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CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) { // Show the editor name and description in the browser status bar. document.getElementById( 'eMessage' ).innerHTML = 'Instance ' + + '<\/code> loaded.'; // Show this sample buttons. var eButtons = document.getElementById( 'eButtons' ); if (eButtons) { = 'block'; } }); var configEdit = { allowedContent: true, toolbar: [ { name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ], items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', '-', 'RemoveFormat' ] }, [ 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink' ], [ 'FontSize', 'TextColor', 'BGColor' ] , { name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'indent', 'blocks', 'align'], items: [ 'Outdent', 'Indent', '-', 'Blockquote', 'CreateDiv', '-', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock' ] }, { name: 'insert', items : [ 'Table','HorizontalRule','SpecialChar'] }, [ 'NewPage'] ], on: { focus: onFocus, blur: onBlur, selectionChange: function(evt) { document.getElementById("testitem_content").style.display = "none"; 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adder.type = "image" adder.src = "design/add_option.png" adder.title = "Přidat variantu" adder.value = "Přidat variantu" adder.onclick = function () { addTIOption(); updateTestitem() } var updater = document.createElement("input"); updater.type = "button" updater.title = "UloĹžit změny a zavřít" updater.value = "OK" updater.onclick = function (evt) { updateTestitem(evt); = 'none' } iform.appendChild(updater) } if (itype == "a") { var label = iform.appendChild(document.createElement("label")) label.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Šířka: ")) var input = label.appendChild(document.createElement("input")) input.type = "text" input.value = node.cols input.setAttribute("data-min", "40"); input.setAttribute("data-max", "120"); input.setAttribute("data-target", "cols"); var inc = label.appendChild(document.createElement("input")) inc.type = "button" inc.value = "+" inc.setAttribute("data-change", "10"); inc.onclick = changeValue; var dec = label.appendChild(document.createElement("input")) dec.type = "button" dec.value = "-" dec.setAttribute("data-change", "-10"); 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input1.value = ""; input1.onkeyup = function () { updateTestitem() } input1.onchange = function () { updateTestitem() } td.className = "ti_value" td.appendChild(input1) td = tr.appendChild(document.createElement("td")) var input2 = document.createElement("input"); input2.value = ""; input2.onkeyup = function () { updateTestitem() } input2.onchange = function () { updateTestitem() } td.className = "ti_score" td.appendChild(input2) td = tr.appendChild(document.createElement("td")) var input3 = document.createElement("input"); input3.value = ""; input3.onkeyup = function () { updateTestitem() } input3.onchange = function () { updateTestitem() } td.className = "ti_feedback" td.appendChild(input3) } function removeTIOption(evt) { var tr = evt.currentTarget; if (tr.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input") tr = tr.parentNode.parentNode; var rodic = tr.parentNode; if (rodic.querySelectorAll("tr").length > 2) { rodic.removeChild(tr); updateTestitem(); } else { alert("V prvku musĂ­ zĹŻstat alespoň jedna varianta"); return; } } var actSelected = null; function changeValue (evt) { var input = evt.currentTarget var change = parseInt(input.getAttribute("data-change")) var cil = input.parentNode.querySelector("input"); var min = parseInt(cil.getAttribute("data-min")); var max = parseInt(cil.getAttribute("data-max")); var target = cil.getAttribute("data-target"); var current = parseInt(cil.value); var newValue = Math.max( min, current + change); newValue = Math.min( max, newValue); actSelected.setAttribute(target, newValue); cil.value = newValue } function generateCode() { var q_content; if (mainMode == "gap_input") q_content = GapInput.getCode() if (mainMode == "gap_select") q_content = getGapSelectCode() if (mainMode == "gap_dad") q_content = getGapDadCode() if (mainMode == "desc_input") q_content = getDescInputCode() if (mainMode == "desc_dad") q_content = getDescDadCode() if (mainMode == "pic_dad") q_content = getPicDadCode() if (mainMode == "match_multi") q_content = MatchMultiple.getCode() var qTitle = document.getElementById("edit_title").innerHTML if (qTitle == "Titulek otázky") qTitle = "" var qTask = document.getElementById("edit_task").innerHTML if (qTask == "zadání otázky") qTask = "" var vystup = "\n