Different Coaching for Different Organizational Cultures? Ethical Consent to Participate This study is being conducted under the direction of Jim Gavin, PhD, MCC at Concordia University in Montreal. It has been approved by the university’s human research ethics committee. Participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. You will be asked to rate the benefits of different coaching types in different organizational cultures. It should take 20-25 minutes. You may quit at any time and clear your survey responses. Your answers will be summed with all other responses. We have included some background questions on the final page of the questionnaire for statistical analyses. We intend to publish our findings in professional coaching journals. Your participation will help us offer important insights to the profession. If you have any questions, you may contact Professor Gavin at: Jim Gavin PhD, MCC, Professor of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West VE329.02, Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R6, (514) 848-2424 x 2272, james.gavin@concordia.ca By clicking the "Next" button, you are agreeing to participate in this study Instructions for the Survey Please read the definitions below before beginning: TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE CLAN ADHOCRACY Orientation: COLLABORATE Leader: facilitators & mentors Values: commitment, consensus and development Get results by: human development and participation Orientation: CREATE Leader: entrepreneurs & visionaries Values: innovation, transformation, agility Get results by: innovation, vision and fluid structures, freedom HIERARCHY MARKET Orientation: CONTROL Leader: monitors & organizers Values: efficiency, uniformity, formality, control Get results by: stability, control, structure and efficiency Orientation: COMPETE Leader: hard drivers & competitors Values: competition, market share, profit Get results by: risk taking & aggressive competition TYPES OF COACHING LEADERSHIP PERFORMANCE Focus: Leadership development Goal: Client Increases leader competencies for present or future roles Tools: 360 feedback, psychometric tests Focus: Performance improvement Goal: Client addresses present or potential performance concerns Tools: Performance indicators & feedback LIFE/PERSONAL 3rd GENERATION Focus: Personal development Goal: Client attains personally desired outcomes or objectives Tools: Life reviews, values assessments, goals, visioning, support systems Focus: Personal values and identity Goal: Client explores values, identity, meaning, and career/life directions. Tools: Dialogue to generate reflection on meaning, identity, values, aspirations TYPES OF BENEFIT ROI PERSONAL What is the organization’s return on investment for coaching? How much do employees’ grow, develop and achieve personal goals? ALIGNMENT ADAPTATION How aligned are employees with the organization’s expectations? Does the organization’s capacity to adapt and innovate improve?