Making Great Business Presentations Checklist (2019) This checklist will help you create an effective presentation. It’ll take you through the entire presentation process, from planning and writing your presentation to delivering it. These worksheets are designed to be used along with our guide to presentations: Making Great Business Presentations. 2 How to Make a Great Presentation 1 WHY DO SO MANY BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS FAIL? Before you give a business presentation, use this quick checklist to avoid failure:  The topic is researched and the facts are up to date.  I can talk about the topic without reading it.  I’ve practiced the presentation and timed a practice session, so I know about how long it’ll take me.  I’m aware of my body language and plan to make eye contact during the presentation.  My slideshow presentation is professionally designed and makes use of visuals.  The text on my business presentation slides is legible and easy to read, even from a distance.  I’m prepared for possible technical problems during the speech.  My content is designed for my audience.  My conclusion clearly explains what listeners can do next. 2 HOW TO MAKE A GREAT (HIGHLY EFFECTIVE) BUSINESS PRESENTATION The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2019 can be a powerful tool to help you create a great business presentation. Here are some tips on how to use it: • Review the Table of Contents and use the jump links to go directly to the sections you struggle with. • Or treat the entire guide as a resource and proceed through the chapters in order. • Check off the items on this worksheet before you make your presentations to ensure that you’re ready. 3 25+ BEST BUSINESS PRESENTATION TIPS FROM THE EXPERTS (FOR GREAT RESULTS IN 2019) Learning from others who excel at giving presentations is a great way to learn. Check off the boxes below if you’ve reviewed at least one expert tip in each of the following areas:  Tips to follow before giving a presentation.  Tips to follow during a business presentation.  Tips to follow after your presentation is over. Making Great Business Presentations Checklist | 1 2 4 HOW TO PLAN (+WRITE) A POWERFUL BUSINESS PRESENTATION QUICKLY Planning and writing are key to your presentation’s success. Check off each step of the writing process as you complete it:  Define the goal or purpose.  Research (study) the topic.  List your main ideas.  Create an outline.  Plan a presentation format.  Write the introduction.  Write the conclusion (if sales presentation, include a call to action).  Create the rest of the presentation. 5 HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST BUSINESS PRESENTATION SOFTWARE (FOR 2019) Finding the right tool for your needs can make a difference in your presentation success. Answer these questions to make your decision. Do you currently have presentation software? Take our quiz below to find out what software you should use: 1. What presentation software (if any) do you use now? 2. What software requirements (if any) does your business have? 3. What hardware and operating system do you use? 4. What presentation tools do you have experience with? 5. What’s your budget for presentation software? 6. How often will you work on the presentation with a team? 7. Do you need to use special effects like animation? 8. Do you need to import audio or video files? 9. Will you be exporting your presentation to another file type? 10. Do you often forget to save your files? 11. Do you use a Mac or a PC? 12. Do you ever need to work offline? Review Chapter 5. How to Choose the Best Business Presentation Software For 2019 (+Quick Start Tips) to find out what the results of the quiz mean and to learn about the most popular presentation software tools. Making Great Business Presentations Checklist | 2 2 6 HOW TO DESIGN A KILLER BUSINESS PRESENTATION LIKE A CREATIVE PROFESSIONAL A good presentation design enhances and supports your presentation. Start your design plan by answering this question: Will I use a template? If you answered “Yes,” select ONE of the following:  I’ll use our company template.  I’ll download a professional template. (Consider professionally designed business presentation templates from Envato Elements.)  I’ll hire a designer to create a template. (See the “Should You Hire a Designer” checklist in “Chapter 6. How to Design a Killer Business Presentation Like a Creative Professional.”)  If you answered “No,” complete the design checklist below. Design Checklist  Create thumbnails or a storyboard to depict the basic layout.  Choose font types and sizes.  Choose colors that work well together.  Select additional media (optional).  Select special effects (optional).  Create unique and eye-catching slide layouts. 7 HOW TO GIVE (DELIVER) GREAT BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS WITH MAXIMUM AUDIENCE IMPACT There are two aspects to delivering a good presentation: the speaking venue and the delivery. Use the first checklist to practice your presentation delivery. Use the second checklist below to make sure your speaking venue is adequate. Use the final checklist to make sure you’re ready on the day of your presentation. Making Great Business Presentations Checklist | 3 2 Speaker Practice Checklist  My posture is good.  My body language is good.  I make eye contact.  I remember to smile.  The volume of my voice is audible.  I’m not speaking too quickly.  I’m not mumbling.  My delivery isn’t monotone.  My presentation includes a relatable story.  I’m familiar with the material.  I’m not reading word for word.  I avoid unnecessary phrases (um, like, you know, etc.).  I’ve timed the speech, and it’s neither too long nor too short. Speaking Venue Checklist  The facility is easy for audience members to find.  There are enough chairs for all the members of your expected audience.  Audience members can hear (and see) your presentation regardless of where they’re seated.  There are restrooms convenient to the main speaking area.  Get a specific list of equipment provided by the facility.  Make sure there are enough electrical outlets.  The room has a place for you to project your slideshow (either a screen or a blank wall).  The room will be heated (or cooled) to a comfortable temperature. Speaker Preparation Checklist (Day of Speech)  I’ve practiced the material (see above).  I’m well rested.  I’ve eaten recently.  My clothing is professional.  My clothing is comfortable.  I arrived at the facility early.  I tested all the equipment.  I imagine a successful outcome to my presentation. Making Great Business Presentations Checklist | 4 2 8 7 CREATIVE IDEAS THAT’LL ADD EXTRA OOMPH TO ANY BUSINESS PRESENTATION This section is for those speakers who want to add elements that’ll give their presentation extra impact. Choose one or more of the following elements:  I’ve got some swag to give away to audience members.  I’ve included an infographic in my presentation.  I plan to add human elements.  I’ll engage the audience with a Q&A session.  My slides include compelling image(s).  I’ve made use of multimedia such as videos or animation. CONCLUSION You can find more helpful tutorials about making great presentations and using top presentation tools at Envato Tuts+. Making Great Business Presentations Checklist | 5