VOCABULARY REVISION Phrasai verbs ^ How many of these phrasal verbs can you remember? phrasal verb 1 it's what you should do before you do any kind of exercise. warm 2 It's another way of saying start (a business)'- ___ 3 To charge your phone, attach it to the charger. I^HI it to the socket, and wait until it is completely charged.______ 4 I think I need to ^^■^■■■1 Diet Coke -I drink too much. 5 We often as neither of us like cooking.______ 6 My doctor told me I had to W^M dairy products because I have an allergy.______ 7 i need to H the money my father lent me.______ 8 I'll come a no you m in the car at six o'clock. We can go to the party together.______ 9 A referee can a footballer by giving him a red card.______ 10 It's another way of saying'break up with somebody.______ 11 When you get on a plane you have to ^^H^H your mobile phone. ______ 12 Although fts parents him quite strictly, Toby is a happy child.______ 13 It's another way of saying'do exercise at the gym'.______ 14 l need to go to the cash machine and ^^H^H some money before we get the train. ____ 15 l really my weekly dance class. It's fun! ____ 16 My brother and sister often HI each other. Sometimes they don't speak to each other for days! ____ 17 if you want to find a job you could ■■■ one on the internet on in the newspapers.______ 18 If you ■■■^■■■petrol, your car will stop. .___ 19 You say t0 someone if you see that they might be going to have an accident.______ 20 Can you ^^^H the music. I can't hear it._____ _ J Cover the phrasal verb column on the right. Read the sentences aloud with the correct phrasal verbs. English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013