ANGLICKÝ JAZYK 1 Popis předmětu: Cílem předmětu je zopakování, prohloubení a rozvoj znalosti gramatického a lexikálního systému anglického jazyka získané na střední škole. Důraz je přitom kladen na gramaticko-lexikální stránku jazyka a harmonický rozvoj všech čtyř jazykových dovedností (poslech, čtení, psaní, mluvení) tak, aby studenti srozumitelně a gramaticky správně komunikovali v běžných situacích ústní i písemnou formou. Studenti budou seznámeni se systémem jazyka v jeho běžném užívání s aplikací zajímavých textů pro poslech a čtení, dále se způsoby tvoření a obohacování slovní zásoby, to vše s cílem uvědomělého a cílevědomého používání jazyka v komunikaci jak z hlediska plynulosti, tak správnosti. Probíraná témata odrážejí okruhy prvních dvou lekcí povinné literatury a dále budou rozšířena o doplňkové materiály odrážející specifické potřeby studentů s cílem prohloubení znalosti studovaného oboru. Student získává schopnost komunikativní kompetence v anglickém jazyce na úrovni B.1.1, schopnost komunikovat v jednoduchých běžných situacích o známých tématech a činnostech. Rozumí hlavním myšlenkám srozumitelné vstupní informace týkající se běžných témat, dokáže pochopit smysl krátkých jasných jednoduchých zpráv a hlášení. Dokáže číst jednoduché texty, rozvíjí schopnost vyhledat konkrétní předvídatelné informace v jednoduchých každodenních materiálech (např. inzerátech, prospektech apod.), rozumět krátkým osobním dopisům. Zná a používá vhodnou slovní zásobu ke konverzačním tématům z každodenního života. Zná a používá základní gramatické jevy. OSNOVA 1. Introduction. 2. Working out meaning from context 3. Pronouns 4. Adjectives 5. Adjective suffixes 6. Writing an essay (Describing a place) 7. Transport and travelling 8. Present tenses, action and non-action verbs 9. Shops and services 10. Possessives 11. Revision 12. Credit test LITERATURA povinná literatura * LATHAM-KOENIG, Ch, C OXENDEN, M. BOYLE. English File Intermediate Plus Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-19-455831-0. doporučená literatura * Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. * REDMAN, S. English Vocabulary in Use, pre-intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-521-55737-2. PRŮVODCE STUDIEM: Tutoriál 1: Working out meaning from context Keywords: pronouns, making suggestions, brand names, direct/indirect object pronouns, word order. LITERATURA povinná literatura * LATHAM-KOENIG, Ch, C OXENDEN, M. BOYLE. English File Intermediate Plus Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-19-455831-0. doporučená literatura * Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. * REDMAN, S. English Vocabulary in Use, pre-intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-521-55737-2. Kontrolní otázky: 1 Which words and phrases related to research can you remember? 2 How do you think handwriting can contribute to a child‘s cognitive and motor development? 3 If you teach or have children of your own, what do your pupils or children find difficult about handwriting? Tutoriál 2: Pronouns: childhood books, phrasal verbs with on, adjective suffixes Student’s book: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp 6-7, 104, 132: 1A WHY DID THEY CALL YOU THAT? Listening and Speaking (brand names), Communication, Grammar (Pronouns), Grammar Bank, Speaking (making suggestions, accepting, rejecting). Kontrolní otázky: 1 What are some well-known brand names from your country? Do you know where the names came from? 2 What is the name of the brand and model of your computer, car, or phone? Why do you think they were given those names? 3 Can you think of a product name which you think is very clever? Why? Do you know one which doesn´t suit the product well? Tutoriál 3: Adjectives Keywords: childhood books, phrasal verbs with on, adjective suffixes Student’s book: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp 8-9, 104, 152: 1B THE TRUE COLOURS Vocabulary (adjective suffixes), Colour personality test, Vocabulary Bank 1B, Communication, Pronunciation (word stress on adjectives formed with suffixes) Kontrolní otázky: What books did your teachers ask you to read? Did you enjoy reading books at school? Why? Why not? Think about one of the books you read as a child and then as an adult. What did you focus on as a child /an adult? Compare the differences. Did you like the same parts of the book? Would you like to read it to your children? Tutoriál 4: Adjective suffixes: Klíčová slova: colours, personality, adjectives, word stress on adjectives formed with suffixes, travelling, describing, reporting OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp 10-11, 133, 113: 1B THE TRUE COLOURS Grammar (adjectives), Grammar Bank 1B, Reading, Speaking WRITING AN ESSAY (DESCRIBING A FAVOURITE PLACE) pp 12-13: Practical English: Describing and reporting lost luggage, Explaining why you are travelling to a place, greeting someone you haven’t seen for some time, sympathize with someone about a problem. Kontrolní otázky: 1. Revise the basics of comparative and superlative adjectives. 2. Can you talk about what makes a successful brand name? 3. Can you write a description of your favourite room? Homework: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Workbook with key. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558112. Exercises for Unit 1B Tutoriál 5: Transport and travelling, Present tenses and action and non-action verbs Klíčová slova: Art education, appreciation, children, museums, artists, present tense, action verbs, non action verbs Student’s book: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp: 14-15, 167: 2A PACK AND GO! Vocabulary (holidays), Vocabulary Bank 2A, Pronunciation (sounds and letters), Sound Bank (typical spellings), Listening (multiple-choice listening, Speaking and Writing. pp 16-17, 134, 105-6, 114: 2A PACK AND GO! Grammar (present tenses), Grammar Bank 2A, Communication (holiday plans), Reading (nationalities), Speaking (asking for more information), Writing (Holiday tweets) Kontrolní otázky: 1 Should children be exposed to art? 2 What are some of the traditional problems with introducing art to children? 3 Do you think that exposing children to art at an early age is beneficial to them? 4 If your answer to question 3 is yes, explain why. 5. What are the favourite holiday destinations for people from your countra? 2. How do people feel about tourists from your country in the categories from the survey (p. 16)? 6. Can you compare how different nationalities behave on holiday? 7. Do you know the rules for comparatives and superlatives? Tutoriál 6: Shops and services Keywords: shops, services, mathematics, arithmetic, geometry, integers, fractions, polygon, add, subtract, multiply, divide, number theory. Student’s book: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp: 18-19, 154: 2B OPENING UP OR CLOSING DOWN? Vocabulary (shops and services), Picture dictionary. 1 What are the four most basic operations in mathematics? Can you give an example of a fraction? 2 Do you know who is called the ‘Prince of Mathematicians‘? What is he famous for? 3 Can you explain the terms number theory and integers? 4 Can you explain the term polygon and when a polygon is regular? 5 Can you draw the heptadecagon? Tutoriál 7: Possessives Klíčová slova: implement, integrate, distraction, incline, collaborate, hardware, software, upload, download, save Student’s book: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp 20-21, 135: 2B OPENING UP OR CLOSING DOWN? Grammar (possessives), Grammar Bank 2B, Pronunciation (‘s, linking), Reading (UK shopping site), Speaking Kontrolní otázky: 1 Do you use any kinds of technology for your studies? 2 What is your opinion of integration of technology in the teaching process at schools? 3 Are there any benefits of technology integration in the education sphere? If yes, what benefits can you name? Tutoriál 8: Revision Klíčová slova: street, farmer, market Student’s book: OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780194558099. pp: 22-23: REVISE AND CHECK UNITS 1&2 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Reading and comprehension check, Listening (In the street), Watching a short video (A farmers’ market).