PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Aim of the course: The aim of the course People with Disabilities is to introduce the foreign student to the system of care for people with disabilities in the Czech Republic, in the context of inclusive societal trends and a humane approach of the society. The student will get information about disability as a phenomenon of specific needs, competences, but also limits, including the terminology currently used on the basis of current legislative documents both domestic and foreign. The student will get a practical introduction to social services and visit two facilities where he/she can observe social inclusion and rehabilitation. Course content: 1. Theoretical part - Person with disabilities, their specifics, characteristics, needs - Types of disability - mental, physical, sensory and severe. - Context of age - children, adults and seniors - changing perspectives due to age. - Family of person with disability (parental resilience), disadvantages, challenges, risks. - Inclusion - social and pedagogical, definitions and key issues in today's society. - Ethical issues, attitudes and approaches (principles of a gentle teaching approach). - Programmes, services and benefits for people with disabilities - practical part (this part could be about volunteering). 2. Practical part - Excursions to social facilities (min. 2) - observation of social rehabilitation, inclusion, therapy. (Flexible due to the possibilities of the pupil and teacher). 3. Assessment and evaluation - Discussion, feedback, evaluation. Learning outcomes achieved: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: - Define the term "disability"; - Define the basic characteristics related to people with disabilities and their life in contemporary society; - Discuss the risks and opportunities of social inclusion; - Define different types of disabilities with different needs of individuals; - Work with documents of a legislative in comparison of both countries (Act on Social Services and Care in the Czech Republic No. 108/2006 Coll., as amended, Standards of Quality of Social Services) - Compare social care and facilities for people with disabilities in the Czech Republic and abroad. - Be able to explain the essence of social inclusion and social rehabilitation; - According to individual possibilities to attend at least two excursions to social service facilities. Organization of the course: Lessons: 1. Organization of the whole course and lessons, learning agreement - Person with disabilities, their specifics, characteristics, needs 2. - Types of disability - mental, physical, sensory and severe. - Context of age - children, adults and seniors - changing perspectives due to age. 3. - Family of person with disability (parental resilience), disadvantages, challenges, risks. - Inclusion - social and pedagogical, definitions and key issues in today's society. 4. - Ethical issues, attitudes and approaches (principles of a gentle teaching approach). 5. Practical part - excursions - Programmes, services and benefits for people with disabilities - Excursions to social facilities (min. 2) - observation of social rehabilitation, inclusion, therapy. 6. Assessment and evaluation - Discussion, feedback, evaluation. Studying literature