function (evt) { document.getElementById("testitem_content").style.display = "none"; var selected = evt.editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$ var name = selected.nodeName.toLowerCase() document.getElementById('eMessage').innerHTML = selected.nodeName + "." + selected.className // document.getElementById("txtArea").value = selected.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() + "." + selected.className if (selected.className.indexOf("testitem") > -1) { if (name == "img") { var novy = document.createElement("span"); novy.className = selected.className; var obsah = "text" if (selected.hasAttribute("data-type") && selected.getAttribute("data-type") == "n") obsah = "123" novy.innerHTML = "" + obsah + ""; selected.parentNode.insertBefore(novy, selected); selected.parentNode.removeChild(selected); } } if (name == "span" && selected.className == "option") { actSelected = selected.parentNode; //alert("Option") readTestitem(selected.parentNode); } if (name == "span" && selected.className.indexOf("testitem") > -1) { actSelected = selected; readTestitem(selected); } if (name == "textarea" && selected.className.indexOf("testitem") > -1) { actSelected = selected; readTestitem(selected); } document.getElementById('eMessage').innerHTML = name + "." + selected.$.className } } }; function InsertHTML(content) { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.currentInstance; //instances.editor1; // Check the active editing mode. if (editor.mode == 'wysiwyg') { // Insert HTML code. //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertHtml editor.insertHtml(content); } else alert('You must be in WYSIWYG mode!'); } var actSelected = null; function changeValue(evt) { var input = evt.currentTarget var change = parseInt(input.getAttribute("data-change")) var cil = input.parentNode.querySelector("input"); var min = parseInt(cil.getAttribute("data-min")); var max = parseInt(cil.getAttribute("data-max")); var target = cil.getAttribute("data-target"); var current = parseInt(cil.value); var newValue = Math.max(min, current + change); newValue = Math.min(max, newValue); actSelected.setAttribute(target, newValue); cil.value = newValue } function generateCode() { var q_content; if (mainMode == "desc_input") q_content = getDescInputCode(); if (mainMode == "desc_dad") q_content = getDescDadCode(); var qTitle = document.getElementById("edit_title").innerHTML; if (qTitle == "Titulek otázky") qTitle = ""; var qTask = document.getElementById("edit_task").innerHTML; if (qTask == "Zadání otázky") qTask = ""; var vystup = "\n\n" + "" + "" + "" + "\n"; classDAD = " dad_move_sc" } vystup += "
\n" if (qTitle != "") vystup += "
" + qTitle + "<\/div>\n" if (qTask != "") vystup += "
" + qTask + "<\/div>\n" if (mainMode == "desc_dad") { vystup += "
\n"; var spans = q_content.draggables //document.querySelectorAll("#dragbase span") for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { vystup += "" + spans[i] + "\n" } vystup += "<\/div>\n" } vystup += "
\n" vystup += q_content.content + "\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n" vystup += q_content.ok + "\n"; vystup = vystup.replace(/table\>\s+\\s+\\s+\\s+\\s+\\s+\<\/tr/g, "td>\s+\<\/tbody/g, "tr><\/tbody") vystup = vystup.replace(/tbody>\s+\<\/table/g, "tbody><\/table") vystup = vystup.replace(/t([dh]) style="[^"]+"/g, "t$1"); //auth/noauth mody var isAuth = document.getElementById("mode_auth").checked; if (isAuth) { vystup = vystup.replace(/http:\/\/is\.slu\.cz\//g, ""); } else { vystup = vystup.replace(/https:\/\/is\.slu\.cz\/auth\//g, "/"); } $('#code_shower').val(vystup) } var DADSorting = { getPreview: function () { var result = { content: "" } var obsah = document.createElement("div"); obsah.innerHTML = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData(); var tis = obsah.querySelectorAll(".testitem"); for (var i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { var type = tis[i].getAttribute("data-type"); var opts = tis[i].querySelectorAll(".option"); if (type == "t") { var newTi = document.createElement("input"); newTi.setAttribute("style", "width: " + textMaxLength + "px;") newTi.type = "text"; newTi.value = "" tis[i].parentNode.insertBefore(newTi, tis[i]); tis[i].parentNode.removeChild(tis[i]) } if (type == "v") { var newTi = document.createElement("select"); newTi.appendChild(document.createElement("option")) for (var j = 0; j < opts.length; j++) { var opt = newTi.appendChild(document.createElement("option")); opt.innerHTML = opts[j].innerHTML } tis[i].parentNode.insertBefore(newTi, tis[i]); tis[i].parentNode.removeChild(tis[i]) } } result.content = obsah.innerHTML return result; }, getCode: function () { var result = { content: "", ok: "" } var obsah = document.createElement("div"); obsah.innerHTML = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData(); var ti_counts = { a: 0, c: 0, l: 0, m: 0, n: 0, r: 0, s: 0, t: 0, v: 0 } var t_ = ""; for (var i = 0; i < textMaxChars; i++) t_ += "_" var tis = obsah.querySelectorAll(".testitem"); for (var i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { var type = tis[i].getAttribute("data-type"); var opts = tis[i].querySelectorAll(".option"); ti_counts[type] ++; if (type == "t") { for (var j = 0; j < opts.length; j++) { var score = opts[j].getAttribute("data-score"); result.ok += ":t" + ti_counts[type] + "=\"" + opts[j].innerHTML + "\" ok " + score + "\n" } var ti_replace = " :t" + ti_counts[type] + t_ + " " tis[i].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(ti_replace), tis[i]); tis[i].parentNode.removeChild(tis[i]) } if (type == "v") { for (var j = 0; j < opts.length; j++) { var score = opts[j].getAttribute("data-score"); var is_ok = (opts[j].hasAttribute("data-correct") && opts[j].getAttribute("data-correct") == "ok") ? " ok " : " " result.ok += ":v" + (j + 1) + String.fromCharCode(96 + ti_counts[type]) + "=\"" + opts[j].innerHTML + "\" " + is_ok + score + "\n" } var ti_replace = " :v1" + String.fromCharCode(96 + ti_counts[type]) + " " tis[i].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(ti_replace), tis[i]); tis[i].parentNode.removeChild(tis[i]) } } result.content = obsah.innerHTML return result; } } function getDescInputCode() { var result = { content: "", ok: "", draggables: [] } var ti_counts = {a: 0,c: 0,l: 0,m: 0,n: 0,r: 0,s: 0,t: 0,v: 0} var t_ = ""; for (var i = 0; i < textMaxChars; i++) t_ += "_" //var bgImage = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder img"); if (!bgImage || bgImage.src == "") { alert("Chybí podkladový obrázek otázky!") return "\n\n\nChybí podkladový obrázek otázky!\n\n\n" } result.content += "
\n" result.content += "\"Podkladový\n" var svg = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder svg"); var svgOut = "" var lines = svg.querySelectorAll("line"); if (lines.length > 0) { svgOut += "" var lineStyle = (lines[0].hasAttribute("style")) ? " style=\"" + lines[0].getAttribute("style") + "\"" : "" svgOut += "" for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i] var x1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x1"))); var y1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y1"))); var x2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x2"))); var y2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y2"))); svgOut += "\n" } svgOut += "" svgOut += "\n"; } result.content += svgOut; var tis = document.querySelectorAll("#qArea .droparea span"); for (var i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { var type = "t" //tis[i].getAttribute("data-type"); ti_counts[type] ++; if (type == "t") { var score = 1; var sprs = tis[i].innerHTML.split(/\/g); console.log("Source split: " + sprs) for (var j = 0; j < sprs.length; j++) { var spr = sprs[j].trim(); if (spr != "") { result.ok += ":t" + ti_counts[type] + "=\"" + spr + "\" ok\n" } } //result.ok += ":t" + ti_counts[type] + "=\"" + tis[i].innerHTML + "\" ok\n" // " + score + " var positionTop = getStylePos(tis[i]; var positionLeft = getStylePos(tis[i]; result.content += "
" result.content += " :t" + ti_counts[type] + t_ + " " result.content += "
\n" } } return result; } // parsovani hodnoty pozice -- top, bottom, left, right; function getStylePos(property) { var result = property; result = Math.round(parseFloat(result.substring(0, result.indexOf("px")))) return result; } function getDescDadCode() { var result = { content: "", ok: "", draggables: [] } var ti_counts = {a: 0,c: 0,l: 0,m: 0,n: 0,r: 0,s: 0,t: 0,v: 0} var t_ = ""; for (var i = 0; i < textMaxChars; i++) t_ += "_" //var bgImage = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder img"); if (!bgImage.src || bgImage.src == "") { alert("Chybí podkladový obrázek otázky!") return "\n\n\nChybí podkladový obrázek otázky!\n\n\n" } result.content += "
\n" result.content += "\"Podkladovy\n" var svg = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder svg"); var svgOut = "" var lines = svg.querySelectorAll("line"); if (lines.length > 0) { svgOut += "" var lineStyle = (lines[0].hasAttribute("style")) ? " style=\"" + lines[0].getAttribute("style") + "\"" : "" svgOut += "" for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i] var x1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x1"))); var y1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y1"))); var x2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x2"))); var y2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y2"))); svgOut += "\n" } svgOut += "" svgOut += "\n"; } result.content += svgOut; var tis = document.querySelectorAll("#qArea .droparea span"); for (var i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { var type = "t" //tis[i].getAttribute("data-type"); ti_counts[type] ++; if (type == "t") { var score = 1; var sprs = tis[i].innerHTML.split(/\/g); console.log("Source split: " + sprs) for (var j = 0; j < sprs.length; j++) { var spr = sprs[j].trim(); if (spr != "") { result.ok += ":t" + ti_counts[type] + "=\"" + spr + "\" ok\n" result.draggables.push(spr) } } // " + score + " var positionTop = tis[i]; positionTop = Math.round(parseFloat(positionTop.substring(0, positionTop.indexOf("px")))) var positionLeft = tis[i]; positionLeft = Math.round(parseFloat(positionLeft.substring(0, positionLeft.indexOf("px")))); //positionTop += 8 result.content += "
" result.content += " :t" + ti_counts[type] + t_ + " " result.content += "
\n" } } result.content += "
\n" return result; } function generatePreview() { var q_content; if (mainMode == "desc_input") q_content = getDescInputPreview(); if (mainMode == "desc_dad") q_content = getDescDadPreview(); var qTitle = document.getElementById("edit_title").innerHTML; if (qTitle == "Titulek otázky") qTitle = ""; var qTask = document.getElementById("edit_task").innerHTML; if (qTask == "Zadání otázky") qTask = ""; var vystup = ""; var classDAD = ""; if (mainMode.indexOf("dad") > -1) { vystup += "

\n"; } document.getElementById("preview_content").innerHTML = vystup; updateDraggables(); DragDropHelpers.fixVisualCues = true; } function getDescInputPreview() { var result = { content: "", ok: "", draggables: [] } //var bgImage = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder img"); if (!bgImage.src || bgImage.src == "") { alert("Chybí podkladový obrázek otázky!") return "\n\n\nChybí podkladový obrázek otázky!\n\n\n" } result.content += "
\n" result.content += "\"Podkladový\n"; var svg = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder svg"); var svgOut = "" var lines = svg.querySelectorAll("line"); if (lines.length > 0) { svgOut += "" var lineStyle = (lines[0].hasAttribute("style")) ? " style=\"" + lines[0].getAttribute("style") + "\"" : "" svgOut += "" for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i] var x1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x1"))); var y1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y1"))); var x2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x2"))); var y2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y2"))); svgOut += "\n" } svgOut += "" svgOut += "\n"; } result.content += svgOut; var tis = document.querySelectorAll("#qArea .droparea span"); for (var i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { var type = "t" //tis[i].getAttribute("data-type"); if (type == "t") { var score = 1; var positionTop = tis[i]; positionTop = parseFloat(positionTop.substring(0, positionTop.indexOf("px"))) positionTop += 0 result.content += "
" result.content += "" result.content += "
\n" } } return result; } function getDescDadPreview() { var result = { content: "", ok: "", draggables: [] } //var bgImage = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder img"); if (!bgImage.src || bgImage.src == "") { alert("Chybí podkladový obrázek otázky!" + bgImage.src + "$") return "\n\n\nChybí podkladový obrázek otázky!\n\n\n" } result.content += "
\n" result.content += "\"Podkladový\n"; var svg = document.querySelector("#img_placeholder svg"); var svgOut = "" var lines = svg.querySelectorAll("line"); if (lines.length > 0) { svgOut += "" var lineStyle = (lines[0].hasAttribute("style")) ? " style=\"" + lines[0].getAttribute("style") + "\"" : "" svgOut += "" for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i] var x1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x1"))); var y1 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y1"))); var x2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("x2"))); var y2 = Math.round(parseFloat(line.getAttribute("y2"))); svgOut += "\n" } svgOut += "" svgOut += "\n"; } result.content += svgOut; var tis = document.querySelectorAll("#qArea .droparea span"); for (var i = 0; i < tis.length; i++) { var type = "t" //tis[i].getAttribute("data-type"); if (type == "t") { var score = 1; result.draggables = result.draggables.concat(tis[i].innerHTML.split("
")); var positionTop = tis[i]; positionTop = Math.round(parseFloat(positionTop.substring(0, positionTop.indexOf("px")))); var positionLeft = tis[i]; positionLeft = Math.round(parseFloat(positionLeft.substring(0, positionLeft.indexOf("px")))) //positionTop += 8 result.content += "
" result.content += "" result.content += "
\n" } } //alert( result.content) return result; } function InsertText() { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; var value = document.getElementById('txtArea').value; // Check the active editing mode. if (editor.mode == 'wysiwyg') { // Insert as plain text. //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertText editor.insertText(value); } else alert('You must be in WYSIWYG mode!'); } function SetContents() { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; var value = document.getElementById('htmlArea').value; // Set editor contents (replace current contents). //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setData editor.setData(value); } function GetContents() { // Get the editor instance that you want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; // Get editor contents //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData alert(editor.getData()); } function ExecuteCommand(commandName) { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; // Check the active editing mode. if (editor.mode == 'wysiwyg') { // Execute the command. //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-execCommand editor.execCommand(commandName); } else alert('You must be in WYSIWYG mode!'); } function CheckDirty() { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; // Checks whether the current editor contents present changes when compared // to the contents loaded into the editor at startup //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-checkDirty alert(editor.checkDirty()); } function ResetDirty() { // Get the editor instance that we want to interact with. var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; // Resets the "dirty state" of the editor (see CheckDirty()) //!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-resetDirty editor.resetDirty(); alert('The "IsDirty" status has been reset'); } function Focus() { CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.focus(); } var cnt = 0 function onFocus(evt) { //document.getElementById( 'eMessage' ).innerHTML = '' + + ' is focused ' //+ ++cnt + evt.currentTarget; } function onBlur() { //document.getElementById( 'eMessage' ).innerHTML = + ' lost focus'; } function clearEmptyElement(node) { if (node.innerHTML == "
") node.innerHTML = "" } function importCode() { resetAll(); var code = document.getElementById("import_code").value; if (trim(code) == "") return; if (code. indexOf("dad_move_sc") == -1 && code. indexOf("desc_input") == -1) { alert("Tento typ otázky nelze do editoru importovat."); return; } //oprava stare chyby v pozicovani code= code.replace(/left: (-?\d+(\.\d+)?);/g, "left: $1px;"); code= code.replace(/top: (-?\d+(\.\d+)?);/g, "top: $1px;"); var lines = code.split(/\n+/); var state = "begin"; var task = ""; var title = ""; var descs = []; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line.indexOf("
-1) { title = line.substring(line.indexOf(">") + 1, line.lastIndexOf("
")); continue; } if (line.indexOf("
-1) { task = line.substring(line.indexOf(">") + 1, line.lastIndexOf("
")); continue; } if (line.indexOf("
-1) { descs.push(""); } if (state == "figure") { figure += line; if (line.indexOf("
") > -1) { state = "new"; continue; } } if (line.charAt(0) == ":") { var index = parseInt(line.substring(2, line.indexOf("=")))-1; var entry = line.substring(line.indexOf("\"")+1, line.lastIndexOf("\"")) if (!descs[index] || descs[index] == "") { descs[index] = entry; } else { descs[index] += "
" + entry } } } //vypis nactenych hodnot document.getElementById("edit_title").innerHTML = title; document.getElementById("edit_task").innerHTML = task; var fig = document.createElement("div"); fig.innerHTML = code; var bgImg = fig.querySelector("img"); loadImage(bgImg.src); //setBgImage(bgImg.src); //var edit_hs = document.querySelector("#hotspots"); var fields = fig.querySelectorAll(".popis-t"); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i] insertPoint.x = getCoordinate(; insertPoint.y = getCoordinate(; addDraggableText(descs[i]); } var svg = fig.querySelector("svg"); if (svg) { var lines = svg.querySelectorAll("line"); connectors = { width: 3, color: "#000"}; if (lines.length > 0) { var sg = svg.querySelector("g"); connectors.width =; var color =; if (color.indexOf("rgb") > -1) { var rgb = color.match(/\d+/g); var r = parseInt(rgb[0]).toString(16); if (r.length < 2) r = "0" + r; var g = parseInt(rgb[1]).toString(16); if (g.length < 2) g = "0" + g; var b = parseInt(rgb[2]).toString(16); if (b.length < 2) b = "0" + b; color = '#' + r + g + b } connectors.color = color } document.getElementById("connector-color").value = connectors.color; document.getElementById("connector-width").value = connectors.width; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var startX = parseInt(line.getAttribute("x1")); var startY = parseInt(line.getAttribute("y1")); var endX = parseInt(line.getAttribute("x2")); var endY = parseInt(line.getAttribute("y2")); var fields = document.querySelectorAll("#img_placeholder .droparea"); for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { var fd = fields[j] var sx = getCoordinate(; var sy = getCoordinate(; var box = fd.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( startX > sx && sx + box.width > startX && startY > sy && sy + box.height > startY) { addConnector(endX, endY, fd); } } } } var mmode = "desc_input"; if (fig.querySelector(".dragbase")) { mmode = "desc_dad"; } setMode(mmode); document.getElementById("import_code").value = "" } function getCoordinate(prop) { var out = prop; if (out.indexOf("px")>-1) { out = out.substring(0, out.indexOf("px")); } return parseFloat(out); } // ořezaní bílých znaků ze začátku a konce řetězce function trim(retez) { retez = retez.replace(/^\s+/, ""); retez = retez.replace(/\s+$/, ""); return retez; }