Collocations adjective and noun, verb and adverb, adverb and adjective, etc. Definiton • • • a familiar grouping of words - especially words that habitualy appear together and thereby convey meaning by association Collocation is derived from the Latin words ’Collocationem’ and ’Collocatio’ which are noun forms of the Latin verb means ’to arrange’ • Collocations •X •Idioms • Collocations •Lexical units •Compositional •- at least one word in collocations does actually contribute to its meaning • • •Idioms •No lexical units •Non – compositional : -their meaning is not directly derived from the words that compose them → •’Kick the bucket‘ → no element actually means to die • • Types of collocation • Adverb + Adjective: completely satisfied • Adjective + Noun: excruciating pain • Noun + Noun: a surge of anger • Noun + Verb: lions roar • Verb + Noun: commit suicide • Verb + Expression with preposition: burst into tears • Verb + Adverb: wave frantically • Quizzes •Quizzes • • • • vesely-smajlik.jpg Adjective and Noun collocations what is NOT possible? A. a heavy smoker A. fair hair B. heavy rain B. a fair decision C. heavy metal C. a fair beer D. a heavy problem D. a fair result • A.a strong woman A. a rich company B. a strong exam B. a rich desert C. a strong cheese C. a rich car D. a strong cigarette D. a rich text file Adverb and Adjective collocations 1.The cost of a new house in the UK has become _______ high over the last few years. A.astronomically B. totally C. utterly D. blandly • Adverb and Adjective collocations 2.After a warm start to the month, the weather in the second half of June was_______cold. A.unfortunately B.unseasonably C.unpredictably D.astronomically Adverb and Adjective collocations • 3. After all her hard work, Martha was_______disappointed when she got a grade B. A.painfully B.bitterly C.completely D.totally • Verb and adverb collocations 1.I‘m sorry , I________forgot to pass your message on. 2.He________ refused to help. 3. Could I_________suggest it might be better to wait? 4. We _________expect to make as much profit this year as last. • ( confidently, tentatively, flatly, completely) Why learn collocations? • your language will be more natural and more easily understood • • you will have alternative and richer ways of expressing youself • • it‘s easier to remember and use language in chunks rather than as single words