ÒRecruitment process Ò1 Creating vacancy information Òdraft of a Job Description and Person Specification Ò Ò2 Advertising a job ÒMedia Ò Ò3 Shortlisting candidates ÒSelecting and inviting candidates for the interview Ò4 Interviewing candidates ÒAccepting or rejecting them Ò Ò5 Appointing candidate Òemail copy of the contract and starter information Ò Ò6 Candidate accepts and is employed ÒCandidate is supposed to carry 80-85% of the total conversation Ò ÒThe panel of interviewers should clear up points on the application form and encourage the candidate to talk Ò ÒInterviewers - only questions that are directly related to the job - so called "W" questions-who, what, when, where, and why ÉDirect questions - short answers and specific information ÉWhy did you apply for this position?" É ÉOpen ended questions - valuable information showing attitudes and feelings, and organizing thoughts ÉTell us about your job at XYZ company É ÉBehavioral questions – candidate is required to analyze a situation and can reveal his/her experience É Describe an experience when you... Ò ÉQuestions dealing with areas that are not job performance related Égender Éage Érace Éreligion Émarital status Émedical conditions - questions about reasons and disqualification because of disability Ò ÒTell me your three weaknesses When Warwick graduated from the college, he took an interview for a position of marketing representative at a major company. The hiring manager asked him about three weaknesses. He had 60 seconds to answer the question. ÒWarwick got nervous and answered that his first weakness is that sometimes he is too enthusiastic. The interviewer asked if enthusiasm is a weakness. The answer was that the best results are when people are enthusiastic but not too enthusiastic because colleagues and customers may not feel comfortable. ÒShow how the applicant behaves under the pressure ÒWhat kind of animal would you like to be? ÒHow do you imagine yourself in 5 years´time? ÒWhat are the characteristics of an ideal boss? ÒHow many cars can you find in Australia? ÒWhy did you leave your previous job? Ò Ò1 Dressing inappropriately – formally or casually clothes depend on the kind of job Ò Ò2 Poor Communication Skills non-verbal signals – shaking hands, making eye contact, Ò being assertive Ò Ò3 Talking too much answers should be short, to-the-point and focused on the topic Ò Ò4 No information about the company Ò Òbackground information including company history, location, divisions, and a mission - company websites Ò Ò5 Not talking enough Ònot answering a question with a word or two Òfull answers Ò6 Badmouthing Past Employers Òspeaking about a previous boss as an idiot Ò ÒThe interviewer can know the person Ò Òthe applicant could say the same about his or her company if accepted and then dismissed ÒConventional methods – newspapers, magazines, radio and TV advertising, IT – applicants form overseas –video-conferences, headhunting Ò preference – trained employees Ò do not show salaries and other benefits Òinterviewers - careful about discrimination – gender, race, colour, religion, nationality, pregnancy, disability – special laws Ò Ò Òbig effort in recruitment of blue-collar workers Òhiring friends and acquaintances – a word of mouth Òyoung hard-working adaptable employees – will be trained by the company Ònew recruits – 3-6 months – collective training to be included in organizational culture Òheadhunting – to have skilled and tallented professionals from competitors Ò Òbefore 1990 – centralized –through local offices, the system has been changing Òtoday - HR plan approved by a ministry, but companies can recruit staff Òrules similar to Western ones, but still –nepotism Òpersonal connections – guanxi Òto overcome them – examinations and tests in public sector organizations Ò Ò Òrecruitment from managers within organization Òonly about 40% -advertising ÒWebsites and internet – very popular Òinterviews – clearly structured - 1 hour Òfocus on professional interests, expertise and accomplishments Òeducation – life-long learning, especially vocational Ò Òconnections – family members, relatives and friends Òlittle relation with achievements and competencies Òword of mouth – wasta Òjob descriptions can be made after accepting a person ÒAlgeria – 80% employees are known to employers trust and loyalty ÒNo couple was allowed to have more than one child and sometimes females must have a permission of their employer to get pregnant. Many employees are not allowed to move to another region and to speak to foreigners without approval of their managers. ÒChineses officials – rules – the way to avoid social and political conflict ÒDo you agree with this argument? ÒAs a manager of a multicultural company you want to invite your work colleagues for a party to your home Ò ÒYou have a problem bacause people you want to invite are differentiated – religion, eating and drinking habits ÒIt is easy to distinguish - 3 ethnic groups. ÒGroup 1 – modest clothes, women – headscarf, lamb and chicken, no alcohol, regular prayers ÒGroup 2 – Chinese clothes, pork and alcohol ÒGroup 3 –Indians– special clothes and women wear sari, no beef, vegetarians, no alcohol. ÒAll the groups love socializing and respect each other´s customs and religions. ÒConsider the following scenarios: -Invite ech religious group separately -Invite all and provide food and drink you like -Invite all and don´t provide pork, food and alcohol Ò ÒCreate your own case study related to recruitment in various cultures. Ò ÒFind relevant information in the media. Ò ÉTo apply for a job ÒApplication ÒApplicant/candidate Ò Òhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kriVD9-9A8U