SLEZSKÁ UNIVERZITA HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK TRAINING FOR STUDENTS OBLIGATIONS AND PROHIBITIONS Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and premises of the Silesian University in Opava. Students are strictly forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages and other addictive substances into all buildings and premises of the Silesian University in Opava, to enter all buildings under the influence of such substances. University of Silesia in Opava and to consume these substances in all buildings and premises of the University of Silesia in Opava. It is forbidden to bring objects into all buildings and premises of the Silesian University in Opava that could endanger the life or health of employees or third parties on the premises (e.g. firearms, ammunition, pyrotechnics). Students are required to > to take care for their own safety, their health and the safety and health of individuals directly affected by their actions > become familiar with the general duties, orders and prohibitions issued by the management of the Silesian University in Opava > when entering the premises of the Silesian University Opava, observe the principles of work safety, legal regulations in the field of occupational safety and health, government regulations, decrees, CSN related to work safety > to report to his/her lecturer or other University employee deficiencies and defects that could endanger the lives and health of persons and to participate in their elimination to the best of his/her ability > comply with legal and other regulations to ensure work safety, safety of technical equipment and occupational health, the principles of safe behaviour in the premises and buildings of the Silesian University in Opava and the established working procedures, with which they have been duly acquainted > to attend medical examinations where this is required by the programme of study they are studying (students with an obligation to undertake work experience), training and instruction provided by the University in the interests of health and safety and to undergo verification of their knowledge of health and safety regulations where this is required > to follow all instructions from lecturers or other designated University staff and working procedures with which they have been duly familiarised > maintain order and cleanliness in the premises and buildings of the Silesian University in Opava throughout the study period > participate in training provided by the Silesian University in Opava on health and safety, which is important in the case of professional orientation, including verification of their knowledge > visually inspect the equipment and tools before starting the activity and in case of damage, they are obliged to report it to their lecturer or the responsible University employee and not to work on the equipment Students must not > to enter areas marked as off-limits to unauthorised persons; entry is only possible when accompanied by a responsible University employee or on the basis of a permit issued by a responsible University employee > operate machinery or equipment for which they are not competent (professionally, medically qualified, trained, drilled) and for which they have not been authorised to operate > repair electrical equipment and appliances yourself - repairs must only be carried out by a qualified person in electrical engineering > use electrical equipment and electrical appliances and tools without a valid check and inspection - these checks and inspections will be arranged by a responsible University employee and appropriate documentation will be kept of the checks and inspections carried out > to use the resources of the Silesian University in Opava, including computer equipment, or its telecommunications equipment for his/her personal use without the consent of a responsible University employee Take extra care to follow the instructions on the safety signs, the information provided by the accompanying person and the person in charge. Use prescribed communications, do not tamper with production equipment, do not use open flames. Accident and first aid In the event of an accident, the student is obliged to report the accident to the responsible University employee. That person will also provide the necessary treatment. A student's injury is not considered work-related because it does not involve the performance of work tasks. Students are required to use first aid equipment stored in the first aid kits to provide first aid and treat injuries in the event of an accident. First aid kits are located in accessible places and are marked. Responsibility Students shall be liable to the University for any damage caused by them while studying or practicing in a study programme carried out by the University or in direct connection therewith. Students are responsible for the loss of borrowed tools, protective work equipment and other similar items entrusted to them by an authorized University employee. Handling instruments, objects and substances Students must demonstrate familiarity with the manufacturer's instructions for operating electrical equipment. Students who come into contact with hazardous chemicals in the course of their studies (flammables, irritants, etc.) must be demonstrably familiar with the contents of safety data sheets, the use of personal protective equipment and first aid in the event of exposure to a hazardous chemical. Personal protective equipment and protective devices must be used in the performance of study duties where specified; the list of protective equipment and devices is determined by the senior staff member (teacher) responsible for the safety and operation of the workplace or equipment on which the student is working. The obligation to train students on health and safety applies to all students enrolled in studies at the Silesian University in Opava, or to other persons in a similar situation (participants in lifelong learning, etc.). The training of students is carried out at the first enrolment for studies at the Silesian University in Opava, or when the study programme is changed, if the content of the facts with which the student is to be acquainted changes.