,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTIwNjA4N jMzODYxOTMyNTU2.jpg F.Kafka – important biographical data §1883 Franz Kafka born in Prague,father - prosperous Jewish businessman, family speaks German §1901 he attends German University in Prague § §1906 successful degree in Doctorate of Law, begins one year of legal training § §1910 Starts writing a diary, publishes short pieces, trips to Berlin and Paris §1912 Writes Metamorphosis §1914 The Trial F.Kafka – important biographical data §. § §1917 Tuberculosis of the lungs diagnosed § §1921 Starts work on The Castle, pensioned off by his employers § §1923 Hebrew studies § §1924 in Berlin, his health deteriorates, moves back to Prague, instructs his editor Max Brod to burn all his writings, Brod agrees, but disobeys instruction §Kafka dies – buried in Jewish cemetery in Prague § What influenced his works? §The events of his life - § OUTSIDER born in the Jewish ghetto of Prague §Prague's Jews spoke German-the official language of the Hapsburg Empire-in a Czech city, but they were neither Germans nor Czechs §never fully accepted Judaism §dominating father – did not approve writing -rebelling against authority appears in Kafka´s works §fear of marriage – he broke engagements The Metamorphosis §is an autobiographical piece of writing § §parts of the story reflect Kafka's own life- similar characters § §Kafka felt like an insect in his father's authoritative presence attacked by him § §Kafka's mother - silently hiding behind her husband's presence The Trial § §The reader might think that the story was written after WW 2 and the Holocaust § §the main character Joseph K. parallels the history that happened in Europe during Hitler's rule § §realistic forecast of European events § § personal views of the corrupted and unjust political system in which he lived § § § Cont. §Joseph K. experiences lack of rights § §arrested without any explanation or reasons given § §K. is continually shocked to find out that the court is corrupted - it is present everywhere § §It can be seen in every aspect of society, there is no escaping it - FRUSTRATION § The Castle §A protagonist, known only as K., struggles to gain the access to the mysterious authorities of a castle that govern the village §dark and surreal §the main topics – §alienation, §bureaucracy, §endless frustrations of man's attempts to stand against the system, §hopelessness Kafka´s fame §never famous in his own lifetime § §had an audience of admirers within a small circle of German-reading intellectuals § §some works - unfinished, found among his manuscripts- with chapters out of order and titles missing § § §his long-time friend, Max Brod, ignored the request to burn the works § §Kafka never in his life had confidence in his talent Kafka´s museum in Prague ZK0bS Výsledek obrázku pro F.Kafka´s museum in Prague info Kafka today §Translated into many languages – problems – long sentences § §Influenced – Camus, Sartre §1999 a committee of 99 authors, scholars, and literary critics – The Trial and The Castle – the second and ninth §most significant German novels -20th cent. §Metamorphosis § §Kafka´s Prague § § §Kafka´s head