I call everyone 'Darling' because I can't remember their names. Zss Zsa Gabor, American actress 'AIM HMHNH 1 READING & VOCABULARY a Read the text once. What are the three main reasons the article gives for why people want to change their names? b Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 More people change their names today than in the past. _7L 2 Elton John changed his name because it wasn't very masculine. _ 3 Elle Macpherson changed her name because it wasn't very fashionable. _ 4 Some ordinary people change their names to the name of a celebrity. _ 5 The name 'Amy Winehouse' is more popular than the name 'Wayne Rooney'. _ 6 Shaun McCormack is happy with his new name._ 7 Not everybody changes their name in search of fame. _ 8 Wafah Dufour changed her name because she separated from her husband. _ 9 A deed poll is an official document that says you have changed your name. _ 10 British people have to pay a lot of money to change their names. _ DON'T LIKE YOUR NAME? THEN CHANGE IT! These days, more and more people are changing their names. Last year in the UK, around 58,000 people decided that they wanted a different one. So why do people make this choice, and how easy is it to do so? Celebrities change their names because they need to create a new image for themselves. In the past, male actors needed to have a masculine name, which is why Marion Robert Morrison chose to call himself John Wayne. Singers look for a name that their fans will remember, which explains why Reginald Kenneth Dwight decided to become Elton John. In the world of fashion, Eleanor Nancy Gow did not become successful until she changed her name to something more stylish: Elle Macpherson. However, it is not only the famous who seek to change their name. Today, ordinary people do it too, and some of them do it forfun . They often find inspiration in their favourite singers or sporting heroes. In the past few years, 30 men have changed their names to Michael Jackson, 15 more to Wayne Rooney, and five women have become Amy Winehouse. But you have to feel sorry for Liverpool fan Shaun McCormack who changed his name to Fernando Torres six months before the Spanish footballer moved to a different club. Other people have more serious reasons for changing their names. In many cases, they want to have more privacy, so they choose a name that will not stand out;. John Smith is the most popular of these names, and recently, over 300 people have chosen it. Women who separate from their husbands often want to change their children's surnames to their own. Others want to escape the past or unwanted connection. After the events of 11 September 2001, US-born model Wafah Dufour took her mother's maiden name; because she did not want to be associated with her uncle. His name was Osama bin Laden. So how do you go/:abqut; changing your name? In the UK, it is easy because no one is legally obliged to use the name on their birth certificate. However, if you want to change your name on your bank account or on official documents, you need [proof. The proof can be a letter from a responsible person, such as a doctor, a public announcement in a local newspaper, or an official document called a deed poll. Deed polls are available free of charge on the internet, although some people prefer to pay a solicitor'to help them with the papers. The fixation with changing one's name shows no sign of slowing down, and there will probably be more Wayne Rooneys by this time next year. But whichever celebrity is popular at the time, their name will never be a match for the latest group of John Smiths. c Match the highlighted words and expressions in the text to the definitions below: 1 change the general impression of yourself that you give to other people create a new image 2 start trying to do something _ 3 information that shows that something is true 4 try to do something _ 5 be easily seen or noticed _ 6 a lawyer who prepares legal documents 7 not seriously 8 the official document that states the date and place where you were born _ 9 feel sadness or pity for someone _ 10 a woman's family name before she gets married 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Write the names in the chart. Adele Alex Bill Chris Emily Eve James Joe Kate Leo Mike Paula Ryan Sam Sean Sophie 1 2 met 3 ^ 4 ... / ' ^ \ * i ll Adele 51 6 §m 7 \ 8 _^ b cjjcfjMJIif Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the names. 3 GRAMMAR pronouns a Right (/) or wrong (A)? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. 1 My wife and 1 are having ababy girl. We're going to call her Eloise. 0 2 I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend. Her name's Tom. W\ His name's Tom. 3 Do you know where my keys are? 1 can't find their. O 4 I'm staying at my sister's house when I'm in the UK. I always stay with her. O 5 We aren't going to Emma and Ian's wedding. They haven't invited ours. O 6 Can I borrow your book, please? I can't find the mine:. O 7 We go everywhere by public transport. The bus stops ■right outside our house. O 8 I've got two nieces. Her names arc Sarah and Laura. Q 9 My car hasn't got any petrol. Let's take your. O 10 It's my dad's birthday tomorrow. I mustn't forget to call hirn. O b Order the words to make sentences. l!!i!H!l!!Hli-Ui4f^^^ -r — — I w w liiHillllyiir^riii^ 4 ««^ I mi * 1 has / present / bought / His / him / a / girlfriend / surprise His girlfriend has bought him a surprise present. 2 parents / us / names / gave / very / My / unusual 3 friend / tonight / me / is / A / dinner / cooking / for 4 is / weekend / the / going / us / apartment / Our / to / neighbour / lend / his / for 5 is / dress / making / Becky's / a / her / party / mum / for 6 to / sell / car / to / I'm / my / neighbour / old / going / a 7 lot / writes / letters / of / friends / My / a / to / dad / old / his 8 box / gave / a / of / the / chocolates / We / hosts Complete the dialogues. Change the word order in the answer and use pronouns for the direct and indirect objects. 1 A Who cooks your grandfather his lunch? B My aunt cooks it for him. 2 A Who sent Sophie those flowers? B Her husband__. 3 A Who is reading the children the story? B Their grandmother_. 4 A Who lent your brother the money? B My parents_. 5 A Who found you your flat? B A colleague_. 6 A Who brought you and your brothers and sisters those presents? B Our grandparents____. 7 A Who is going to buy your girlfriend a car? B Her father_. 8 A Who showed you the email? B My best friend_. 4 LISTENING a Match the logos with the company's description. GIZMODO manufacturer of construction vehicles social networking site design and technology blog $jit Listen to a radio programme where a guest is giving advice on how to name a company. Answer the questions with the company names in a. Which company's name? 1 is the right length _ 2 is a word you can't find in the dictionary _ 3 has a story behind it_____ Listen again and complete the sentences. Use one word in each space. 1 Good company names often have_syllables. 2 To choose a name, you first have to_ideas. 3 Then you should wait for at least a_. 4 The best names are the names you_. 5 Another idea is to_______a new word. 6 You can also change the _ dictionary. 7 A caterpillar is a small_ _ of a word in the 8 Somebody thought that the new tractor______ like a caterpillar. 9 The name 'Caterpillar' shows that you can find_ anywhere. Listen again with the audio script onp.69 and try to guess the meaning of any words you don't know. Then check in your dictionary. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. full name /'fol neim/ nickname /'nikneim/ be named after /bi 'neimd ,oift3/ initials /Vnijlz/ brand name /'braend neim/ common /'kvman/ old-fashioned /,oild 'fajjbnd/ celebrity /sa'lebrati/ Mill lM.ll'1 II 1 farincranrp 'm»-l iiKf ■II ■ ■ Man needs colour to live. It's just as necessary an element as fire or water. Fernand Leger, French painter, sculptor, and film maker ■mm 1 VOCABULARY adjective suffixes a Make adjectives from the nouns and verbs in the list, and complete the sentences. ambition boss cheer create glamour possess power rely self social 1 Jack is extremely ambitious . He'd like to be the company director. 2 My colleague is really_. She's always telling me what to do. 3 Dave's girlfriend is very_. She doesn't let him talk to other girls. 4 My sister is always_ the time. 5 Jane's husband is really. thinks of himself. 6 My best friend is very _ when 1 need her. 7 Mike is re ally_ people. She looks happy all __. He only ever _. She's always there . He enjoys being with other _. She looks like 8 My brother's wife is very_ an actress! 9 He's a very_businessman. He has a lot of influence over other people. 10 Anna is really_. She's made some wonderful sculptures. b Complete the text with the adjective form of the words in brackets. In some cases, you may need to add a negative prefix (an-) as well as a suffix to the word. In the past, very few people ate at the restaurant on the corner of my road because it was dark and 1 dirty (dirt) inside. It was also very2 (noise) because the owner liked loud music. In the end, it closed down because it was3_ (profit). Last year, the restaurant changed hands and now it is 4_(recognize). The new owner has painted the walls yellow, so it looks cleaner and much more 5_(space). He has bought new tables and chairs, which are more 6__ 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stress on the words. Then write them in the correct column in the table. active ad|dic|tive aglgreslsive de|sir|able enlviious in|ex|pen|sive ir|re|spon|sible re|bel|li|ous senslible styllish un|at|trac|tive un|suc|cess|ful Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable Stress on third syllable active b i}fl§tiR!|§}» Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the adjectives. 3 GRAMMAR adjectives a Right {/) or wrong (X)? Correct the incorrect phrases. 1 Blue eyes are less common than brown eyes. 0 2 I like thehatpurple best. the purple hat best [xl 3 Your glasses are more stylish that mine;. O 4 She bouglu two diffcrcnts jackets in the sale. O 5 Silver isn't as expensive than: gold. O 6 My best friend is the more reliable person I know. 7 Your hair is more dark than.mine. EH 8 My aunt wears clothes very colourful. O 9 These are the most comfortable jeans I've ever bought. O 10 Yellowis poptilarer than red this season. □ (comfort) than the old ones, and he has also changed the menu. The old menu was full of7_ (health) fast food like burgers and chips, but now they serve8__(impress) three-course meals. We often go there for Sunday lunch, because the food is quite9__(afford). jjjSjj b Complete the dialogue with one or ones where neccessary. 1 A Which is your coat? B The red one 2 A Which biscuits shall I get? B The chocolate_. They are my favourite. 3 A Shall I use brown or white bread for the sandwiches? B Brown___. There isn't any white left. 4 A Where's your car? B Over there. It's the green_. 5 A Do you prefer Chinese or Indian food? B Indian______. I love really spicy food. 6 A Which earrings do you like best? B The gold_. They look great. c Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. 1 Michelle is the quietest person in our office, (quiet) 2 I was_than my husband by our daughter's new haircut, (shocked) 3 My friend's new boyfriend is the _ I know, (stupid) 4 The person who is_ . person . about the birth is the baby's grandmother, (thrilled) 5 My sister is______than me. (clever) 6 I'm____________in class this year than I was last year, (bored) 7 I've never been_ . than when I bought my first flat, (stressed) d Complete the sentences with much or a bit + the comparative form of an adjective from the list. assertive good polite short spacious 1 His girlfriend is much more assertive than he is. She really says what she thinks. 2 I'm_than my brother. He's 1.82m and I'm 1.80m. 3 My children are _ .than my sister's. Hers never even say 'please' or 'thank you'. 4 I'm feeling_than yesterday, but I don't think I'll be able to go back to work till next week at the earliest. 5 My new flat is___than the old one. It's 80m2, and the old one was 70m2. 4 READING a Read the text and complete it with the missing headings. A WHAT RESULTS CAN YOU EXPECT? B WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM IT? c 98 THERE ANY EVSDENCE THAT IT WORKS? E WHERE mm IT QRIQINATt? b Read the text again and choose a, b, or c. 1 Experts think that colour therapy... a is good for patients' minds and bodies. b helps people who are under a lot of pressure. c should only be done in one way. 2 According to Ingrid Collins, colour therapy can make people feel... a hungrier, b less moody, c more active. 3 Dr Max Luscher used colour therapy to treat his patients'... a medical problems. b psychological problems. c family problems. 4 June McLeod thinks that colour therapy... a should only be used by certain people, b can be used by people of all ages. c shouldn't be used by very ill people, 5 In general, colour therapy makes people feel... a more assertive. b less aggressive, c more ambitious. c Match the highlighted: words in the text to the definitions below. 1 small electric lamps that you hold in your hand torches 2 showed__ 3 working at the same time or speed _ 4 a meeting with somebody to get advice__ 5 sad, depressed____ 6 helps something to develop _ 7 ill people _ 8 something that is done to make somebody look good or feel better _ 9 the smallest units of living matter that can exist on their own _ 10 long rolls of a kind of paper with writing on them OUR HE Colour therapists believe that the seven colours of the rainbow relate to the body's seven main energy centres. So, if you're feeling blue, a multi-coloured treatment could be just what you need. 1 D According to the experts, the different colours in the spectrum affect the body's inner vibrations. If your vibrations are not synchronized, colour therapy can help to restore the balance. This will improve your mood and your physical health. There are different types of colour therapy. Many therapists shine coloured lights on the body, and some give their patients coloured silks to wear. Others use different coloured liquids in bottles, or small torches to shine coloured light at the relevant pressure points on the body. Several studies have been done on the effects of colour. In 1958, an American scientist called Robert Gerard did some research which showed that the colour red can make us feel anxious, while the colour blue promotes calm. The results also revealed that colour can affect appetite, blood pressure, and aggression. Consultant psychologist Ingrid Collins believes that colour therapy can affect our energy levels. The atoms in all the cells of the human body consist of particles of energy that are always moving. When colour is applied to the body, the cells receive more energy. Papyr.Js scrolls dating back to 1550BC suggest that the ancient Egyptians used colour to treat the sick. Colour therapy also appears in Ancient Chinese texts. The treatment became more common during the 20th century, when Swiss psychologist Dr Max Luscher developed the Luscher-Colour-Diagnostic test. During the test, a person is asked to rank eight colours in order of preference. The results are said to show your worries and their solutions. According to therapist June McLeod, colour therapy is suitable for everyone, from the young to the old. She suggests that it can help people suffering from all sorts of problems, including stress, insomnia, and even serious illnesses. After a session of colour therapy, people usually feel more positive and more in control of their lives. In addition to your strengths, it may also show you your weaknesses, so that you can do something about them. According to the experts, when people leave a consjllatfcn, they have a feeling of freshness and a sense of power that they have never experienced before. 5 LISTENING a CilJllitsJtfH? Listen to an interior designer giving advice on which colours to paint each of the rooms of a house. Which colours doesn't he mention? beige black blue brown cream green grey orange pink purple red yellow b Listen again and complete the notes. DINING ROOM Use browns, reds, and oranges-they stimulate the 1 appetite Avoid 2_- it stops people feeling hungry. KITCHEN Use colours that match the3_---■ Mix strong colours with 4__ colours. Avoid 5__and green. LIVING ROOM Consider the size and the6-• Use warm colours to make the room look7--- UseB___to make the room more formal. BEDROOM Use9_ relaxing atmosphere. Avoid red and 10_ and stimulating. BATHROOM Use light blue and n_ effect. Avoid 12____ seem smaller. _, green, or pink for a _-too intense _for a spa -they make the room c Listen again with the tapescript on p.69 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don't know. Then check in your dictionary. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. reveal /n'vhl/ bizarre /bi'za:/ analysis /a'naelasis/ a wide range exchange /iks'tjemds/ h 'waid remd3/ rarely /'resli/ pleasant /'pleznt/ dye your hair subtle /'sAtl/ /dai pi 'hea/ shade (of a colour) /Jeid/ ^^J^.£:>r....._______________ 1 REPORTING LOST LUGGAGE Complete the dialogue between a passenger (P) and an attendant (A). 1 P* HellOifm afraid my luggage hasn't1 arrived yet, ;i-^«-J^ght;.Where-have'-you.corne from? : .: P> From-Madrid. The-2f________ number is EZY3065. AiHow m a ny bags a re miss i ng? R :> J one - a rucksack. h A Can you describe it for me? What size is it? K'R,-/:Qft;.;it's-a bright blue 4 m___„________ s_rucksack. eA: And what was in it? k P;-Clothes, toiletries, all my personal 5b_. ■ A-;■ Can I have your lic .- number in the UK? WZdfe&iriy number is 001 303 298 836. 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. Allow me isn't it let me miss you That's awful your day sl: A- There was an accident on the road this morning so I ' was sitting in a queue for two hours. B... Oh no! That's awful . A Then 1 ran out of petrol just four miles before the service station. B It's not__,isit? :2?-A I'll put my bag in the boot. B No, no,_ take that. : i>w A sl'm afraid its rather heavy. : v B You've carried it all the way here._. 3 A Tcan't believeyou're so far away. B Yes, I know. It's strange, ? vA-V'-l really .......____.: .- : B™ | Non-European nationals If you come to the UK as a visitor, you are normally allowed to stay here for a maximum of six months. If you want to j stay here for longer than six months, check in the Visas I section to see if you qualify for another type of visa. Tourism and visiting friends If you want to visit the UK as a tourist or to stay with ! friends in the UK, you should apply to come here as a i general visitor. There are restrictions on what you can I do in the UK in this category. For example, you cannot I get married. I Visiting to study If you want to study in the UK for up to six months (or up to 11 months if you will be studying an English language course), and you will not work while you j are here, you can come here as a student visitor, j j For further information on visas, go to our Visiting the i UK page. 1______________________________________________................... b Look at the highlighted words and expressions. What do you think they mean? Check your ideas in your dictionary.