Angličtina 1
Mgr. Barbora Hamplová
Angličtina 1
Winter 2023

Angličtina 1

Introduction, Requirements, additional tasks


Mgr. Barbora Hamplová: 


office hours: Wednesday 10:45-11:20 door number. 410, Masarykova Třída building

Cíl předmětu:

Cílem předmětu Angličtina 1 je rozvíjet znalosti studentů získaných na střední škole. Důraz je kladen na gramaticko-lexikální stránku jazyka a harmonický rozvoj všech čtyř jazykových dovedností (poslech, čtení, psaní, mluvení) tak, aby studenti srozumitelně a gramaticky správně komunikovali v běžných situacích ústní i písemnou formou na dané jazykové úrovni. Probíraná témata odrážejí okruhy kapitoly jedna a dvě doporučené literatury. Tato témata budou rozšířena o další doplňkové materiály odrážející specifické potřeby studentů tak, aby prohlubovaly znalosti studovaného oboru (zejména odborná slovní zásoba), ale také znalosti o anglicky mluvících zemích v Evropě i ve světě a upevňovaly vědomí existence rozlišných kultur a společností současného multikulturního světa. Předmět je zakončen zápočtovým testem. Výstupní úroveň předmětu odpovídá stupni B1+ a cílem celé série předmětů Angličtina 1-6 je, aby studenti dosáhli jazykové úrovně B2 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky.

Na konci kurzu student prokáže:

- dosažení jazykové úrovně B 1.1 dle Společného evropského referenčního rámce,

- schopnost komunikovat v anglickém jazyce na úrovni B1.1 o tématech a činnostech z běžného života,

- schopnost porozumět hlavním myšlenkám vstupní informace týkající se běžných témat, pochopit smysl  jednoduchých zpráv,

- schopnost číst jednoduché texty a vyhledat v nich konkrétní informace,

- lexikální kompetenci na dané úrovni - znalost a užití vhodné slovní zásoby ke konverzačním tématům z běžného života a studovaného oboru

- gramatickou kompetenci - znalost a použití základních gramatických jevů na dané úrovni.

Požadavky na studenta

Základní požadavky pro absolvování předmětu jsou:

·       aktivní účast na výuce (nejméně 70% účast)

·       úspěšné absolvování písemného testu na základě probíraných témat základní literatury (nejméně 70% úspěšnost).


Latham-Koenig, Ch., Oxenden, C., Boyle, M. (2014): English File Intermediate Plus Student’s Book. Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-455831-0.

Gramatika, slovní zásoba a výslovnost (pronunciation) lekce 1A, 1B

Gramatika, slovní zásoba a výslovnost (pronunciation) lekce 2A, 2B

Revise and check Unit 1 & 2


Tento link Vás dovede k poslechovým cvičením v učebnici a pracovním sešitě, k videím a dalším cvičením, která prověřují vaše dovednosti; ke každé lekci jsou zde také k dispozici cvičení zaměřená na grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation a practical English, doplňkové downloads a weblinks k zajímavým článkům.


Literatura doporučená a rozšiřující:

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. (2010). 9th ed. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978-0-19-479879-2.

Dostupné také online, zde externí odkaz: 

Tutoriál 1

1. Introduction (English as a lilngua franca)

Practice grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for Unit 1.


Tutoriál 2

2. Why did they call you that? (working out meaning from context)

 pp 4, 5, 166

Practice grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for Unit 1.


Tutoriál 3

3. Pronouns (direct/indirect object pronouns and word order)

pp 6, 7, 104, 132

Practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises.


Tutoriál 4

4. Describing people (possessive adjectives and adjective suffixes)

 p: 8, 9, 152

Practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of new words.


Tutoriál 5

5. Writing an essay ("My favourite room" - prepositions of place, punctuation, spelling)

 pp 10, 11, 113, 133

Practise your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Listen to and learn phrases, and do 'spot the mistake' activities.

Have some fun with intermediate games – and learn English at the same time!

Tutoriál 6

6. Practical English (social English phrases for describing luggage and reporting lost luggage)

pp. 12, 13


Look up two pages of Practical English for travelling in Mini Phrasebook section.
You can get this in colour (PDF, size 139 KB) or black and white (PDF, size 97 KB).

Practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of words for Unit 1.

Listen to the words, study them, add your translations.


Tutoriál 7

7. Holidays and travelling (holiday vocabulary: things to pack and verb phrases with “go” and other verbs)

 pp 14, 15, 153, 167

Practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for Unit 2.

Listen to the words, learn them, and add your translation in section Audio words.


Tutoriál 8

8. Present tenses (action and non-action verbs + meaning, present continuous for future arrangements)

 pp 16, 17, 114, 134

Practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for Unit 2.

Listen to the words, learn them, and add your translation in section Audio words.


Tutoriál 9

9. Shops and services (present simple for ‘timetable’ future, phrasal verbs related to shops and shopping)

 pp 18, 19, 154

Practise grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for Unit 2.

Listen to the words, learn them, and add your translation in section Audio words.


Tutoriál 10

10. Possessives (possessive ‘s“of” to show possession, “own” for emphasis, linking marked words)

 pp 20, 21, 135

Do grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises for Unit 2.

Listen to the words, learn them, and add your translation to section Audio words.

Read and complete texts from the Student's Book in section Text builder.

 Tutoriál 11

11. Make sure your holiday matches your personality (creating a holiday itinerary, writing holiday tweets)

pp 135, 20, 21

Do grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises for Unit 2.

Listen to the words, learn them, and add your translation to section Audio words.

Read and complete texts from the Student's Book in section Text builder.


Tutoriál 12

12. Revision (grammar and vocabulary of Unit 1 and 2, “A farmers market” – watching a short film)

pp 22, 23

Practise your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Listen to and learn phrases, and do 'spot the mistake' activities.

Unit 1A + 1B

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Unit 2A + 2B

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Grammar Banks 1+2 Unit

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Additional Practice - Phrasebooks

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Additional Practice - Pronouns

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Pronouns - explained

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Present simple and continuous + additional practice

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Present simple practice:

Present Continuous Practice:

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Adjectives + additional practice

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

The Genitive/Possessives

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Vocabulary Bank - 1-2 UNIT

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Workbook 1 -2 UNIT

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Additional Practice - TEXTS

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Additional Practice - TASKS

Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.
Error: The referenced object does not exist or you do not have the right to read.

Additional Practice - Listening

TEST 15.12.-11.2.