Odběr anamnézy anglicky mluvícího pacienta
Anglický jazyk 1
Ing. Pavla Melecká

1. Introduction
•Hello (Good morning/Good evening), I’m nurse (+last name/surname/family name)

2. Biographical data
•Mrs. Jones can you tell me your full name (first name + family name) and your address and
telephone number?

3. Religion
•What religion are you Mrs. Jones?
•Will you want to see your minister or visit the hospital chapel?

4. Work (employment) history
•What do you do?
•I’ve been at Clarks since I left school and that’s nearly 30 years.
•What job do you do at Clarks?
•Do you work full time or part time?
•How many hours do you work in a week?
•Do you work shifts?
•How long have you been doing this job?
•Do you have a stressful job? Do you work late/long hours?

5. Reasons for admission/treatment 1
•What do you think is the matter with you?
•Tell me why you have come in today.
•I have come in to get my cataract done (operated on) – na operaci šedého zákalu
•Have you been having any problems at home?
•I’ve been having dizzy turns. – měla jsem závratě

7. Medical history
•Have you ever had any serious illnesses in the past?
•Have you ever had an operation?
•Have you ever been in hospital before?
•Have you ever had any accidents or injuries?
•Is there anything else you would like to tell me?
•Are there any serious illnesses in your family?
•Are you allergic to anything? or Do you have any allergies?
• Are you taking any medicines (drugs)?

8. Physical function and effects of current illness on daily living or work
•Is there anything you need help with at home such as getting out of bed or making a cup of tea?
•How often does your neighbour come to help you?
•Are you still able to work?

9. Social history 1
•Do your family live close by?
•Who will be at home to look after you when you are discharged? •Will you be able to stay with your
family until you are able to manage back at home? •Do you live in a house, bungalow, flat, dgedsit
(garsonka) etc. ?
•How do you heat your home?

9. Social History 2
•Do you have good neighbours?
•Do you have any pets at home?
•Who is feeding your cat?
•How do you spend your free time?
•How much exercise do you take (have, do)?
•Do you play any sports?
•Do you have any hobbies?

10. Social History 3
•Do you like to watch TV or listen to music (to the radio)?
•Do you see the nurse at home?
•What do the nurse do?
•Do they come in every day?

11. Physiological functions
•To be conscious
•To breathe
•To pass stool, go to the toilet, defecate
•To pass water, to urinate
•To sleep
•To sweat

•Pacient byl při vědomí
•Dýchejete zhluboka
•Schopen močit
•Spal jste přes den?
•Potíte se?