government/ iu/«>lr* attminiotrutitm Am E- vbda gmirniMfKi - správa/ ft/ctW vedeni/ vláda hod* of high-mo k in i; members Orpin .vsoccpooncnichclenu ■ i represent Ihc eseculive branch - rC prezentov n představen ;tf <.v koiiioo složiu title HI hald rtnÉVM (unkci Si,-!,t .Hi" /sistfrvat úfrd portfolio HHl dun - úkol/ povinnost wcrrim ^jh É7 minister - ministr therein it Hldi/j :i pitMo ministry department dirr ť miniiti:rrfvo lend bv via kým ll.Hi.lll . i tu In ml i n ate lo - podridiL' podŕi/av :it koimi decide rozhodoval decáion - ro/hotbiniti government's polks - \ ladní politika direction - smcr in regard l» - pokud jde o/co sc t\I Li legislation - kgislauva pass hv the parliament - přijmout, schválit parlanKtncm government polity - pel nika vlády vládni polínka ptihliclv support - verejne podporoval dc-lcgalc dcki;n\.iL ptivOrn various government iuh-coramillets - iKJnt/ncjSi s. ládni podv\bor> report on - opravu O rinding* and rwarnini/uilniiiiiis ,n-ki.i /:ivcrv a dfipomCcm Ministries The C/cch Republic gov cnunciu t ■ ■ ■ t 11 111" 11 i .i 111-. ■ 11 ■ten her* of gov eminent ntprwllix the rserache bruch Like in mow governments our government members are given ilk; tilk of minister and ttdk hold' a -.11■ 11-1. iii |i- i iiii'io of jinvcmmcrn ilnn. v some tMdei like the USA uV-inle vcerelar* joined for administration members i I'hviefnn; :i miiiivirv ivadc-lutltiinil uf I BOvcmmeni. kd bv a minister. (In some ■jliuiiv ,i dt (.« iv used for a imnistry I Ministers are usunlh vihordmalc to the jiovcmmcrU. Prime MiniMer ind President The C/cch gov eminent de« i des the gov emmcrl'v policv and dircciinn in regard io kgislaiinn pavu-d hy the pariianirnt .iii it is also i. ■ i t i! -I, for all ;"'un ni ni |!"Ih v All :i:iiIi■ i.. ■ i i1 puhlkl> support its pohc> Kinn dcekini* nn\ be ikfc-gaicd u> lbe wtm 'J'lllllMHIll .11 I' . mihi ii ii.-i. : ■: ■ li report onthcir Undings i ■. I t.i.iiiiiiki.iI.i!i-ii,«. Levná Kninovria Prime Minister ' Prerokr - ministersky předseda, premier head - eelm pfcdsiav itcl/ hlava <čefn>/J Jď in command - v, n'-icni vlády <-■/*- ** n:*m> designate - o/TiacnV siiiK.ivu: určil i ice-premiéři' deputy premier -vicepremiér/ místopředseda v lidy ultimately - koneckonců rcspoMtMefkr- codpovídm n pni i tv and decisions polihk.i a ro/lndnuli in tére fiangcahly - l/c vamíraiV l/c ifeemcrm rvwiith c uMdal ptofciai ílcI \< kůnňč moci hckík h is rsce ntiic power - upLttťKnal i v konnou moc civcrwe - doHiícť do/inu 11 pr mi í-■ in of the tiv il ven ire fungDi ■ m: vtlltu vpr i\ v government agency vlídni úfed iiuminjle member nf Iheejhitiel - navrhovat ckin vbktv nomineeraniHiiatf - kandidát navrhovaná shadon tovernntent slinová > láda form - ivořil' seslav it lending member* - přední členové/ prisluinici (siianv) apposition parts - opo/icu flnm ernerallv v feobc£il& obvyklo hold critic ponfolio - aisUs ;il -funkci - iiir-.i toho Ucrcho re/onu ihítdohv - ilutViilUf pronásledoval ileeivlon - nvlKxIiimi propose imlicy alternatives iiivrhov;n politické jllcrnith^ The Prime Miniilcristhc hcad of the C/cch Republic ■j.<<" ii nun in. i second in 11 iiiLiii.ui i lo a pnmc minister iv designated as a v irr-prrmirr or depulv prrmirr The pnnK : i 11 i- . i i- 11 n i i ii. ■■ r■.'(■• ■ i' for the |i 11,. .mil decisions of go\emntciM tin nuns conmncv. the i:* l. "pnmc mmisicr" is irtcd mlcrrhiingcablv wiih 'pa-incr'T As an circuits e oflkiil of IwcmnteiM he evrrciH*s his evevolivr pmur and ■ (lie k-id of the CH KO^crnmeni he also oversees Ihc oprrilkin of the imiIhum ■ gov cmmcnl .I'Jl ik lis IllHHilUlU OlllUllflS nf IlK- gmemnient. There is also a shadon gin eminent ts formed by the l-.'.nl i ii-.1 member* of an opposition party. Thcs generally hold em iv p..rtfi.i.....hadowinj: iv.\.i:i[ii. n ministcrv questioning ikir decisions and proposing policy alternatives h Levná Knihü eu rren i - sooCisný Current Prune Miiustcr imk to cone la power - nastoupal k moci/ ujmout power after the Lilesl etrelion sc linul ii The office i* staffed by civil elect ion - volby servants and ipccial adiiwrs be suiffeti - pcrsotiaJnc obM«;n\ ■.s in- suppon the Pniuc Mtnislcr civil XT\3mVpuhik wrvuni/x"vcnmirni 1 ixl i.....rr k' CM carry vul lus implf/}*:? ■ i-iini n.Ji i- vsidc range of lunctH»ns. Iroin fíjfii-fa! - Lifcdru'k intern ational di plum .in i special jidviscr - ndhornj poradic iztlr pidivy-inakin-j file y>ovcmnicni v textu) is ihc centre of iIk 1 •. ' sopporl try t oporun.' podporoval political system and is the ensure /.ijislit supremedn-isiiin-mliking body earn out - tisknlecruti1 rcalibovat h ide ranee of In mtious - široká Skála funkci inlrrnal íonal diplomics diplomacie rti irc/iii.iRxliii ii rov ni |M)lky*making- ivorba poliiikyV kcaiccpcc pathy-maiier zákonodárce suprvnie decision-nuking body - iKjv y iii oqúii C uuci ro/hodnuli EXEKC1XES 1L tum prehen siou ur Mir I D|i it. 1 What body is the Oech Republic go< eminent'1 3 What 11 lL- arc given id (he C/cch Rcpubl ic covcrnmcnt iti misters'.' 3. What does vadi minister hold? -I WncareminLStcrs siibordinalclQ'1 .1 What docs, the C*ceh Republic g-m emment decide'? (i What must m inisters publieh da? 7 Who m» main decisions be delegated to'' H Who is designated as a vice-premier'1 'J Wli;H !■, llih- ribiiii;,|vi uJiii:.ilh l\ respöns ilk foi 1 I (J. How is ihc tul e prune in in islcr" used in mam' ecu nines'.1 11. Whal docs Ehe priino in mister do as an executive 12 wtiat is a rindm Bovoremai? 13. Whal da ihc shadow ministers usualty do0 14. Who is thft prime in inisier's frill M staffed by'.' LS WTiat ccnUt is (he Cjeeh govern me nf1 LťVfiii Knihovna 2, Fill the £up w ilh ■ suilnMc imrd ihr deliiiilion of r pie jjO* cnimcul Should be unimpeachable and incerruCHibtc. } ... a member of the ^emmcm who is in Chirac of a particular portfolio The of Forciun Affairs has discussed this issue vi ilh his Italian counterpart j ... a pc rson vi ho has a postLion of rcsponsibi 1 ity in an aruanisaJion Local council have iiuseeslcd hem to cone- with the prc-blcmsof (he Roma cominunih s . the kfldcr of the go* eminent of a country Our iKitOtiaied Lhc uOiemmcnL poliev of the C/«h Reuub-lie '.mH' the president. There is-a pa iliamcutary system of EftvcrnmcnlinthcOcch Republic Explain the principle of such a government. 4. There are many different forms of government as long as Ihe world exists They existed in the pssl+esisl today and w ill prahahly exist in the iu tu re. Rend the. following definitions carefully and i nutrii thcjii with ihe right einressJon. The clue is ihe number of people who hold political power. a) 111.1iiiKracy l»> Hll1lH.-l-iH.-J. cj oligarchy 1, ... a em in cnl fi herc polil ieal power is held by a smal I group of individuals sharing similar interests with each other 2. ... a go* cmmciit where the people as a whole hold politico] power y. ... a go* cmmciit where one individual u It im atcly holds all power 5, Fill in the appropriate word in [In h iiIl-uíl sli spen sion suspend L. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been _after being found guilty of misconduct. 2. There haic bcci calls for ihc product's immediate , fol- Sowinj reports 1haL il is dangerous for children 13 Levná Knihovna J. The Etosidem has_the Prim* Minister from rorrning a new cabinet. comply compliance com pliant i My partner is a _person, nbo alw-jy s docs what I want hini todo. Í. Thon is a serious punishment for fai lure to_vi ich the d rug fi Tlic manager said (hit lie had alwaj s sited i u_w ilh. tlic finrt regulations. imposition impose 7. The Cicch go* eminent is £OiHg. to_* cry high taxes on c ija* MICS. K Scleral adininislralioii itiiiiis[crs,lia^cdcimiUidcd Hie_of [lie death penalty for lhc terrorist atudaH 'J The locaJ authority ha$_a ban on drinking alcohol in public. o. Gii. c ihf null t ( Vtrtll myw. ale ň\\ n f the I i itcil Olin isl rivi nif tli e ('/cch Ke-imhlk i,k-[uilirtjj;ull lHrks. thť>- perform. Adfl the pussihk' ufflitltd hic3. 1 .the Ministry for Regional Development 2.Ihe Ministry of Ajncullurc 7.the Ministry of Education. Youth and 4.Ihe Ministry of Finance ,V|he Ministry of Foreign Affairs 6.1lkr Ministry of Industry und Trade 7. the Ministry of Justice H.|he Ministry of Labour nnd Social Affairs