Comparison of Judaism and Islam §1,300 million 14 million 2,100 million § §J CH I § §Judaism is one of the oldest religions, dating back to the days of Abraham cca 1 800 B.C. § §Islam is one of the newest religions founded in 622 A.D. § §Muslims must follow the Koran §Jews must follow the Torah § Sets of laws §Islam's five chief obligations - PILLARS testimony of faith, prayer, giving zakat, fasting in the month of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca - are similar to Jewish COMMANDMENTS §Both sets of laws are very strict, and they believe there are consequences for those who do not keep them Faith in Islam and Judaism §"There is no true god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." § §Besides Muhammad, Muslims believe in many of the same prophets as the Jews -Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus § §To both Jews and Muslims, Jesus was simply another prophet. § §Unlike Christians, whose faith is based in Jesus Christ , both Jews and Muslims do not believe that God has a Son Prayer in Islam §Prayer is a way to speak with and learn from God §The very first mosque, the Kaaba, was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael §Bowing toward the Kaaba of Mecca - five prayers a day - dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night §Muslims believe there are no intermediaries between God and themselves – they communicate with the God themselves §Before beginning their prayers, Muslims say, "Allah Akbar" (God is greater than all else). Prayer in Judaism §The Jews pray several times a day, but their prayers are broken into three basic groups: § § morning prayers §afternoon prayers §evening prayers § §Prayer comes from Abraham, who instituted the morning prayer, Isaac, who instituted the afternoon prayer, and Jacob, who instituted the evening prayer. §Prayer is a way for Jews to get closer to God, to clean their hearts, and to bring peace to the mind. § Alms §Jews and Muslims believe that they will be rewarded for their good deeds (like giving to the needy) and punished for their bad deeds. §Muslims are required to give ZAKAT, support to the needy. Giving to the needy is a way of purifying and feeling like the poor do. § §On PURIM, every Jew is required to give alms to two poor people - the Jews are required to give to God ten percent of the income § Fasting §Fasting for both Muslims and Jews is a way of spiritually purifying oneself. § §To purify themselves, Muslims fast during the day in their month of Ramadan § §Their goal is to grow spiritually, learn self-control and know what it is like to be needy. § §Fasting for the Jews is also a way of reducing concentration on physical aspects and directing their attention to spiritual goals. §The Jews fast several different times through the course of the year - in memory of past tragic events and to beg for forgiveness. § § §Rrequirements of law and tradition drive the behavior for both religions Pilgrimage and living in Jerusalem §The Muslims' pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) could be compared to the Jews' desire to live in Jerusalem. § §All Muslims who are physically and financially able to do so must make a pilgrimage to Mecca. § §These rituals include circling the Ka'abah seven times and joining together in prayer to ask Allah's forgiveness. § §Jewish people believe that they should have their own homeland that was promised to Abraham and that Jerusalem should be its capital. § Similarities and differences §Both religions claim Abraham as their father § § the Torah - Isaac is the son of God's promise § § the Koran - states Ishmael is the son of promise § §These two great world religions have the same origins, the same central belief in monotheism - two sons or two brothes § Similarities and differences §Muslims believe there is no god but Allah, and Jews believe there is no God but Yahweh. § §Polygamy - a man could have many wives, and if a legitimate wife could not bear him children, he could take a servant as a wife § §A lot of men died in wars §Man´s brother married the widow § The concept of hell §A place of fire. In Islam, Hell is known as Jahannam. Jahannam has several levels and a person may not necessarily spend eternity there. §Judaism recognises the concept of Gehenna - those who die in sin may suffer temporary punishment, but certain sins have eternal punishment. Holy book §The Quran or Koran (Arabic: 'recitation'), revealed to the prophet Mohammed over a period of about 20 years. The Quran is the final revelation given by Allah to mankind. §The Hebrew Torah, similar to the Christian Old Testament Exercises – which religion? I – J – Ch? §mosque §synagogue §church, chapel, cathedral § § §rabbis §imams §pastors, bishops priests Exercises §Sunday §Friday §Saturday § §Shia/Sunni §Catholic/Orthodox,Catholic/Protestant §Reform/Orthodox Exercises §Jesus did not die, but ascended into heaven during crucifixion §death by crucifixion §death by crucifixion § §2nd largest §12th largest §the largest Comparisons - Christianity §Try to make characteristics of Christianity related to the following points: § §Praying §Fasting §Christian ethics §Pilgrimages §The most important holidays § §