PROFESSIONAL LANGUAGE COMPUTING Computing phrases & terminology oThe introduction of the computer has also led to new meanings for certain common English words. o oThey are used in every day conversation especially when talking about computers. o oInternet, Hardware, Software and Technical terms o oTech acronyms oCloud computing - refers to applications and services offered over the Internet. Metaphor for the Internet. o oMostly used phrases: n„It depends,…“ n„It oughta work!“ n„It is what it is.“ n„…hit the ground…“ n„Secret sauce“ n… n INTERNET TERMS o„Client“ – RW - businesses have clients. o CW - servers have clients. o„Cookie“ – RW – a sweet biscuit. o CW - A cookie is a small amount of data o generated by a website. o„Mirror“ – RW - A mirror is something that you can o see your reflection in. o CW - is a Web or FTP server that has the same files on it as another server. o oRW – real world CW – computer world o„Spider“ – RW – kind of arachnids o CW - software program that travels the Web, locating and indexing websites for search engines. o„Dial-up“ – refers to an Internet connection that is established using a modem. The modem connects the computer to standard phone lines, which serve as the data transfer medium. o oApplet, Certificate, Internet, Packet, Website, Webmaster… HARDWARE TERMS o„Bridge“ – RW - a structure that is built over a river… CW - connects two or more local area networks (LANs) together. o„Bus“ – RW – large vehicle (means of transport) o CW – another kind of connection – data goes up and downs o„Host“ – RW – someone who has guests o CW - computer that acts as a server for other computers on a network. o„jumper“ – RW – piece of clothing (sweater) o CW - a small metal connector that acts as an on/off switch o„switch“ – RW - a small device, pushed up or down with your finger, controls and turns on or off an electric current o CW - is used to network multiple computers together. oVolume, Workstation, Speakers, Keyboard, Disk, Drive, chip, boot…. SOFTWARE TERMS o„bug“ – RW – insect o CW - is an error in a software programm o„cron“ – RW – old and ugly woman (crone) o CW - is a process or task that runs periodically on a Unix system. o (Syncing time, date etc.) o„daemon“ – RW – evil spirit (demon) o CW - constantly running program that triggers actions when it receives certain input. (eg. Printing) o„path“ – RW - a route or track between one place and another o CW - defines the location of a file or folder in a computer's file system. o oAccess, backup, cut, function, frozen, root… TECHNICAL TERMS o„Apple“ – RW – fruit o CW - company that makes Macintosh PC o o„burn“ – RW – to be damaged by fire o CW - "burn a disc," you write data on it. o o„crop“ – RW - a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large amounts o CW – eg. Crop image = you remove part of the image. o„leaf“ - RW – green parts of a plant which are joined at one end to the branch o CW - is a node on a tree with no child nodes. o„branch“ – RW – a part of something larger o CW - files and folders on a hard drive are organized into branches o oDomain, Frame, Null, Port, Push, Queue, Wireless… TECH ACRONYMS oThe most of words connected with computers are used as an Acronyms oThey are used because: nEasier for communication between IT people nSpace saving (*.gif = *. Graphics Interchange Format) nTime saving n… n oOne of the reason why are internet acronyms for chatting so popular nLOL, ROFL, LMAO … o„GIF“ - Graphics Interchange Format o„GUI“ – RW – a man (guy) o CW - Graphical User Interface o„SOAP“ – RW - used for washing the body o CW - Simple Object Access Protocol o„NAT“ – RW - dry fruit (nut) o CW - Network Address Translation o„POP3“ - Post Office Protocol o oPNG, RTF, SSH, USB, Wi-Fi, WAN, LAN… SOURCES o o o o ome-a-cliche/