Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you feel like doing at the moment. Enjoy not having a watch. Evelyn Glennie, British musician 1 VOCABULARY holidays a Complete the sentences. 1 I'll have to wear a T-shirt in bed because I've forgotten my pyjamas . 2 There are a lot of mosquitoes in our apartment. Let's buy some i_r_____________. 3 I can't plug in my charger. I didn't bring an a___. 4 1 need to transfer some photos to my computer. The m_c_is full. 5 Please shave before we go out. Did you remember your r_ 6 Put on some s_ . before we go to the beach. You don't want to burn. 7 Do you prefer to wear a bikini or a sw_ the beach? 8 My hair is a mess. Can I borrow a b_ 9 1 think you should put on some other shoes. Fl___-fl_are fine for the pool, but not for hiking. 10 If you need to borrow some toothpaste, there's some in my w_b_____. b Complete the sentences with the correct form of verb + - ing or on + noun. Use the words below. a boat trip camp a cruise hike package holidays a safari sail sightsee surf a tour 1 They went on a boat trip along the Seine while they were in Paris. 2 I need to buy some strong boots. I'm going _at the weekend. 3 My parents have got a boat, so they go _every summer. 4 Have you ever been_________around the Mediterranean? 5 He kept on falling off the board when he went ......_______________yesterday. 6 I hate going_. I don't like tents. 7 Did you go_of the Coliseum when you were in Rome? 8 We bought a guidebook so that we could go _on our own. 9 One day, I'd like to go__ to see lions in the wild. 10 I don't like going. . I'd love is much too organized. Everything c Complete the postcard with the past simple form of a suitable verb. T>ear Debbie sorry (haven't called, when, i1 my fcng i realized that I'd forgotten my phone c-hflrger! we're having a great time here In Greece, we spent the. first three stays In Athens, where we Z£----atl the sights. The best day was, when, we 0,1---the hill to see the Aerofoils., it was amazing! While we were In the capital, we went to a spa and I 4h___ a massage. I loved It! Now we're here Insantorlnl, and it's. beautiful, On our first day, we 5d____a diving course, which was exhausting, in the evening, we were so tired that we just sat in a cafe" and 6 w__the sunset. yesterday, we 7s_0IAthe beach all day and we 9----very su^burw,t. My back really hurts! ■See you when we get back on Friday, Love Anna § Tho\M,as 2 PRONUNCIATION /s/and/z/ a (Circle) the word with a different sound. 1 ^ 4 5 g^' flip-flops clothes cruise razors books Cshoeg) pyjamas massage phones bottles socks shorts passport liquids laptops sights towels sunset belts jackets b ^IjPfl^ifs! Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR present tenses a (Cij^de)the correct form. 1 Be quiet! I try j(^mTrym^to read. 2 Ben uses j is using sunscreen all year round, not just in the summer. 3 His wife always packs j packs always his suitcase for him. 4 Pay attention! You don't listen j aren't listening to me. 5 Elizabeth doesn't usually wear j don't usually wear make-up on the beach. 6 My boyfriend never is j is never in a hurry. 7 Sam and Richard go j are going hiking every weekend. 8 Who your girlfriend is talking to j is your girlfriend talking to? 9 My brother speaks j is speaking good French because he has lived in France. 10 You go j Do you go to the same place on holiday every year? b Complete the dialogue with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. A What1 are you doing next weekend? fdo) B 12___to a concert, (go) A Where? B In Glasgow. A That's a long way to go for a concert! How 3____you_there? (get) . on Friday morning, (fly) My flight B 14___ 5_....._at 14.25. (leave) A What time6___the plane___ in Glasgow? (arrive) B We7_at 15.15 and then my sister 8_. (land / pick me up) A When is the concert? B On Friday evening. It9______at 8.30. (start) We 10_ we 11 . some friends at 7 o'clock because . to be late, (meet / not want) A Well, I hope you have a great time. B Thanks. 112_really_ . to it! (look forward) c Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of a verb from the list. not agree belong depend have not matter recognize not see taste think not want 1 We might go camping, but it depends on the weather. 2 I__that man. I've seen him before. 3 Josh isn't sure about the summer. He_ about doing voluntary work. 4 Whose bag is this?___to you? 5 1___to buy anything. I'm just looking. 6 Can you call back later? We___dinner. 7 That isn't right. I____with you at all. 8 I_why we have to get up early. We're on holiday! 9 This soup_ eat it. _horrible. I'm not going to 10 She needs a holiday. It___where. 4 READING a Read the text quickly and answer the questions. 1 What was Paul Smith's destination? 2 Did he manage to get there? b Read the text again and choose the correct answers. 1 Paul Smith is known as 'The Twitchhiker' because... a he tweeted about his hitchhiking adventures when he got back. b he has accepted help from Twitter users to travel, c he always tweets when he goes hikng in the country. 2 Paul thought up his plan while... a he was walking around the supermarket, b he was paying for his shopping, c he was driving home to his wife. 3 Thousands of Twitter users knew about Paul's plan because... a he sent a message to everyone he knew. b he gave an interview to a national newspaper. c he had the support of a famous person. 4 Paul completed the first part of his journey... a by sea. b by rail, c byroad. 5 After Paul had been travelling for a week, he was... a in Europe. b in the USA. c in New Zealand. 6 When he reached the end of his trip, Paul felt... a disappointed that he couldn't get to Campbell Island, b worried about how he was going to get home, c grateful to the people who had helped him. c Look at the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning. Then check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. i LISTENING mHBBm 1 1 § I'l io® ■■■HrlrTEnf C"i i I'l.U Listen to five speakers talking about their experiences at airport security. Match Speakers 1-5 with photos A—E. No matter what you think of Twitter, you have to admit that connecting over 200 million people worldwide is a pretty big achievement One of the site's greatest fans is ex-radio DJ Paul Smith, also known as The Twitchhiker'. Thanks to Twitter, Paul succeeded in going on a 30-day freejou _,. 3k him half-way around the world. He didn't actually hitchhike as such, but he did rely on the kindness of other people to get him there. The idea came to him in his local supermarket in Gateshead, northern England. The crowded store and inconsiderate customers made him wish he was in another country. By the time he reached the checkout, he had made a plan. He would use Twitter to help him travel to the point in the world that was furthest from his own home: a remote place called Campbell Island to the south of New Zealand. But first he had to convince Jane, his wife of only four days, to let him go. Oncejane agreed (as he knew she would) Paul announced his plan online, Twitter users sent messages to British actor and journalist Stephen Fry, an enthusiastic supporter of the site, to tell him about Paul's journey. He in turn asked his tens of thousands of followers to help Paul on his travels, Five days later, Paul was ready to go He tweeted his first message and waited for a response, It came from a local Twitter user called Leanne, who offered him an overnight ferry trip to Amsterdam. He was off! After Amsterdam, two Parisian Twitter users paid for Paul to travel by rail to Paris, While he was there, a middle-aged German businesswoman sent him a high-speed train ticket from Paris to Saarbrücken and then drove him to Frankfurt. Shortly after that, a company director bought Paul a one-way flight from Frankfurt to New York. Within five days of leaving home, Paul had crossed the Atlantic! From New York, he was offered various lifts and bus rides - and even a flight on one occasion -until he reached Los Angeles, There, he received a message from a New Zealand airline offering to fly him to the capital. During his final week, he travelled the length of the country by plane, ferry, car, and camper van, before arriving at Stewart Island, just off the south coast, All he had to do now was to find the captain of a boat that would take him on the final leg1 of his journey-a six-day trip to Campbell Island, 900 km to the south. But this was where Paul's luck ran out, Or did it? Paul never actually made it to Campbell Island, because he didn't get a ride, But he did receive another message from the airline offering to fly him home, Paul was delighted to have travelled so far, and decided that it was time to go home. When he got home, 30 hours later, Jane was waiting for him with an enormous smile and a big hug Although Paul didn't actually reach his destination, he succeeded in travelling over 18,325 km around the world absolutely free. Eighteen months on, he is still in touch with the people who helped him on his journey; and through him, they have become friends with one another, Which just goes to show the power of Twitter. J- * ■ V- b Listen again and match the speakers to the sentences. | | A I was very annoyed because I was going to have it for dinner. | | B As you can imagine, he wasn't at all amused. | | C It's a good job I found it and not the security scanner! | | D I was lucky to have found such a kind man. | | E Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without her! c Listen again with the audio script onp.69 and try to guess the meaning of any words you don't know. Then check in your dictionary. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases, item /'a i tarn/ security screener /si'kjuoroti 'skrima/ undisputed /Andi'spjuitid/ keen on /'kiin ,nn/ upmarket (restaurants) /Ap'maikit/ eager /'iiga/' soak up /.souk'Ap/ hotelier /hau'telis/ frugal /'fruigl/ at the bottom /