2^nd Year Winter Term Contact details; Steve Morris – any, problems, support, consultations, essays etc. Email steven.morris@fpf.slu.cz Teams, in the event of online lessons; General - prak language 4330a7ce.office.slu.cz@emea.teams.ms https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a384e536130874782b1444104ac21163d%40thread.tacv2/General? groupId=35d0ca79-4b76-4873-bea3-c37b4e28fc05&tenantId=a6363da9-944b-4aae-abf8-3478e529ad2f I.S.P; These practical language lessons are practical and interactive so, Grades for this lesson will only be given if the following conditions have been agreed and completed; (unless you have negotiated ‘special arrangements with a CZ teacher who will assign you a grade) 1. Negotiated in person 2. Teaching / learning plan agreed 3. If the agreed conditions have been met, a grade can be given. 4. If you choose not to follow this procedure, you need to communicate with the person you believe you agreed the I.S.Ps; with. Erasmus; I think the Erasmus programme is a fantastic opportunity for all students who participate. These lessons are practical and interactive so, Grades for this lesson will only be given if the following conditions have been agreed and completed; (unless you have negotiated ‘special arrangements with a CZ teacher who will assign you a grade) 1. I have been informed of the dates prior to the beginning of the placement 2. A lesson / subject / study plan (however you want to describe it) has been submitted 3. There is a lesson attendance record signed by the lesson tutor / Erasmus co Ordinator 4. If you choose not to follow this procedure, you need to communicate with the person you believe you agreed the placement with. CEFR certificate (FCE, CAE,) common to popular belief/practice the CEFR certificate from a ‘language school’ is not a ‘free pass’ for obtaining a university BA degree, (unless you have negotiated ‘special arrangements with a CZ teacher who will assign you a grade) without attending the lessons / completing the course requirements. This is a university BA course not an English language course. Attendance; ‘’not less than 70% All students will bring at least a copy of the required material/ pages into class, Active participation in the seminars.’’ Exams: If you do not / choose not to complete the ‘speaking, assessment’ part of the course, you can opt to attend an exam with a CZ teacher and describe a picture to pass! Essays / written requirements; - Is there difference between an informal and formal email if so what/how? Write an email of complaint to your bank manager…… Submitted before 24.00h 23/11/22 Lesson plan; as per book; English File Upper Intermediate. Students Book chapter 1 – 5 Week 1. Introductions, administration, Week 2. Page 6. Speaking, p7 conversation/pronunciation, p8 reading / vocabulary Week 3. Page 9, Speaking, p10 Reading, Pronunciation Week 4. Page 13,14 Speaking / vocabulary p 15/16 Speaking / vocabulary Week 5. Page 17/19 pronunciation/ Reading, p19 writing p20/21 reading/Speaking, Week 6. Page 24 check list revise p6/12, p24 check list revise p13/24 Week 7. Page 25 Speaking/reading p26/27 (be creative) Week 8. Page 31 vocabulary p31 Pronunciation, Week 9. Page 32/3 Speaking/reading p36/38 Reading/vocabulary/pronunciation Week 10. Page 40/42, Speaking, Pronunciation, reading Week 11 page 44 Catch up, Review, Revise p25-34 Catch up, Review, Revise p35-44 Week 12 / 14 spare You all know the lessons you have to prepare for, and I am looking forward to some fantastic fun and inspirational lessons. Would you please complete and return the attached evaluation for last term / 1^st year Many thanks SteveM