2. ENGLISH PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES 1. Which negative adjective fits each of the following definitions? (e.g.: Not having a job = UNEMPLOYED) Not having a husband or wife ……. Impossible to eat …………. Unable to read or write …………….. Giving fair judgment, not favoring one side …………. Unable to be replaced ………………… 2. Form the opposite by these prefixes: (un-, in-, ir-, il-, dis-, de-, non-): (e.g.: legal – illegal) legal, regular, moral, possible, tolerable, just, significant, comfortable, convenient, forgettable, decided, ability, action, dispensable, expected, conductor, to tie, eatable, to bind, to charge, to obey, to mobilize, patient, respectful, appreciative, courteous, enthusiastic, organized, punctual, reasonable, caring, approachable, flexible, decisive, friendly, energetic, ambitious, efficient 3. Answer the following questions: (e.g.: What anniversary did the USA celebrate in 1976? = BICENTENNIAL) What kind of skirt was worn in the late 1960s? What kind of oven cooks things fastest of all? What kind of company has branches in many countries? What is a student who is studying for a second degree? What is bigger than a car and smaller than a bus? What is the location of the Yellow Submarine? What is the name of the building of the US Ministry of Defense? What is the name of the first five books of the Old Testament (Jewish and Christian Scriptures)? 4. Give five examples of Graeco-Latin origin prefixes that you use on a daily basis in Czech Anglicisms (words borrowed from English): NOUN SUFFIXES 1. Suffix Noun formed Verb/Noun: -ant defendant V: to defend -ee trainee V: ….. -ess stewardess N: ….. -ist rapist V: ….. -or supervisor V: ….. -ion supervision V: ….. -eer profiteer V: ….. -ter babysitter V: ….. 2. Use the following words in sentences: tonsillectomy … dysfunction … aircraft … housecraft … woodcraft … handicrafts … witchcraft … stardom … freedom … wisdom … 3. Translate the following words to English: souboj/duel, duatlon, biatlon, dvouhra X čtyřhra, triatlon X silový trojboj, čtyřboj/kvadriatlon, pětiboj, desetiboj 4. Give five examples of borrowed words (Anglicisms) with a suffix that you use in Czech on a daily basis: 5. Do you use any insertions on the English derivational process model? If yes, give example(s): CHECK THE PRONUNCIATION & STRESS PLACEMENT OF EACH WORD IN THIS HAND-OUT