Exercises November 23, 2020 Dental Hygienist - a person who is trained and licensed to clean teeth, take dental x-rays, and provide related dental services and care, usually under the supervision of a dentist. - provides preventive oral care under a dentist´s supervision. They clean patients´ teeth and examine their mouths for signs of damage, gingivitis (untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis), and other diseases. They teach patients how to maintain good oral health. Periodontitis also called gum disease, is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and, without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Periodontitis can cause teeth to loosen or lead to tooth loss. Mouth Vocabulary: Tooth, teeth Lip Upper lip Lower lip Tongue Palate Soft palate Hard palate Gum Tonsils Uvula Incisor Molar Premolar Canine Maxillary – attached to the upper jaw Mandibular - čelistní Body Idioms - Tongue: 1. A slip of the tongue 2. Tongue 3. To be tongue-tied 4. To have a dangerous tongue 5. To have a ready tongu 6. To have a long tongue 7. To have something on the tip of one´s tongue 8. To hold one´s tongue 9. To lose one´s tongue 10. To put out one´s tongue 11. To speak with one´s tongue in one´s cheek 12. To wag one´s tongue a) Grimace to mark displeasure, for doctor´s inspection b) To be too shy to speak c) To be silent d) To be talkative e) To speak maliciously f) To say something which is not true in order to joke with someone. g) A mistake made when speaking h) Language, e. g. one´s mother tongue: one´s native language i) To talk indiscreetly, to gossip j) To be too shy, too nervous to speak k) To speak easily, fluently l) To be about to say something and then forget it Body Idioms - Tooth, Teeth: 1. In the teeth of evidence, opposition, wind 2. Teething trouble 3. To be armed to the teeth 4. To be fed up to the back teeth with something 5. To be long in the tooth 6. To cast something in someone´s teeth 7. To cut a tooth 8. To cut one´s eye-teeth 9. To cut one´s wisdom teeth 10. To escape by the skin of one´s teeth 11. To fight tooth and nail 12. To get one´s teeth into something 13. To have a sweet tooth 14. To set one´s teeth on edge 15. To show one´s teeth 16. To take the bit between one´s teeth a) To reject the advice and control of others b) Against it c) To become aggressive d) To blame him for it e) To be fully armed with many weapons f) To cause an unpleasant feeling in the teeth, to cause disgust g) Difficulties in the first stages of something h) To enjoy eating sweet things i) A new tooth begins to show above the gum (of babies and children) j) To be old k) To be bored by, tired of l) To make an enthusiastic start on a job, etc. m) To fight with all one´s strength n) To gain worldly wisdom, maturity o) In the first stage of something p) To have a narrow escape Match each person on the right with a definition on the left: 1. An ordinary doctor a) patient 2. A specialist for pregnant women b) surgeon 3. Someone who looks after sick people in the hospital c) out-patient 4. Person who helps people with mental problems d) in-patient 5. Someone who operates on sick people e) psychiatrist 6. Person who helps at the birth of a baby f) medical student 7. A doctor specializing in rehabilitation and physical medicine g) obstetrician 8. Person who studies to be a doctor h) nurse 9. Person who specializes in one area of medical treatment i) radiology technologist 10. Person who transports patient around the hospital j) midwife 11. Person that dispenses medicine k) paramedic 12. Person that takes X-rays l) physiatrist 13. Sick person receiving a treatment m) porter 14. Sick person who has to stay in the hospital n) general practitioner 15. Sick person who has to visit hospital regularly for treatment o) pharmacist 16. Person that responds to emergencies and gives first aid p) specialist VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SKiWwepNDo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHDv4Pr1kVo