Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 1 of 10 It is a requirement of the Digitisation of Records Procedure that a digitisation project plan template be completed for each digitisation project proposal. The Business unit responsible for the records proposed for digitisation must endeavour to complete all of the fields within this document and submit it to the Manager, Information Management for review and approval before seeking sign off from the Assistant Director, Information Management & Archives and the Head of the responsible Business Unit. This Digitisation Project Plan is based on the PROV specification for the digitisation of Records and is broken down into 6 individual parts: A - Digitisation Activity Plan B - Digitisation Image Specification C - Digitisation Processing Plan D - Management plan for the converted records E - Management plan for the source records F - Quality Control and assurance plan Business Area / Function RMIT Business unit responsible for the records covered by this Digitisation Project A - Digitisation Activity Plan Contact Person Please provide details of the contact person within the business who has initiated this digitisation project. Name Position Title Email Address Record Identification List the records (or collections of records) that are to be converted. By what name are they commonly known? What types of documents are included in the records? Post or Pre-Action Conversion Please nominate the type of records covered by this Digitisation Project Plan. If both apply, then select both boxes (refer to definitions to the right of the options) Phone Number Post-Action Conversion Conversion is carried out after any action has been taken on the record. A typical example of post-action conversion is the digitisation of existing paper-based files. Pre-Action Conversion Conversion is carried out immediately after the record is received and before any action has been taken on it. An example of pre-action conversion is the digitisation of received inwards correspondence prior to any action being taken. TRIM is the RMIT University approved Electronic Document and Records Management System and all digitised records would normally be captured in TRIM. If the proposed digitisation project does not include adding the resultant digitised record to TRIM, please contact the Manager, Information Management before completing this template. Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 2 of 10 Source Documents Describe the characteristics and structure of the source documents to be digitised (multiple selections may apply for each Type). B) Size A4 A3 Other (Please specify) A) Type Documents (Printed) Documents (Handwritten) Photographs (Colour) Photographs ( Black & White) Negatives Plans Other (please specify) C) Quantity D) Structure Post It NotesDouble SidedSingle sidedStapledLoose sheets Other (Please specify) F) Condition Where the digitisation project incorporates pre-action and post-action conversion, indicate the criteria that will determine the extent of digitisation for the records covered by this digitisation project plan (for example, with Student Records , it might be all currently enrolment students from the start date for the digitisation). Note the criteria in the field below. Ongoing Activity End DateStart Date Duration of Digitisation Activity What is the duration of the conversion activity? If ongoing from Start Date noted below, leave End Date box blank and check Ongoing Activity. Good Condition Poor Condition (describe in field below) Yes No Are sources documents held on files? Are there mixed document types on the files? Yes No If Source Documents are double sided, do both sides need to be scanned? E) Information Content Yes No Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 3 of 10 Appraisal (To Be Completed by Information Management) Appraisal of the records must be undertaken by the Information Management. This will determine (i) whether the records are Temporary or Permanent, (ii) the relevant Public Record Office Victoria Retention & Disposal Authority (RDA), (iii) the relevant class in the RDA; (iv) from the RDA the relevant retention period. The two Public Record Office Victoria Retention & Disposal Authorities relevant to RMIT University are: - PROS 07/01 General Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of Common Administrative Functions - PROS 02/01 General Retention and Disposal Authority for the Records for Higher and Further Education institutions PROV Retention and Disposal Authority Disposal Status Disposal Class Retention Period Digitisation Location 3 Digitisation Location 2 Digitisation Location 1 Digitisation Location and Equipment Nominate where the digitisation will take place (Street Address for external, Building, Level and Room for Internal; Company name and address for an external service provider), who will undertake the digitisation and specify the Brand, Model and functional capabilities of the hardware to be used to perform the digitisation activity (i.e. scanning). If the digitisation activity is to be split according to Post-Action and Pre-Action conversion, provide the above details for each separate location. Purpose and Benefit of Digitisation Explain why the records are being digitised and the expected benefits to RMIT. Examples might include improved collaboration and accessibility, better security, to preserve the records from deterioration, to free up storage space, to reduce the need for additional storage space, etc. User Needs and Impacts Explain the impacts on users of using the converted records, including potential researchers (if relevant). Include both positive and negative impacts. Record Description/Title N.B. If records are sentenced Permanent in a PROV approved RDA the RMU must complete a PRO Form 43 Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 4 of 10 Risk Analysis What risks have been identified with converting the records. An analysis of common risks are noted in the table below. Discuss with Information Management. Risk Description Likelihood Consequence Inherent Risk Controls Residual Risk A full and accurate record may not result from the digitising process. Possible Major Extreme Implementation of Quality Control & Assurance Plan as defined in section F. Low Digitised copies may not be used as the official record of the business. Possible Major Extreme Implementation of the Management Plan for the Source Records as defined in section E. Low Digitised copies may be large in size causing a slow response time to view from the desktop. Possible Moderate Moderate Implementation of Digital Image Specification as defined in section B. Low Security of digitised copies may be compromised due to the ease in which electronic documents are copied and disseminated. Possible Major Extreme Implementation of the Management Plan for the Converted Records as defined in section D. Low Note any other identified risks not noted above in the space below following discussion with Information Management. Describe any Intellectual Property Issues associated with the records None Identified Yes (if yes, describe in the field below) Intellectual Property (IP) Analysis Are there any Intellectual Property (IP) issues with digitising the source records. Examples of IP include copyrights, trademarks, patents, etc. If records originate from RMIT University, IP should not be an issue. If records originate outside of RMIT University, consider who owns the IP in the record and note creator (and therefore IP holder) of the record and any IP rights they may have (for example, photographer owning copyright for photographs produced). Format Requirements Are there any requirements imposed upon RMIT University by legislation, regulation, government policy / directive, agency policy, standard, or written PROV direction to retain the records in a specific format. For example, regulations associated with the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 specify that wills, codicils, and other testamentary instruments; and documents must be physically served. If more information is required contact the Information Management. None Identified Yes (if yes, describe in the field below) Describe Format Requirements associated with the records Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 5 of 10 Artefact Value Do the physical records have any value as artefacts? Examples include: original works of art; records of international, national, or cultural significance; original proclamations, charters, testimonials and treaties and agreements; records with a physical element attesting to their authenticity or evidential value (e.g. a corporate seal or watermark). If more information is required contact the Information Management. None Identified Yes (if yes, describe in the field below) Description of Format Requirements associated with the records Loan Check If some of the records proposed for digitisation are on loan to another business unit, are held in secondary storage or if there are consignments of the records at RMIT Archives, will they be included in the digitisation project? Discuss what this means with the Information Management and/or RMIT Archives No Yes (if yes, consult with the Information Management / RMIT Archives on how to proceed) Image Output Tick one or more of the boxes to represent the record types to be digitised and apply the minimum image requirements directly below the selected option. B - Digital Image Specification Resolution = 200 dpi Type of Image = Bi-Tonal Bit Depth = 1 bit Output Format = PDF (Temporary Records) or PDF/A (Permanent Records) Non Colour Documents Resolution = 200 dpi Type of Image = Colour Bit Depth = 24 bit Output Format = PDF (Temporary Records) or PDF/A (Permanent Records) Colour Documents (or documents where colour is important) Resolution = 600 dpi Type of Image = Greyscales Bit Depth = 8 bit Output Format = TIFF Black and White Photographs Resolution = 600 dpi Type of Image = Colour Bit Depth = 24 bit Output Format = TIFF Colour Photographs Resolution = 2400 dpi Type of Image = Greyscales Bit Depth = 8 bit Output Format = TIFF Black and White Negatives Resolution = 2400 dpi Type of Image = Colour Bit Depth = 24 bit Output Format = TIFF Colour Negatives Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 6 of 10 C - Digitisation Processing Plan Process Setup Scanner(s) Used If yes, please describe Scanner Settings (N.B. values for the fields below should mimic the Image Output option selected in the Record Media in question 5 or question 16) Scanning Colour Single / Double Sided Original type Output File format Resolution Original size Retrieval of the Records Where are the source records currently stored and how will they be transferred to the scanning site? Preparation of Records for Scanning What physical preparation work needs to take place prior to scanning (select relevant options from the list below)? Removal of documents from files Removal of staples and clips from documents Flattening of pages Take post it notes off documents where they obscure document content but ensuring that they are scanned Other (please describe) Are there any specific software requirements (e.g. image processing software)? No Yes Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 7 of 10 Scanning Records What special handling measures are required (for example, documents with attached notes, annotations on back, different sized records scanned together, etc)? What scanning method is be employed? Where will the output Files be stored prior to capture in TRIM? If other please specify What File Naming convention will be applied to the output files? What, if any, post processing of the digital images is to take place? What post processing of the source records is to take place? What information about the records needs to be captured? Return of the Source Records after Digitisation How will you ensure that the source records are returned to the state they were in prior to scanning and accessible post digitisation? Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 8 of 10 D - Management Plan for the Converted Records This section identifies describes the requirements for continuing management of the converted record. The purpose of the management plan is to describe the mechanisms used to ensure that the converted record remains accessible for as long as it is required. TRIM (current version 7.1) is the RMIT University approved Electronic Document and Records Management System and has Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) endorsement as apart of the Victorian Electronic Records Standard (VERS). TRIM is to be used to manage all converted records resulting from digitisation projects. As a result, the questions below are focussed on how TRIM will be configured and used to ensure the Authenticity, Reliability, Integrity, Accessibility and Useability of the converted records. Who is resposible for the management of the converted record (i.e. the digitised record)? Where will the converted record be stored prior to being entered into TRIM? Will the converted record be indexed to facilitate full text seaches? (N.B. OCR software is required for this to occur) No Yes Security and Access Control Who will have access to the converted record? Describe any dissemination, access and security issues associated with the record Responsibility About the Converted Record Are any new classification term(s) needed in TRIM? No Yes If Yes. What term(s) are required? Temporary Permanent Disposal Is the converted record sentenced as Permanent or Temporary in a PROV approved RDA? If the converted record is permanent, describe how the record will be managed over time If the converted record is temporary, how long should it be retained after conversion? What records will be maintained for the disposal process? Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 9 of 10 E - Management Plan for the Source Record If the source record is permanent, describe how the record will be managed over time If the source record is temporary, how long should it be retained after conversion? Describe the system to be used to manage the source record until it's disposal. What records will be maintained for the disposal process? F - Quality Control and Assurance Plan Image and Record Accuracy Reminder: Unless otherwise agreed all digitised records will be entered into TRIM How will staff will be trained in the scanning process? Describe the proposed scanning process and how the digitised records will be checked for quality. How frequently will the digitised records be checked for Quality during the scanning process? Is the source record sentenced as Permanent or Temporary in a PROV approved RDA? Permanent Temporary After each batch is scanned Once a day Once a week Once a month Other (please specify) Digitisation Project Plan Template Page 10 of 10 Comparison with original Ensuring any annotations to the source record can be viewed Reading converted record to ensure that it is legible Checking that file format is correct Checking completeness - all pages of a document a scanned Checking completeness - all documents in batch are scanned Checking metadata Checking orientation of digitised record Other - please specify Describe what will happen if any problems are identified Storage Reliability (to be completed where records are not entered into TRIM) How frequently will the backup of digitised images be checked for any problems? What criteria will be used to check image quality (check all options that apply)? How frequently will the restore functionality of digitised images be tested for any problems? Quality Control Processes Describe what steps will be taken if a quality failure is identified Describe what steps will be taken to ensure that quality failures are not repeated. N.B. If problems arise during or after the digitisation process the Information Management should be advised. After each batch is scanned Once a week Once a month As per ITS backup procedures Other - please specify After each batch is scanned Once a week Once a month As per ITS backup procedures Other - please specify REMINDER: It is the resposibility of the Work Group managing the Digitisation Project to maintain a log of errors detected and error rectifications for the duration of the Project. Assistant Director, Information Mgmt and Archives: Signed: ................................................................... Date: .... / .... / ........ Head of Business Unit: Signed: ................................................................... Date: .... / .... / ........