Requirements to pass the course English 1 – part3 Summer semester 2020 CVA/ BPJA3 Mgr. Svatopluk Staniek VE 316 Studying material: Richardson, K. et al. The Business Intermediate, Student´s book. Oxford, 2013. ISBN 978-0-230-43788-3 – Unit 1-4 Karpeta, J. English for economic purposes Kaftan, M. New English in economics 1. a 2. díl, 2010, UK Praha, Nakladatelství Karolinum, ISBN 978-80246-1808-1 Evaluation 60% of the total score 100 points obtained in the tests: Ongoing test 1 20 points week 7 8-12.4.20 Written test Ongoing test 2 20 points in seminars Oral test 10 points week 9 23-26.4.20 Seminar work Credit test 50 points examination period Written test Content of the written tests: Grammar, vocabulary, language functions, reading comprehension Students must excuse their absence on the test within 5 working days. Oral test Students must record their dialogue on the following topics: Ex.1/p.20, ex.9/p.25, ex. 1/p.32, ex.1/p.48 Seminar work Students must present PowerPoint slideshow on topic given in case study pp.32-33 Attendance -60% obligatory attendance