Read the following few lines of a favourite folk tale and perform a perfect mp3/mp4 reading record. Check the pronunciation of the words in the text beforehand, practise proper intonation and do not forget that the sentence stress is different in English than it is in Czech. Transcribe one of the three parts of the text below. Once upon a time there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. The three little pigs grew so quickly that one day their mother told them, “You are too big to live here any longer. Go and build houses for yourselves. But take care that the wolf doesn’t catch you and eat you!” The three little pigs set off down the road. Soon they met a man who was carrying some straw. “Please give me some straw,” said the first little pig. “I want to build a house for myself.” So the man gave the first little pig some straw to build a fine house. “Now the wolf won’t catch and eat me,” said the first little pig. The other two little pigs set off together, and soon they met a man who was carrying some sticks. “Please give me some sticks,” said the second little pig. “I want to build a house for myself.” So the man gave the second little pig some sticks to build a fine house. “Now the wolf won’t catch and eat me,” said the second little pig. The third little pig walked on by himself. Soon he met a man who was carrying some bricks. “Please give me some bricks,” said the third little pig. “I want to build a hose for myself.” So the man gave the third little pig some bricks to build a fine house. “Now the wolf won’t catch and eat me,” said the third little pig. The very next day the wolf came to the house of straw. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” cried the wolf. But the first little pig replied, “No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I will not let you in.” “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!” said the wolf. (1) Once upon a time there were three little pigs who lived with their mother. The three little pigs grew so quickly that one day their mother told them, “You are too big to live here any longer. Go and build houses for yourselves. But take care that the wolf doesn’t catch you and eat you!” (2) The three little pigs set off down the road. Soon they met a man who was carrying some straw. “Please give me some straw,” said the first little pig. “I want to build a house for myself.” So the man gave the first little pig some straw to build a fine house. “Now the wolf won’t catch and eat me,” said the first little pig. (3) The other two little pigs set off together, and soon they met a man who was carrying some sticks. “Please give me some sticks,” said the second little pig. “I want to build a house for myself.” So the man gave the second little pig some sticks to build a fine house. “Now the wolf won’t catch and eat me,” said the second little pig.