Please turn page and complete the other side Teacher Classroom Management Strategies Questionnaire Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________ In completing this questionnaire, think about your general strategies for managing your entire classroom and not a specific child. A. Managing Classroom Behavior Veryunconfident Unconfident Somewhat unconfident Neutral Somewhatconfident Confident Veryconfident 1. How confident are you in managing current behavior problems in your classroom?        2. How confident are you in your ability to manage future behavior problems in your classroom?        3. How confident are you in your ability to promote students emotional, social and problem solving skills?        Frequency Usefulness B. Specific Teaching Techniques In this section we’d like to get your idea of how often you use the following techniques, and how useful you find each one for managing your classroom. Rarely/Never rSometimes Halfthetime Often VeryOften Rarely/Never Sometimes Halfthetime Often VeryOften 1. Coach positive social behaviors (helping, sharing, waiting)           2. Describe or comment on bad behavior           3. Reward targeted positive behaviors with incentives (e.g., stickers)           4. Praise positive behavior           5. Use Time Out (Time Away to calm down) for aggressive behavior           6. Single out a child or a group of children for misbehavior           7. Use physical restraint           8. Reprimand in a loud voice           9. In-house suspension (send to Principal’s office for misbehavior)           10.Warn or threaten to send child out of classroom if s/he doesn’t behave           11.Send child home for aggressive or destructive misbehavior           12.Call parents to report bad behavior           13.Ignore misbehavior that is non-disruptive to class           14.Use verbal redirection for child who is disengaged           15.Use problem-solving strategy (e.g., define problem, brainstorm solutions)           16.Use anger management strategy for self (e.g., deep breaths, positive self-talk)           17.Prepare children for transitions with predictable routine           18.Use group incentives           19.Use special privileges (e.g., special helper, extra computer time)           20.Set up individual incentive program (e.g., stickers, prizes)           21.Give clear positive directions           22.Warn of consequences for misbehavior (e.g., loss of privileges)           23.Use clear classroom discipline plan and hierarchy           24.Use emotion coaching           25.Use nonverbal signals to redirect child who is disengaged           26.Use persistence coaching (focusing, being patient, working hard)           27.Send home notes (or frowny faces) to report problem behavior to parent           28.Send notes/happy grams home about positive behavior           ® 29.Call child after a bad day           30.Take a student interest survey           31.Call parents to report good behavior           32.Model self-regulation strategies for students           33.Teach specific social skills in circle time           34.Use imaginary play/drama, stories and puppets to teach problem solving           35.Set up problem solving scenarios to practice prosocial solutions           36.Promote respect for cultural differences in my classroom           37.Teach children to ignore disruptive behavior           38.Teach children anger management strategies (Turtle technique, calm down thermometer)           C. Working with parents In this section we’d like to get your idea of how often you use each of the following approaches. Please mark the response that most clearly describes your interactions. Never 1timeperyear 2-3timesper year Onceamonth Onceaweek Daily 1. Promote parent involvement in classroom       2. Teach parent skills to enhance classroom learning at home (e.g, coaching, reading, use of incentives)       3. Collaborate with parents on a home-school behavior plan and share goals for student       4. Hold extra parent conferences for particular problems       5. Talk with parents about special activities to do with child at home       6. Develop teacher-parent partnerships       7. Send home Teacher-to-Parent Communication letters or newsletters       8. Ask parents to share ways to incorporate their cultural history/stories/traditions in the classroom       9. Make Home Visits       10.Hold parent support groups       D. Planning and Support In this section we’d like to get your idea of how often you use each of the following Incredible Years (IY) Strategies. Please mark the response that most clearly describes your approach. Never 1timeperyear 2-3timesper year Onceamonth Onceaweek Daily 1. Use IY self-reflective inventories to plan personal teaching goals       2. Review my progess in reaching goals for individual student behavior plans       3. Review my discipline hierarchy according to the student’s developmental ability       4. Collaborate with other teachers for solutions and support       5. Give support to other teachers       6. Read the IY classroom management book       7. Manage my stress level utilizing positive cognitive strategies       8. Encourage a positive school community (e.g., including input from teacher aides, sharing successes in the classroom with the principal)       Thank you © 2012 The Incredible Years, Inc. 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