Using Connectives INSTRUCTIONS First, Read about each of the types of connectives listed below, then Place connectives in the appropriate places in your outlines. Connectives are words or phrases that join the thoughts of a speech together and indicate the relationship between them. Connectives are essential to help the audience focus on main ideas without having them guess which ideas the speaker thinks are important. The audience is able to tune into what points the speaker has talked about and what point the speaker is presently talking about. When a speaker uses connectives properly the speech will flow smoothly and make complex ideas understandable. Each speech should contain the following four connectives: transitions, internal previews, internal summaries, and signposts. TRANSITIONS: Transitions are used to indicate movement from a completed thought to a new thought. Transitions indicate what idea is being left and what idea is coming up. The following examples indicate the use of this connective. In addition to being a problem nationwide, suicide is also a problem on our campus. So much for the problem; what about the solution? Now that you have seen what a serious problem illiteracy is, you may be asking yourself-“How can I help?” Since we know a little more about what memory is, let us turn to the relationship between the human brain and the process of memory. INTERNAL PREVIEWS: Internal previews direct the audience to what areas will be covered next. Internal previews generally appear once the speaker has finished a transition and after a new main point. The speaker simply previews the subpoints which make up the point being addressed. The following examples show how internal previews key the audience into the areas to be discussed. We can help solve the problem by knowing how to identify the symptoms and knowing whom to contact for help. Puzzles can be used for entertainment, as an indication of intelligence, and to help us develop better problem-solving techniques. INTERNAL SUMMARIES: Internal summaries are the flip side of internal previews. Rather than indicating what subpoints are to follow in the speech, internal summaries remind the listeners what subpoints have been discussed. Internal summaries are excellent ways to reinforce and clarify ideas which are essential for the audience to remember. The following are examples of internal summaries. Therefore, anyone can help solve the problem by knowing how to identify the symptoms, and knowing whom to contact about helping them. I hope I’ve made it clear that needed information is slipping right by us because the news doesn’t arouse our attention, it comes at us in unorganized segments, and the bits and pieces don’t allow the development of a schemata. SIGNPOSTS: Signposts are short statements which tell the audience where the speaker is in the speech. Often times signposts are numbers of words which suggest that what the speaker is about to say is important. The following are examples of signposts. Let’s first take a look at the nature of the problem. The third warning sign is giving away one’s possessions. And first, the most important thing to remember is child custody battle injure the children. To begin with, we must examine the engine of the car. COMBINATION OF CONNECTIVES: Connectives, when combined effectively, allow a speech to flow smoothly through each idea. The following is an example: (Internal Summary: I hope I have made it clear that Kahiko is used as a system of passing on history and knowledge about the Gods, Goddesses, Kings and Queens. Kahiko can be easily identified by unsmiling faces, and stiff motions of the dancers.) (Transition: Since we now know a little about ancient hula, let us turn to the modern hula.) II. (Main Point 2) The second major form of hula in Hawaii is the modern hula or 'Auana. (Internal Preview: 'Auana is used for entertainment, it narrates love stories, and is distinguishable from kahiko.)