Formální dopis Ing. Pavla Melecká 1 Formal Letter •In today's Internet- and email-driven society, the need to write a formal letter arises less often than in the past. However, it is still occasionally necessary to present a formal letter to obtain information, to apply for an academic program or a job, to write a complaint letter etc. 2 Useful Tips How to Write a Formal Letter •Use the right tone –A business or formal letter should be written in a tone that is slightly more formal than your everyday language. –Avoid the following: slang or jargon; contractions such as I'm, can't, it's; and vague words such as good and nice. –Be polite and respectful, even if you are complaining. 3 Useful Tips How to Write a Formal Letter •Proofread – Proofreading is so important. Once you have written your formal letter, check the grammar and spelling carefully. – Use the spell-checker on your computer and then read the letter over yourself as the spellchecker will not catch every error. – Use a dictionary or thesaurus, if necessary. • 4 1. Heading • • •Heading consists of the name and address of the person to whom you are writing. – You should try to address the formal letter to a specific person, but if you do not know his or her name, at least try to include his or her title. •Don´t forget to write the date of the letter. •E. g. : September 27, 2020 • • • • 5 2. Salutation • • •The most usual greeting is Dear followed by the person's name. •If you don't know whether the person you are addressing is a man or a woman, you may begin with Dear Sir or Madam • 6 2. Salutation •Ms. may be used if you don't know the marital status of a woman. •If the person has a specific title such as Dr., make sure that you use it. •Here are some examples of each salutation •Dear Mr. Trunk, •Dear Ms. Root, •Dear Mrs. Branch, •Dear Dr. Acorn, • • 7 3. Body - the main part of the letter •Be concise - State the purpose of your formal letter in the first paragraph and don't veer from the subject. •Try to avoid flowery language or long words. • Keep the letter short and to the point. • 8 4. Closing •Here are some possible closings of a formal letter: • •All the best •Best regards •Best wishes •Respectfully yours •Sincerely •Thank you •Yours respectfully •Yours sincerely •Yours truly •Yours faithfully • 9 5. Signature • •Leave several lines after the closing and type your signature. • •Don´t forget to sign the letter in ink. 10 Example how to write a formal email 11