Prezentace předmětu: Intercultural Communication Lecturer: Ing. Patrik Kajzar, Ph.D. Mgr. Martina Chylková Název prezentace Název projektu Rozvoj vzdělávání na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě Registrační číslo projektu CZ.02.2.69/0.0./0.0/16_015/0002400 Logolink_OP_VVV_hor_barva_cz 5. Verbal and non-verbal communication Předmět: Intercultural Communication Tato přednáška byla vytvořena pro projekt „Rozvoj vzdělávání na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě“ Opavě VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION . The aim of the lecture is to briefly tackles the verbal and non-verbal communication and its importance for business communication. VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION . Introduction to Verbal communication Types of verbal communication Introduction to Non-Verbal communication Types of Non-verbal communication Overview Introduction to Verbal Communication qAlmost every job requires workers to use verbal communication skills. That’s why verbal skills are highly ranked on the candidate evaluation checklists used by many job interviewers. qEffective verbal communication skills include more than just talking. Verbal communication encompasses both how you deliver messages and how you receive them. Communication is a soft skill, and it’s one that is important to every employer. qThe three different types of communication are verbal, nonverbal and visual. qThe two major forms of verbal communication are written (or typed) and oral. qConsists of words, sentences and phrases. qActs as the primary tool for expression between two or more people . qIs sharign of information between individuals by using speech. qSuccess depends on the speaking ablitity and on the listening skills. q Types of verbal communication Four types of verbal communication q1. Intrapersonal communication: This type of conversations are extremly private, silent conversations we have with ourself. q2. Interpersonal communication: Between two individuals, one-on-one conversation. q3.Small group comunication: More than two people involved (board meetings, team meetigns) q4.Public communication: One individual addresses a large gathering of people (public speeches) Verbal communication skills qPeople who communicte with a friendly tone and smile always have the adge. Be friendly to the others. q qThink before you speak. q qBe clear. q qDon´t talk too much, be consise. q qSpeak with confidence. q qFocuse on your body language. q Listening skills qListening is the key to all effective communication. q qMessages are easily misunderstood without the ability to listen effectively. qMany top empoyers provide listening skills training for their empoyees because it´s very importatnt. qListening is not the same as hearing. q qIt requires focus and concentrated effort. Active listening qActive listening is helpful skill for any worker to develop. qIt helps you truly understand what people are saying in conversations and meetings. Why is this important? qBecause it means focusing fully on the speech but also actively showing verbal and non-verbal sing of listening. Sings of active listening qNon-verbal sings – smile, eye-contact, posture, mirroring, distraction. qVerbal sings – remembering, reflection, clarification, summarisation. q q q Active listening techniques qBuilding Trust: “Tell me what I can do to help.” qDemonstrating Concern: “I am eager to help you; I know you are going through some tough challenges.” qParaphrasing: “So, you think that we need to build up our social media marketing efforts.” qBrief Verbal Affirmation: “Thank you. I appreciate your time in speaking to me.” qAsking Open-Ended Questions:“It’s clear that the current situation is intolerable for you. What changes would you like to see?” Active listening techniques q Asking Specific Questions: “What is your average rate of staff turnover?” qWaiting to Disclose Your Opinion: “Tell me more about your proposal to reorganize the department.” “Can you please provide some history for me regarding your relationship with your former business partner?” qDisclosing Similar Situations: “I was also very conflicted about returning to work after the birth of my son.” Active listening Active listening presumes: qFocus on yourself (Are you ready to listen?) qListen to yourself (Where is your mind today?) qMake sure that you are JUST LISTENING! q Barriers to active listening: qTalker not speaking loudly qRoom temperature (hot or cold) qClock watching qLoud noises Oral communication Oral communication qVerbaly transmiting information and ideas from one individual on group to another Types qInformal – face-to-face conversation, telephone conversation, discussion that take place at business meeting qFormal – pressentations at business meetings, classroom lectures, speech given at a graduation ceremony Modern types of oral communication qVideo phones and video conferences, podcast, voice over the internet protocol (skype). Oral communication skills qPronouncing the words clearly is an important thing to be remembered. qWords have to be pronounced by changing their tones. qAvoiding fillers (,,um, ah, hmm, etc. ,,) could be irritating for listeners. qInterrupting the speaker is considered a sing of poor communication in a face-to-face conversation. qCareful listening and speaking clearly si important and it helps respond in a proper manner. qAlways make an eye contact with the listeners. qAsking questions and answering the question with correct details. Oral communication skills qIt is not advisable to carry on the communication process without understanding a particular point. qIn a communication process, body language of a person is considered as important as the spoken words. q Oral communication skills are important for qManagerial role qWork place success qSecure a new job qAdvance your career q Reading skills Readers use strategies to understand what they read q Reading strategy 1. – purposeful reading qIf you are looking for answers to questions qGeneral understanding of a topic or issue qYou can create this purpose: - REFER TO (assessment tasks, lecture slides, tutorial questions,, textbook questions) - CREATE (questions based on lacture slides or on the skim of the text..) - CONSIDER (what you already know) qPurposeful reading can halp you read faster and more selectively. Reading skills Reading strategy 2. – scanning qReading quickly to search for specific information qScanning allow you to „read“ up to 1,500 words a minute Reading strategy 3. – skimming qAs with scanning, skimming does not involve reading every word. Instead, you may skim by reading: • titles • subheadings • words in that are in bold, in italics or underlined • diagrams • chapter objectives • chapter summaries Reading skills Reading strategy 4.- information words q qThis may require ability to conduct “surface reading”. qIt is worth remembering that no more than 50% of the words in an average textbook are “information” words. qIf you concentrate on information words, you can read faster and with better comprehension. qLook for the message, and the information words will emerge naturally. Effective writing skills qGood writing skills are bedrock of good commnication and could help you to connect with people qYou are able to write cleary, concisely and correctly qBad writing creates a terrible impression Common methods at communication in workplace qEmail qRemember, there is a crucial element missing in this form of communication – tone of voice and facial expressions – and this cannot be fixed by using smiley faced emoticons! qTo warm up the conversation, start on a personal note qAvoid using words with strong emotional connotations; qKeep it short and use simple sentences qRead your email twice to correct errors or rephrase parts of it q Effective writing skills Report Writing qIt analyses a problem, discusses it, and makes recommendations for action. qFollow a formal structure and break it down into headers and sub-headers. qStart with an introduction, follow that with the main body of the report, and end with a conclusion. qAlso, prepare a page-long or even shorter summary or extract of your report. qNever use too much jargon. Effective writing skills Technical Writing qCraft and write documents such as product and service manuals qTechnical writer must do that while guiding a reader through a product or service that the latter is already having a problem with or attempting to become proficient in. qTechnical writing skills include the ability to be crisp and crystal clear. q Introduction to Non-Verbal Communication qPeople speaks by using their vocal chords, but they converse using their entire bodies. qA great amount of human behavior is emphasized through non-verbal signals. qOver 70% of all communication is non-verbal q 4 categories of non-verbal communication qAesthetic – involves cretive expression (dance, music, theater, etc,...) qPhysical – involves bodily movements used during social interactions (smile, frown,wink,...) qSigns – include any signals that are used or displayed to communicate a message or that have a special meaning qSymbols – any material objects (jewelry, cars, clothing, etc,...) Personal Appearance, gestures, and postures Personal appearance qIs your own image that you give out to other people. qIs undeniably significant to what people think of you. qIt important to look clean and tidy . qFirst impression could be about attitude as well as dress. q Gestures qCommon gestures are waving, pointing, using fingers, handshake, qOther gestures are arbitrary and realted to culture qGestural language – for those who cannot speak oraly (hand gestures) q Personal Appearance, gestures, and postures qPostures qHow you move your body qPosture can reflect people´s emotions, attitudes and intentions qHow people stant could say a lot about what they are thinking and feeling q Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt postures nonverbal communication Source: simple-change/ Fig.1: Postures Body and time language Body language qPeople in the workplace can convey a great deal of information without even speaking. Fig.2: Body language Source: n_expressing_your_academic_idea Body and time language Types of body language q1. Parts of the body q2.Intent q PARTS OF THE BODY qThe head – side to side, shaking of hair, back to front qFacial expressions – Eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, tongue, jaw qBody posture – Body proximity (how far or close to the orher person), shoulder movements, arm placement, leg and feet placement, qHand and finger gestures – move your hands and fingers, handlings the objects (pen, paper, etc,..) q Body and time language Time language qEasy to use that anyone in the world is the common language. qis the common language of the world. Time Language is the world's languages. qTime Language is a language that can be used by anyone. q Facial expression qAll facial organs on human face indicates facially expressive message. qThese are hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, chin, nose, lips, ears, teethe, tongue etc. qFacial expressions comes naturally hence it is beyond the control of speaker. Fig.3: Facial expression Source: -Kanade-database_fig4_319567060 Eye contacts q• Eye contact has very much in face-to-face communication. q• Absence of eye contact shows lack of interest & understanding. q• We look faster than listen or talk. q• Eyes are human windows except them there is no life. q• The speaker must look in to the eyes of the audience from right to left & left to right this will built up the confidence & eliminate the nervousness. q• It build the rapport between the speaker & the listener Fig.4: Eye contact Source: Summary •Communication and communication skills are one of the most important human abilities. •The three different types of communication are verbal, nonverbal and visual. •Verbal communication skills we can divided in to: Listening skills, Oral communication skills, Reading skills and Writting skills. •Non-verbal communication or body language is based on the use of so-called non-verbal means. •The ability to read and interpret a person's attitude can lead to gaining a lot of information about the other person. •Signals of non – verbal communication: Aesthetic Physical, Signs, Symbols. 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