Islam in Europe –history. Present time. ► The early history ►the state of Andalusia (756-1492) on the Iberian Peninsula ►the Crusades (1095-1291) – Richard the Lion-Hearted ►the Ottoman Empire ► ►Many historians and sociologists - Islam was the leading cause of Europe's movement from the darkness of its Middle Ages -to the brilliance of its Renaissance ►Europe- backward in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and many other fields, Muslims possessed a lot of knowledge Richard the Lion-Hearted King Richard I The Lion Heart Výsledek obrázku pro picture Richard the Lionhearted Výsledek obrázku pro picture Richard the Lionhearted Suleyman the Magnificent Výsledek obrázku pro Suleiman Magnificent Výsledek obrázku pro Suleiman Magnificent Granada – Al-Hambra - Spain Sunset over Granada´s Alhambra Palace. Crusades ► ►Islam began to spread – the main reason for the Crusades ► ►The goal - to take Jerusalem back from the Muslims ► ►the Crusaders gained something else – encounter with the Islamic world's advanced civilization ► ►Inhabitants of Islamic world - quite advanced in the fields of medicine, astronomy, and mathematics ► ►new values rarely found in Europe at that time - pluralism, tolerance, understanding, compassion, and self-sacrifice ► Spain-Andalusia and Turkey ►Andalusia had a great cultural influence upon Europe until the late fifteenth century ► ►high level of civilization - more advanced than the rest of Europe, and that it was one of the principle factors in the development of European civilization ►Andalusia finally finished to exist in 1492 with the fall of Granada, the last Muslim kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula ► ►the Ottoman Empire - the Balkans -during the fifteenth century as a result of several victories ►Ottoman civilization remained in the Balkans for 400 years 18th-20th centuries ►European colonial empires with a Muslim majority (in North Africa, India, and Malaysia) ► ►Contact with Muslim populations, both as the army and civil administration in these new colonies ► ►Muslim immigrants who came to the colonizing country – reasons – as seamen, soldiers, students ► ►After the colonies achieved independence, the European countries enabled mass immigration from their former colonies- workers -France, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Scandinavia Islam in Turkey ►establishment of the republic in 1923 - a strong tradition of secularism – Ataturk´s reforms ► ►Islam was gradually omitted from the public sphere and the principle of secularism was inserted in the Turkish Constitution in 1937 ► ►Today- majority of the population confess Islam – 99% ► ►Further development??? Islam in Poland ►There are about 35-40,000 Muslims in Poland - Poles, Tatars, Arabs, Turks, Palestinians and others ► ►Most of them, around 11-13,000 people, live in Warsaw ► four mosques in Poland, one of them in Warsaw, built in 1993 – belongs to the Muslim Religion Association ► ► ► a library with a multimedia room, art gallery, restaurant, café and shop ► Islam in the CR ►In 1991 Center of Muslim communities (Ústředí muslimských náboženských obcí) was established ► ► In 1998 a mosque was opened in Brno and a year later in Prague ► ►Most of the Muslims are from Bosnia-Herzegovina (early 1990s) and former countries of the Soviet Union (mostly from Causasus region, from the late 1990s until the present) ► ►Middle class people of Egyptian, Syrian and other Middle Eastern origin (typically those who studied in Czechoslovakia and decided to stay) ► ► Discussion questions ► ►In which European countries can you find big Muslim communities? ► ►What are the perspectives of integration of Muslims in the EU countries? ► ►Will Turkey enter the EU? ► Muslim-Christian relations ►1683 ??? Vienna battle, ►Jan Sobieski ►