SALTS Name of Salts Uses Sodium Chloride or Common Salt (NaCl) 1. Used in cooking food as well as for cooking gas. 2. Used as a preservative in pickles and in curing meat and fish. 3. Used in the manufacture of soap. 4. Used to melt the ice in winter in cold countries. 5. Used for making chemical likes washing Soda, baking soda etc. Potassium nitrate KNO3 1. a substance that occurs naturally as a white crystalline salt and is also produced synthetically. 2. used in preserving meat, 3. in fertilizer, 4. as a constituent of gunpowder. Sodium Carbonate or Washing Soda (Na2CO3.10H2O) 1. Used as cleansing agent 2. Used for removing permanent hardness of water 3. Used in the manufacturing of glass, soap and paper Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 1. Used as neutralising agent (antacid) 2. Used for making baking powder 3. Used in fire extinguisher Bleaching Powder or Calcium Hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 1. Used as bleaching agent in cotton industry and paper industry for bleaching cotton and linen as well as wood pulp respectively 2. Used for disinfecting drinking water 3. Used for making chloroform (CHCl3) 4. Used for making the wool unshrinkable Plaster of Paris or Hemihydrate Calcium sulphate, CaSO4 1/2 H2O 1. Used in hospital for setting fractured bone 2. Used for making toys, decoration material cheap ornament, chalk etc 3. Used for fire-proofing material 4. Used for making surface smooth. The name of the salt comes from the name of acid. For Example- Hydrochloride acids are called Chlorides, Sulphuric Acid are called Sulphates, Nitric Acid are called Nitrates, Carbonic acid are called Carbonates, and Acetic acid are called acetates.