gomtranrttil/ admin istrtttAn AmE- vlida gtntr*m*nt - sprf%*' HnaM vediiiV vttda fc«d» of hljdb-<"*"M»£ oociwbcr* - orgitn vysocc posman ch cicnCi fvl&hi represent rheeieentht krudt - re pre-7«»n m/ pfcdstav ova* y$ koflnou stoftu title-oa/KV hole* - 2**Uv*t farkd p#rtfoiw ~ tt/ort tftttj - utol' povimMi Ktmjirj Am t'l mnMttr - mtrtstr therefore - lud.V a proto mimix ryJ department AmE-rrurrisacmvo kidbj -v&tk^ra Nttioft- tttt subordbace to - podfiAl/ podfuova komu decide-rorfiodovai decMtm - ro/hodf»Mi crawrxt4* polte; - vládní polttika dimtki* - wner In rr*»nd to - pokud jfc <*• co se t>M iec^ahrtkm - kgi&buiva pus t>> the parliament - pfijmort/ Kwenuncm policy - politÉ3ut vlády/ vládli politika prttkh stfperl - veřejní- podporový defettate - dekgovatf povrhl v*rÍM« govcrameat tmb-otaamHtvt* - iicjittíníja vbdw podvýbor* report o* - podat zpravit o I ndtajts **d reconmendirtkin* - />ító»t/ zšvřn adopon>ícnJ TW CacIi RcpablK fmemmcni a !»*»•< Mffc-rwOj.-ofgtocnmcat Ihr oniliu Ltf\c in rwu p-n eramott-. OUI J.nvflUTKBI wcwttra ŠK f the IMr of muster ni o»h k«m* j dáUmnl partfato* of pm crnincM doth 11 Ir tome co—lim bia ta* USA tK. titW wirtin n wcd (01 xlminj.»aao« nxwíkn ) Therefore a atiuMn r* a drti jrtautM oí 9 fcntfwncfd. Ird hy » mmici direction i» regard to legMatmi an—ri hy the parti—uni •nd it >v ako ictpomMc fbt jH pwailew paaic? AU wnwen m»ru pathikrh wppavt tt» poiivt fci»ir> detMMti may be dc*ncaaed 10 Mk »«rWw» Sinn -anient «uh wkinMtferv - konce koodi mpoatibk f#r - «>dpovídirv' xa poík* and d«i*9m - poltiika a rozhodnutí lattitfcanjpaM} -1« zamenil/ J-zc aJjemovat e wcnmmte/cm»Šétí<- UraWát' rarvrnovaaa osoba íhadtm jtt>>«nuMMit - stf«ná v lada foťM - tvohi/ »esuvti Iroding memben - pfedni členové/ pŕisluinct (strany) appotfelon part* - opo/iŕní a rana jse»er*I> - v*eobecftí/ottt\kk boM criik portfolio - nastával Jurka k núka" toho lacní ho tezonu sfaadow - jkdaval/ prord&kdovnt dectúo* - fo/hodmiti propene poikv ahernatim - navrhovat poMltckl alternatívy bead or ihc C/ech Republic i. a second ta h dr«ís«4t«d at ■ tkr-preoater or deputt prrmicr ľne princ mtiMstcr b uktBWd> nnpownbtc (or ihc potky nad occkioo* of tincnanrs*. (in nan ummuics. the mlč "prime munter' i» toed irncrcranpcabh wift "picroicr" > A* au rwalrtr aflctal Of ftoscmriKrt hc «mri«t* hb neenihr power and as ihe Ind of the CR (eovimmcw hr nkc •Ncnoct ihc oper*ta>« iW ritil vnicc and i •í the gtneriMM*! There li arvo a atudnw *nrnM»cai i tul m formed b\ lie kadter Mraihcrn of an oppmáf tan party. 1hr> gcarraih bald rrWe portfolio* »luu/ podporovat cfwunr- zaústil «rr> wt - asfcutocW nati/oval wkk ruBjrc «f fe»rtbas - Jwuki iialj mterartioufcl dipkM»*cy - diplomacie na mc/a narodí* úrov«i ■wMicy-fnftkmp - tvorba pohttW koncepce poíhy-maker zákonodárce suprrnc dccbi««-«nakk)£ bod; -f»cjv\ íií orgjoi řinécí ro/hodíníříj Pnme Mwaci C4w fc» after Ihc Liivv rircliix* The orTtcc h tfaffrd by rníl m ho wipouti »řx Pnint Vlimoio »Mr ranec of hmetiom. f tam MtoraatiíMul «*-< to •> Ihc CCMfC of lite C/CWtl politu il «íKrn and is ihc ľ *>* vhtduei iw tamtu dtffilf ktm! EXERCISES t. Comprehension of ihe lopk. I. What body it the Czech Republic govemtnent? 2 Wh* Ulic* jut jÍMcn ft> the C«xh Republic government m'mislcra? 3. What docscich minister hold? < Wto are ninaten substitute to? 5 What doc* the Crech Republic gen eminent decide? 6. What »ust mmistert puWuch do? 7 Who ma> mtatj docisiofu be dckgitfccl to? K Who »designated «i vax-prankx^ 9 What h the prime muňrter ultimiVcly responsible Tor? 1(1 Bow «. the tilk;v"prime minister" used in mans courané*9 11. Whit dm (be prime roiniiier do m an executive official? 12 What a a shadow a,ovon»n>cW? 13. What do (he shadow ra»b«*s u$u«lK do? 14 Who is the prime minister & office tufted by? 15, What centre is the Czech government? 12 Levp3 Kninevna 2. Fill the gap n itb * suitabk n ord the definition of whkh ha* been gncn. 1 , the cjoup of h ^-ranking penoas who control acountrv The pmkicm b not tt»e head of ihe in the p#ti*men-itry system. 2 ., the pcopkvfeowod for Uk government should be uparipcacHabk and incorruptAk 3 ... t member of the tovsrruneTTi who lis to charge of a particular portfolio The of Foreign Affairs has. discussed this issue with his Italian counterpart 4 ... a pctmjo v,ho has a posrt«n of rapcmubiliU in an org.arus«jofl l/oc»l council have suggested km to cope with the problems of the ftoena coram unity 5 ., the leader of the government of a country Our negotiated the government poJro ofihe C/och Republic with the president. 3, There is a parliamentary system of government in the Czech Republic, Explain the principle of sweh a government. 4. There ire many different forms of government as long as the world exists. They existed in the past* exist today and will probably ciist in the future. Read the following definitions carefully and match them with the right expression. The clue is the number of people who hold political power. a) dernacrncy b) autocracy c) eligarch) 1. ...a government where political power is held by a small group of individuals snaring siratbr utcresis vvith each other 2. ... a government where the people as a whole hold political power 3. ... a government where one indrvidua] uliimmch holds alt power 5. fill in the appropriate word in the sentences, suspension suspend 1 The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been____m. after being found guilty of misconduct 2 There have been calk for the product s immediate , following reports that it is dangerous for children 13 3 The Preskieal has cabinet the Prase Mutittcr fnwn forming aivew rodaply compliance eo&pliant 4. My partner is a \cr>_person, who always docs what I want him to do 5 There is a serious punishment for fai Pure to . _ with ihc drug law. * The manager wkJ thct he had ali^i acted in____:__with the firm regulations imposition impose 7 ThcC'Axh^o'.cmqieitlM.jtoipjito . . , \er\ hi^h taxes on cigarettes 8 Several aowiaislratkm ministers have demanded the________of the death penally for the terrorist attacker* 9 The local authont> has __a pan on drinking alcohol in public 6. Give the right Czech equivalent* of Uwltot^minuUrksoftlwC/cth Republic cktidtajg all tasks the? perform. Add the possible omitted ones. 1 the Ministry for Regional Development 2 the Ministry of Aa/K*3twc 3 the Ministry of Education, Youth end Sports 4 the Mmbtrv of Finance 5 the Ministry of Foreign Affair* 6 the Mmisirv of Industry cmJ Trade 7. the Ministr} of Justice X the Mmistr> of Labour and Social Affairs