evise an ec GRAMMAR ((5kcle)a,b, ore. 1 I emailed _ _the photos. a her b she c hers 2 What are_surnames? a them b theirs c their 3 He made_. a for me coffee b coffee for me c coffee to me 4 My sister_. a lent them to us b them lent to we c lent to we them 5 The red shoes are nice, but 1 prefer those_. a blue one b blues ones c blue ones 6 He's_man I've ever met. a the bossiest b the most bossy c the more bossy 7 She's__in her new job than she was before. a much more happy b more happier c much happier 8 The film was_than the book. a a bit better b bit better c a bit more better 9 _a word he says. a I'm not believing b I don't believe c I'm not believe 10 You look worried - what_about? a are you thinking b you are thinking c do you think 11 Where_onholiday this summer? a do you go b are you going c you go 12 _our grandparents next weekend. a We're visiting b We're visit c We visit 13 I love looking at other_fam ily photos. a people's b peoples' c people' 14 What's the_where you were born? a village's name b village name c name of the village 15 We grow all_. a the own vegetables b our own vegetables c ours own vegetables VOCABULARY a Complete the sentences with an adjective made from the bold word. 1 My grandmother is extremely_. glamour 2 Teenagers can be very_. mood 3 Don't be so_! child 4 She's very__. She won't do anything stupid, sense 5 He's always been_-he loves painting, create 6 Their car's not really_for a family of four, suit 7 Our hotel room was_. luxury 8 Work is very_at the moment, stress 9 It's a bit_to carry so much money risk 10 Her Russian is very_. impress b Complete the words. 1 There are lots of mosquitoes - where's the i_r__? 2 We're going on a s_in Kenya -1 hope we see elephants! 3 It's a p_holiday, so everything's included. 4 He stayed in the sun for too long and he got s_. 5 It always takes me ages to p_my bags. 6 I need a new m_c_. The one in my camera is full. 7 Free g_tours of the museum leave every hour. 8 I can't go swimming. I don't have my s_. c Where can you buy these things? Write the name of the shop. 1 meat _ 5 aspirins _ 2 a newspaper _ 6 a house _ 3 bread _ 7 fish _, 4 flowers _ PRONUNCIATION a (Circle)the word with a different sound. toothpaste safari expensive baker's sunbathe butcher's brush fishmonger raincoat comb memory overall possessive clothes bizarre sights delicious envious chemist's healthy b Underline the stressed syllable. 1 im pul sive 3 pro fi ta ble 5 news a gent's 2 sight see ing 4 am bi tious 22 r CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article once. Do you agree that the kind of holiday you enjoy depends on your personality? 'Choosing the right holiday is more than just picking a place or experience that sounds fun or interesting,' says Arthur Hoffman of Expedia Asia Pacific. 'Travellers should think carefully about what they and their travel companions are like, and then research travel destinations,' he says. 'This will help ensure the right holiday for the right person and their personality.' So here's some advice on what different personality types should look for when picking their next holiday. Extrovert / introvert Extroverts enjoy holiday experiences that provide high levels of excitement, novelty, risk-taking, and social interaction.1_, restaurants, and crowded cafes rather than art galleries and temples or churches. They love action-packed holidays that never stop. Introverts are the opposite: they like activities that promote reflection and intellectual or spiritual experiences. Nervous / relaxed Nervous individuals tend to prefer destinations, cultural activities, and food types that remind them of home or of past travel experiences. When travelling overseas, they often choose restaurants that serve food similar to their country of origin. Unusual experiences tend to worry them.2__, they can find resorts or holiday experiences with high levels of socialising and activities stressful. Relaxed people are just the opposite. They are OK with trips involving unknowns, and take new challenges in their stride. Open / closed Open people will rarely go back to the same destination unless they have fallen in love with the place and want to explore it further. They enjoy big cities that offer lots of variety, such as Mumbai, London, Paris, New York, or Sydney. Closed people visit places they have fond memories of, such as their hometowns.3_. Conservative / eccentric Conservative types will often take holidays that others will be impressed by within their immediate social circles.4__and showing them their latest holiday photos. Eccentrics take holidays that might not win them much social approval, such as bird-watching in Siberia! Careful / spontaneous Careful people like to plan well in advance - way before a holiday even begins. They want to know the exact where, when, and why of their holiday, and often have a long list of must-sees. 5 _ and will spend a lot of time researching on the internet and reading travel guides. They often record their holidays through photos, videos, travel diaries, or blogs. Spontaneous people don't make plans and will go along with the flow. b Read the article again and complete it with phrases A—F. There is one sentence you do not need. A They tend to have strict time and money budgets B They often go back to the same holiday destination again and again C They tend to prefer busy, lively places D They love telling others where they have been E They often go on holiday with large groups of friends F Although they prefer not to travel alone m CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE VIDEO ____ — PEOPLE? 1 47))) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions. Diarmuid Edisha James Sean Elayne 1 Diarmuid's mother chose his name to help him to remember_. a a person b a city c a country 2 Edisha's names were chosen by__. a her father b her mother c her aunts 3 Two colours James says he likes, or used to like are_ a red and green b green and blue c red and blue 4 What Sean remembers about the holiday is_. a watching the rain b playing in the rain c arguing in the rain 5 Elayne prefers to shop online because_. a it's more convenient for her b she doesn't like all the people in the malls c she likes the choice you have online CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/) the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 Q agree or disagree with this statement, and say why: Our names can affect how successful we are in life. 2 Q talk about whatmakes a successful brand name 3 '_I compare how different nationalities behave on holiday 4 | | ask and answer these questions: • What do you usually take on holiday? Have you ever forgotten anything important? • What shops are there where you live? How are they changing? Where do you usually do your shopping? ^4 Short films A farmers' market video watch and enjoy a film on iTutor.