Foreign Exchange Market Ing. Tomáš Heryán, Ph.D. International Business Finance FIU/NKIFA • Widely used abbreviations: FX market or FOREX • The place where money denominated in one currency is bought and sold with money denominated in another currency • The place where purchasing power in one currency can be converted into purchasing power in another currency • The place where exchange rates of the traded currencies are determined Meaning of the foreign exchange market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • The largest financial market made up of banks, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge funds, and retail brokers and investors • Foreign exchange means the money of a foreign country; that is, foreign currency bank balances, banknotes, checks and drafts • A foreign exchange transaction is an agreement between a buyer and a seller that a fixed amount of one currency will be delivered for some other currency at a specified date Meaning of the foreign exchange market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • Market size is USD 5.1 trillion daily and the U.S. dollar is the most important currency on the foreign exchange market – Most of trades on the wholesale market • The most commonly traded currency pairs are EUR/USD and USD/JPY • FX market is a global market with no specific location – Several financial centres where most of trading is done • Trading 24 hours a day – Market activity first heightens when Europe and Asia are open and again when Europe and the United States are open – FX market never sleeps… Size, composition and location of the FX market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • Electronic platforms made foreign currency transactions easier – Electronic brokerage systems, phone, SWIFT • Market makers are crucial for trading on the FX market • There is no central clearing of FX transaction • Bank of International Settlements (BIS) plays a critical role in managing FX transactions worldwide Size, composition and location of the FX market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) World map of the FX market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) São Paulo Rio de Janiero Mexico City San Francisco New York Toronto Bombay Melbourne Sydney Tokyo Hong Kong Singapore London Paris Zurich Frankfurt Amsterdam ViennaMadrid Hamburg Dusseldorf RomeBasel Brussels Chicago Share of global FX market trading in main centres Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) 36,9% 19,5% 7,9% 6,7% 6,1% 2,8% 1,9% 1,8% 1,5% 1,3% 13,6% United Kingdom United States Singapore Hong Kong Japan France Australia Germany Denmark Canada others FX market never sleeps… Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) … but it goes for a lunch Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) Global FX market turnover by instrument Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) Currency distribution of the FX market turnover (in % of transactions) Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 USD 87.3 90.3 88.7 85.6 84.9 87.0 87.6 EUR (DEM) (30.1) 37.6 37.2 37.0 39.1 33.4 31.4 JPY 20.2 22.7 20.3 16.5 19.0 23.0 21.6 GBP 11.0 13.2 16.9 15.0 12.9 11.8 12.8 AUD 3.1 4.2 5.5 6.7 7.6 8.6 6.9 CAD 3.6 4.5 4.2 4.2 5.3 4.6 5.1 CHF 7.1 6.1 6.1 6.8 6.4 5.2 4.8 CNY 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.9 2.2 4.0 CZK 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 FX market turnover by currency pair (in % of transactions) Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 USD/EUR (DEM) (20) 30 28 27 28 24 23 USD/JPY 18 20 17 13 14 18 18 USD/GBP 8 11 14 12 9 9 9 USD/AUD 3 4 5 6 6 7 5 USD/CHF 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 USD/CAD 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 USD/CNY 1 2 4 USD/others 12 17 16 15 11 13 12 EUR/JPY --- 3 3 3 3 3 2 • Investment currency in many capital markets • Reserve currency held by many central banks • Transaction currency in many international commodity markets • Invoice currency in many contracts • Intervention currency employed by monetary authorities in market operations to influence their own exchange rates • Vehicle currency that expedites transactions between currencies of limited circulation Why U.S. Dollar is so widely traded? Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • International banks – Around 100 large commercial banks worldwide provide the core of the FX market and actively participate – „Make a market" in FX, trading FX on behalf of bank customers (MNCs, money managers, exporters, importers, private traders) – Most interbank trades are speculative or arbitrage transaction • Nonbank dealers – Wholesale currency traders who are NOT commercial banks, e.g. investment banks (Solomon Smith Barney, Merill Lynch, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.) – Establish their own trading centers to trade directly in the FX market, and account for 28% of the interbank (wholesale) volume FX market participants Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • FX brokers – Brokers/intermediaries who track quotes offered by many dealers in the global market, and then match buyers and sellers for a fee (bid/ask spread), and "make a market," without taking a position themselves (no currency inventory) – More and more trading (50-70%) now takes place through automated electronic trading systems, making the role of FX brokers unnecessary • Central banks – If a country has a fixed ex-rate (Argentina until recently, Hong Kong), or a pegged rate (China), the central bank (or currency board) has to make regular interventions to support the fixed/pegged ex-rate • Individuals and firms – Use the FX market incidentally to their underlying commercial or investment purpose FX market participants Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) Top 10 FX market traders in 2014 Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • A foreign exchange rate is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency • A foreign exchange quotation (or quote) is a statement of willingness to buy or sell at an announced rate • Each currency pair has a double exchange rate (to buy, to sell) • Most foreign currencies in the world are stated in terms of the number of units of foreign currency needed to buy one dollar – Several exceptions exist, e.g. Euro, British pound, Australian dollar Exchange rate Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • Exchange rates are given as a bid and ask (also referred to as offer) • Bid exchange rate – Price (i.e. exchange rate) in one currency at which a dealer will buy another currency • Ask exchange rate – Price (i.e. exchange rate) at which a dealer will sell the other currency • Spread – The difference between bid and ask rates • Dealers bid (buy) at one price and ask (sell) at a slightly higher price, making their profit from the spread between the buying and selling prices • A bid for one currency is also the offer for the opposite currency Two-way quotation of exchange rates Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) Two-way quotation of exchange rates Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) EUR / USD 1.1741 / 1.1743 Counter currency Base currency Bid exchange rate Ask exchange rate Spread = Ask – Bid = 1.1743 – 1.1741 = 0.0002 (2 pips) Spread (%) = (Ask – Bid) / (Ask) = 0.0002 / 1.1743 = 0.017 % Trader buys Client sells EUR Trader sells Client buys EUR • Direct quote gives the home currency price of one unit of foreign currency – For example 26.10 Czech korunas for 1 euro written as 26.10 CZK/EUR (European convention) or EUR/CZK 26.10 (American convention) • Indirect quote tells how many units of foreign currency can be purchased by one unit of domestic currency – For example 0.0383 euros for 1 Czech koruna written as 0.0383 EUR/CZK (European convention) or CZK/EUR 0.0383 (American convention) • Direct quote is the reciprocal of the indirect quote • In this pair of definitions, the home or base country of the currencies being discussed is critical • The form of the quote depends on what the speaker regard as “home” Direct vs. Indirect quotation Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • Depreciation of home currency – Value of home currency falls relative to the foreign currency – Using direct quotation, depreciation of home currency means increase of the exchange rate !!!, e.g. change from 26.10 CZK/EUR to 27.00 CZK/EUR • Appreciation of home currency – Value of home currency raises relative to the foreign currency – Using direct quotation, appreciation of home currency means decrease of the exchange rate !!!, e.g. change from 27.10 CZK/EUR to 26.20 CZK/EUR • It is better to speak about value of currency than change of the exchange rate when using direct quotes Interpretation of changes in exchange rates Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • Spot transactions – Purchase of foreign exchange, with delivery and payment between banks to take place, normally, on the second following business day – The date of settlement is referred to as the value date • Forward transactions (outright forward) – Requires delivery at a future value date of a specified amount of one currency for a specified amount of another currency – The exchange rate is established at the time of the agreement, but payment and delivery are not required until maturity (several standard maturity dates) • Swap transactions – Simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates with the same counterparty Main instruments on the FX market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • The simplest FX instrument for immediate exchange of funds and execution • Pricing on the spot market is by the actual demand and supply of the currency in the market • Spot exchange rate movements are highly impredictable even during a single trading day – Relying solely on spot trading may be risky • Standard size of one trade is about USD 10 mil. • Trading is very fast and hectic, the stakes are high • Trading jargon widely used among traders to make communication as short and efficient as possible Spot FX trading Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • Contract settled today for future delivery/receipt of foreign exchange • Agree today on price (forward exchange rate) and quantity (size of the trade) and settlement at fixed future date – Most typical are 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, 180-day, 360-day deliveries • Forward rates are typically quoted in terms of points – It is not a foreign exchange rate as such – Rather, it is the difference between the forward rate and the spot rate • Forward rate – spot rate = swap exchange rate – Forward > spot : currency is trading at forward premium (is more expensive in future) – Forward < spot : currency is trading at forward discount (is cheaper in future) Forward FX contracts Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) Quotation of the forward exchange rate Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) USD/GBP USD/EUR CHF/USD Spot 1.6604 1.6614 1.1575 1.1590 1.3820 1.3830 1 month 14 12 17 18 43 42 2 months 24 22 33 35 87 85 3 months 33 30 50 53 130 127 6 months 53 50 109 112 249 246 12 months 66 62 230 235 481 476 • Add the premium to the spot rate – If the bid-ask combination in swap rate is smaller-bigger number • Deduct the discount from the spot rate – If the bid-ask combination in swap rate is bigger-smaller number Forward premium / discount Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) • The forward premium or discount is the difference between the forward exchange rate and the spot exchange rate, expressed as a percentage of the spot rate • It is a standard to present the premium or discount annualized Fn = forward exchange rate S = spot exchange rate n = number of days in the forward contract (delivery period) 100 360    nS SF premium n • If you have agreed to buy the respective asset (forward or spot), you are „long“ • If you have agreed to sell the respective asset (forward or spot), you are „short“ • If you have agreed to buy currency via FX forward, you are long in this currency • If you have agreed to sell currency via FX forward, you are short in this currency Long and short forward positions Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) Payoff profiles of the forward contract Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) 0 S180(USD/CAD) F180(USD/CAD) = 1.27 short positionloss profit long position If, in 180 days the spot price rises the short loses and the long makes a profit If, in 180 days the spot price falls the short makes profit and the long loses The short entered into the forward agreeing to sell USD in 180 day at USD/CAD 1.27 and the long to buy USD at the same price Payoff profiles of the forward contract Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) 0 S180(USD/CAD) F180(USD/CAD) = 1.27 short positionloss profit long position If, in 180 days the spot price rises to USD/CAD 1.31 the short position losses and the long position makes a profit S180(USD/CAD) = 1.31 profit loss • Hedging – Operations to minimize foreign exchange risk • Arbitrage – Non-risk operations to exploit differences in exchange rates – Triangular arbitrage, covered interest rate arbitrage • Speculation – Risky operations to bet on particular exchange rate development – Leverage tradinf – Carry trade, short selling • Investment – Operations to invest in currencies as a class of assets Purposes of trading on the FX market Foreign Exchange Market (International Business Finance – presentation 03) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION J