Grammar 3 Autumn term 2021 Teacher: doc. Mgr. Jan Chovanec, Ph.D. Contact: Course requirements: Go through the presentations in moodle on the individual grammatical topics Readings for sessions: read on your own, we will discuss them in class Exercises: do in advance, we will discuss and check them in class Final exam: a test based on the compulsory readings (Huddleston CH13, 14, 15; Tárnyiková, Biber et al. CH12; please note that there is a substantial overlap among some parts of the readings.) Course syllabus: Session 1 (24.9.2021)  Course introduction  Input from moodle (lectures 1-3) Session 2 (22.10.2021)  Read: Huddleston and Pullum CH13-Non-finite clauses (independent reading)  Input from moodle Session 3 (26.11.2021)  Read: Huddleston and Pullum CH14-Coordination and more  Input from moodle  Exercise – Grammar - Coordination Left and Right Dislocation Session 4 (17.12.2021)  Read: Huddleston and Pullum CH15-Information packaging  Biber et al. CH12 Word order choices  Input from moodle  Exercises (from Huddleston and Pullum CH15)