NÁCVIK ANGLICKÉ VÝSLOVNOSTI průvodce studiem EXAM - requirements To pass the course and receive the credits, you are required to: 1. Transcribe (handwritten) all the words from the Commonly Mispronounced Words list (and bring the printed document to school); the oral pronunciation of these words must be 100% correct (zero mistakes tolerance). To check the transcription of the words, use RP phonemic alphabet at dictionary entries at https: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ 2. Read a text during the semester - see “Reading texts - choose one of my texts” section. The oral pronunciation of these texts must be 100% correct (zero mistakes tolerance). The oral exercises (commonly mispronounced words + reading) will be evaluated during the summer term seminars. The transcription due date deadline is in mid-March (March 15th). 3. Active participation during the seminars (presentation in groups on a chosen topic). bbc English: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation Homework: Commonly Mispronounced English Words Use https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ for transcription (handwritten) of the words (see the document Commonly mispronounced words) and bring it to the seminars. PRŮVODCE STUDIEM: WEEK 1: Introduction and requirements This course aims at students of English philology and is an introductory course to the English phonetics and phonology course. The aim of this course is to identify and get rid of bad pronunciation habits students might have experienced during their language studies. In the seminars, the students will be practicing correct pronunciation and learn about the pronunciation system of English. To pass the course and receive the credits, you are required to 1. transcribe and read 10-20 words from the Commonly Mispronounced Words list; the pronunciation of these words must be 100% correct (zero mistakes tolerance), the words will be randomly chosen for you 2. read a text of B1 level (see the offer of two texts and choose one) 3. presentation on a chosen topic (in groups) Syllabus: • 1. English words commonly mispronounced by Czech speakers of English – identification, correction, practice. • 2. Identification of the articulators, practicing English short vowels, their pronunciation and transcription. • 3. English long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs, their pronunciation and transcription. • 4. English plosives. • 5. Problematic areas of pronunciation, the list of English problematic words for Czech speakers of English. • 6. Fricatives and affricates, their pronunciation and transcription, concentrating on problematic dental fricatives. • 7. Practicing nasals, laterals and approximants, their pronunciation and transcription. • 8. Syllable identification, weak vowel ‘schwa’, pronunciation and transcription of strong and weak syllables. • 9. Stress in simple and complex words, practicing differences in word stress in word-class pairs. • 10. Weak forms in words, phrases and sentences. • 11. Aspects of connected speech, listening to a speech and a song, singing along, lip-syncing. • 12. Revision and transcription of commonly mispronounced words, revision of pronunciation and transcription of English vowels and consonants. Dialogues and monologues – practicing intonation in different situations. • 13. Weak forms, connected speech and intonation. Literature: 1. HANCOCK, Mark a Sylvie DONNA. English pronunciation in Use: intermediate : self-study and classroom use. Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-18513-4. 2. HEWINGS, Martin. English pronunciation in use. Advanced. Audio CDs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780521619585. 3. O'CONNOR, J. D. Sounds English. Harlow: Longman, [1993]. ISBN 0582014409. 4. KOLÁŘ, Pavel. A guide to lectures in English phonetics and phonology. Opava: [Slezská univerzita], 2014. ISBN 978-80-7510-063-4. 5. ROACH, Peter. English phonetics and phonology: a practical course. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-521-71740-3. 6. WELLS, J. C. Longman pronunciation dictionary. New. ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2000. ISBN 0582364671. Handouts: Commonly misporonounced English words. Week 2: SHORT VOWELS • Short Vowels URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIWkl9HcGy4 Practice the sounds and words over and over to sound almost completely natural. Week 3: LONG VOWELS Dear students, see the e-learning and self-study tasks for this week: • Print, practice and try mastering all the difficult words on the "Commonly mispronounced words". Search the internet for the correct pronunciation of the proper names and the place names. • See the IPA above and try practising the pronunciation of short vowels, long vowels. It is useful to come up with your own list of words containing vowel phonemes. • Long Vowels URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmxByBumXxg Practice the sounds and words over and over to sound almost completely natural. /i:/ vs /ɪ/ URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtjzynPflXA In this English Pronunciation lesson, you are going to look at the vowel sounds /i:/ and /ɪ/ which are minimal pairs in English and many students who are learning English find these sounds difficult to either hear, or to pronounce, especially when speaking English quickly. Week 4: DIPHTHONGS • Diphthongs URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI3xTvwYsa8 Week 5: SCHWA • Schwa Drill URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvSyXpYhIJg Week 6: EXTRA VOWEL PRACTICE In your spare time, revise the vowels - see the extra vowel practice below and try to revise what we have gone through so far in the lessons. Also see the handout on "unstressed vowels" • 10 Girl Names - mispronunciation URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMUIBPr9hEI • Tongue Twisters URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRui2_7Jt-8 Read 15 effective tongue twisters in English. Week 7: PLOSIVES: bilabial /p/ and /b/ As a homework for week 7, see the tongue twisters below and try practising "Betty Botter" and "Peter Piper picked..." • Plosives p, b Drill URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHoeMoujeVQ Week 8: PLOSIVES: alveolar /t/ and /d/, velar /k/ and /g/, glottal • Workshop: Plosives URL https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation/tims- pronunciation-workshop-ep-17 Week 9 We have finished dealing with English plosives and as homework for the upcoming week, please, do the following tasks: • See the PDF handout for conversations to practice - practice the pronunciation of individual words as well as phrases, pay attention to intonation, rhythm and sentence stress. Try reading all the tasks on both pages and be aware of the difficulties the English dental fricatives bring to the Czech speakers of English. Be patient, practice every day, watch yourself in the mirror and imitate the sounds. Role-playing also helps to conquer these two difficult phonemes. • See the Fricatives pronunciation videos linked down below, watch them and try to practice the pronunciation. • English dental fricatives 1 URL https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation/voicedconst6 • English dental fricatives 2 URL https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation/vlessconst6 • TH - dental fricatives URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epztHTu6YaE • TH - dental fricatives Drill soubor Week 10: FRICATIVES, AFFRICATES In the upcoming lesson we will start practising fricatives and affricates. Affricates URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0on0z171pI • 25 Tongue Twisters GA Week 11: NASALS See the handout below on the remaining consonantal phonemes and complete all the tasks on the first page on Nasals. You can also practise the pronunciation of all the phonemes we have gone through so far. • Nasals, lateral l, approximants w, r, j, glottal fricative h Soubor • dental fricatives practice Soubor • Linking /r/, /j/, /w/ + clear and dark /l/ Soubor Practice careful pronunciation of the words and sentences in these exercises. Use the links and copy the rhythm and intonation that of the native speakers. Week 12: LATERALS, APPROXIMANTS, GLOTTAL FRICATIVE "h" In the online lesson, we will practise laterals and approximants. • h,w,j practice Soubor • Stress and Intonation 1 Week 13: STRONG AND WEAK FORMS OF PRONUNCIATION You can study weak forms vs strong forms here: Peter Roach: English Phonetics and Phonology (4th edition), CUP 2009. pp 64-72 • Word stress Soubor • Weak Forms 1 Soubor • Weak Forms 2 Soubor • Strong and weak forms practice EXTRAS • Pronunciation terms URL https://www.englishclub.com/pronunciation/terms.php • BBC Learning English - Pronunciation URL https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/pronunciation • Sounds of English URL https://www.soundsofenglish.org/ • Article about English pronunciation (CZ) https://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2006040702-think-or-sink-vyslovnost-hlasek-d- th