VOCABULARY structural - strukturální cohesion - soudržnost Cohesion Fund - Fond soudržnosti, Kohézní fond allocate - přidělit, stanovit related - související purpose - účel withdraw - čerpat aid - pomoc focuse on - orientovat se na disparity - nerovnost, rozdíl lagging behind - zaostávání disadvantage - znevýhodnil instrument - nástroj regional - regionální meet an objective - splnit cíl objective - cílová oblast lay down - stanovit promote - povzbuzovat support - podporovat adjustment - přizpůsobení, úprava fisheries guidance - podpora rybolovu guarantee - záruka READER Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds of the European Union Structural and Cohesion Funds are funds allocated by the EU for two related purposes - at first to support the poorer regions of Europe, and at second to support integrating European infrastructure especially in the transport sector. After the Czech Republic became an EU Member State on 1 May 2004, it can withdraw aid from the EU Structural Funds. Structural Funds are focused on decreasing disparities in the level of development of various regions and decreasing the lagging behind the most disadvantaged regions, while stressing the EU economic and social cohesion. Structural Funds belong to the most significant instruments of the EU regional and structural policy. They help meet objectives laid down by the EU. 3 Objectives of the EU regional and structural policy in the period 2000-2006 • Objective 1 - Promoting the development and structural changes in lagging-behind regions (for regions with GDP less than 75 of the EU average); • Objective 2 - Supporting the economk and social conversion of regions facing structural difficulties; • Objective 3 - Supporting the adjustment and modernisation of policies and systems i education, re-qualification and employment These objectives are met through four majoi funds: 1. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2. European Social Fund (ESF) 3. Financial Instruments for Fisheries Gtil dance (FI Fr.) 4. European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (I AGGF) significant - podstatný, významný make progress - činit pokrok competitive - konkurenční, konkurenceschopný in relation to - ve vztahu k average - průměrný gross domestic product - hrubý domácí produkt cohesion region - region soudržnosti classify - klasifikovat draw on - čerpat z support - podpora, pomoc socio-economic - spolcčen- sko-hospodářský fulfil a criterion - vyhovět kritériu, splnit kritérium pl. eriterions, criteria eligible cost - přípustné náklady cover - (zde) finančně krýt duly - řádně justify - odůvodnit Community Support Framework (CSF) - Rámec podpory Společenství internal - vnitrostátní negotiations - jednání public - veřejný, státní non-public — neveřejný, nestátní national - národní regional - oblastní local-místní Operational Programme - Operační program General information The Czech Republic has made significant progress in becoming competitive particularly in its relations to EU Member States, but it is still below 75% of the European Union's average gross domestic product (GDP). This means that its cohesion regions (see the Note in the section EXERCISES), with the exception of Prague, were classified under Objective 1 and could draw on support from the EU's Structural Funds for their socio-economic development. The region of Prague does not fulfil this criterion, and is not covered by the CSF; this region will however be able to draw funds from Objective 2 and Objective 3. The contribution of the Funds could be a maximum of 75 % of the total eligible cost and. as a general rule, at least 50 % of eligible public expenditure in the case of Objective 1. Where the regions are located in a Member State covered by the Cohesion Fund, which is the case for the Czech Republic, the Community contribution could rise, in exceptional and duly justified cases, to a maximum of 80 % of the total eligible cost. The Community Support Framework (CSF) for the Czech Republic 2004 - 2006 was the final result of a long period of preparations and internal negotiations within the Czech Republic between many different public and non-public, national, regional and local partners followed by an intensive period of negotiations with the European Commission. Organisation The global strategy of the Community Support Framework was implemented by specific strategies described in five Operational Programmes (OP). OP Industry and Enterprise - OP Průmysl a podnikání labour productivity - produktivita práce OP Infrastructure - OP Infrastruktura priority axis - prioritní osa OP Rural Development and Multi-Function a I Agriculture—Rozvoj venkova a multi-funkční zemědělství in line with - v souladu s sustainable development -trvale udržitelný rozvoj balanced development - rovnoměrný rozvoj OP Human Resources Development - OP Rozvoj lidských zdrojů cater for - starat se o Joint Regional Operational Programme - Společný regionální operační program financial weight - finanční zatížení, náklad 5. The global objective of the OP Industry and Enterprise was to contribute to a competitive Czech business sector on the European common market with a high labour productivity and efficients production. The OP Infrastructure contributed to the development of the second priority axis - Development of Transport infrastructure - and the fourth priority axis - Protection and improvement of liu-environment. The OP Rural Development and Mul ti-Funcrional Agriculture was in line with the fifth priority axis of the CSF Rural development and Agriculture and contributed to a part of the specific ob|-ctives creating conditions of the busim environment and improvement of the infrastructure quality, while at the sann time supporting the horizontal object! \. of sustainable development and balanced development of regions. The OP Human Resources Developm? catered directly for the third CSF prioritj axis Human Resources Development. The Joint Regional Operational Pro gramme (JROP) was based on a joini development strategy with the regional differences reflected by different finan cial weights to priorities and measur. I hi the individual regions. http://t rt 11 li'H'M',»!/'" www-mse-eimi/H- ■■ (iitltipt I ADDITIONAL INFO - Names and translation of some relevant I I institutions: Programming documents - Programové dokumenty Programme Complement - Programový dodatek Single Programming Document - Jednotný programový dokument Priority - Priorita Measure - Opatření Managing Authority - Řídící orgán European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - Evropský fond regionálního rozvoje European Social Fund (ESF) - Evropský sociální fond Financial Instruments for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) - Finanční nástroj Lpro podporu rybolovu European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) - Evropský zemědělský garanční a podpůrný fond Promoting the development and structural changes in lagging-behind regions - Povzbuzování rozvoje a strukturálních změn zaostávajících regionů Supporting the economic and social conversion of regions facing structural difficulties - Podpora strukturálně postižených regionů Supporting the adjustment and modernisation of policies and systems in education, requalification and employment - Podpora přizpůsobování a modernizace politik a systémů vzdělávání, školení a zaměstnanosti WXERCISES X. Note t Cohesion regions in the Czech Republic are the following: Central Bo-., hernia, North-West, South-West, North-East, South-East, Central Moravia and Moravia Silesia. 2. Fill in appropriate words. [t, The Structural and Cohesion Funds are the European Union's main 1 .................for supporting social and economic .....................across ■ the EU. They make over one third of the European Union.............and are used to tackle regional ...................and support regional development through actions including......................infrastructure and telecommunications, developing human .......................and supporting research and development. 3. Which word is defined? is balancing the fulfillment of human needs with the protection of the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. are all direct costs properly and reasonably incurred and paid by an applicant or Third Party, which are invoiced against a contract for goods and/or services necessary for the implementation of a project. is a noticeable difference between two or more things. 4. Explain the terms, sustainable development: rural: joint programme: disparity: human resources: competitive market: eligible cost: 5. Fill in prepositions if necessary. Funds are allocated..........the EU..........various purposes; to draw....... support..........the funds..........the regional development; a member stai. covered..........the fund; to lay..........the objectives; areas facing..........dil faculties; to contribute..........the development; the programme based....... a joint strategy; the area fulfills..........that criterion. 6. Control questions. 1. What are the purposes of the Structural and Cohesion Funds? 2. What spheres do the objectives of the EU regional and structural poll* concern? 3. What sources are they financed from? 4. Explain from which of the funds could an institution from your homi town draw on support? 5. What maximum support could the institution be contributed? 6. What areas do the Operational Programmes cover? 7. Translate into English. 1. Evropský fond regionálního rozvoje pomáhá odstraňovat problem 2. Financuje investice do infrastruktury, vytváření pracovních míst, podporuje místní rozvoj, zaměstnanost, malé a střední podnikání v problémových regionech, vědu a výzkum. 3. Evropský sociální fond se zaměřuje na boj s nezaměstnaností, rozvoj lidských zdrojů a pomáhá nezaměstnaným a znevýhodněným skupinám zapojit se do pracovního procesu. 8. PHRASE TO REMEMBER earmark Meaning In the following sense the verb earmark means allocate, designate, reserve or set aside. "The European Union has announced that it intends to earmark further funds for transportation". Origin It probably originated in cattle breeding. Fanners used to cut the ears of their cattle in a particular way to set them aside from other animals in common grazing areas. An earmarked animal therefore was clearly identifiable to its owner. 5.4.1 Regional Policy and Structural Funds of the EU within 2007-2013 Key Terms Guess the meaning or translate or try to explain - if you are not sure, read the text and consult the vocabulary on the left side of the text. Translate Guess the meaning Explain merger entrepreneurial environment allocation of resources internal market small and medium-sized enterprises implementation