for BEC and BULATS Upper-Intermediate Vantage Guy Brook-Hart 9780521672917 Contents Unit 1 6 Staff development and training Vocabulary: work; staff training Grammar: comparison of adjectives; present perfect vs. past simple Unit 2 8 Job descriptions and job satisfaction Vocabulary: odd word out; teamwork; compound nouns; word building Grammar: question words; word order in questions; asking questions Unit 3 10 Letters of enquiry and applications Grammar: prepositions; indirect questions Reading: error identification Vocabulary: definitions Unit 4 12 Telephone skills Reading: advice on how to use the telephone; telephone conversations Units 14 Promotional activities and branding Vocabulary: inventing new products Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns; -ing forms and infinitives Unit 6 New product development Vocabulary: word building; marketing Grammar: promotional activities; expressing purpose; giving reasons 16 :i;:rV; 18 A stand at a trade fair Vocabulary: compound nouns Writing: writing an email; replying to an email Reading: extra words Grammar: complex questions !;i iiiii : Establishing relationships and negotiating Vocabulary: saying figures; costs and prices Grammar: first conditional Reading: extra words Writing: writing an email Unit9 Going it alone Vocabulary: expressions; a crossword; -er and -ee; financial terms; do, make or go? Grammar: tenses with time adverbial* 20 24 Unit 10 Financing the start-up Vocabulary: Petpals Grammar: second conditional; giving advice Writing: completing a letter; writing a letter Starting up in a new location Vocabulary: odd word out; compound nouns and adjectives Reading: error correction Grammar: contrasting ideas 26 Unit 12 28 Presenting your business idea Vocabulary: equipment for presentations; presentation phrases Grammar: verb forms in a presentation; modal verbs Unit 13 30 Business hotels and sales conferences Vocabulary: a letter of reservation; describing a bar chart; describing a pie chart Grammar: criticising using should have Unit 14 32 Business conferences Vocabulary: conferences; opposites; word building; adjectives; a conference speaker Writing: a conference speech Unit 15 34 Reports Vocabulary: a report; expressing increases and decreases; describing .i eh,n I Grammar: the passive Unit 16 36 Business meetings Vocabulary: meetings; compound nouns; crossword Grammar: too and enough .. 38 New technologies and change Vocabulary: odd word out; expressions Grammar: articles, used to Reading: error correction Writing: new technology Unit 18 Using the internet Vocabulary: computers Reading: error correction; spam 40 42 Unit 19 A staff survey Vocabulary: staffing issues; expressing vague numbers; word building Grammar: reported speech; reporting verbs; error correction Unit 20 44 Offshoring and outsourcing Vocabulary: collocations; expressions Reading: extra words Writing: reply to a letter Unit 21 46 Customer loyalty Vocabulary: training in customer care Grammar: relative pronouns; relative clauses Unit 22 48 Communication with customers Grammar: prepositions Reading: error correction Writing; completing a sales report; writing a sales report Unit 23 50 Corresponding with customers Vocabulary: collocations; sentence completion; phrases for letters Grammar: expressing results ■:•;; 52 A business seminar Vocabulary: revision ill;! Answer key 54 71 4 Contents Contents 5 Staff development and training Vocabulary 1 a Complete the text with the words in the box. Our company uses a professional agency to 1 .rSCTUii. new boss careers contracts course degree employees employer employs profession qualifications r o r t'i t li rLUiwTt skills 2.................The company is a management consultancy, so most new workers have a university 3.................even if they have little experience in this particular 4................. Also, it's quile typical for people to have done other jobs during their 5................before becoming management consultants. I'be company 6.............about 500 people. For the first two years, workers are on temporary 7................ , but after that, people are usually made permanent, 1 think our company is a good 8................- new employees are given an induction 9................when they start, and on-the-job training to pick up the necessary do our work well, and the professional II ................which are expected by our clients. Also, we're closely supervised, and my 12................, Adam. regularly appraises my progress both formally and informally. b Now use the same words to write a paragraph about your company, or a company you know well. 2 Brainstorm words connected with staff training. When you have finished, check for more words by looking at Unit 1 in the Student's Book, 3 Write a brief paragraph describing staff training in the place where you work. See how many of the words from the list in Exercise 1 you can use. Grammar 1 Look at this leaflet from the Skills Development College and complete the report on the next page by putting the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. Skills Development College The smartest way to get your staff up to speed Course I Basic Computer j Advanced Computer j Introduction Skills j Skills [ to Accounting Length Hours per week Timetable 4 weeks 4 6 weeks 6 10 weeks 8 Fri. 4-8 p.m. Mon. and Weds. 9-12 a.m. Trainees per class Price (per student) 8 max. €200 6 max. €300 Mon.-Thurs. 8-10 p.m. 20 max. €150 The Skills Development College offers three courses (see accompanying leaflet) which might meet our staff-training needs during the next year. The one which is 1 I^Sxm! {usefuf} is the Basic Computer Skills course, since all our staff have basic computer iteracy. The Advanced Computer Skills course could be 2 ...................... (appropriate), especially for some senior managers who have had little time for intensive training. However, it is scheduled at the 3 ...................... (inconvenient) time on Monday and Wednesday mornings, just when managers are likely to be 4 ......................(busy), In addition, the course is 5 ...................... (expensive), which means that we will be able to give training to 6 ...................... (few) staff on our present budget. The course which 7 ...................... (many) of our junior staff could benefit from is the Introduction to Accounting. This is run outside office hours (8-10 p.m. Mon.-Thurs.), which means that it will have 8 ....................,. {little) effect on the running of our offices. However, it is likely to prove 9 ...................... {costly) than it appears, as we will have to pay overtime to staff attending the course. Also, the 10 ...................... (large) size of the classes reflects the fact that the course is 11 ,..................... (thsoreticai} than the computer-skills courses, which have a 12 ......................(hands-on) approach. 2 a Complete the text with a verb from the box in the correct tense - past simple or present perfect. [ 1 ..jQ'.^.ed. BP as a graduate trainee four years ago - I 2................ my degree in Mechanical Engineering at Leeds University - and they obviously 3 ................right at the beginning that 1 4................ someone they wanted to keep, so they on the fast track to promotion. This meant that I 6................just three months in the production department and then they 7 to marketing. Since then, 1 8 three different divisions of the company and I overseas posting as well - I 10................assistant divisional manager in Venezuela for six months last year. The company 11 to continue training, and last month I professional exams and 13 ................ a member of the Institute of Chartered Engineers. b Write a similar paragraph to describe your own professional career. be be become decide do do do encourage joinod move put spend work s UNIT 1 Staff development and training UNIT 1 Staff development and training 7 p^m Job descriptions and job satisfaction Vocabulary 1 Circle the odd one out. Check in the Word list if necessary. 1 CEO PA CIO @ 2 post place job role 3 local premises headquarters regional office 4 board member manager client director 5 accountant systems analyst auditor financial director 6 white-collar worker office worker administrative officer shop-floor worker 7 secretary personal assistant company secretary administrative assistant 8 advertising public relations human resources marketing 2 a Complete the text with the words in the box. In my company, nearly all work is done in 1 , and all our managers are 2..................... I found this quite easy to adapt to, because at Business School, we worked a lot together on 3 ...................., and this got me used to working towards goals or 4....................and meeting 5 ..................... I work in Research and Development of new products, and we get real satisfaction from taking new products through from the original idea to the 6....................perhaps one or two years later. I'm a financial manager, so a lot of my work involves ensuring high 7.................... in our projects while they keep within their 8....................- and that involves strict cost control. b Use some of the words to write a paragraph about yourself or your organisation. This will help you to personalise and remember them. budgets deadlines launch performance projects targets team leaders l-i; '-i ni f* Compound nouns (e.g. human resources manager, team leaders) are very common in business English. Compound nouns have two or more elements. The first element is made from a noun (e.g. team leader) or a verb (e.g. working day). The second element is a noun. 3 How many compound nouns can you make by combining a word from box A with one from box B? In some cases, more than one combination is possible. A 1! finance job team product advertising office sales work budget development forocasl manager satisfaction work place worker 4 Complete the following table. Verb Noun Adjective 1 satisfaction 2 develop 3 4 supervise 5 manage 6 7 introduce 8 9 recruit 10 11 12 challenging 1 Complete these questions with the question words/phrases in You will not need all the words/phrases. 1 ......V/ your boss? Ms Jones? 2 .......................have you worked for this company? 3 would you prefer to work in: company headquarters or a regional office? 4 .......................did you go to school - in this country or abroad? 5 .......................does your HR department carry out formal appraisals - every six months, or more often? 6 .......................job would you like to be doing in ten years' time? 7 .......................people work in your office? 8 .......................does your boss earn? 2 Put the words into the correct order to form questions. Write your answers in your notebook. 1 enjoy job do about What your most you? 2 your there about you job anything Is dislike? 3 How discipline you lo often workers have do? 4 many are your people there How store in? 5 work of line this into get you did How? 6 What think years' you time you in will be do doing ten? 3 Each of these questions has a mistake. Correct them. have spy 1 How long you have worked for this company? 2 When you left school? 3 How much are you earn in your present job? 4 If we give you the job, when you can to start? 5 What studied you at university? 6 How long you expect to stay with us? 7 Are you need to speak English in your present job? 8 What you find most challenging in your job? the box. how how long how many how much how often what when where which wh d why 3 UNIT 2 Job descriptions and job satisfaction UNIT 2 Job descriptions and job satisfaction 9 Letters of enquiry and applications Grammar 1 Complete this letter of enquiry by putting the correct preposition in each space. Dear Sir or Madam, I am a 22-year-old student 1 ...Q{.....psychology 2............the University of Hanover in Germany and I am writing to enquire opportunities 4............your company. I have visited your website and I see that you have an innovative and open-minded approach 5............the recruitment and management 6............personnel within your company. I am final year of a five-year course of studies and am particularly interested 8............worldng 9............the area of personnel recruitment. My particular specialisation is psychometric testing, and final project, I have investigated the efficiency of such tests 11............predicting the work performance of prospective employees. I would be most grateful if you could send me information 12............what opportunities exist in your company, either 13............a graduate trainee 14............a year s time or for an internship 15............the near future. Could you also tell me how I should apply? Thanking you 16............advance. Yours faithfully, 2 Make these direct questions more formal by starting them with the words given. If necessary, check how to do this by looking at Grammar workshop 1 on page 27 of the Student's Book. 1 When will you be holding interviews? Could you tell me .y/h6K\..v)QU. will..t?.€.bQ|cJ.i.n0.iy^+eryiey/.^?.................................. 2 How long are the annual holidays? I would also like to know .............................................................................................. 3 What are the working conditions? I would be grateful if you could give me information on ...................................... 4 When should I apply? Please let me know ......................................................................................................... 5 Is there a graduate trainee programme? I would like to know ...................................................................................................... 6 Do you offer internships for undergraduates? Could you tell me ............................................................................................................ 10 UNIT 3 Letters of enquiry and applications Reading Read the following letter of application. In most lines, there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, put a tick (/). If there is an extra word in the line, underline it. Dear Sir, I am writing for to apply for the post of manager in your new branch to be opened in Lewisham, as advertised in the Daily Gazette of S November. As you will now see from my enclosed curriculum vitae, I am a 33-year-old graduate qualification in social sciences from the University of Bristol, with eight years' of experience in management posts within the retail trade, my current position is being that of assistant manager at a branch of Dixons in Southampton. Since my leaving university, apart from practical experience in the various posts I have held, although 1 have studied extensively at night school, attending courses in Negotiating Skills, Personnel Management and Marketing. Dixons have also sent for me on various of internal courses in the same areas. I am so interested in the post advertised because it seems to me to represent the type of opportunity I am looking for - to move into a large international retailing organisation and going to have the experience of setting up a new store from the start. 1 hope for my application and my curriculum vitae will be of interest to you. I am available for interview at any other time, and my present employers would he happy to supply you a reference. I am look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, 1 -for 2 / 3 •1 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Vocabulary Match the words (1-6) with their definitions (a-f). 1 challenging a difficult, in a way that tests your ability 2 reputation t> things you get because of your job that are additional to 3 atmosphere your pay but are not money 4 promotion c the character or feeling of a place 5 benefits d the opinion that people in general have about someone or 6 scope something e the opportunity for doing something f when someone is raised to a higher position UNIT 3 Letters of enquiry and applications 11 ^ Telephone skills Reading 1 Read this advice on speaking on the telephone in English and look at the conversations below and on the opposite page. Find examples of each piece of advice. The advice may be found in one, two or all of the conversations. Write your answers in your notebook. 1 When you answer the telephone at work, give your name or the name of your department. If you are taking an external call, give the name of the company. A ^hris+.a. Schmid+j Marine Djyi^ipn c Qosx^^iSsiSka^s. .Sehoo).................. 2 We say Good afternoon from about 1 p.m., Good evening from about 5.30 and Good night when going to bed, or not seeing each other again that night -not generally on the telephone. i When speaking to people you know, don't say I'm Mark Dunhill. 4 Business people arc busy, so give the subject of the call. You can also say I'm calling in connection with ... 5 In other words: Nigel Payne is the person speaking. 6 You say My name's ... only when you are introducing yourself for the first time. 7 Native English speakers say please and thank you a lot! 8 You can say Hold on or Hang on a minute if you arc speaking informally to someone you know. 9 More polite and formal than saying (in Britain) Who's that? and (in the USA) Who's this? You can also say Who is calling, please? 10 You say this when you connect someone to a different line. 11 Another way of saying this is Would you like to leave a message? ■ Christa Schmidt, Marine Division. How can I help you? • Hello. My name's Sandra Dufois. Can I speak to Paola Beluchi, please? ■ I'm afraid she's in a meeting at the moment. Can 1 take a message? • Yes. Could you ask her to phone me urgently when she comes out? S; Certainly. She should be out in about half an hour. I'll get her to give you a ring. • Thank you. Goodbye. H Goodbye. 12 UNIT 1 Telspbone skills B B Logistics. Can I help you? • Good afternoon. Can I speak to Nigel Payne, please? ■ Speaking. • Hello. Mark Dunhill here. I'm just calling to let you know we have received the consignment and that everything is in order. IB Good. Thank you for calling. Goodbye. • Goodbye. C ■ Cranfield Business School. Can I help you? ii Hello. Could I speak to Professor Elgin, please? ■ Yes, can you tell me your name, please, and I'll put you through? • This is one of his ex-students, Salome Fuster, from Salamanca, Spain. ■ Hold on a moment, please. I'll put you through. • Thank you. 2 Complete these telephone conversations by putting one word in each space. Finance department. 1 ............can I help you? Good morning. Can I speak 2 ............Maribel Arroyo, please? 3............. Oh, hello. Manfred Steiner from Arts International. Hello, Mr Steiner. What can I do S Well, it's about an invoice - you sent the order we placed, but you forgot to include the invoice, so we can't pay you. MARIBEL; Oh, that's not my department, I'm 6............ , Mr Steiner. That's Mary Slade in Invoicing. MANFRED: OK. Can 1 speak to her then, please? MARIBEL: Sure. I'll put you 7 ............. MANFRED: Thanks very much. Not at 8 ............. Jane Ashley. Oh, hello, Jane, I've been trying to call Tracy, but she's not answering the phone, and it's rather urgent. Who is 9............, please? Alan Searle. JANE: Oh, hello, Alan, I didn't recognise your voice. I'm 11 ............she's in a meeting at the moment and she's left instructions that she's not to be disturbed. Can I 12............a message? Yes, can you ask her to call me as soon as 13............? Yes, of 14............. very much. Bye. Goodbye. MARIBEL: MAN!'RED: MAR] HE I.: MANFRED: MARIBEL: MANFRED: MARIBEL: JAM.: ALAN: JANE,: ALAN: ALAN JANE ALAN JANE UNIT 4 Telephone skills 13 Promotional activities and branding Vocabulary Read this text about inventors and choose the best word, A, B, C or D, to fill each gap. It is not easy for inventors to 1 a new product on the market, especially when they have to 2........with large consumer products companies which have a marketing 3 ........of millions of pounds. Essentially, inventors have to carry out market 4........beforehand in order to discover who might need or want their product, and what S........they might be prepared to pay. For a small company, the most effective marketing to demonstrate the product to potential customers first, so that they know what they are buying. 7........your marketing efforts on the customers you have and make sure to keep them happy and 8.........If you can do that, you will discover that they talk about the product to other people, and 9........recommendation is the most cost-effective way of extending your customer base. Before undertaking costly 10........activities, such as printing brochures and taking out advertisements, use your imagination to see if you can reach your 11.........customers without spending so much. Relatively cheap ways of marketing your product are through a(n) 12........, handing out free 13........ at big events, and sending your product to journalists, who, if the product interests them, may write an article about it in a magazine or newspaper. All these activities will raise brand 14......... Be ready to sell directly to customers, but, if your product is a consumer product, it is worth approaching retail stores to see if they will, too. 1 A introduce B launch C establish D start 2 A compete B fight C oppose D struggle 3 A resource B fund C budget D account 4 A research B investigation C experiments D study 5 A money B number C total D price 6 A manoeuvre B scheme C move D ploy 7 A Employ B Focus C Aim D Direct 8 A constant B true C loyal D faithful 9 A word-of-moutb B mouth-to-mouth C face-to-face D eye-to-eye 10 A publicity B promotional C selling D sales 11 A end B aim C target D object 12 A Internet B email C hyperlink D website 13 A examples B copies C samples D trials 14 A understanding B awareness C knowledge D information IS A hold B have C keep D stock M UNIT 5 Promotional s ctivities and branding Grammar 1 Complete the following job advertisement with a/an if the noun is countable and singular. Leave the space blank if the noun is uncountable or plural. Looking for 1 in 2..............advertising? Blatch and Moore is recruiting 3 ..............writer to prepare the copy for mailshots. You may also from time to time be asked to write 5 ..............advertisement or leaflet. 6..............formal Qualifications are not necessary, but 7.............. experience in 8 is desirable. We are offering 9.............. permanent contract to the right person. 10 ..............satisfactory performance will lead to 11 ..............quick promotion. For the right person, our company is with 13..............future! 2 Complete this email from the CEO of a company to the finance director by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form or infinitive, (For when to use -ing forms and infinitives, look at Grammar workshop 2 on page 45 in the Student's Book.) 800 In CD ® b 1 a / Delete Reply Reply All forward Compose Mailboxes Get Mai! junk Dear Colin, I am writing 1 tp, &WP!C$$$. (express) my concern about the situation of several of our product lines. Sales appear 2......................(be) falling in several of them. I suggest 3......................(increase) our marketing budget this year by about 20%. I think we will have 4......................(spend) more on advertising in order 5......................(raise) brand awareness. Competition in our sector has been increasing, and we have to avoid 6......................(lose) market share to our competitors, which is something we risk 7...................... (do) by 8......................(follow) our present strategy. Also, by 9...................... (contact) our main customers directly, we may be able 10...................... (find) out why our products are losing competitiveness. I think it would be worth 11 ......................(do) this, and also 12......................(think) about 13......................(develop) new lines and 14......................(innovate) a bit more. Perhaps we could arrange 15......................(meet) sometime 16......................(discuss) this. I would be happy 17......................(see) you any time next week. Looking forward to 18.......................(hear) from you, Vince UNIT 5 Promotional activities and branding 15 New product development 1 Complete the table by writing nouns, verbs and adjectives in the numbered spaces. Verb Noun Adjective 1 founder m entrepreneur 2 gill skill 3 commute 4 9BHHBHHHH launch 5 HHHHHHHHH establish 6 7 opt 8 9 rely 10 11 2 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 What is the marketing term for a sales representative who visits customers to sell a product? A visiting B direct selling C travelling 2 A luxury product which is high quality and expensive is a(nj ..............product. A upmarket B downmarket C middle-market 3 A product which only appeals to a very specialist group of customers is a ..............product. A special B niche C reserved 4 The percentage of the market which your company has is your market ............ A quota B segment C share 5 What is a brand called which has the supermarket's name on it? A an own brand B a white brand C a proprietary brand 6 Which word has these three meanings: .start (a company), put (a product) on the market, start (an advertising campaign) ? A throw B begin C launch 7 What do marketers call the place where the product reaches the consumer? A .in end user B a final stop C an outlet H What is another word for direct mail? A correspondence B junk mail C snail mail l) When a company subsidises a football team or a music concert, what is this called? A endorsement B subvention C sponsorship 10 Which of these publicity materials is likely to look like a colour magazine? A a brochure B a leaflet C a newsletter 11 When a company does a lot of publicity, this is called............... A an advertising campaign B a promotional event C a price war 12 When clients or consumers talk about your product or service, what is this type of publicity called? A a talking campaign B word-of-mouth C personal recommendations Grammar 1 Janice and Martin opened a chocolate shop in their town. Match the first half of the sentences in column A with the second halves in column B to complete the explanations of their promotional activities. A B 1 We had special offers during a local people could see where we the first two weeks were and what we were selling. 2 We invited a lot of people to the b remind people when the shop was opening and gave them free samples opening. to get them c talking about the shop to their 3 We put a front-page ad in the friends. evening newspaper in order to d to attract people to visit the shop. 4 We sent free samples to local e they could write about our journalists so products. 5 We sent leaflets to every house in town so that 2 Read the following paragraph which recommends how a new restaurant should be promoted. Write one word in each space to complete the paragraph. The restaurant should have a website, 1 ..............that potential customers can see the menu and the installations before they come here, 2.............. would also be a good idea to advertise in local and regional newspapers in make our name known to people in the area. We should also invite some journalists to eat here, 4..............that if they like the restaurant, they can write articles about it. Finally, it's important to give really excellent food and service 5..............get people talking about the restaurant, 6..............word-of-mouth publicity is by far the cheapest and most effective. 3 You have been asked to write a report recommending ways of promoting a new hotel in your town or city which is aimed at business travellers. Write the final paragraph of the report (like the one above), where you recommend how the hotel can be promoted and you state the purpose of each promotional method that you recommend. 16 UNITS New product development UNIT S New product development 17 A stand at a trade fair Vocabulary 1 How many compound nouns can you make by combining a word from box A with a word from box B? A food customer event exhibition export floor publicity B base centre exhibition markets material organisers space stand 2 Complete these sentences with a compound noun from Exercise 1. 1 Can you contact find out how much it would cost to exhibit? 2 How long does it take to get from the airport to the....................? 3 I'd prefer to hire an.................... rather than custom-build one because we don't have room to store it when it's not in use. 4 It's a good opportunity to meet foreign buyers and have a chance to open new..................... 5 We shall need about 40 square metres of.................... for our stand. 6 We try to expand exhibiting at trade fairs. 7 We will need quite a lot of shelves for all our....................such as leaflets, catalogues and brochures. 8 We're hoping to have a stand at the International year. Writing 1 Complete this email by writing one word in each space. 6 0 0 In Dear Sir/Madam 1 ................are a medium-sized business based in Southampton, England, specialising 2 ................the development and production of marine electronic instruments. We are interested in the possibility 3 ................ marketing our products in your country and are contacting companies in the sector 4 ................might be willing to act as agents or distributors for 5 ................products. We wonder would be interested in acting in this role for us. I 7 ................ be visiting your country during the first fortnight of next month and would welcome the chance of a meeting with you. 8 suggest a day and a time 9................would be convenient for you?l look hearing from you. Scott Cunliffe Export Sales Director 2 Your boss has asked you to write a reply to the email above. Write the email: • saying that you would be interested in acting as agents • saying that your boss would like a meeting • suggesting a day and a time. Write 40-50 words. There is one extra word in every numbered line of this fax. Underline the extra words. FAX Attention: P. Maguire Managing Director Electronic Solutions Dear Miss Maguire I am delighted to hear that you are interested in being acting as our agent in New Zealand and I look forward very much to my meeting you at 10.30 on Monday 7 October. It would also give me a great pleasure to invite you and the marketing director to lunch after the meeting if you are then free. Do let me know if this is possible, and, if is so, can I ask you to book a table at your favourite restaurant? For your interest, I am not attaching details and technical specifications of some of our main products on ihe following pages, also together with a price list. I am sending to you a complete catalogue by post. Yours sincerely, Scott Cunliffe Export Sales Director Grammar Complete these questions, using up to four words in each space. 1 1 shall be visiting your city next month. Can you suggest a day when ...........................convenient to meet you? 2 We are interested in having a stand at the exhibition. Can ........................... space is still available? 3 I have seen your products advertised in various trade journals and I would like to know...........................exhibiting at the coming trade exhibition. 4 I hear that the trade fair will be held in Birmingham this year. Could you ...........................days it will be held so that I can keep them free? 5 I am interested in buying the machine you mentioned in your email. Can you please let me know...........................costs? 18 UNIT 7 A stand at a trade fair UNIT 7 A stand at a trade fair 19 Establishing relationships and negotiating Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct way of saying these figures. 1 535 A five hundred thirty-five B five hundred and thirty-five 2 233,499 A two hundred, thirty-three thousand, four hundred, ninety-nine B two hundred and thirty-three thousand, four hundred and ninety-nine 3 2.5 A two point five B two and five 4 10.25 A ten point twenty-five B ten point two five 5 50% A a fifty per cent B fifty per cent 6 £3.50 A three pounds fifty B three fifty pounds 7 €19.99 A nineteen euros ninety-nine B nineteen euros and ninety-nine 8 €45,000 p.a. A forty-five thousand euros a year B forty and five thousand euros per year 2 Complete the paragraph below with words from the box. If necessary, check the meanings in the Word list. We are a small agricultural business which produces oranges for the export market. Our 1 ....................., or routine costs, such as water for irrigation or pesticides are pretty high. This means that when we sell our products, our very narrow. Also, we face a lot of competition, so when buyers place 3....................., they often expect a hefty 4.....................or price. Some years, there's no profit at all. On the other hand, when you go to the supermarket, you see that the same fruit has been given an enormous 6..................... - sometimes as much as 400% - and the 7.....................bears no relation to the price we were given when we sold the oranges. bulk orders discount mark-up overheads profit margin recommended retail price reductions 20 JNiTB Establishing relationships and negotiating Grammar Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses to form first conditional sentences. 1 I AlgtY?..........{give) you a 15% discount on condition that you pay within 30 days. 2 We....................(not be) able to stay in business unless he....................{pay) in cash. 3 We.................... [place) an order for 50,000 units, providing you can get them to us in time for the Christmas season. 4 As long as you.................... {guarantee) that we are your sole supplier, we .................... (allow) you to have the goods at a special price 5 Unless you pay the full price, we.................... (not manage) to cover our overheads. Reading Read the following letter. There is an extra word in every numbered line. Underline the extra words. Dear Mr Markham, Late payment I regret to say that we have not yet received some payment for the goods that we delivered to you in March, although the agreement was that you would to pay in 30 days. This is causing us severe cashflow problems, and unless you will pay us immediately, we will have to stop supplying to you with the goods you require. However, I would also like to warn you that if you do not pay promptly, we will be unable to offer you back your usual discounts in the future. 1 look forward to be receiving your payment shortly. Yours sincerely, Georgina Chandler Accounts manager Writing You received the above letter this morning. Write an email to your assistant telling him to: • investigate the cause of the problem • pay the invoice • apologise and explain to Ms Chandler. You should write about 40-50 words. UNIT 8 Establishing relationships and negotiating 21 Going it alone Vocabulary Match the words (1-8) with their definitions fa-h). make a go of running entrepreneur outlet fee redundancy money mortgage retailing a be successful at b loan to buy a house c managing d money you get from the company when you lose your job e money you pay for a service f selling through a shop g shop or other place where the product reaches the customer h someone who starts a business 2 Complete the crossword. Across 1 Total sales minus costs (7) 5 Selling through a shop (?) 6 The place where your business operates from (8) S The opposite of assets (li) 10 Someone who starts their own business (12) 11 Finding the money to pay for your business plans (9) 12 Money you get when you lose your job (10, 5} Down 2 A business you operate under licence from a larger company (9) 3 A loan from a bank to buy a house (8] 4 Go bankrupt (4) 7 A prediction of how much a company will sell (5, 8) 9 Total sales (8) franchisee franchiser assets GOStS liabilities profits rate tax turnover 3 a Look at the words in the box and say which word refers to 1 the organisation which gives franchises 2 the person or company which receives a franchise licence. b Make similar words from these verbs. 1 employ 2 interview 3 train 4 pay 4 Complete these sentences with the words in the box. 1 Another word for total sales is ................. 2 Factories and other property are fixed................. 3 Our debts are................. 4 Our pre-tax................are up by 25% this year. 5 Salaries have risen, which means that staff................are higher. 6 The 6.5%. 7 We have to pay a................on profits of 25%. 5 Put the correct form of do, make or go in each space. My dream is to 1 ...rD??fe., as much money as possible as quickly as possible, and I believe that the only way to 2................this is to speculate. Basically, speculating is when things are cheap, then hoping they will 4................ up in price very quickly, then selling. It's not the same as 5................a job, of course, and you need some capital to start with. Also, there's the risk that you will lose your investment and 6................bankrupt. On the other hand, if you have the money, it's easier than 7................into business, but perhaps less satisfying. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 When I .-.mKM..-. (be) at university, I studied Business Administration and Accountancy. 2 I suddenly had an idea for a business start-up while I ........................ [study] at university. 3 In ten years' time, when my business........................ [be) established, I hope I will be able to relax more. 4 1 hope sales will improve when the Christmas season ........................ {start}. 5 He hopes to work in a consultancy after he........................ [leave) university. 6 The meeting started before all the sales staff........................ {arrive). 7 Send that letter by courier as soon as you........................ '(.write} it. 8 Tell her to come to my office as soon as she........................ (arrive). 9 You'll never know if your business idea will be a success until you ........................ (try). 10 He knew he had made a mistake as soon as he........................(send) the email. 7I UNIT 9 Going it alone UNIT 9 Going it alone 23 Financing the start-up Vocabulary Read this story about someone who joined a franchise called Petpals, which looks after people's domestic animals while they are working or on holiday. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to fill each space. Brendan Humphrey of Petpals Winchester says, 'I 1 f.40,000-a-year job as a surveyor to join the franchise, 2..........up all the associated stress, and have not missed a single moment of the old job. It was hard work for the first year, as 1 was business and we had to be careful with money, but what a great yeat! I could not believe it; in our first year, our turnover 4..........just over £35,000, producing around £10,000 5 ..........profit, and we even managed to 6..........most of our finance. No more stresses and strains of the old life, I have lost weight, have peace of mind, sanity and probably the best job in the world.' Petpals Winchester now 7..........four part-time assistants and is growing at a controlled 8..........of around 20% a quarter. Part of a famous rock band that started back in the sixties, Richard Herd, of Petpals Saffron Walden wanted a business that ho could 9..........with his wife, Pauline. That would allow them to work together in harmony while 10..........a rewarding service to busy pet owners. Richard and Pauline say, 'We enjoy being very much part of the franchise. Support is always on 11 ..........if we need it.' 1 2 3 4 5 d 7 8 9 10 Jl A stopped A leaving A growing A arrived A complete A pay up A employs A amount A work A sending A hand B threw B giving B doing B reached B large B pay in B contracts B percentage B run B paying B paper C went C throwing C looking C rose C gross C pay out C engages C number C do C providing C reach 1) quit D stopping D working D met n top D pay off D hires D rate D make D renting D side 3 If offices....................[be) cheaper, 1....................[start] my business in the centre of London. 4 If it .................... {not be) such hard work, 1.................... {open) a restaurant. 5 He knew he....................[never get) rich unless he.................... [start) his own business. 6 If my overheads.................... (be) lower, my profits.................... [be) higher. 2 Change these pieces of advice to sentences beginning with If I were you ... 1 You should work harder. . X£. .X.. .vtfQC!?.. sPJ .......... points have been followed up. Thanks Sarah action agenda attend chair(person) circulate minutes a Combine a word from box A with a word from box B to make compound nouns which describe reasons for having meetings. A B brain decision information problem team building sharing solving storming making b Complete these sentences using the compounds. 1 I know many of you Hunk thai email is a more efficient way of..................... but 1 can't be sure you read all your emails, so 1 thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you a few things. 2 hater today, we'll be holding a....................session to get ideas for new promotional activities. 3 Quite a number of the people have never worked together before, so the prime purpose of the meeting this afternoon is..................... 4 We've discussed the issues at length on other occasions, so this meeting is primarily a....................meeting where we shall be taking the company in a new direction. 5 A number of difficulties have arisen in the production department, so today we're having a....................meeting to see if we can sort them out. Across 2 I've decided to..........the meeting because it's not really necessary. 4 If you don't .......... the meeting, you won't know what decisions are being taken. 6 Jane is ill, so I think we should .......... the meeting until she's back at work. 7 It's all very well taking decisions, but who's going to..........them? Down 1 Where are we going to..........the meeting? In the boardroom? 3 I've got too much work on my plate, so I think I'll..........this afternoon's meeting. 4 You're all looking pretty tired, so let's ..........till after lunch. 3 Who's going to .......... today's meeting? You, Susie? Grammar Write too or enough in each space. 1 We spent..........much time discussing the minutes from the last meeting. 2 They didn't allow ..........time for the last point on the agenda. 3 The chairman wasn't firm..........with some of the people who attended. 4 I didn't get the agenda be able to prepare for the meeting. 5 I think we have..........many meetings in this company. 6 There is just in the meeting room for all the people who have to attend. 7 If you speak..........quickly, people won't understand. 8 On the other hand, if you don't speak quickly.........., people get bored. 36 UNIT 16 Business meetings UNIT IE Business meetings 37 and change Vocabulary i Which word in each group is the odd one out? 1 knowledge worker skilled worker blue-collar worker professional 2 shift switch change continue 3 grow boost downsize increase 4 shortfall accomplishment gain achievement 5 desktop icon screen dotcom 6 customer client purchaser supplier 7 probability potential capability capacity 2 Choose the word or phrase, A, B, C or D, which best completes each sentence. 1 Our new CEO introduced a number of changes which laid the...... for a complete transformation of our company. A basis B groundwork C start D bottom 2 Our new computer facilities have enabled us to......our production process. A speed B boost C streamline D quicken 3 We're hoping our new share offer will attract....... A investors B spenders C buyers D speculators 4 This machine never breaks down - in fact, it's the most...... in the factory. A trustworthy B trusted C faithful D reliable 5 Our staff are totally...... to making our company the best in the sector. A loyal B focused C committed D convinced Grammar 1 Complete the text by writing a, an, the or - (where you think no article is needed). What the web taught FedEx To understand how thoroughly 1..........web has permeated 2..........everyday business life, think hack to 3..........last time you tracked 4..........package. Maybe you typed ; into your browser. Or maybe you just pulled up 5..........shipment information from 6..........retailer's website, \ That act, so normal today, was revolutionary ten years ago, when FedEx introduced 7.......... online package tracking. In November 1994, 8 .......... web was 9.......... sea of static corporate brochures, with 10..........messages from CEOs displayed on 11 .......... gray pages. 12.......... idea that you could use 13.......... web for something that actually touched 14.......... real world was unheard of. 15.......... web has greatly increased 16.......... number of contacts 17.......... customers have with FedEx. But it's also cut FedEx's costs by $45 million 18.......... month, since 19.......... online tracking request costs 2 cents, vs. $2.40 for 20.......... phone call. 2 a Write sentences in your notebook about how business has changed using used to. 25 years ago Now 1 Written communication: telex/letters 1 Written communication: 2 Computers: large mainframe email/fax computers 2 Computers: PCs and laptops 3 No Internet: companies mainly 3 Internet: companies can marketed regionally/nationally market globally 4 Business travel: expensive 4 Business travel: low-cost 5 Spoken communication: fixed airlines telephones / meetings 5 Spoken communication: mobile 6 Information storage: paper based telephones / video conferencing / meetings 6 Information storage: electronically based i ly/eyxty-five..>jepir:s..QiSp.,. wx:,: ■(■:<>.QOtr^imicodiQ:o...',>e..oovxe. t?s.. ie.lex. or. .le+tgr.^..t?,\i,s, done .b>j. emfti.LQr. -fci^es................................. b Write three sentences of your own about how business has changed. Reading In most lines, there is one wrong word. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word. If a line is correct, put a tick (/). While I started working in an office, back in the mid-seventies, the fax machine was still one thing of the future. Basically, we used to rely on the postal service and the telephone, it was a monopoly and therefore expensive and inefficient. To give you an idea of what it was like, one day into my office 1 counted the number of times I dialled a number and the number of times 1 get through. 1 found that I dialled six times so often as 1 got through. People didn't have computers on their desks. Computers were enormous expensively machines which sat in basements and were spoken about with great respect. Everything use to be typed by a typist and of course correspondence took much long than it does now. 1 When 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Write a short paragraph about how new technologies have changed the way you study or work. 38 UNIT 17 New technologies and change UNIT 17 New technologies and change 39 Using the Internet Vocabulary 1 Use the words in the box to label the picture of a computer. CD-ROM drive CPU keyboard monitor mause printer scanner screen 2 Write the correct word from the box in each space in the text Isn't it marvellous that nowadays, with a few mouse 1 ....................... , you can 2 or films from the Internet? Of course, it helps to have a fast 3 ........................ otherwise doing this can take a really long time. Nowadays, of course, this is easy if you have a 4.......................connection. For people who have never done this, it's really easy. You go 5.......................and then you can either use a 6......................., where you have to type in a word or two to say what you are looking for, or you can go to a portal, which will have all sorts of different websites where you can find the music or film that you want. Nowadays, these search engines and portals are very 8.......................- it's not difficult for anyone to use them, and the best websites are 9.......................almost everyday with the latest music or films available. below. broadband clicks download Internet connection links online search engine updated user-friendly Reading 1 Read the following email. In most lines there is one wrong word. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word. If you think the line is correct, put a tick (/). To: Frank Lenz Cc: Marina Laporte Subject: Upgrading our website Hello, Frank Recently «9 company sales have been increasing quite rapidly here in Europe, and for a result of our website, we are receiving enquiries from customers in another parts of the world as well. These represent a business opportunity what we ought to take advantage of. We discuss this question at a meeting of the marketing personnel yesterday, and decided that we should set off a facility for online sales. We also decided that our website should be available in other languages apart of English and French. We thought that it should also be translated into Spanish and Chinese. Could it be possible for you to upgrade our website in the ways 1 have suggested, and could you give me a quotation for how much it would cost to carry on this work? If you require further informations, please call me on 964 538729 (direct line). Best wishes Nicole Crete our LO 11 12 2 Read the following text about spam (direct mail using the Internet) and write one word in each space. Spam is not a new problem. It was identified 20 years 1 ................... But it is getting worse. While in the traditional Internet culture practically everyone agreed 2 ..................was wrong, now some people 3 think that it is a good idea, especially 4..................a tool for business. They are wrong: it is not doing 5 ..................good for business online. Some large companies now are quite concerned 6..................of the floods of spam that 7..................interfering with their email and confusing their organisation. 8..................have been several attempts to stop spamming, or at least reduce it, but 9..................far they have failed. Some authorities (including the European Union) have acknowledged the problem, but with 10..................practical results. Laws are likely to do more harm 11 ..................good. They could interfere with Net freedom, create unnecessary bureaucracy, while leaving 12..................spam problem unsolved. UNIT 18 Using the Internet UNIT 18 Using the Internet 41 A staff survey Vocabulary 1 Complete the text with a word or phrase from the box. Making staff happy absenteeism bonus scheme long hours motivated off sick productivity staff retention staff turnover work-life May Electronics had a problem of t ......................., with many staff phoning in to say they were sick. Also, although they paid high wages, workers did not seem to stay with them long, and 2 .......................was almost 20% a year. Eventually, the managing director, Sophie May, decided to call in a consultant, who reached the conclusion that most staff were under too much stress. Many complained that they worked 3 ...................... and that, as a result, they were unable to have a reasonable 4.......................balance. Also, many felt that management did not value their work, and, as a result, they did not feel work very hard. The fact that workers were doing their jobs slowly and were frequently 6.......................with colds, back pain and headaches affected 7......................., so that less was being produced per working day than ten years ago. The consultant recommended that Sophie should introduce a 8....................... so that workers were paid extra for being more productive. Also, he suggested that a more flexible working system would help 9.......................anc mean fewer people leaving the company. 2 Choose the best alternative, A, B or C, for each sentence. 1 Only 2% of our customers complain, so in comparison with our satisfied customers, they are a......... A limited number B tiny minority C significant number 2 The........of banks, 95% in fact, increased their profits last year. A vast majority B growing numbers C significant number 3 Internet use is becoming increasingly popular amongst older people - the 'silver surfers' as they are known - and........of them are buying online (25% of customers last year as opposed to 15% the year before). A a smaller percentage B a limited number C growing numbers 4 At the Annual General Meeting, Bill Ashley was elected with a........of the votes - nearly 65%. A growing number B substantial majority C vast majority 5 A........of people, perhaps as much as 35%, said they would be interested in buying our product. A significant number B limited number C growing number 42 UNIT 19 A staff survey 3 Make nouns from these adjectives (in some o.i........ than one noun). 1 expensive ...expend,,.. 2 flexible 3 productive 4 stressful 5 absent 6 motivated : .'in...... M lilinli'lll 9 lei...... Grammar 1 Read these sentences, which are in reported speech, then w....... original words which the speaker used in your notebook. I He told me he was going to book his flight online .'. X xn. .goijog. +o.bopk. xr\H fj.iabi. .Qjofoe,.'............................................... 2 She said she worked for a bank in New York. 3 Marcelle told Sheila she had never worked in accounts before. 4 Danielle said she had already printed out the sales forecast. 5 Leo said he would fix the meeting for three o'clock the next day. 6 Maxine said she couldn't speak to me because she was busy. 7 Caroline told me they might change the computer system the following year. 8 Kamal said they had bought new software the previous month. 9 He said that the sales figures were bad. 2 In your notebook, put these sentences into reported speech using the reporting verb given in brackets. 1 'Oil prices are going to fall,' said the minister, {predicted) The mmsi€r predicted that oil prices were going to fall. 2 'Go to Berlin on the next plane,' said my boss, [ordered] 3 'There has been a 3% drop in market share,' I told them, [informed.) 4 'Would you mind phoning the suppliers?' she said to Helga. [requested) 5 'When can you deliver Ihe goods?' I asked her. (enquired) 6 'I'll have that report on your desk by midday tomorrow,' I told my boss. (promised) 7 'We don't know how much the development costs will be,' said the project leader, (answered) 3 Each of these sentences has one mistake. Rewrite them correctly. I He said me he would give me a discount. ..... -9!> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JC^r?. /?. .^.'.'?P.0M1DT.-. He told to me that the package had been sent the day before. She explained him that she would prefer flexible working to part-time working. He answered that he had changed jobs the last year. She asked him how much did the flights cost. He promised me that he will send the goods last week. The caller enquired when would the product be launched. He explained that he has forgotten to send the invoice. He ordered her that she signed the cheque for $10,000. I told him to not send the application by email. UNIT 19 A staff survey 43 I and MHV4 * J outsourcing Vocabulary 1 a Match the verbs (1-6) with the nouns (a-f) to form business collocations. 1 generate a an economic downturn 2 make ... redundant b back-office functions 3 undergo c exposure to risk 4 face d fierce competition 5 outsource e profits 6 reduce f staff b Complete these sentences with the collocations you formed in Exercise 1a, putting the verb in the correct form. 1 By.....................such as the payroll to a specialist company, we could save time and money. 2 In reality, we regard outsourcing as a way of....................., since we would not have to close factories if there was an economic downturn. 3 One of the main responsibilities of a marketing manager is to..................... for his company. 4 Raising interest rates would lead to the country....................., and this would certainly affect our sates and eat into our profits. 5 We..................... from companies in other parts of Asia who are able to produce similar products at two-thirds the price. 6 We thought that our headquarters was heavily overstaffed and we realised that by......................we could reduce our salary bill. 2 Complete the following sentences by choosing the best answer, A, B, C or D. 1 We're introducing an incentive scheme as part of an effort to reduce staff....... A retention B turnover C shifts D changes 2 Baxters have about 1,000 workers in the factory at......times, which means that things are very crowded. A peak B top C high D maximum 3 The Human Resources Department has decided to......with plans to reduce sick leave among workers. A go off B go up C go on D go ahead 4 A survey amongst staff......has revealed dissatisfaction with their working hours. A people B members C workers D employees 5 We can outsource a lot of routine administrative work, but there are some ......activities which we have to keep in-house. A prime B first C core D central 6 With our company......increasing competition from other countries, we need to become more efficient. A confronting B opposing C fighting D facing 7 The chairman told a meeting of shareholders that profits would reach a...... level this year. A top B best C record D highest 8 With such fierce competition and rising costs, we may find our......margins are affected. A benefit B profit C revenue D earnings ■; You work for an import agency in your country. Read the following letter from a UK company. In most lines there is one extra word. However, some lines are correct. Write the extra word. If the line is correct, put a tick (/). Dear Sir or Madam, We are a producer of top-quality frozen fish and vegetables being based in Felixstowe, England. Our customers do consist of large retail chains and are leading supermarkets throughout the United Kingdom. At present time, we are investigating the possibility of expanding our export market and we are wondering what potential your country has made for our products. We would be interested in selling to supermarkets and could offer a very competitive prices. You will find enclosed a brochure is giving details of our products. 1 would be grateful if you could to tell us: 1 if do you think there is a market for our products in your country 2 whether you would be interested in acting as an import agent and distributor on our behalf. I am also considering visiting to your country next March in order to do some fact-finding. During my visit, 1 would be welcome an opportunity to meet you. Can you suggest giving some suitable dates in March month for a visit? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Jonathan Barraclough Export Manager Write an answer to the letter above. • Say that you are interested. • Explain there is a market. • Suggest dates for a meeting. 1 beiv\g 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 44 \iU\l 20 Offshoring and outsourcing UNIT 20 Offshoring and outsourcing 45 Customer loyalty Vocabulary Read the following text. For each gap, choose the best word, A, B, C or D. As every manager knows, 'the customer comes 1........' and 'the customer is always right'. Despite these phrases being repealed so often, it is remarkable how many organisations 2........essential training in customer care. All too frequently when 3........front-office staff, customers are met with rudeness, lack of interest or 4........of stress, and these all give a negative 5........of the organisation itself. Many customers have come to 6........treatment of this kind, and as a 7 ........behave aggressively or irritably themselves. These customers very often are the 'awkward customers' whom even well-trained customer service staff find hard to 8 ......... Many experts believe that not an organisation has the right personality for a customer-service position and that this should be taken into 10........when recruiting front-line staff. Even with training, some people will never have the people 11 deal successfully with customers in what can be a very stressful 12......... There are also a number of experts who advocate training for customers in how to 13........the best out of the staff they have to deal with. However, this would only really be company-to-company situations where, for instance, company buyers have to deal with people from a 15........of different suppliers. 1 A top B first C best D ahead 2 A abandon B stop C neglect D drop 3 A approaching B reaching C arriving D talking 4 A signals B indications C signs D appearances 5 A view B opinion C idea D impression 6 A expect B wait C hope D worry 7 A result B feedback C principle D summary 8 A deal B treat C look D handle 9 A anyone B someone C no one D everyone 10 A thought B account C granted D advantage 11 A skills B knowledge C abilities D capabilities 12 A location B work C appointment D post 13 A obtain B take C extract Dget 14 A able B capable C practical D competent 15 A quantity B number C amount D selection Grammar 1 Write the correct relative pronoun in each space in the following email. You can leave the space blank if no pronoun is necessary. 6 0 0 Hello, Sam Do you remember the customer 1 ......called from Odessa last month? Well, she has just called again to complain that the tool 2......we sent her was not the one 3......she ordered. She says that 4......she wanted was the OH200, not the OH300. Andrew wants to know who is responsible for this. You are the one 5......handwriting is on the order form, and in the space have to write the product type, you have written OH200, but very indistinctly, and that could be the reason 7......the order was mixed up. 8 need lo do is: • explain to Andrew, pretty angry I warn you. • sort the thing out with the customer in Odessa - I suggest you send a tool I ly li ose ex| iross couriers 10 .....number is on Inn notice board. Thanks Mary 2 Join these sentences by using relative clauses. 1 There's a man on the phone. He says he spoke to you yesterday. 2 Did you repair the computer? It wasn't working. 3 I phoned the customer. His invoice hadn't arrived. 4 We stayed at an excellent hotel. It was near the city centre. 5 I work for a software company. Its headquarters are in Silicon Valley. 6 Have you visited the factory? They make the components there. 7 Claudio is the technician. He knows how to install the equipment. 8 We'll hold the meeting at 11 o'clock. Everyone is free then. 9 You forgot to answer the letter. I wrote it. 4C UNIT21 Customer loyalty UNIT 21 Customer loyalty 47 Communication with customers Grammar Complete each of these sentences with a preposition. 1 Her company has a commitment ...+o.... giving good service. 2 If you're dissatisfied............the service, you ought to complain. 3 Few customers ever complain............the price of our products. 4 She tries to build long-term relationships............ her clients. 5 One of his duties is to take care............customer relationships. 6 I'm responsible............ updating the company website. 7 Our employees show tremendous loyalty ............the company. 8 What methods do you have for communicating............your customers? 9 The best way............keeping your customers is by exceeding their expectations. 10 We have been successfully competing............two much larger companies foe more than ten years. 11 You should focus............the clients who spend the most money. 12 His irresponsible behaviour resulted ............a commercial disaster. Reading In most lines of this email there is one wrong word. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word. If you think the line is correct, Put a tick (/). Dear Mrs Fentoh, I am writing to you 1+ke a valued and long-standing client of ours (your company has been outsourcing your printing requirements to us since the past 15 years]. I am delighted to be able to inform you for some innovations we have been introducing in our way of making business with you. As from now, if you wish, you will have access to a dedicated extranet who links ExtraPrint with our most important clients. All you will have to do is post some printing job you require on the extranet, together with your instructions on how it should been printed, and we will do the job for you almost immediately. For no extra cost, the completed work will be delivered to you by express courier. You will be invoiced electronic at the same time. Please let me know if this new service interesting you, and I will be delighted to call you for explain it in more detail, or to visit you at a time which is convenient for you. Yours sincerely, 1 as 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Writing 1 Study the chart and the handwritten notes. Then complete the sales report below by writing one word from the phrases expressing causes which you have studied in each space. Sales - Benton Electronics Zanet Electronics Customers Customers return Price war with went bankrupt on holiday ; from holiday Start of Christmas season ^ «eP ^ ^ ^ ^ # ^ of d5- ^ Report on sales: Benton Electronics Our sales from January to February stayed the same at 690,000. However, in March, our advertising campaign, sales increased by 650,000 to reach a level of 6140,000. This trend continued in April, with sales of €160,000. Unfortunately, between April and May, we had a price war with our competitors, and this 2.......... in a fall in sales of €40,000. However, during May, our competitor, Zanec, went bankrupt, and this 3.......... to an increase over the nexl two months of 650,000. At the end of July, most of our customers went on holiday, and this 4.......... a fall in sales of 690,000. However, when they returned in September, sales recovered, reaching a level of 6160,000. As a 5.......... of bad publicity in the US in September, our sales for October dropped to 6120,000. but 6.......... to the Christmas season, they recovered to reach €200,000 in December. 2 Write a sales report for Carmel Sun Creams. Use the information on the chart and the handwritten notes. Use the report in Exercise 1 as a model. Carmel Sun Creams - Sales 180.000 160,000 140,000 [£1120,000 2 100,000 ^3 80,000 LLJ 60,000 40,000 20,000 0' Main loliday —/v. ■ ! season / — End of holiday dvertisijig / season :am " / \ y End o( Bad we *l- i \ / sk ng season in June Start of f skiing season i i- i i i ^ # 48 UNIT 22 Communication with customers UNIT 22 Communication with customers 49 Corresponding with customers 1 a Match the verbs (1-8) with the noun or noun phrases (a-h) to form collocations. 1 extend a a face-to-face meeting 2 charge b construction work 3 do c costs 4 carry out d high prices 5 organise c our range of services 6 meet f your requirements 7 calculate g trouble-free business 8 organise h work schedules b Complete each of these sentences with a collocation from Exercise 1a. 1 Although they .charge.high.prices , there is no doubt that their services offer value for money. 2 I hope the services we offer will............................and that we will be able to add you to our long list of satisfied customers. 3 I'm fed up with discussing all these things over the phone. I think we should soon as possible. 4 Our excellent range of video-conferencing equipment will help you to ............................from anywhere in your building. 5 The building company is arriving tomorrow to ............................on lire other side of the staff car park, 6 The work is very complex, so it's very hard to ............................exactly. However, we will try to produce the most competitive estimate we can. 7 We have decided including accounting and auditing among the things we do. 8 With so many new projects starting, it's difficult that everyone is occupied and no one has too much work to do. 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words shown in brackets. 1 We prefer to concentrate our efforts on .R&iitiwg. customers rather than look for new ones, (exist) 2 Bad publicity from.................customers can be very damaging to a firm. [satisfy) 3 Please allow seven days from placing the order to date of.................. [deliver) 4 The report don't leave it lying around on your desk - lock it in a drawer, [confident] 5 Mallory's service is pretty................. - you never know when they're going to deliver the goods, [rely) 50 UNIT23 Corresponding with customers 6 Doing this job by hand is so.................compared with doing it by machine. It wastes a lot of time, (efficient) 7 He has of contacts who can help him whenever he has a problem, (extend) 8 Our products give.................results, so I'm sure you'll be one of our many satisfied customers, (guarantee) 9 As a.................long-standing customer, we would like you to take advantage of this special offer, (value) 3 a Match the beginnings of the phrases (1-7) with their endings (a-g) to make some typical phrases used in business letters. 1 1 would be most grateful a enclosed our ... 2 I am writing b hearing... 3 Following our telephone c I am writing to ... conversation this morning, d if you could send me ... 4 With reference to e to inform you that... 5 Thank you f for your letter of 18 March enquiring about ... 6 1 look forward to g your suggestion ... 7 Please find b Complete the phrases to form a sentence you might find in a business letter. Grammar In your notebook, express the following causes and results using the words given in brackets. 1 Our printer ran out of ink and we had to address all the letters by hand. (meant) Omc.. .pr.irrfer. ..cSton. .art.» .fitei ibk.roeftnt. .us. .having +o.,address........ All. .the. letters, jfa. hand,............................................................................................. ok .Q.wc..pri»TKts.c..,^ .................. address.. all. the. .letters. fcty. hand,............................................................................ 2 Unfortunately, Central Europe was hit by heavy storms last week, and we have fallen behind with our deliveries, (consequence] 3 There was a power cut in our area last week. Our computer system was put out of operation, (meant) 4 Our suppliers were late sending us some components. We were unable to complete your order on time, (result) 5 I am pleased to inform you that our suppliers have given us a considerable discount. We are in a position to offer you the goods you have ordered at a reduced price, (consequently) 6 Unfortunately, my secretary copied your telephone number incorrectly. I was unable to contact you. (meant) UNIT23 Corresponding with customers Eil A business seminar Vocabulary 1 Choose the best word, A, B, C or D, for each gap. 1 The successful candidate for this post will probably be......externally. A contracted B engaged C taken on D recruited 2 We will have to work through the weekend in order to meet the......we've been set. A bottom line B last time C deadline D final hour 3 You should inform your superior as soon as possible if you think you are going to have difficulty in......targets. A meeting B finding C arriving D getting 4 I've been busy this week working on the annual sales....... A prediction B forecast C preview D prevision 5 They have put the new product on their showroom. A exhibition B display C sight D exposure 6 We have sent free......of the product to all our most important customers. A samples B examples C instances D shows 7 The recent advertising......was designed to boost brand awareness. A battle B war C fight T) campaign 8 Connex and Passley have been waging a fierce an effort to increase market share. A battle B war C light D campaign 9 This is not the typical consumer product which will appeal to everyone, but there should be for it. A special B tight C reserved D niche 10 Drenden Pty Ltd will our agents in Australia. A working B performing C acting D playing 11 Customer service is what gives the company a(n) ...... over the competition. A edge B side C line D border 12 It's important to keep...... to a minimum if you are going to make a decent profit. A oversights B overheads C overalls D overwork 13 We expect retailers to add a 100% ......on our products when they sell them. A margin B extra C addition D mark-up 2 Choose the best word, A, B, C or D, for each gap. 1 When he needed to raise a loan, he used his......such as his house as security. A assets B liabilities C turnover D fixtures 2 Many products......because companies haven't done market research before developing them. A fall B sink C drop D fail 3 The interest has been raised to 5% this week. A rate B type C cost D percentage 4 It's been a pleasure business with you. A making B having C running D doing 5 Entrepreneurs are people who enjoy risks. A making B having C taking D doing 6 Unless turnover increases, he'll never his start up loan. A pay up B pay off C pay in D pay out 7 The posters will need to have good visual......if they are going to be effective. A impact B strike C impression D hit 8 Doing the VAT returns is a very time-......task. A using B consuming C spending D wasting 9 Don't bother to copy down these figures because I'm going to......a photocopy at the end. A hand out B give in C deal with D enter 10 Our respondents......quality of service as the most important thing in the survey. A evaluated B assessed C appraised D rated 11 Poor quality control is unlikely to......the company's image. A enhance B belter C grow D reform 12 Martin has a proven an outstanding speaker. A background B reputation C curriculum D record 13 By the end of this year, our debts should less than 10% of turnover. A lowered B reduced C cut D decreased 14 To start this meeting, I'm going to ask the company secretary to read the......of our previous meeting. A agenda B minutes C points D notes 15 It took us years to......the solution to our production problems. A come out with B come in for C come up with D come about 16 He......the export department in our company. A works B runs C does D makes 17 One of the problems with taking legal action is that lawyers'......are so high. A salaries B fees C charges D payments 5/. UNIT 24 A business seminar UNIT 24 A business seminar Word list Some of these words appear in the transcripts at the end of the Student's Book. U= unit,T = track, so Ul Tl means Unit 1 Track 1. abreast: keep abreast of (p 114) stay informed about the most recent facts absenteeism n (p 90) people taking time off work when they should be there academic background n (p 21) what you have studied and the qualifications you have received accident: is no accident (p 65) has been planned for carefully accounting n (p 14} activity of preparing and maintaining financial records across the spectrum (U18T1) including the widest possible range of people action point n (p 76) thing assigned to specific person to be achieved before the next meeting address v(p 69) deal with adjourn v (p 76) stop a meeting temporarily with the intention of continuing it at a later time after-sales service n (p 106) help or advice received after a purchase has been made agent r? (p 57) company which sells another company's products on commission anecdote n (p 115) short, amusing story angel investor n (U10T18) private investor willing to invest money in new businesses appeals to v (p 83) interests application n (U10T18I computer program designed for a particular purpose appraisal n (p 13) assessment or evaluation of how well you do your job areas pi n (p 16) departments audit v (p 16) check that financial statements and accounts are correct B baby: your own baby n (U2T3) project or piece of work that you care about a lot because it was your idea bankrupt adj (p 67) having no money; unable to continue in business because you cannot pay your debts bear in mind v(U13T22) remember when making plans behind the scenes (U14T25) which the public don't see or meet benchmark n (p 113) high level of quality which can be used as a standard when comparing other things best practice n (p 100) best way of working bid n (p 67) the price offered for a piece of work or a service billion n (p 83) one thousand million (1,000,000,000) bioinformatics n (p 55) information science about living things board of directors n (p 16) top-level managers of a company bond n (p 101) relationship bonus scheme n (p 10) company system in which employees receive extra payments if certain targets are reached book-keeping n (p 10) recording the money that an organisation or business spends and receives boom v (U14T25) grow rapidly and successfully bottom line n (p 65) the most important thing brand awareness n (p 29) knowledge among people in general that a certain brand exists branding n (p 28) giving a company or product a particular design or symbol in order to give it an identity for marketing and advertising purposes break the bank v (p 67) allow something to cost more than you can afford brief n (U22 T8) set of instructions bring up details v (p 23) find information on a computer brochure n (p 28) magazine published by a company advertising or giving information about its products or services browse v(p 86) search the Internet budget n (p 38) money you have available to spend bulk: in bulk adj (p 43) in large quantities bulletin n (p 104) short, written news update business card n (p 53) small card to give to business contacts showing your name, job title and details of the company you work for business case n (p 101) the real value to the business business centre n (p 64) facilities that business people can use to do work or contact people, e.g. fax machines, secretarial help, Internet connections business culture n (p 102) the beliefs and way of behaving of a particular company buy into v (U9T16) invest in buzz n (U14T25) feeling of excitement call off v (p 76) cancel candidate n (p 17) person applying for a job capitalise on v (p 29) benefit from, take advantage of carry a lot of stock v (p 42) keep a large amount of stock in a shop / chain of shops cashflow n (p 35) the amount of money moving through a business cashier n (p 17) the person who takes the money when customers pay at a supermarket catch on v(U10T18) become popular centrepiece n (p 29) the most important or attractive part or feature of something CEO n (p 14) short for Chief Executive Officer 54 Word list Word list 55 chain n (p 65) number of businesses owned by the same company chair v (p 76) direct or manage a meeting challenging adj (p 17) difficult and demanding to do checkout n (U2 T4) the place in a supermarket where you pay for your shopping Chief Executive Officer n (p 14) highest manager with responsibility for the day-to-day running of a company Chief Information Officer n (p 14) manager responsible for information and computer systems chill-out zone n (U6T11) area for people to relax in CIO n (p 14) short for Chief Information Officer classified ad n (p 83) small advertisement usually placed by private individuals or small companies clear up v(U11 T20) deal with, get an explanation for click v (p 86) press the mouse button cloned adj (p 55) plant or animal which has the same genes as the original from which it was produced artificially co-founder n (p 33) person you begin a company with cold-call v (U10T17) phone or visit possible clients to try and sell something without any previous contact or an appointment come back to you on that v(U8T14) talk to you again in order to give you further information comment card n (U21 T6) card on which customers write their opinions and suggestions commitment n (p 106) willingness to give time and energy common sense n (U3T5) practical, sensible thinking and judgement competition n (U9T16) other companies which produce the same goods or services as your company competitive advantage n (p 101) having an advantage over your competitors by being better than them competitive differentiation n (p 102) the special things about a company's products that make them different from those of other companies computer literate adj [p 12) able to use a computer competently confidence: have confidence in someone (p 102) trust someone's abilities consumer product n (p 21) product bought by the public and not by companies contacts pi n (p 35) people, especially in high positions, who can give you useful information or introductions which will help you at work core n (p 12) central, essential cost-effective adj (p 94) of good value to you for the amount of money paid coverage: brilliant coverage n (p 173) excellent reports in both quantity and quality credit facilities pi n (p 49) arrangement to borrow or owe money in order to buy goods critical adj (p 25) very important cross-fertilisation of ideas n (U11 T20) mixing of ideas from different types of people to stimulate new thinking customer base n (U6T10) regular customers customer care n (p 105) the way customers are treated customer profile n (p 114) description of an average customer customer relations pi n (p 14) approach to management which recognises the value of building and maintaining a long-term relationship with customers through, e.g. special credit cards, loyalty cards customer service n (p 17) giving customers good service customer services manager n (p 106) person responsible for before- and after-sales service customised adj (p 33) made especially to suit the user's needs cutbacks pi n (p 93) reductions made in order to save money CV n (p 21) short for curriculum vitae: a written summary of work experience and qualifications sent to a possible employer by someone applying for a job cyberspace n (p 83) the imaginary place where Internet data exists date: to date (p 85) up to the present time dating skills pi n (p 29) ability to begin a romantic relationship deadline n (p 14) final time by which a task or job must be completed dealership n (p 101) business that sells the products of a particular company, e.g. car dealership decent adj (p 33) good dedicated adj (p 11) designed especially for that use defy a conventional business plan v (U10T18) be too difficult to explain in a normal business plan degree n (p 13) university qualification deli n (U6T9) small shop that sells high-quality foods, such as types of cheese and cold cooked meat, which often come from other countries deliberate v (p 109) think carefully about something deliver v (p 38) provide what was promised desktop n (p 85) software program where icons and files are displayed on a computer screen details: bring up your details v (p 23) find information about you on my computer digest v (p 60) take time to understand direct mail n (p 29) publicity sent directly to a person's home discount the job v(U22T8) reduce the price distributor n (p 57) company which buys another company's products and sells them in a particular region domestic adj (p 94) from within the same country door-to-door adj (p 109) all the stages of a journey from the beginning to the end the dot-com crash n (p 85) period when there was fast growth in dot-com companies. A dot-com company is one that sells goods and services 56 Word list Word list 57 through the Internet. The projected income of many companies never materialised, and a lot of shareholders' money was lost in a short space of time. down ad/(1)18 T2) networking, disconnected for a time download v (p 86) transfer information from the Internet to a computer drawback n (p 28) disadvantage dream up v Ip 3" I invent drive v{p 101) work hard to produce drop an email v(p 70) send a short, quick email drop the idea v (p 47) decide not to continue dry up v (p 60) have nothing more to say e-commerce n (p 83) the activity of selling goods or services through the Internet eco-tourism n (p 69) tourism connected with the environment and nature edge n (p 38) advantage emerging market n (p 69) new or developing market empowerment n (p 101) giving employees responsibility so that they have the power to make their own decisions in their job engaged adj (p 101) involved and interested enhance v (p 69) improve entrepreneur n (U9T16) person who starts up a new business entrepreneurial skills pi n (p 33) abilities connected with starting a new business entrepreneurship n (p 69) the starting up of new businesses essence n (p 31) most important quality estate agencies n (p 47) businesses that arrange the selling, renting or management of property and land for their owners event tourism n (p 181) holidays taken not just to visit a place but also for the special events happening there expense: at the expense of (U20 T5) at the same time having a negative effect on eye contact: make eye contact v (p 60) look at people's eyes to keep them involved failure rate n (p 47) the number which do not succeed fat cat n (U9T16) someone who has a lot of money and who has the power to increase their own income feature v ip 113) include as an important part fee n (p 47) money you pay for professional services feel free to v (p 59) don't be afraid to Finance Manager n (p 14) the manager responsible for the accounting and financial affairs of a company financial year n (p 16) the 12-month period for which a company produces accounts findings pin (U12T21) information discovered fingertips: at your fingertips (U18T2) available for immediate use fire v (p 17) dismiss someone from their job firm n (p 13) company first: in the first place (p 46) at the start first-come-first-serve (U7 T12) dealt with in the order in which people ask flying start n (p 12) very good beginning focus group n (p 31) group of people who are paid to discuss and give their opinions for market research forecast v (p 16) predict business and financial performance for the future formula n (p 69) combination of things which will produce the result you want found v (p 33) set up or establish a company or organisation found out adj (LI3T5) shown to be dishonest franchise n (p 46) right to sell a company's products in a particular location using the company's name frequent-flier program (UK programme) n (p 65) system where regular users of an airline earn points to get benefits and discounts FT n (U6T11) a commonly used abbreviation for the Financial Times, an important British newspaper for people who are interested in finance, business and economics, printed on pink paper fulfilling ad/(U2T3) making you happy or satisfied full-on adj (p 19) total G gadget n (p 42) small device or machine with a particular purpose gap in the market n (p 33) opportunity to sell a new product which isn't being sold already gathering n (p 67) large group meeting generic adj (U6T9) relating to a group of similar things rather than one thing in particular get a feel for v(U24T10) develop a good knowledge or understanding of get at v (U18T1) find, locate get down to v(U11 T20) start get in v(U8T13) arrive get off the ground v(U10T18) start get onto v (U11 T20) start dealing with get round to it v (U14T24) do what you've intended to do get together v (U16T27) organise, produce gift n (p 28) something which is given to you gig n (p 19) performance, concert go about v(U3T5) start dealing with go from strength to strength v(U9T16) become increasingly successful go it alone v ip 471 sta'1 your own busmess 58 Word list Word list 59 go straight in the bin v (U3 T5) be thrown away without being looked at goal o (p 11) aim, objective, target government grant n (p 52) money given by the government for a special purpose graduate n (p 13) someone who has obtained a university degree graduation n (p 16) the moment of successfully completing one's university course great deal n (p 25) a lot great stuff (inf) (U11 T20) 'That's excellent!' ground-breaking adj (p 54) new and very different from others of its type gush v (p 65) express so strongly that it does not sound sincere gut instinct n (U10T18) strong belief which cannot be explained H hand: old hand n (p 180) very experienced person hands-on adj {p 12) practical, not theoretical hang on v (inf) (p 23) wait a moment hardware n (p 83) computer equipment or machinery (as opposed to software) hassle h (U24T10) trouble have something to do with v (p 50) be connected with help desk n (p 106) place customers can visit or phone when they have problems helpline n (p 106) telephone service for when customers have problems high flier n (p 11) someone with a lot of ability and ambition who is expected to be successfu hit n (p 29) time when someone visits a website hi-tech ac//(p 52) using the most modern and advanced machines and technology hoist n (p 110) machine used for lifting heavy things home page n (p 86) first/front page of a website household name n (p 47) company name that most people have heard of HRM n (p 14) short for Human Resources Manager Human Resources Manager n (p 14) the manager responsible for recruiting, training and managing employees hush-hush adj (U11 T20) secret hype v(p 30) publicise strongly, advertise in an exaggerated way I icon n (p 87) small picture or symbol on a computer screen that you click on to open a program implement v (p 90) put into operation implementation n (p 69) putting something into action implication n (U14T24) possible effect incentive event n (U2T3) conference or other event which companies use for thanking customers and rewarding their staff information-rich site n (p 88) site which people visit mainly for the information it contains in-house adj {p 10) taking place within the company innovation n (p 18) new idea or product insight r. (p 70) understanding intended recipient n (p 25) the person you wanted to contact interior designer n (p 47) person who plans the decoration of the inside of a building interviewee n (p 17) person being interviewed intractable adj (U14T24) seemingly impossible to solve intranets n (U20T4) systems of connected computers within organisations through which employees can communicate with each other and share nformation IT n (p 16) short for Information Technology; computer and telecommunications technology itchy fingers pi n (p 88) people who will quickly leave your website and go to another one if they don't find it interesting and quick to use J Javascript n (p 88) a computer programming language frequently used on the nternet job satisfaction n (p 18) feeling of pleasure and achievement in your job junk adj (U18T2) information sent to people, although they do not want it and have not asked for it, usually advertising products or services justify v (p 95) provide a good enough reason K keen adj (p 38) competitive keep abreast of v (p 114) stay informed about the most recent facts keep momentum v(p 35) keep something developing after it has started keep up with v (U11 T20) not fall behind key adj (p 11) very important, essential keynote speaker n (p 66) the most important speaker at a conference kiosk n (p 19) small building where products are sold knowledge: to my knowledge (U18T1) as far as I know knowledge industry n (p 55) service industry in which employees deal in knowledge rather than products and need a high level of education and training knowledge worker n (p 85) person whose job requires a high level of education and training label n (p 33) company name or symbol launch v (p 14) start selling a product or service for the first time leaflet n (p 28) printed material of a page or a few pages publicising or giving information about a product or service 60 Word list Word list 61 learning goals: meet the learning goals v(p 12) provide good enough instruction in what the employees want to learn leave high and dry v (U20 T5) put in a difficult and inconvenient situation which it is difficult to get out of legitimate adj (p 47) likely and reasonable liaise v (p 38) communicate and exchange information lifestyle n, ad] fU2 T3) the way that you live your life limited adj (p 11) company where each shareholder is responsible for the company's debts up to but no more than the amount that he/she has invested in the company line: new line n (p 33) new type of product loan n (p 51) money which is lent or borrowed log off v (p 88) close down a computer log on v (p 30) start using a computer; (p 65) visit a website logo n (p 31) design which represents a company or a product long-standing adj (p 109) for a long time lottery n (p 29) game in which numbered tickets are sold to people who then have a chance of winning a prize if their number is chosen loved one n (U18T1) person that you love, usually a member of your family loyalty program n (p 65) reward system, e.g. free hotel breaks to thank regular customers for buying goods and services from a business M machine tool n (p 90) tool which uses power to cut and shape strong materials mail order n (p 107) buying goods, usually from a catalogue, by post make a go of v (U9T16) make successful by working hard make do i/(U10T17) use what was available make it v (p 182) be present make redundant v (U9T16) fire someone because their job is no longer needed make the most of v (p 60) take full advantage of an opportunity which will not last long man v (p 36) be present at, help to run man hour n (p 111) the amount of work one person can do in an hour management accounting n (p 16) preparing financial information to help management decisions Managing Director n (p 14) highest manager with responsibility for the day-today running of the company, Chief Executive Officer Maori poi dance n (p 68) dance performed by women using balls attached to strings. The poi dance was originally used to increase the flexibiiity and strength in the women's hands and arms for weaving. market share n (p 29) the percentage of the market which is taken by a particular product in comparison with competitors' products marketing h (p 49) the activity of presenting products or services to customers in order to make them want to buy Marketing Consultant n (p 14) someone whom companies employ to give advice about how to market their products or services mark-up n (p 42) amount by which the price of something is increased before it is sold again meet your brief v (p 38) carry out your instructions milestone n (p 55) mark, stage, level of achievement mission n (p 85) company's main purpose monitor v (p 12) watch carefully and record the results mortgage n (p 51) money which you borrow in order to buy a house N National Curriculum n (U22T7) the set of subjects that children in England and Wales must study from the age of five to 16 navigation n (p 86) moving around and locating of information network n (p 85) linked computers which can share information and programs networking v(p 69) using the opportunity to meet people it might be useful to know never look back v(U9T16) become more and more successful niche product n !p 33) product which only interests very specialised customers and does not interest the mass market no end of (U24T10) a lot of non-committal adj (p 95) not expressing an opinion nothing to beat (U10T17) nothing better than O occupancy rate n (p 72) the average number of rooms occupied in a hotel over a period of time, in this case, a year off-season n (p 67) the time of year when there is less business activity old hand n (U14T23) very experienced person on the market adv (p 32) for sale on the road adv (U6T11) travelling to different places one-stop shopping n (p 83) service providing everything you need in one place online adj, adv (p 86) connected to the Internet online distribution n (p 19) the supply of goods through the Internet online publicity n (p 29) advertisements on the Internet on-the-job training n (p 10) training while you are working opening n (U14T24) job opportunity opposite number h (U24T11) person who has a similar job to you in a different organisation opt for v (p 33) choose outcome n (p 77) result outlet n (U9T16) shop outsell ✓ ip 33) sell more than other products outsource v (p 94) employ companies outside the organisation to do part of the organisation's work 62 Word list Word list 63 outstanding adj (p 70) excellent overheads pi n (U5T8) the regular and necessary costs, such as rent and heating, that are involved in operating a business PA n (p 14) short for Personal Assistant packaged v (p 32) wrapped and displayed so that people will want to buy page view n (p 83) individual website page read by people logged onto the Internet partnership n (p 52) company owned by two or more people part-time job n (p 17) job which is only done for part of the working week, less than a full-time job pay a premium v (p 31) pay a higher price payment terms pi n (p 43) arrangements made for payment, especially the amount of money and the period of time agreed PDA n (p 82) short for Personal Digital Assistant peak time n (p 91) the busiest time peer n (p 13) person at the same level as you in a company performance n (p 14) how well a person or company does perk nip 18) extra payment or benefit which is not part of your salary, e.g. a company car permanent contract n (p 10) an employment agreement which is not for a limited period of time Personal Assistant n ip 14) someone who is employed to do secretarial and administrative tasks, especially for a manager Personal Digital Assistant n (p 82) mini hand-held computer which has multiple functions such as word-processing, spreadsheet, diary and calendar facilities personal touch n (p 35) having personal contact with and being aware of the needs of every individual customer to make them feel special phenomenon ipl phenomena) n ip 94) something unusual or interesting which is extremely successfu pitch v(U6T9) aim, direct pitfall n (U13T22) likely mistake or problem plate: a lot on my plate (U23T9) large amount of important work to deal with player: big player n (U6T11) large and powerful business ploy n (p 29) tactic or trick, especially when used in marketing plus n ip 65) advantage point blank adv (U10T19) in a very few words without trying to be polite point of purchase n (p 105) the place where a product is sold point-of-sales display n (p 28) where products are arranged in a shop in a way which advertises them to customers point out v (U23T9) make clear pop v(inf) ip 41) put post v (p 29) pin on the walls portal n (p 86) website which provides information and links to other websites power cut n (U7T12) interruption in the electricity supply practice n (p 67) method premium adj (U12 T21) higher than usual place a premium on v (p 83) make very important prepared ady (U9T16) willing, happy principal n (p 52) the amount of money borrowed PRO n (p 14) short for Public Relations Officer, the person responsible for ensuring that the public think well of a company profit n (p 47) money which is earned in trade or business, especially after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services profit margin n (p 30) the percentage difference between income and sales profitable ad/(p 105) bringing advantages prohibitive adj (p 33) so expensive that you cannot afford it projected ad/(p 33) planned promising adj ip 12) showing signs of being likely to develop successfully promote v ip 11) give someone a better-paid, more responsible job; (p 29) advertise or publicise a product or service so that people will buy it promotion n (p 19) being given a better-paid, more responsible job promotional activities n ip 28) ways of advertising something promotional literature n (p 78) written adverts and marketing material about a company, designed to encourage people to buy its products or services prompts pi n (p 60) list of key words used to remind you what to say pros and cons pi n ip 97) advantages and disadvantages provider of choice n (p 101) the company people prefer to shop with public sector n (p 69) government organisations pull together v(p 67) create, organise purchase n (p 28) something which you buy purpose-built adj (p 56) designed and built for a particular use put off vip 76) delay or postpone put someone on hold v (p 25) make someone wait to speak to the person they have called on the phone put solutions into practice v (p 77) act to solve the problem, not just think about it then do nothing Q quarter n (p 73) period of three months quit vip 47) give up, leave, stop doing quote n (U22 T8) price someone offers to do a job for / supply goods at R&D n (p 14) short for Research and Development rack up v(U22T7) accumulate rapport h ip 107) good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with them real time n (p 82) at the same time without having to wait 64 Word list Word list 65 receptive adj (p 19) willing to listen and accept recognition n (U5T8) appreciation and acceptance recommended retail price (RRP) n (p 42) price at which a manufacturer suggests a product should be sold, although this may be reduced by the retailer recruit n (p 11) someone who has recently started working for a company recruitment n (p 14) the activity of finding and employing new people to work in an organisation redundancy money n (p 46) money paid to workers that a company no longer needs, to compensate for losing their job referee n (p 20) person who gives information about your experience and ability when you apply for a job refine u(U17T29) improve by making small changes reflect v(p 21) show or represent register v(U22T7) show, express reinvent v (p 31) change the appearance or characteristics of something, modify release n (p 19) the moment when something is available for the public to buy relief n (U2T4) person who takes the place of another worker so that he/she can have a break repeat order n (U8T15) something which you order again reporting to me (p 16) that I have authority over repurchase v(p 100) continue buying Research and Development n (p 14) the activity of investigating and developing new products retail adj (p 29) selling goods in small amounts to customers in shops; v (p 41) sell to customers in shops retain v (p 107) keep retrospect: in retrospect (p 112) thinking back to something in the past return on investment n (p 100) the profit made from something you have invested in revenue n (p 100) income from doing business right away aoV (U11 T20) immediately rival n (p 65) competitor, company which produces the same products or services as your company role n (p 16) job or function in a company roughly aoV(p 83) approximately round the clock adv (U14T23) all day and all night routine correspondence n (p 14) normal, everyday letters and emails which are not specia rush hour n (U19T3) the busy part of the day when people are travelling to and from work, and towns and cities are crowded sachet n (U6T11) small, closed container made of paper or plastic containing a 66 Word list small amount of something, usually only enough for one occasion salary n (p 10) money paid regularly to employees for doing a job sample n (p 28) small example which shows what the rest of something is like sample shop n (U21 T6) typical representation of what people would normally buy savings pi n (p 53) money which is not spent but is kept to use in the future scope n (p 19) opportunities screen: get it up on the screen v(p 23) see bring up your details search engine n (p 86) website which helps you find other websites sector n (p 55) area of the economy secure a site v(p 33) rent a building or part of a building to run a business from security n (p 49) way of making sure that money which has been lent will be paid back selling point n (p 17) characteristic of a product that makes people want to buy it server n (U7T12) central computer from which other computers obtain information set up v (p 76) organise set way n (p 88) fixed method shipment n (p 111) large amount of goods sent together sick leave n (U19T3) absence from work through illness or when you say you are ill because you do not want to go to work sight: at sight aaV(p 43) payable immediately, when the item is presented single out v (p 65) praise especially site map n (p 88) plan of where to find information on a website and how the pages link together skill n (p 10) ability to do something well, especially gained through training or experience skip v (p 76) not attend a meeting on purpose slide n (p 59) image which is projected onto a screen or wall slogan n (p 29) short, easily remembered phrase used to advertise something smooth-talking adj (p 16) good at persuading people, not to be trusted snail mail n (U3T5) letters sent by post compared with the speed of email soar v (p 33) rise very fast social security n (p 51) money an employer pays into a government fund to cover unemployment, sickness pay and retirement pensions sort out i/(U8T14) discuss, deal with source v (p 47) find spectrum: across the spectrum (U18T1) including the widest possible range of people spin-out business n (p 55) new, separate company based on a original organisation splash out v (U10T18) spend a lot of money on things you don't need sponsor v (p 35) support financially in order to get publicity for your company sponsorship n (p 28) helping by giving money to an event such as a sporting Word list 67 11 event and in that way getting publicity staff development n (p 10} expansion of skills and consequent possible promotion for employees staff retention n (p 91) keeping employees and persuading them not to work for another company staff turnover n (p 90) the number of employees leaving their jobs and new ones starting in a company staffer n (p 65) (American English) member of staff stand n (p 34) arrangement of shelves and tables at an exhibition where an organisation offers information, goods or services stand by v (U22 T8) don't change stand out v (p 38) make people notice start-up n (U6T11) small business that has just been started state-of-the-art adj {p 55) very modem stem-cell n (p 55) cell taken from a person or animal in a very early stage of development that can develop into any other type of cell stick to v (p 40) not change or be forced to change stir n (p 33) a lot of interest stock v (p 42) keep a supply of a product in the shop straightforward adj (p 88) simple and easy to understand streamline v (p 85) make a company, organisation or process more efficient strings attached (U11 T20) special demands or limitations (on the loan) study leave n (p 13) period of time away from work for study subscriber n (p 65) person who buys a service or a magazine on a regular basis subscription service n (U22T7) providing a service in return for a regular payment which can be cancelled at any time supervisor n (p 17) person who makes sure people do their jobs properly supply chain n (p 33) the network of companies who bring goods from manufacture through wholesale supply and distribution to a retailer swallow v(U22T8) accept switch v (p 31) change T tailor-made adj (p 12) specially designed to meet individual needs take a seat ✓ (formal) (p 41) sit down take for granted v [p 91) believe something to be the truth without thinking about it take notice of v(U23T9) give attention to take off v(p 33) start selling well, become a popular product take the plunge v (U9 T16) decide to do something risky after thinking about it for a long time take trouble v(p 106) make an effort takings pi n (p 33) income received in a shop from selling goods target n (p 14) goal or objective decided in advance against which performance can be measured 68 Word list target audience n (p 29) person or particular group of people at whom something is directed target customer n (p 106) person or organisation you would like to have as a customer task n (p 31) job tax return n (p 52) information given to the government about how much you have earned in a year terms: in terms of (p 49) when talking about terms and conditions n (p 41) the details in an agreement or contract there and then 3oV(U22T8) immediately thrive on v (U2T3) really enjoy tie it into my work v (U19T3) plan it to fit what I have to do time and time again adv (p 101) repeatedly time: for the time being (U14 T23) for the moment title effect n (p 85) the way the title of a movie is brought onto the screen top-heavy adj (U17T29) with too many senior managers for the size of the company track i/(p 83) monitor movements of, for example, parcels or shipments track record n (p 13) reputation based on things done up to now trade event n (p 38) event within a particular business or industry trade in v|U21 T6) exchange trade: in the trade (p 89) working in or involved with a particular industry trademark n (p 47) name or symbol put on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer and cannot be legally used by any other producer treasurer n (p 16) the person who looks after the money in an organisation trolley n (U21 T6) cart turnover n (p 33) total income of a company from sales of its products or services; sales tweak v(p 65) change in small ways 24/7 (twenty-four seven) (U17T29) all the time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week U Umukai Polynesian feast n (p 68) special meal where traditional food, kai (chicken, pork, fish and vegetables), is steamed under banana leaves in a pit of hot stones, an umu understaffed sd/'(U24T10) without enough employees up-and-coming ad/(U14T25) successful update v (p 25) add new information to up-front adj (U22 T8) honest upgrade v (p 89) improve the quality or usefulness upmarket ad; (p 33) expensive, high-quality, appealing to the luxury end of the market upside n (p 85) advantage uptight adj (U19T3) stressed and easily annoyed Word list 69 user-friendly adj (p 86) easy to operate user group n (p 105) group of people who are interested in your products and can give you feedback V vacancy n (U4T7) available job vendor n (p 100) person or organisation who sells something venture capital n (p 52) investment from companies which specialise in high-risk new businesses vision n (U2T3) plan or hope for the future voucher n (p 185) piece of paper that allows you to pay less for something w web browser n (p 83) computer program which gives you access to the Internet website n (p 28) computer file with words and pictures which you can reach through the Internet what really counts v (p 65) what is really important whatever they throw at you n (p 107) all their complaints and requests whet someone's appetite v (U18T2) give someone a small experience to make them more interested while we're about it (U16T28) at the same time wi-fi adj (p 64) wireless connection by which computers can connect to the Internet up to a certain distance from where they are usually plugged in winning combination n (p 69) a successful mixture word of mouth (p 34) people telling each other about how good a product is words of wisdom pi n (U3T5) very good advice working party n (p 90) small group of people which studies a particular problem or situation and then reports on what it has discovered and gives suggestions working practice n (p 91) way of working work-life balance h (p 90) the amount of time you spend at work compared with your free time workload n (p 12) the amount of work you have to do workshop n (U16T27) meeting of people to discuss and/or perform practical work workwise adv (U2 T4) as far as work is concerned would-be adj (p 61) wanting or trying to be wrapper n (U10T18) additional worksheets and other materials write-up n(U6T11) report, article written in sand adj (U10T18) not fixed or dependable Answer key Unit 1 Vocabulary la 1 recruit 2 employees 3 degree 4 profession S careers 6 employs 7 contracts 8 employer 9 course 10 skills 11 qualifications 12 boss Grammar 1 1 least useful 2 more appropriate 3 most inconvenient 4 busiest 5 more expensive 6 fewer 7 most/more 8 less 9 more costly / costlier 10 larger 11 more theoretical 12 more hands-on 2a 1 joined 2 did 3 decided 4 was S put 6 spent 7 moved 8 have worked 9 have done 10 was 11 encouraged 12 did 13 became Unit 2 Vocabulary 1 1 IT (information technology): The others are jobs. 2 place: The others all mean jofj. 3 local: The others are buildings belonging to a company or organisation. 4 client: The others are members of the management team. 5 systems analyst: The others all deal with money and finance. 6 shop-floor worker: The others all work in offices/administration. (Shop-floor workers are often called blue-collar workers because they traditionally wore a blue overall. White-collar workers are people who work in offices and traditionally wore a suit and a white shirt.) 7 company secretary: The others are secretarial/administrative posts. (The company secretary is a member of the board of directors - a manager - whose job is to keep the minutes of the board, check that its decisions are legal, etc.) 8 human resources: The others are all marketing and promotional activities. 2a 1 teams 2 team leaders 3 projects 4 targets 5 deadlines 6 launch 7 performance 8 budgets 3 finance manager job satisfaction team work / team manager / team worker product development / product manager advertising budget / advertising manager office work / office worker / office manager sales budget / sales forecast / sales manager workplace 4 1 satisfy 2 satisfied/satisfying/satisfactory 3 development 4 developing/developed 5 supervisor/supervision 6 manager/management 7 managerial 8 introduction 9 introductory 10 recruitment/recruit 11 challenge 12 challenge/challenger Grammar 1 1 Who 2 How long 3 Which 4 Where 5 How often 6 What 7 How many 8 How much 70 Word list Answer key 71 2 1 What do you most enjoy about your job? 2 Is there anything you dislike about your job? / Is there anything about your job you dislike? 3 How often do you have to discipline workers? 4 How many people are there in your store? 5 How did you get into this line of work? 6 What do you think you will be doing in ten years' time? 3 1 How long have you worked for this company? 2 When did you leave school? 3 How much do you earn in your present job? 4 If we give you the job, when can you start? 5 What did you study at university? 6 How long are you expecting / do you expect to stay with us? 7 Do you need to speak English in your present job? 8 What do you find most challenging in your job? Unit 3 Grammar 1 1 of 2 at/from 3 about 4 in/with 5 to 6 of 7 in 8 in 9 in 10 in/during/for 11 for/in/at i2 on/about 13 for/as 14 in 15 in 16 in 2 1 ... when you will be holding interviews? 2 ... how long the annual holidays are. 3 ... the working conditions / what the working conditions are. 4 ... when I should apply. 5 ... if/whether there is a graduate trainee programme. 6 ... if/whether you offer internships for undergraduates? Reading 1 for 2/3 now 5 of 6 is 7 / 9 although 10 / 13 so 14 / 15 going 17 for Vocabulary 4 qualification 8 my 11 for 12 of 16 / 18 other 19 you 20 am la 2d 3 c 4 f 5 b 6 e Unit 4 Reading 1 1 A Christa Schmidt, Marine Division. B Logistics. C Cranfield Business School. 2 B Cood afternoon. 3 A My name's Sandra Dufois. B Mark Dunhill here. C This is one of his ex-students, Salome Fuster, from Salamanca, Spain. 4 B I'm just calling to let you know we have received the consignment and that everything is in order. 5 B Speaking. 6 A My name's Sandra Dufois. B Mark Dunhill here. 7 A Can I speak to Paola Beluchi, please? Thank you. B Can 1 speak to Nigel Payne, please? Thank you for calling. C Could I speak to Professor Elgin, please? Yes, can you tell me your name, please? Hold on a moment, please. Thank you. 8 C Hold on a moment, please. 9 C Yes, can you tell me your name, please? 10 C I'll put you through, 11 A Can I take a message? 2 1 How 2 to/with 3 Speaking 4 This 5 for 6 afraid 7 through 8 all 9 this/calling 10 This 11 afraid 12 take 13 possible 15 Thank 14 course Unit 5 Vocabulary IB 2A 3 C 4A 5D 6D 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 C 14 B 15 D Grammar 1 1 - 2 - 3 a 4 - 5 an 6 -7 - 8 - 9 a 10 - 11 - 12 a 13 a 2 1 to express 2 to be 3 increasing 4 to spend 5 to raise 6 losing 7 doing 8 following 9 contacting 10 to find 11 doing 12 thinking 13 developing 14 innovating 15 to meet 16 to discuss 17 to see 18 hearing Unit 6 Vocabulary 1 I found 2 entrepreneurial 3 skilful (UK) / skillful (US) 4 commuter 5 launch/launching 6 establishment 7 established 8 option 9 optional 10 reliance 11 reliable 21B 2A 3B 4C 5A 6C 7 C 8 B 9 C it) A 11 A 12 B Grammar lid 2 c 3 b 4 e 5 a 2 1 so 2 It 3 order 4 so 5 to 6 because/as/since Unit 7 Vocabulary 1 Possible combinations: food exhibition, food markets, food stand, customer base, event organisers, exhibition centre, exhibition material, exhibition organisers, exhibition space, exhibition stand, floor space, publicity material, publicity stand 2 1 event/exhibition organisers 2 exhibition centre 3 exhibition stand 4 export markets 5 floor space 6 customer base 7 publicity material 8 Food Exhibition Writing 1 1 We 2 in 3 of 4 who/which/that 5 our 6 if/whether 7 will/shall 8 Can/Could 9 that/which 10 forward 2 Suggested answer Dear Mr Cunliffe, We would certainly be interested in discussing the possibility of acting as your agents. The managing director, Patricia Maguire, would be happy to meet you while you are here in New Zealand. Can we suggest that you visit our offices on 7 March at 10 a.m., if that is convenient? Yours sincerely, Reading 1 being 2 my 3 a 4 then 5 is (2"