Unit 4

Technological properties, Microstructure, Analyses

Technological properties

These properties are explicitly linked to the subsequent use or treatment of the material. They can be seen as a result of a combination of intrinsic properties. We mainly distinguish between:

- formability

- weldability

- resistance to fatigue

- suitability for cutting and punching

- suitability for enameling

- coatability

- suitability for thermal treatment


Ikona iDevice Exercise 1:
Translate into Czech:



Resistance to fafigue

Suitability for enameling


Suitability for thermal treatment

Suitability for cutting and punching



To understand the behavior and properties of the various steel grades, we have to look at the microstructure of steel. The microstructure comprises information about the crystal lattice, a description of lattice imperfections and the texture. The microstructure is determined by the chemical composition and the thermo-mechanical treatment during the process.

The microstructure contains the following information:

- crystallographic type (e.g. the unit cell of ferrite or austenite)

- complete description of the lattice imperfections (e.g. vacancy, dislocations, grain boundaries, etc.)

- texture or crystallographic orientations

The microstructure greatly affects the mechanical and technological properties of steel 

Exercise 2:

Translate into Czech:


To understand the behavior and properties of the various steel grades, we have to look at the microstructure of steel. The microstructure comprises information about the crystal lattice, a description of lattice imperfections and the texture. The microstructure is determined by the chemical composition and the thermo-mechanical treatment during the process.

The microstructure contains the following information:

- crystallographic type (e.g. the unit cell of ferrite or austenite)

- complete description of the lattice imperfections (e.g. vacancy, dislocations, grain boundaries, etc.)

- texture or crystallographic orientations

The microstructure greatly affects the mechanical and technological properties of steel.

Ikona iDevice Answer Key: Exercise 2


Measuring of steel properties

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the steel is determined by analysis in the steel plant. The chemical composition is determined online while the steel is still liquid. Samples are taken at various stages (the blast furnace, desulphurising, the converter and the ladle treatment). These samples are dispatched immediately to the laboratories adjacent to the steel plant. There, the chemical composition is determined by various analytical techniques according to the element to be measured. Within a few minutes, the composition is known.
The strength and hardness of the steel is determined to a large extent by its chemical composition. The more alloy elements added, the harder the steel. The chemical composition also affects the microstructure of the steel: the grain size, the preferred texture etc.

Exercise 3:

Use Internet for the following task:

Find a testing laboratory in the Czech Republic, where you can have any steel properties examined.

Ikona iDevice Answer Key: Exercise 3
Read more at:



Mechanical properties

In order to measure the mechanical properties of a steel grade, a number of standardized physical tests are carried out.

Tensile test

During a tensile test, a standardized sample is clamped in a tensile testing machine, after its initial length and cross section have been measured. By moving one of the jaws, the sample is submitted to a load. As a result, the sample elongates and thins until it eventually breaks. During the test, the force and the elongation of the sample are measured.

Hardness test

Hardness is important because it gives us an idea of the resistance a material offers to abrasion. There are a number of different methods of measuring hardness but they are all based upon the same principle.
Hardness is the resistance offered by the material to permanent indentation caused by a body of a certain shape to which a certain force is applied. The various methods differ from each other according to the indenter (a ball, a pyramid, a cone) and the force applied.
In all cases the depth of the indentation is measured. This is a measure of the hardness, since the harder the material, the shallower the indentation will be.
Because the hardness also expresses the resistance to plastic deformation, there is a good correlation between hardness and ultimate tensile stress.

Exercise 4:

Translate into Czech:

Tensile test

During a tensile test, a standardized sample is clamped in a tensile testing machine, after its initial length and cross section have been measured. By moving one of the jaws, the sample is submitted to a load. As a result, the sample elongates and thins until it eventually breaks. During the test, the force and the elongation of the sample are measured.

Ikona iDevice Answer Key: Exercise 4


Ikona iDevice Exercise 5:
To do exercise 5, please scroll down to the end of the unit. It follows exercise 8. Do the exercise and return back.

Ikona iDevice Exercise 6:
Translate into Czech:
Hardness test 
The depth of the indentation is measured.


Notched impact strength test

The toughness of a material is not so easy to express as a number as a tensile strength, since the toughness depends not only on the material itself, but also on the conditions under which it is measured. For this reason, the notched impact strength test is carried out under deliberately unfavorable conditions. During the test, a notched test bar is broken in a single blow. The energy needed to break the sample is a measure of its toughness.
The test result is highly temperature dependent. For this reason, the test is usually carried out at various temperatures. The lower the temperature, the less tough the sample is and thus the lower the impact strength.

Ikona iDevice Exercise 7:
Translate into Czech:
Notched impact strength test
The energy needed to break the sample is measured. .

Exercise 8:

As already mentioned in Unit 1, the terminology may differ at times. Let us illustrate this with the notched impact strength test.

Look at Czech resources on the Internet, mentioning the notched impact strength test. What are the translations into Czech there? Find two or three different ones.

Ikona iDevice Answer Key: Exercise 8
Read more at:

- Czech translation #1

- Czech translation #2

- Czech translation #3


Ikona iDevice Exercise 5:
Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.
is important because it gives us an idea of the resistance a material offers to . There are a number of different methods of measuring but they are all based upon the same principle.
is the resistance offered by the material to permanent caused by a body of a certain to which a certain force is applied. The various methods differ from each other according to the (a ball, a pyramid, a cone) and the force applied.

Ikona iDevice Points to remember:
- Technological Properties are explicitly linked to the subsequent use or treatment of the material.

- The microstructure comprises information about the crystal lattice, a description of lattice imperfections and the texture.

- Chemical composition of steel is determined online while the steel is still liquid.

- Mechanical properties are measured by standardized tests: tensile test, hardness test and notched impact strength test.



English Czech
Austenite Austenit
Cross section Příčný řez
Enameling Smaltování
Ferrite Ferit
Hardness test Zkouška tvrdosti
Lattice Krystalová mřížka
Notched impact strength test Zkouška vrubové houževnatosti
Tensile test Tahová zkouška
Texture Textura
Weldability Svařitelnost


Ikona iDevice Gallery:
Zobrazit obrázek Weldability
Zobrazit obrázek Welding
Zobrazit obrázek Thermo Scientific ARL 4460 Metals Analyzer
Thermo Scientific ARL 4460 Metals Analyzer
Zobrazit obrázek Tensile Test
Tensile Test
Zobrazit obrázek Hardness Test
Hardness Test
Zobrazit obrázek Hardness Test 2
Hardness Test 2
Zobrazit obrázek Notched Impact Strength Test
Notched Impact Strength Test
Zobrazit obrázek Notched Impact Strength Test 2
Notched Impact Strength Test 2


Applebaum, M, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Steel. A Glossary of Terms and Concepts, Summer 1998, Solomon Smith Barney Inc., 2000,

Meseure, K., Steel properties, ArcelorMittal R&D Gent, ArcelorMittal University - Understanding Steel, 2008

PC Translator. CD-ROM. Korytná:LangSoft & SOFTEX Software, 2007






