Název projektu Rozvoj vzdělávání na Slezské univerzitě v Opavě Registrační číslo projektu CZ.02.2.69/0.0./0.0/16_015/0002400 CIZOJAZYČNÁ PŘÍPRAVA AJ 1 Distanční studijní text Janusz Karpeta, Martina Chylková Karviná 20 18 Obor: Jazykověda Klíčová slova: Applying for a job, CV, business, career, customer, job application, service Anotace: Opora CIZOJAZYČNÁ PŘÍPRAVA AJ 1 je určena pro studenty prezenční formy studia a svým rozsahem odpovídá výuce anglického jazyka za první semester na ekonomických fakultách. Opora je rozvržena do sedmi základních tematických okruhů – Internships abroad, Greetings and Introduction, Customer service, Writing letters and emails, Job interviews – Applying for a job, CVs a obsahuje také anotaci, včetně klíčových slov. Každá lekce je koncipována do několika celků – úvodní text nastiňuje danou problematiku, je doplněn slovní zásobou a dalšími cvičeními, která téma procvičují, případně dále rozšiřují. Každá lekce se věnuje gramatickému jevu, který je důležitý pro úspěšné zvládnutí produktivní komunikace v obchodním prostředí, vše je doplněno cvičeními a závěrečným testem. První část si klade za cíl procvičit a zdokonalit si znalosti v anglickém jazyce v oblasti stáže v zahraničí. Druhá část Meeting people and making conversation se věnuje procvičování vedení jednání ve firemním prostředí. Další části se zabývají péčí o zákazníka, jak nejlépe zajistit spokojenost klienta, a to jak ve formě přímého kontaktu, ale také v písemné formě – dopis, email. Závěrečné kapitoly jsou věnovány přijímacímu řízení – od hledání pracovního místa, žádosti o zaměstnání, až po vedení příjímacího pohovoru, včetně modelových otázek. Celkovým výstupem opory Cizojazyčná příprava AJ 1 je zvládnutí odborného anglického jazyka ve výše zmíněných korporátních situacích, a také posílení komunikativních dovedností v moderním profesním podnikatelském prostředí. Autor: PhDr. Janusz Karpeta Mgr. Martina Chylková Obsah Úvodem... 7 Rychlý náhled studijní opory.. 8 1 GAINING EXPERIENCE – INTERNSHIPS ABROAD.. 9 1.1 Vocabulary. 9 1.2 Text 10 1.3 Lexis. 13 1.4 Grammar 15 1.4.1 Review of tenses 1. 15 1.4.2 Grammar-exercises. 16 1.5 Speaking. 17 1.6 Test 17 1.7 Key. 19 1.7.1 Lexis-exercises. 19 1.7.2 Grammar-exercises. 21 1.7.3 Test 22 2 GAINING EXPERIENCE - MEETING PEOPLE AND MAKING CONVERSATION 24 2.1 Vocabulary. 24 2.2 Meetings. 25 2.3 Lexis. 28 2.4 Grammar and phrases. 29 2.4.1 AGREEING, DISAGREEING, GIVING OPINIONS, INTERRUPTING AND SUGGESTING IN ENGLISH.. 29 2.4.2 Grammar exercises. 30 2.5 Speaking. 31 2.6 Test 32 3 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – CUSTOMER SERVICE.. 38 3.1 Vocabulary. 38 3.2 Text 39 3.3 Lexis. 41 3.4 Grammar 42 3.4.1 Selected phrasal verbs in English. 42 3.4.2 Grammar-exercises. 43 3.5 Speaking. 43 3.6 Test 44 3.7 Key. 45 3.7.1 Lexis-exercises. 45 3.7.2 Grammar-exercises. 46 3.7.3 Test 47 4 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – FORMAL LETTERS IN ENGLISH.. 50 4.1 Vocabulary. 50 4.2 Writing a business letter 51 4.3 Lexis. 53 4.4 Grammar 54 4.4.1 Prepositions in business letters. 54 4.4.2 Grammar - exercises. 55 4.5 Speaking. 56 5 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - BUSINESS EMAILS. 63 5.1 Vocabulary. 63 5.2 How to write a perfect professional email in English. 64 5.3 Lexis. 66 5.4 Grammar 67 5.4.1 Comparative and superlative forms with adjectives. 67 5.4.2 Grammar - exercises. 68 5.5 SPEAKING.. 69 6 JOB INTERVIEWS AND CAREER – JOB APPLICATION.. 75 6.1 Vocabulary. 75 6.2 Text 76 6.3 Lexis. 78 6.4 Grammar 79 6.4.1 Review of tenses 2. 79 6.4.2 Grammar-exercises. 80 6.5 Speaking. 81 6.6 Test 81 6.7 Key. 83 6.7.1 Lexis-exercises. 83 6.7.2 Grammar-exercises. 84 6.7.3 Test 85 7 JOB INTERVIEWS AND CAREER - CV.. 88 7.1.1 Slovní zásoba k textu “applying a job”. 90 7.1.2 Otázky k textu „applying a job“. 90 7.1.3 Odpovědi k textu „applying a job“. 91 7.2 Lexikon. 91 7.2.1 Cvičení k lexikonu. 91 7.2.2 Klíč k lexikonu. 93 7.3 Grammar 95 7.3.1 Grammar exercises. 95 7.3.2 Klíč ke gramatice. 97 7.4 TUTORIÁL.. 109 7.5 Test „Applying for a job“. 109 7.5.1 Key „Applying for a job“¨. 114 Literatura.. 120 Shrnutí studijní opory.. 121 Přehled dostupných ikon.. 122 Úvodem Tento text představuje studijní oporu jednoho modulu pro prezenční/kombinované studium předmětu Cizojazyčná příprava Anglický jazyk 1 v bakalářském studiu na Obchodně podnikatelské fakultě v Karviné, Slezské univerzity v Opavě. Předmět je určen pro studenty prezenční/kombinované formy studia a svým rozsahem odpovídá požadavkům kladeným na výuku anglického jazyka v daném semestru. V rámci této studijní opory se studenti seznámí se 7 tematickými celky, které popisují problematiku zahraniční stáže, péče o zákazníka, včetně korespondence, zaměřuje se na inzeráty, ucházení se o místo a psaní životopisu. Studijní opora umožňuje studentovi i přes vzdálenost od učitele a spolužáků úspěšně studovat. Je rozdělena do sedmi kapitol, které svým rozsahem odpovídají 13 výukovým blokům jednoho semestru prezenčního studia a je koncipována tak, aby obsahem i rozsahem odpovídala nárokům kladeným na studenta prezenční formy studia. Prezenční/kombinované vysokoškolské studium anglického jazyka je pro studenta nesmírně obtížné, vyžaduje pravidelné a systematické studium. Dalšími podpůrnými zdroji ke studiu mohou být profesní učebnice angličtiny a také doporučená studijní literatura. Při samotném studiu opory doporučujeme seznámit se nejprve se značkami, zkratkami a symboly používanými ve studijní opoře. Komplexní seznam naleznete na konci této opory. Informativní, navigační a orientační symboly Vám pomohou při rychlém nahlédnutí do dané problematiky. Všímejte si i poznámek, eventuálně odkazů na publikace, učebnice apod., kde si podrobněji můžete nastudovat např. příslušné gramatické pasáže. Při práci s oporou vám přejeme hodně úspěchu. Autoři Rychlý náhled studijní opory Studijní opora Cizojazyčná příprava AJ 1 je rozdělena do sedmi kapitol, které představují základní úvod do problematiky studia obchodní angličtiny. Každá kapitola je rozdělena na lexikální část a část gramatickou. V každé kapitole se objevují shodné prvky – např. úvodní text, slovní zásoba, závěrečný test apod. Ke snadnější orientaci studenta slouží tzv. distanční prvky – Průvodce studiem (obsahuje slovní zásobu k tématů), Otázky, Odpovědi, Samostatný úkol apod. V průběhu lekce si student může zkontrolovat úroveň znalostí pomocí testů, které jsou vkládány dle potřeby, a rovněž každá kapitola je zakončena souhrným testem, který prověří zvládnutí dané problematiky. Kapitoly 1 a 2 se zabývají tématy Gaining experience - Internships abroad a Meeting people and making conversation s cílem připravit studenty k úspěšné prezentaci sama sebe, případně firmy a úspěšně vést obchodní jednání. Kapitoly 3, 4 a 5 jsou věnovány tématu Customer satisfaction – Customer service a Contacting customers, se zaměřením na úspěšnou komunikaci se zákazníkem, včetně psané formy, s cílem vytvořit pocit spokojenosti u zákazníka a následně si jej udržet. Kapitoly 6 a 7 zabývající se Job interviews and career nastiňují přijímací proces do zaměstnání, od hledání a vyhodnocování inzerátů, psaní žádosti o zaměstnání spolu s motivačním dopisem, životopisu. Vzhledem k tomu, že v součané době jsou přijímací pohovory často vedeny v angličtině, zaměříme se také na nejčastěji používané otázky při pohovorech. 1 GAINING EXPERIENCE – INTERNSHIPS ABROAD Rychlý náhled kapitoly Kapitola je věnována problematice zahraničních stáží, včetně přípravy na stáž – hledání ubytování, dopravy, vyřizování důležitých dokladů apod. Dozvíte se rovněž, na které záležitosti se musíte zaměřit vzhledem k interkulturním rozdílům – např. stravování. Zaměříte se také na fáze při plánování pobytu v zahraničí. Kapitola je doplněna gramatickými cvičeními, která procvičují danou tématiku. Cíle kapitoly V této kapitole se naučím: · slovní zásobu vztahující se k zahraniční stáži · nezbytné kroky pro úspěšné zvládnutí zahraniční stáže · aplikovat příslušné gramatické časy Klíčová slova kapitoly career, gain experience, internship, job market, participant, placement 1.1 Vocabulary Approximately přibližně Aspiration usilování, touha be tailored to ušitý na míru Budget rozpočet, finance Commute dojíždět (do práce) competetive edge konkurenční výhoda Complete ukončit, absolvovat Doom konce, zánik, zlý osud educational background dosavadní vzdělání Ensure ujistit Experience zkušenost Furnished zařízený (nábytkem) Gain získat gloom skleslost, beznaděj, smutek graduate absolvent guide through poradit, pomoci highly regarded vysoce uznávaný homestay pobyt v domácnosti rodiny v cizí zemi host hostitel, pořádající strana internship praxe, zácvik (v povolání) labour market pracovní trh links to kontakty, vazby needs potřeby network síť note (po)všimnout si něco offer nabízet option možnost, volba participant účastník participate zúčastnit se placement umístění rent pronajímat, nájem request prosba, přání seem jevit se, zdát se stable stabilní support podporovat take into account vzít v úvahu transfer přesun unless když, pokud ne vary lišit se, různit se 1.2 Text INTERNSHIPS IN AUSTRALIA OVERVIEW Despite global economic doom and gloom, Australia seems to be one of the only places on earth where things are stable! A strong labour market Down Under means jobs are easier to come by, and as a result it's the perfect destination for graduates and students looking to gain practical experience and professional workplace training. Our internships will give you just that, and will help you to get your foot in the door by offering the chance to gain practical experience in highly regarded businesses across Australia. Whatever your field of expertise or training, whether you are a recent graduate or still studying we’ll set you set up and ready to gain experience alongside Australian professionals. The internship programme can be tailored to individual needs, taking into account your educational background and career goals/aspirations. Internships run for 8 to 12 weeks and you’ll get a specially developed training plan before you leave. In Australia you’ll have a mentor who will guide you through your placement to ensure you get the most from your experience. PLACEMENT BACKGROUND · Kick start your career with practical work experience in one of our 500 host companypartners Australia-wide · A tailored Internship to meet your training needs and career aspirations · Staff in the UK and Australia with excellent links to a large network of top businesses throughout Australia · A mentor in Australia to guide you through the placement to ensure you get what youneed from the experience · A high proportion of our internship participants go on to secure full-time employment within six months of completing their placement – give yourself a competitive edge inthe job market WHAT'S INCLUDED? · A quality internship placement with an Australian company · Airport transfer on arrival · Orientation with your personal mentor on arrival · Visa assistance (visa fee not included) · A mentor both in the UK and in Australia · A professional training plan · Full support throughout your placement · International Career Readiness Certificate WHAT'S NOT INCLUDED? · Accommodation and food (we can help with this) · Flights · Transport to your workplace · Travel insurance (we can help with this) · Visas MINIMUM AGE The minimum age on these programmes is 18, the maximum age is 30. ACCOMMODATION Please note that accommodation is not included in the price of the internship as the costs of renting houses or appartments vary according to the city your internship is located. Many participants on this programme choose to live in a comfortable homestay while you are completing your program in Australia. This is the most cost effective form of accommodation and a great option as you will make Australian friends faster, meet students and travellers from around the world and develop an understanding of the Australian culture. We work with over 5000 families throughout Australia. You will stay with a family close to your place of work. In larger cities this will be a maximum of 1 hour commute, although this is rare. The homestay accommodation option includes:A fully furnished bedroom inclusive of a study desk, a chair and a lamp. All gas, electricity and water services are supplied at no extra cost. Bed linen, towels, toilet paper and soap are to be supplied by the host family. The costs for homestay accommodation are as follows:Homestay with meals- 4 weeks: £999 (for those who would like to get settled before finding alternative accommodation). MEALS Meals are not included unless you request to live with a homestay with meals.Typically our participants budget approx. 500 – 1500 AUD$ per month for other living costs, e.g. food, public transport, entertainment etc. Zdroj: RealGap: From£1,299, 8 weeks, Australia. [online]. RealGap, 2013. [cit. 2013-07-04]. Dostupné z: http://www.realgap.co.uk/internships-in-australia#highlights Otázky What are placement requirements? What is included in the internship program? What is not included in the internship program? What is the age requirement? How is accommodation and food arranged? 1.3 Lexis 1. Put the following tips for planning your gap year programme in correct order: a) Will I be safe? As long as you're sensible, you almost certainly will be. Gap year adventures aren't 100 per cent foolproof, but then neither is a trip to your local cinema or shopping mall. Sometimes things don't go quite to plan, but one of the things that gap year adventures teach people is how to cope in unfamiliar situations.If you're a first time traveller, then our 'Experience' trips will probably be right up your street- they involvea group touring around the country (with a guide) together, and this can definitely make people feel more comfortable. Real Gap has programmes in over 30 countries - so there really is something for everyone! Why not chase the sun around the globe - leave home for somewhere more tropical and plan your journey to follow your favourite season! You could make a list of all the places that really interest you. Are you sporty, cultural, artistic, a party goer? All of these elements of your personality will help us partner you up with the trip that'd most suit you. 1. b) Volunteering, working, learning, travelling...? Planning your adventure is so much fun! There are a ridiculous amount of options available to you- so that's where our guys come in handy. Our Travel Advisors seriously know their stuff- so if you want some advice about where you should go just give them a call! 2. c) How much will it cost? The million dollar question! Thankfully, the answer isn't a million dollars! Gap year adventures can be asexpensive as you want them to be, and can be done ona budget. We also have the option to work abroad on your travels, so you can rack in the cash whilst you're exploring. For example, you could take up the working visa in Aus and then move onto South East Asia afterwards where the cost of living is considerably cheaper! 3. d) Long or short? It depends whether you want to do it all at once, or one continent/country at a time! We understand that some people have a school or uni schedule to contend with, or if you're working a holiday allowance, and so we can tailor to make your plan of action to suit you. 4. e) Real Gap's Gap Year Planner So, you want to plan a gap year?! Great choice chum, you're not going to regret it! Here at Real Gap Experience, we're all about bringing the once in a lifetime experiences and locations to you, so you can see and do what you want during your very own gap year. Don't have a year you can take off? Don't worry, our trips start from a one week duration, and so you can go on your own mini adventure, whenever! 5. Zdroj: RealGap: Planning a gap year. [online]. RealGap, 2013. [cit. 2013-07-04]. Dostupné z:http://www.realgap.co.uk/gap-travel-advice/planning-gap-year 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Mám zájem o praxi v zahraničí. 1. 2. Můžete mně poslat podrobnosti emailem? 2. 3. Jak dlouho trvá vyřízení všech formalit? 3. 4. Musím si zažádat o vízum? 4. 5. Koho mám kontaktovat po příjezdu? 5. 6. Na jaký účet mám převést peníze? 6. 7. Jak velké kapesné si mám vzít s sebou? 7. 3. Match the words with the correct definitions? 1. internship a) a person who receives or entertains other people as guests 5. host e) a student or trainee who works, sometimes without pay, at a trade or occupation in order to gain work experience 2. participant b) a vacation or other period abroad spent staying in the home of a local family 6. homestay f) a person who takes part in something 3. gap year c) an experienced and trusted adviser 7. aspiration g) an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time 4. budget d) a hope or ambition of achieving something 8. mentor h) a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education 1.4 Grammar 1.4.1 Review of tenses 1 V angličtině jsme se již seznámili se základními pravidly tvoření a použití časů. V následující přehledné tabulce přinášíme nejdůležitější shrnutí pravidel a pouček týkajících se tvoření a použití přítomného času. Čas Příklad kladná věta, zápor, otázka Kdy se používá Typicka časová určení Přítomný prostý (Present Simple) He does business a lot. He doesn‘t do business a lot. Does he do business a lot? Aktuální fakta. Obecně platná tvrzení. Opakující se události. Události dle rozvrhu. Může vyjadřovat i budoucnost (jízdní řady). always, often, seldom, sometimes, usually, never, every day/week/month Přítomný průběhový (Present Progressive) He is meeting his business partners. He isn‘t meeting his business partners. Is he meeting his business partners? Děje právě probíhající ve chvíli, kdy se o nich mluví. Může vyjadřovat i plánovanou budoucnost, trendy a přechodný děj. just, now, just now, right now, at the moment, Look!, Listen! Zdroj: Ajslovicka.cz: Anglické časy – přehled. [online]. Anglická slovíčka, 2011 – 2013. Dostupné z: http://www.ajslovicka.cz/clanky/anglicke-casy-prehled.html Nyní následují další příklady k výše uvedeným frázím. Příklad 1 I travel a lot in my job. I am a trader. Příklad 2 They are not going to the conference. příklad 3 Is she giving a presentation next week? 1.4.2 Grammar-exercises 1. Which time expressions are correct: 1. I have been a businesswoman for/since I was 30. 2. We had a great time for/during my internship in the UK. 3. I was a marketing manager since many years/for many years ago. 4. Our company has not heard from them since/for two years. 2. Use the suitable expressions never, ever, already, just, yet in the following : 1. Peter, where is he? He has … left. He must be in his car now. 2. Peter? He has … left. In fact, he left several hours ago. 3. Have you … been to a gap year programme? 4. Let’s Go Abroad, a new gap year agency in London, has … obtained so many application forms. 3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 1. I have living in Basel since last winter. … 2. We had sell our first company 25 years ago before we started a new one. … 3. Our new human resources manager has been interviewed some new job applicants since 8 o’clock this morning. … 4. Our secretary have written 5 letters this afternoon. … 5. They will comes to meet us at the airport. … 6. Are they going to sending us their latest proposal for that project soon? … 7. I were a student with this company many years ago. … 8. Tom had already leave when we came to his office. … 9. Sales have gone up by 3% last year. … 10. We have just send it off. You should expect it in a few hours. … Samostatný úkol 1.5 Speaking Imagine you are planning to take part in a gap year programme offered by the agency you have found. Describe it to your friends and stress the positive aspects of that programme in relation to your professional development. Otázky 1.6 Test 1. Our boss … this upset in many years! · has not been · was not being · was not 2. Eve was at the golf club yesterday, but she … Tim. · has not seen · did not see · did not saw 3. Fred … golf and tennis for two years when he was at school in Switzerland. · plays · has played · played 4. … reading the report yet? · had you finished · have you finished · did you finish 5. Our team thought about your business plan, and I think we … accept it. · accept · will have accepted · will accept 6. Our top managers .… the coming conference in Moscow. · will participate in · participate · participates 7. Our new boss Erika has already planned everything. She … to miss anything in the next meeting. · is not · will not · is not going 8. Sales … by 6% so far this year. · went down · have gone down · had gone down 9. The automobile trade fair in Zurich … every year. · was held · will be hold · is held 10. I … for GE, it is a great company to work for. · work · had worked · have worked Odpovědi 1.7 Key 1.7.1 Lexis-exercises 1. Put the following tips for planning your gap year programme in correct order: e) Will I be safe? As long as you're sensible, you almost certainly will be. Gap year adventures aren't 100 per cent foolproof, but then neither is a trip to your local cinema or shopping mall. Sometimes things don't go quite to plan, but one of the things that gap year adventures teach people is how to cope in unfamiliar situations.If you're a first time traveller, then our 'Experience' trips will probably be right up your street- they involvea group touring around the country (with a guide) together, and this can definitely make people feel more comfortable. Real Gap has programmes in over 30 countries - so there really is something for everyone! Why not chase the sun around the globe - leave home for somewhere more tropical and plan your journey to follow your favourite season! You could make a list of all the places that really interest you. Are you sporty, cultural, artistic, a party goer? All of these elements of your personality will help us partner you up with the trip that'd most suit you. 1.e f) Volunteering, working, learning, travelling...? Planning your adventure is so much fun! There are a ridiculous amount of options available to you- so that's where our guys come in handy. Our Travel Advisors seriously know their stuff- so if you want some advice about where you should go just give them a call! 2. d g) How much will it cost? The million dollar question! Thankfully, the answer isn't a million dollars! Gap year adventures can be asexpensive as you want them to be, and can be done ona budget. We also have the option to work abroad on your travels, so you can rack in the cash whilst you're exploring. For example, you could take up the working visa in Aus and then move onto South East Asia afterwards where the cost of living is considerably cheaper! 3. c h) Long or short? It depends whether you want to do it all at once, or one continent/country at a time! We understand that some people have a school or uni schedule to contend with, or if you're working a holiday allowance, and so we can tailor to make your plan of action to suit you. 4. b e) Real Gap's Gap Year Planner So, you want to plan a gap year?! Great choice chum, you're not going to regret it! Here at Real Gap Experience, we're all about bringing the once in a lifetime experiences and locations to you, so you can see and do what you want during your very own gap year. Don't have a year you can take off? Don't worry, our trips start from a one week duration, and so you can go on your own mini adventure, whenever! 5.a Zdroj: RealGap: Planning a gap year. [online]. RealGap, 2013. [cit. 2013-07-04]. Dostupné z:http://www.realgap.co.uk/gap-travel-advice/planning-gap-year 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Mám zájem o praxi v zahraničí. 1. I am interested in an internship abroad. 2. Můžete mně poslat podrobnosti emailem? 2. Can you send me the details via email? 3. Jak dlouho trvá vyřízení všech formalit? 3. How long does it take to process all the formalities? 4. Musím si zažádat o vízum? 4. Do I need to apply for a visa? 5. Koho mám kontaktovat po příjezdu? 5. How shall I/do I contact on arrival? 6. Na jaký účet mám převést peníze? 6. Which account do I transfer money into? 7. Jak velké kapesné si mám vzít s sebou? 7. How much pocket money shoudl I take with me? 3. Match the words with the correct definitions? 1. internship e) 5. host a) 2. participant f) 6. homestay b) 3. gap year h) 7. aspiration d) 4. budget g) 8. mentor c) 1.7.2 Grammar-exercises 1. Which time expressions are correct: 1. I have been a businesswoman SINCE I was 30. 2. We had a great time DURING my internship in the UK. 3. I was a marketing manager FOR MANY YEARS AGO. 4. Our company has not heard from them FOR two years. 2. Use the suitable expressions never, ever, already, just, yet in the following : 1. Peter, where is he? He has JUST left. He must be in his car now. 2. Peter? He has ALREADY left. In fact, he left several hours ago. 3. Have you EVER been to a gap year programme? 4. Let’s Go Abroad, a new gap year agency in London, has ALREADY obtained so many application forms. 3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 1. I have BEEN living in Basel since last winter. 2. We had SOLD our first company 25 years ago before we started a new one. 3. Our new human resources manager has been INTERVIEWING some new job applicants since 8 o’clock this morning. 4. Our secretary HAS written 5 letters this afternoon. 5. They will COME to meet us at the airport. 6. Are they going to SEND us their latest proposal for that project soon? 7. I WAS a student with this company many years ago. 8. Tom had already LEFT when we came to his office. 9. Sales WENT UP by 3% last year. 10. We have just SENT it off. You should expect it in a few hours. 1.7.3 Test 1. Our boss … this upset in many years! · has not been · was not being · was not 2. Eve was at the golf club yesterday, but she … Tim. · has not seen · did not see · did not saw 3. Fred … golf and tennis for two years when he was at school in Switzerland. · plays · has played · played 4. … reading the report yet? · had you finished · have you finished · did you finish 5. Our team thought about your business plan, and I think we … accept it. · accept · will have accepted · will accept 6. Our top managers .… the coming conference in Moscow. · will participate in · participate · participates 7. Our new boss Erika has already planned everything. She … to miss anything in the next meeting. · is not · will not · is not going 8. Sales … by 6% so far this year. · went down · have gone down · had gone down 9. The automobile trade fair in Zurich … every year. · was held · will be hold · is held 10. I … for GE, it is a great company to work for. · work · had worked · have works Shrnutí kapitoly Kapitola Gaining experience – Internships abroad se zaměřila na jeden ze způsobů získávání zkušeností ve svém oboru v zahraničí v rámci studijní stáže. Naučili jsme se slovní zásobu, která se vztahuje k dané problematice, podívali jsme se na fáze přípravy na vycestování do zahraničí, včetně potřebných dokladů, soustředili jsme se na další zvláštnosti a nezbytnosti, které musí účastník stáže pojmout. 2 GAINING EXPERIENCE - MEETING PEOPLE AND MAKING CONVERSATION Rychlý náhled kapitoly Kapitola je věnována úspěšné firemní komunikace se zaměřením na firemní jednání. Představuje základní slovní zásobu tématu Meeting, která je nezbytná pro úspěšné působení v mezinárodní prostředí, včetně frází, které přispějí ke zlepšení firemní kultury při obchodních jednáních. Cíle kapitoly V této kapitole se naučím: · základní pravidla úspěšného firemního jednání · slovní zásobu k tématu Meeting · psát oznámení o jednání · používat fráze při jednání – např. vyjadřovat souhlas/nesouhlas, sdělování názoru, souhlasu/nesouhlasu apod. Klíčová slova kapitoly agenda, agree, interrupting, meeting, memo, minutes 2.1 Vocabulary absent nepřítomný to accomplish dosáhnout to address oslovit to adjourn odložit, přerušit agenda program, pořad jednání AGM (annual general meeting) valná hromada to allocate rozdělit, přidělit AOB (any other business) různé apologies omluva to ballot hlasovat board of directors představenstvo boardroom zasedací síň správní rady to brainstorm hledat nové nápady casting vote rozhodující hlas chairperson/chair předseda to clarify objasnit, vyjasnit clarification objasnění, vyjasnění closing remarks poznámky na závěr to collaborate spolupracovat to commence začít to comment vyjádřit se konference porada, jednání conference hall zasedací síň confidential důvěrný consensus shoda, souhlas deadline končný termín to designate jmenovat, vybrat, určit formality formalita grievance stížnost guest speaker hostující mluvčí to implement zavést, provést mandatory povinný minutes zápis, oficální zpráva to motion předložit návrh objectives cíle opening remarks poznámky na začátku participant účastník proxy vote hlas v zastoupení punctual dochvílný to recommend doporučit show of hands hlasování zdvižením ruky unanimous jednohlasný vote hlas 2.2 Meetings Many young managers still may it find difficult to encounter different meetings with their staff members. In the following interview, the journalist is talking to a senior manager who has a lot of experience in that field of corporate communication. Journalist: My first question is how do managers call a meeting in businesses or are they called to a meeting? Senior manager: There are a number of ways that you may call or be called to a meeting.Some meetings are announced by e-mail, and others are posted on bulletin boards. If a meeting is announced at the end of another meeting, it is important to issue a reminder. A reminder can also come in the form of an e-mail or notice. Verbal announcements or reminders should always be backed up by documented ones. The date, location, time, length, and purpose of the meeting should be included. Journalist: So, what is then the second step? Senior manager: In order to keep the meeting on task and within the set amount of time, it is important to have an agenda. The agenda should indicate the order of items and an estimated amount of time for each item. Journalist: Managers’ job is to delegate different tasks. Is it possible with the meetings? Senior manager: Sure, it is. The person in charge of calling and holding a meeting may decide to allocate certain roles to other staff members. Someone may be called upon to take the minutes, someone may be asked to do roll call, and someone may be asked to speak on a certain subject. This should be done either in person, or in an e-mail. Journalist: Yes, I see. So how should a manager start a meeting? Senior manager: Whether you are holding the meeting or attending the meeting it is polite to make small talk while you wait for the meeting to start. You should discuss things unrelated to the meeting, such as weather, family, or weekend plans. Following that, once everyone has arrived, the chairperson, or whoever is in charge of the meeting should formally welcome everyone to the meeting and thank the attendees for coming. Journalist: How do you check that everyone is in the meeting? Senior manager: If the meeting is a small group, it is probably unnecessary to take attendance out loud. The person who is taking the minutes will know everyone personally and can indicate who is present and who is absent. In a larger meeting, it may be necessary to send around an attendance sheet or call out names. Journalist: How do all participants know what is going to be discussed? Senior manager: Some people who hold meetings prefer to pass around copies of the agenda, and others will post a large copy on a wall, or use an overhead projector. No matter which format is used, attendees should be able to follow the agenda as the meeting progresses. Before beginning the first main item on the agenda, the speaker should provide a brief verbal outline the objectives. Journalist: Who should take the minutes? Senior manager: Anyone, including you, may be assigned to take the minutes at a meeting. Often someone who is not participating in the meeting will be called upon to be the minute-taker. Journalist: Does the slogan “Time is money” hold true in the meeting? Senior manager: One of the most difficult things about holding an effective meeting is staying within the time limits. A good agenda will outline how long each item should take. A good chairperson will do his or her best to stay within the limits. 4 Meetings Journalist: When do managers need to turn to voting? Senior manager: When issues cannot be resolved or decisions cannot be easily made, they are often put to a vote. Most votes occur during meetings. Votes can be open, where people raise their hands in favour or in opposition of the issue. In an open vote, the results are evident immediately. Other votes, such as who should be elected to take on a certain role, are private or closed. During private votes, attendees fill out ballots and place them in a box to be counted. The results may not be counted until after the meeting. Journalist: And finally, the meeting is about to end, how do you close the meeting? Senior manager: There are different reasons why a meeting comes to an end. Time may run out, or all of the items in the agenda may be checked off. Some meetings will end earlier than expected and others will run late. The odd time, a meeting may be cut short due to an unexpected problem or circumstance. Journalist: What else should be mentioned at the end of the meeting? Senior manager: The end of the meeting is also the time to thank anyone who has not been thanked at the beginning of the meeting, or anyone who deserves a second thank you. Congratulations or Good-luck can also be offered here to someone who has experienced something new, such as receiving a promotion, getting married, or having a baby. In the closing remarks, the chairperson, or participants may want to discuss the date and time for the next meeting, when the minutes will be available, or when a decision should be made by. This is also the time to give contact information, such as how to send a question by e-mail or who to call regarding a certain issue. Journalist: Thank you very much for your time! Zdroj: Business English: Preparing for a Meeting. [online]. EnglishClub, 1997, 2013 [cit. 2013-01-21]. Dostupné z: http://www.englishclub.com/businessenglish/meetings-preparations.htm Otázky What is the typical structure of the corporate meeting? What does the senior manager mean by the agenda? Who looks after the minutes? What are some of the good qualities of the chairperson? What happens at the end of the meeting? 2.3 Lexis 1. Complete the email and use the following expressions below: competitors, duties, meeting, attend, expecting, make arrangements, purpose To: jana.k@hotmail.com cc: dana@hotmail.com; tomas@hotmail.com; nela@hotmail.com From: peter@hotmail.com Subject: Meeting Hi Everyone, We will be having a … next Monday from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM in Room 7.All supervisors are expected to … . The … of the meeting is todiscuss the upcoming trade fair. As you probably have heard, thiscould be one of our busiest trade fairs to date. There are already five hundred… coming to the trade fair from all European countries and even from NorthAmerica. We are also … some Asian representatives too. Please… to have other staff members cover your … duringthe meeting. Thank you, Peter 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Dovolte, abych zahájil dnešní poradu… 2. Prvním bodem jednání bude…pak bude následovat… 3. Nyní budeme hlasovat…kdo je pro, proti, kdo se zdržel hl asování? 4. Má někdo další návrhy? 5. Zápis z porady vám pošlu emailem… 3. Match the words with the correct definitions? 1. absent a) the person who leads or 2. confidential b) not present 3. board of directors c) in complete agreement 4. adjourn d) due date for completion 5. consensus e) close a meeting presides at a meeting 6. chairperson f) private 7. deadline g) group of elected members of an organization/company who meet to make decisions 8. unanimous h) general agreement 4. Translate the following statements into Czech: 1.On the agenda today… 6.Sorry to hold the meeting up. 2. Okay everybody, thanks for coming. 7. I just wanted to see what kind of feedback you’ve got. 3. Just a couple of things on the agenda. 8.Anybody got anything else they want to raise before we wrap up? 4.If we could go through them in order… 9.I really strongly disagree. 5.Right then… let’s get down to business. 10. Any other business. 2.4 Grammar and phrases 2.4.1 AGREEING, DISAGREEING, GIVING OPINIONS, INTERRUPTING AND SUGGESTING IN ENGLISH Během porad lze v angličtině volit z celé řady jednotlivých sloves, spojení či jiných výrazů pro přesné vyjádření: a) názorů: In my opinion..., in my view…, if you want to know my opinion…, the way I see it…, I feel…, I think…, I believe…, I suppose…, I assume…, I guess…, it seems, appears to me that… . b) souhlasu: I agree…, I can go along with that…, I think we are in agreement on that…, I share your view… . c) nesouhlasu: I do not think it is a good idea…, I cannot go along with you there…, I am afraid I cannot agree with you…, I am sorry but I do not agree at all…, I absolutely disagree…, I think you are wrong… . d) přerušení: May I interrupt you for a moment?..., I am sorry to interrupt you…, break in, but…, May I come in at this point?…, Excuse me, may I ask a question?..., I do not want to interrupt, but…, I would like to add something here if I may…, If I might just add something here… . d) návrhů: I would like to make a proposal…, I would like to make a suggestion…, I suggest…, I propose…, I would like to put forward a different proposal…, Would not it be a good idea that we…, Let us first have a look at…, Why do not we…? Nyní následují další příklady. PŘÍKLAD 1 I believe we can sign the contract today. PŘÍKLAD 2 I am afraid; I do not go along with your quotation. PŘÍKLAD 3 Let us put forward another proposal, which you might find quite acceptable. Samostatný úkol 2.4.2 Grammar exercises 1. Compelete the suitbale prepositions: 1. I agree … their price. 2. … my opinion, you are wrong. 3. Derek, do not break … , I need to finish my thought! 4. Could we have a vote … it? 5. Today I would like to go … the main points quickly, we are running out time. 2. Use the suitable word in English: 1. May I (vyrušit) …… for a while? 2. Could we (přejít k dalšímu bodu jednání)……? 3. Our team has to absolutely (nesouhlasit) …… with your proposal! 4. How is going to keep the (zápis z jednání) …… today? 5. Now, let us have a (hlasovat) …… on the new project! 6. Who is in (pro) …… and who is (proti) ……. please raise your hands! 7. (Zdržel se někdo hlasování) …… ? 8. Today we are meeting to (hledat nové nápady)…… 9. Please treat this information (tajně) …… 10. We have come (jednohlasně) …… to the conclusion that we would buy another 10% in their business. 3. Complete the minutes with the suitable word: a) confirmed, b) commence, c) opinion, d) significance, e) vote, f) unanimous, g) objected, h) opted for, i) chairman Minutes of the meeting held at the Head Office of MacKenzie, on Jan.1 1. The … opened the meeting, 2. … the minutes of the last meeting andstressed the 3. …of coming to a decision, then he asked Mrs. Susan to 4. … the discussion by giving the others his …. on the new project. Fortunately, everyone 5. …a quick decision, so all participants did not have to 6. … on accepting the procedure in terms of implementing the new project. No one 7. … and shortly afterwards the 8. … decision was taken. Samostatný úkol 2.5 Speaking 1. In pairs conduct a meeting, in which you will discuss different issues. Try to argue for and against. Give your opinion as well. Otázky 2.6 Test 1. Bruce, the chairperson, ran out of time and he was forced to … the conference. · accomplish · adjourn · confirm 2. Thomas will … as soon as all of the board members take a seat. · commence · brainstorm · move 3. The meeting will … two hours. · take place · take · break 4. In a meeting it is possible to … that a counterpart is telling the truth by observing his/her body language. · infect · detect · effect 5. Susan, if you have a … please wait until Sophie has finished speaking. · comment · implement · detent 6. Our top managers we'll be discussing this year's profits at the … · AOB · AGM · AMM 7. In her … the chairwoman thanked everyone for doing such a good job this week. · agenda · motion · closing remarks 8. Before we … I want to remind everyone to sign the attendance form on the way out. · cooperate · collaborate · wrap up 9. I was away on business in Turkey last month, so … was assigned. · proxy-vote · participant · ballot 10. The board members of AVEX Company couldn't come to a ... so they had to hold a vote last week. · motion · completion · consensus Odpovědi LEXIS – EXERCISES To: jana.k@hotmail.com cc: dana@hotmail.com; tomas@hotmail.com; nela@hotmail.com From: peter@hotmail.com Subject: Meeting Hi Everyone, We will be having a meeting next Monday from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM in Room 7.All supervisors are expected to attend. The purpose of the meeting is todiscuss the upcoming trade fair. As you probably have heard, thiscould be one of our busiest trade fairs to date. There are already five hundred competitors coming to the trade fair from all European countries and even from NorthAmerica. We are also expecting some Asian representatives too. Please make arrangements to have other staff members cover your duties duringthe meeting. Thank you, Peter 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Dovolte, abych zahájil dnešní poradu… Let me commence / start / begin / open our today’s meeting… 2. Prvním bodem jednání bude…pak bude následovat… The first item on the agenda will be… then will follow… 3. Nyní budeme hlasovat…kdo je pro, proti, kdo se zdržel hl asování? Now, we are going to have a vote… who is in favour, who is against, any abstentions? 4. Má někdo další návrhy? Has anyone / does anyone have further proposals / suggestions? 5. Zápis z porady vám pošlu emailem… I will send y ou the minutes by email… 3. Match the words with the correct definitions? 1. absent b) 2. confidential f) 3. board of directors g) 4. adjourn e) 5. consensus h) 6. chairperson a) 7. deadline d) 8. unanimous c) 4. Translate the following statements into Czech: 1. Na dnešním programu jednání je… 6. Omluvám se, že zdržuji poradu. 2. Díky všem, že jste dorazili. 7. Chtěl jsem vidět, jakou mate zpětnou vazbu. 3. Několik věci na program jednání. 8. Má ještě někdo něco, než budeme končit? 4. Kdybychom si je mohli projít po řadě… 9. Opravdu musím velice nesouhlasit. 5. Tedy dobrá… pojďme na věc. 10. Různé. GRAMMAR – EXERCISES 1. Complete the suitable prepositions: 1. I agree with their price. 2. In my opinion, you are wrong. 3. Derek, do not break in, I need to finish my thought! 4. Could we have a vote on it? 5. Today I would like to go over the main points quickly, we are running out time. 2. Use the suitable word in English: 1. May I interrupt for a while? 2. Could we move to the next item on the agenda? 3. Our team has to absolutely disagree with your proposal! 4. How is going to keep the minutes today? 5. Now, let us have a vote on the new project! 6. Who is in favour and who is against please raise your hands! 7. Any abstentions? 8. Today we are meeting to brainstorm. 9. Please treat this information confidentially. 10. We have come unanimously to the conclusion that we would buy another 10% in their business. 3. Complete the minutes with the suitable word: a) confirmed, b) commence, c) opinion, d) significance, e) vote, f) unanimous, g) objected, h) opted for, i) chairman Minutes of the meeting held at the Head Office of MacKenzie, on Jan.1 1. The i) chairman opened the meeting, 2. a) confirmed the minutes of the last meeting and stressed the 3. d) significance of coming to a decision, then he asked Mrs. Susan to 4. b) commence the discussion by giving the others his c) opinion on the new project. Fortunately, everyone 5. h) opted for a quick decision, so all participants did not have to 6. e) vote on accepting the procedure in terms of implementing the new project. No one 7. g) objected and shortly afterwards the 8. f) unanimous decision was taken. TEST 1. Bruce, the chairperson, ran out of time and he was forced to … the conference. · accomplish · adjourn · confirm 2. Thomas will … as soon as all of the board members take a seat. · commence · brainstorm · move 3. The meeting will … two hours. · take place · take · break 4. In a meeting it is possible to … that a counterpart is telling the truth by observing his/her body language. · infect · detect · effect 5. Susan, if you have a … please wait until Sophie has finished speaking. · comment · implement · detent 6. Our top managers we'll be discussing this year's profits at the … · AOB · AGM · AMM 7. In her … the chairwoman thanked everyone for doing such a good job this week. · agenda · motion · closing remarks 8. Before we … I want to remind everyone to sign the attendance form on the way out. · cooperate · collaborate · wrap up 9. I was away on business in Turkey last month, so … was assigned. · proxy-vote · participant · ballot 10. The board members of AVEX Company couldn't come to a ... so they had to hold a vote last week. · motion · completion · consensus Shrnutí kapitoly V kapitole Gaining experience – Meeting people and making conversation jsme se zaměřili na oblast firemní kultury, která souvisí s komunikací. Naučili jsme se, jak vést obchodní jednání firmy podle pravidel, včetně ustálených frází, které se běžně používají při podobných jednáních. 3 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – CUSTOMER SERVICE Rychlý náhled kapitoly Kapitola se věnuje principům péče o zákazníka s cílem uspokojit jeho očekávání, případně jej předčit a tím si jej získat a následně udržet. Cíle kapitoly V kapitole se naučím: · slovní zásobu k tématu Customer service · základní principy péče o zákazníka · zopakuji gramatiku – např. frázová slovesa Klíčová slova kapitoly customer, customer service, principle, satisfaction, success 3.1 Vocabulary be tailored to být ušitý na míru cause způsobit, příčina circumstance okolnost conceivable myslitelný, případný condition podmínka defeat porážka, prohra deliver doručit, poskytovat discover objevit, zjisit effort snaha encourage povzbudit, pobídnout ensure zajistit experience zažít, prožít failure neúspěch, nezdar flawless bezvadný, bezchybný from scratch od začátku grasp pochopit, porozumět implement provést jaw sanice, čelist manner způsob measure měřit mission poselství paramount nejdůležitější perceive vnímat perception vnímání primary základní principle zásada probability pravděpodobnost provide poskytovat recovery zotavení, zlepšení result in mít za následek reward odměnit, odměna satisfaction spokojenost seamless jednolitý, souvislý seek hledat serve sloužit service služba strive snažit se successful úspěšný support podporovat trump přebít trumpfem victory vítězství wealth bohatsví 3.2 Text PRINCIPLES FOR COMPLETE CUSTOMER SERVICE Ken Wallace, M. Div., CSL has been in the organizational development field since 1973. He is a seasoned consultant, speaker and executive coach with extensive business experience in multiple industries who provides practical organizational direction and support for business leaders. Tel:(800)235-5690 Claim your Leadership Self-Evaluation Checklist and your 5-Day Mini-Course on how to get off your mark and into the life of your dreams, "Get It Done By Tomorrow!" by visiting the Better Than Your Best website. http://betterthanyourbest.com. HERE ARE THE 15 PRINCIPLES FOR COMPLETE CUSTOMER SERVICE: 1. The primary cause of success for any organization is service to its customers. 2. Everyone in the organization provides service for its customers, even if they never see those customers or know their names. 3. Perception is reality in the minds of every customer when it comes to experiencing service satisfaction. 4. Every customer is different in some way from every other customer; discovering and understanding these differences results in a high probability of delivering service in a manner that is perceived to be satisfying to each customer; service to each customer that is tailored to individual needs is the primary objective of any successful organization. 5. Serve every customer as you would serve the person you most love. 6. Every successful organization strives to ensure that its internal systems are designed and implemented to deliver flawless and seamless service to every customer under all conceivable conditions and circumstances. 7. Service to customers is based not just on systems, processes and procedures but also on personal effort and creativity of those who serve. Encourage, support and reward personal initiative in exhibiting creative ways to serve others both inside and outside the organization. 8. Successful organizations serve well those who serve customers – internal customers (employees) are served as well as external (paying) customers; creatively taking care of those who take care of customers is a priority. 9. Solicit feedback from customers at all times and then listen, especially when it hurts. 10. Seek always to do it right the first time; if this is not done, then do it very right the second time. Service recovery after initial service failure is paramount to grasping victory from the jaws of defeat. 11. Continuously measure how well customer service is translating into customer satisfaction. Statistics tell stories – are these stories what you want told to your customers? 12. Policies trump processes and procedures. All processes and procedures should be designed and implemented in the service of the organization’s stated reason for existence – its mission to serve its customers. 13. Use the Kaizen philosophy: set goals to improve everyday in every way. 14. Employ Lagniappe: delight customers by providing more than they expect. 15. Always be willing to start from scratch in thinking about how to better serve customers. Effective customer service policies, processes and systems can be viewed as wealthproducing assets. Not every asset, however, can be efficiently used to turn a profit. Using the right assets in the right way produces wealth. Zdroj: CSM: 15 Principles for Complete Customer Service. [online]. Copyright Customer Service Manager.com, 2010. [cit. 2013-07-04]. Dostupné z: http://www.customerservicemanager.com/15-principles-for-complete-customer-service.htm Otázky What is the key to success of a company in relation to customers? What are internal systems in companies for? What is the role of feedback in the context of customers’ service? What is the role of Kaizen philosophy? What is Lagniappe good for? 3.3 Lexis 1. Match the words with their explanations: 1. asset a) a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase 1. 2. perception b) a large amount of money or valuablepossessions that someone has 2. 3. satisfaction c) a pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do 3. 4. wealth d) a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem 4. 5. Lagniappe e) a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person 5. 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. uspokojit přání zákazníka 2. podporovat, odměňovat a motivovat zaměstnance 3. zavést interní systémy 4. získávat zpětnou vazbu od zákazníků 5. poskytovat profesionální služby zákazníkům 3. Build different words in English: Verb Noun 1.satisfy …. 2.… service 3.implement … 4.… encouragement 5.measure … 6.… perception 3.4 Grammar 3.4.1 Selected phrasal verbs in English Úvod a prezentace frázových sloves je uvedena v kapitole 4. Příklad 1 The sales went down by 3%. Příklad 2 Our marketing team caught up with the latest trends. příklad 3 Luckily we pulled it off. 3.4.2 Grammar-exercises 4. Complete the suitable prepositions: 1. The burglars broke … last night into our headquarters. 2. Currently we are selling … many discounted goods. 3. Who is going to buy … the stocks of the whole company soon? 4. My best workers Adam and Eve never let me … 5. Ok, we should make it … after all this quarrel. 6. The company is gone bankrupt, we need to sell it … 7. John was a few minutes in the company and then he made … 8. The machine is in a terrible condition, it keeps breaking … 5. Try to write at least three phrasal verbs for the following verbs and translate them into Czech: 1. break … 2. make … 3. let … 4. sell … 5. buy … 6. Match the phrasal verbs with their explanations in English: 1. break up a) take over ownership of; of corporations and companies 1. 2. make off b) get rid of all one's merchandise 2. 3. buy up c) allow to enter 3. 4. let in d) come to an end 4. 5. sell up e) run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along 5. 3.5 Speaking Summarise in pairs the main ideas for providing the best customer service. Otázky 3.6 Test 1. The new computer broke … again last week. · off · up · down 2. The burglars broke … and stole the latest financial documents. · in · up · down 3. The biggest oil tycoon in South America is buying … all competitors’ stocks. · down · up · in 4. The new boss did not want to let us … and said he was too busy. · in · off · down 5. The most reliable staff workers are those who never let you … · in · down · off 6. After some time the negotiating teams decided to make it … after a protracted argument. · up · off · away 7. At the end of the summer many shops start to sell … their seasonal goods. · down · up · out 8. Some Eastern-European companies buy … some potential investors. · up · off · in 9. Some IT companies have gone bankrupt, so the management needs to sell them … at a lower price. · off · out · up 10. The CEO and his wife broke … after twenty years. · down · up · in Odpovědi 3.7 Key 3.7.1 Lexis-exercises 1. Match the words with their explanations: 1. asset a) a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase 1.e) 2. perception b) a large amount of money or valuablepossessions that someone has 2.d) 3. satisfaction c) a pleasant feeling that you get when you receive something you wanted, or when you have done something you wanted to do 3.c) 4. wealth d) a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem 4. b) 5. lagniappe e) a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person 5.a) 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. uspokojit přání zákazníka to satisfy a customer’s wish 2. podporovat, odměňovat a motivovat zaměstnance to encourage, reward and motivate employees 3. zavést interní systémy to establish internal systems 4. získávat zpětnou vazbu od zákazníků to get/solicit feedback from customers 5. poskytovat profesionální služby zákazníkům to provide professional customer service 3. Build different words in English: Verb Noun 1.^.satisfy satisfaction 2.serve service 3.implement implementation 4. encourage encouragement 5.measure measurement 6.perceive perception 3.7.2 Grammar-exercises 1. Complete the suitable prepositions: 1. The burglars broke in last night into our headquarters. 2. Currently we are selling off many discounted goods. 3. Who is going to buy.up the stocks of the whole company soon? 4. My best workers Adam and Eve never let me down 5. Ok, we should make it up after all this quarrel. 6. The company is gone bankrupt, we need to sell it up 7. John was a few minutes in the company and then he made off 8. The machine is in a terrible condition, it keeps breaking down 2. Try to write at least three phrasal verbs for the following verbs and translate them into Czech: 1. break up (rezejít se, rozbít, ukončit), break down (porouchat se selhat, zhrouti se), break off (ulomit)… 2. make off (utéci, ujet), make up (tvořit, vymyslet, vynahradit), make out (pochopit)… 3. let down (zklamat, nechat na holičkách), let off (zbavit, uvolnit, odpálit), let in (pustit dovnitř)… 4. sell up (rozprodat), sell off (rozprodat), sell out (vyprodat)… 5. buy up (vykoupit, skoupit), buy off (podplatit, uplatit), buy in (zásobit se, skupovat)… 3. Match the phrasal verbs with their explanations in English: 1. break up a) take over ownership of; of corporations and companies 1.d) 2. make off b) get rid of all one's merchandise 2.e) 3. buy up c) allow to enter 3.a) 4. let in d) come to an end 4.c) 5. sell up e) run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along 5.b) 3.7.3 Test 1. The new computer broke … again last week. · off · up · down 2. The burglars broke … and stole the latest financial documents. · in · up · down 3. The biggest oil tycoon in South America is buying … all competitors’ stocks. · down · up · in 4. The new boss did not want to let us … and said he was too busy. · in · off · down 5. The most reliable staff workers are those who never let you … · in · down · off 6. After some time the negotiating teams decided to make it … after a protracted argument. · up · off · away 7. At the end of the summer many shops start to sell … their seasonal goods. · down · up · out 8. Some Eastern-European companies buy … some potential investors. · up · off · in 9. Some IT companies have gone bankrupt, so the management needs to sell them … at a lower price. · off · out · up 10. The CEO and his wife broke … after twenty years. · down · up · in Shrnutí kapitoly Kapitola se věnovala principům péče o zákazníka s cílem uspokojit jeho očekávání, případně jej předčit a tím si jej získat a následně udržet. Dále jsme procvičili slovní zásobu k tématu Customer service, základní principy péče o zákazníka a zopakovali jsme si gramatiku - frázová slovesa. 4 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – FORMAL LETTERS IN ENGLISH Rychlý náhled kapitoly Kapitola se věnuje firemní korespondenci a jejím pravidlům, která jsou důležitá pro úspěšnou firemní komunikaci v mezinárodní prostředí a jsou prezentována na psaní obchodních dopisů. Naučíme se, jak správně strukturovat obchodní dopis, jaká se používají oslovení, jak oddělovat jednotlivé části dopisu, jak jej správně ukončit apod. Cíle kapitoly V kapitole se naučím: · slovní zásobu k tématu Formal letters · pravidla psaní obchodních dopisů Klíčová slova kapitoly attachment, enclosure, formal letter, recipient, salutation 4.1 Vocabulary attachment příloha block format zarovnání do bloku body hlavní část bullets odrážky certified mail potvrzená, doporučená pošta coherent souvislý, jasný, srozumitelný concise stručný confidential důvěrný diplomacy diplomacie diplomatic diplomatický direct mail reklamní pošta double space dvojité řádkování enclosure příloha formal formální format formát, struktura, uspořádání heading záhlaví indent odsazení informal neformální inside address informace o příjemci justified margins zarovnané okraje letterhead hlavička logo logo, emblém margin okraj memorandum, memo písemné interní sdělení modified block format upravené zarovnání do bloku on arrival notification, e.g. confidential označení charakteru dopisu, np. důvěrně apod. postage poštovné proofread korektura, udělat kontrolu punctuation interpunkce reader-friendly srozumitelný pro čtenáře recipient příjemce right ragged nezarovnaný okraj textu vpravo salutation oslovení sensitive information citlivá informace semi-block format formát s odsazenými odstavci, nezarovnaný vlevo Sincerely s úctou single spaced jednoduché řádkování Spacing řádkování Tone charakter, ton transitions , e.g. furthermore… přechodový prvek v textu dopise, np. dále… 4.2 Writing a business letter The term "business letter" makes people nervous. Many people with English as a second language worry that their writing is not advanced enough for business writing. This is not the case. An effective letter in business uses short, simple sentences and straightforward vocabulary. The easier a letter is to read, the better. You will need to use smooth transitions so that your sentences do not appear too choppy. Salutation First and foremost, make sure that you spell the recipient's name correctly. You should also confirm the gender and proper title. Use Ms. for women and Mr. for men. Use Mrs. if you are 100% sure that a woman is married. Under less formal circumstances, or after a long period of correspondence it may be acceptable to address a person by his or her first name. When you don't know the name of a person and cannot find this information out you may write, "To Whom It May Concern". It is standard to use a comma (colon in North America) after the salutation. It is also possible to use no punctuation mark at all. Here are some common ways to address the recipient: Dear Mr Powell, Dear Ms Mackenzie, Dear Frederick Hanson:, Dear Editor-in-Chief:, Dear Valued Customer, Dear Sir or Madam:, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen:, etc. First paragraph In most types of business letter it is common to use a friendly greeting in the first sentence of the letter. Here are some examples: I hope you are enjoying a fine summer., Thank you for your kind letter of January 5th., I came across an ad for your company in The Star today., It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference this month., I appreciate your patience in waiting for a response., etc. After your short opening, state the main point of your letter in one or two sentences: I'm writing to enquire about..., I'm interested in the job opening posted on your company website., We'd like to invite you to a members only luncheon on April 5th., etc. Second and third paragraphs Use a few short paragraphs to go into greater detail about your main point. If one paragraph is all you need, don't write an extra paragraph just to make your letter look longer. If you are including sensitive material, such as rejecting an offer or informing an employee of a layoff period, embed this sentence in the second paragraph rather than opening with it. Here are some common ways to express unpleasant facts: We regret to inform you..., It is with great sadness that we..., After careful consideration we have decided..., etc. Final paragraph Your last paragraph should include requests, reminders, and notes on enclosures. If necessary, your contact information should also be in this paragraph. Here are some common phrases used when closing a business letter: I look forward to..., Please respond at your earliest convenience., I should also remind you that the next board meeting is on February 5th., For further details... If you require more information..., Thank you for taking this into consideration., I appreciate any feedback you may have., Enclosed you will find..., Feel free to contact me by phone or email. Closing Here are some common ways to close a letter. Use a comma between the closing and your handwritten name (or typed in an email). If you do not use a comma or colon in your salutation, leave out the comma after the closing phrase: Yours truly, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Thank you, Best wishes, All the best, Best of luck, Warm regards, etc. Writing Tips Use a conversational tone. Ask direct questions. Double-check gender and spelling of names. Use active voice whenever possible. Use polite modals (would in favour of will). Always refer to yourself as "I". Don't use "we" unless it is clear exactly who the pronoun refers to. Rewrite any sentence or request that sounds vague. Don't forget to include the date. Day-Month-Year is conventional in many countries; however, to avoid confusion, write out the month instead of using numbers (e.g. July 5th, 2007) Zdroj: EnglishClub: Learn English: Business English: Business Letters. [online]. 1997, 2013 [cit. 2013-01-29]. Dostupné z: http://www.englishclub.com/business-english/business-letterswrite.htm Otázky What is a business letter according to the article? What are the main parts of a business letter in English? What are some writing tips for a proper business letter in English? How do you start and close a business letter in English? What information should be included in the main body of a business letter in English? 4.3 Lexis 1. Match the words with the suitable definitions: 1. attachment a) the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature 1) 2. direct mail b) a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about 2) 3. heading c) greeting in a letter 3) 4. proofread d) the set up or organization of a document 4) 5. salutation e) marketing letters addressed to a large audience 5) 6. format f) read through a finished document to check for mistakes 6) 7. body g) extra document or image that is added to an email 7) 2. Add the opposites to the following adjectives: 1. ponderous a) public 1. 1) 2. formal b) undiplomatic 2) 3. coherent c) reader-friendly 3) 4. confidential d) prolix 4) 5. diplomatic e) informal 5) 6. concise f) incoherent 6) 3. Which word is different? 1. salutation opening greeting closing 2. sender addressee receiver recipient 3. paragraph body section part 4. insincerely sincerely yours truthfully sincerely 4. Translate the following expressions into Czech: 1. Dear Madam 6. Please respond at your earliest convenience. 2. I appreciate your patience in waiting for a response. 7. For further details... 3. I'm writing to enquire about... 8. Enclosed you will find... 4. We regret to inform you... 9. I look forward to... 5. After careful consideration we have decided... 10. Sincerely yours 4.4 Grammar 4.4.1 Prepositions in business letters V obchodní korespondenci je nutné dodržovat gramatickou správnost v oblasti předložek. V další části si zopakujeme ty nejdůležitější předložky. · předložky v obecném použití, · předložky spojené napevno se slovesem, · předložky spojené napevno s podstatným jménem, · předložky spojené napevno s přídavným jménem. Nyní následují jednotlivé příklady ke zmíněným pravidlům. PŘÍKLAD 1 I went to a business trip to Amsterdam a week ago PŘÍKLAD 2 We have not paid for the goods yet. PŘÍKLAD 3 The acknowledgment of the order. PŘÍKLAD 4 His company was quick in responding to our complaint. Samostatný úkol 4.4.2 Grammar - exercises 1. Try do guess the correct prepositions and fill them in: Farnham Green, Warnside, Upminster, UB23. Tel: 091 8976. Fax: 091 9008. E-mail: manhot@xx.itl www.man.itx 15 January 2013 The Sales Manager, Melody Modes Ltd., Carrham, Upminster UE12. Your Ref: KPS/C3, Our Ref: Con/13/1 Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter … 12 January regarding our conference facilities for your sales convention in July this year. I have pleasure … enclosing our current conference brochure and tariff. You will note that we offer a variety … venues inside the hotel itself, … groups of between 20 and 150people, … a choice of catering facilities and with or without accommodation. This year we are also able to arrange functions in marquees in the hotel grounds, … a more limited range … catering, but again with or … hotel accommodation. We have two lecture rooms, with audiovisual equipment - overhead projectors and video and DVD facilities - which might be … interest … you. There are also product displayfacilities … the hotel. If you require all or some … your delegates to be accommodated ... the hotel, I recommend early booking, as July is one … our peak months. We offer 4-star accommodation, every room … ensuite facilities, minibar, television, personal safe, trouser press. We have two restaurants, four bars, a fully equipped gymnasium, and an indoor/outdoor swimming pool. I look forward … hearing from you further, and I shall be happy to supply any additional information you might require; you will be very welcome … visit the hotel to see … yourself the facilities we offer. Yours faithfully, Hector Manning General Manager Enc. Zdroj: Cambridgecollege: BUSINESS ENGLISH & LETTER WRITING. [online]. [cit.2013-01-29].Dostupné z: http://www.cambridgecollege.co.uk/coursesattachments/blwmod1.pdf Samostatný úkol 4.5 Speaking 1. Repeat with your partner the main rules for writing a business letter in English. Otázky TEST 1. Business letters should be … and … to read. · simple … easy · oversimple … easy · complex … ponderous 2. In business letters it is advisable to use … voice. · imperative · passive · active 3. The first paragraph of a business letter should be comprised entirely of … · a friendly greeting and stating a main point in your letter · "small talk" · personal affairs 4. The first and second paragraph… · go into greater detail about your main point · conclude your general aspect of your main point · shorten your main point 5. The last paragraph should include … . · plans, wishes, and goodbyes · requests, reminders, and notes on enclosures · intention, notices, and notifications 6. In a business letter, it is advisable to refer to yourself as to … · “They” · “We” · “I” 7. A(n) … letter in business uses short, simple sentences and straightforward vocabulary. · competent · effective · impotent 8. In business correspondence it is advisable to use Mrs. if you are 100% sure that a woman is … . · married · single · divorced 9. Generally in business letters ... are used. · Ms. for girls and Mr. for boys · Ms. for women and Mr. for men · Mrs. for all women and Mr. for men 10. It is advisable to use … modals in a business letter. · polite · direct · indirect Odpovědi Key LEXIS – EXERCISES 1. Match the words with the suitable definitions: 1. attachment a) the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature 1)g 2. direct mail b) a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about 2)e 3. heading c) greeting in a letter 3)b 4. proofread d) the set up or organization of a document 4)f 5. salutation e) marketing letters addressed to a large audience 5)c 6. format f) read through a finished document to check for mistakes 6)d 7. body g) extra document or image that is added to an email 7)a 2. Add the opposites to the following adjectives: 1. ponderous a) public 1. 1)c 2. formal b) undiplomatic 2)e 3. coherent c) reader-friendly 3)f 4. confidential d) prolix 4)a 5. diplomatic e) informal 5)b 6. concise f) incoherent 6)d 3. Which word is different? 1. salutation opening greeting closing 2. sender addressee receiver recipient 3. paragraph body section part 4. insincerely sincerely yours truthfully sincerely 4. Translate the following expressions into Czech: 1. Vážená paní 6.Prosím dejte nám vědět co možná nejdříve. 2.Vážím si Vaši trpělivosti ohledně odpovědi. 7.Pro další podrobnosti... 3. Píšu, abych se poptal na ... 8. V příloze najdete... 4.Litujeme, ale musíme Vám sdělit... 9.Těším se na... 5. Po pečlivé zvážení jsem se rozhodli... 10. S úctou GRAMMAR – EXERCISES 1. Try do guess the correct prepositions and fill them in: Farnham Green, Warnside, Upminster, UB23. Tel: 091 8976. Fax: 091 9008. E-mail: manhot@xx.itl www.man.itx 15 January 2013 The Sales Manager, Melody Modes Ltd., Carrham, Upminster UE12. Your Ref: KPS/C3, Our Ref: Con/13/1 Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of 12 January regarding our conference facilities for yoursales convention in July this year. I have pleasure in enclosing our current conference brochure and tariff. You will note that we offer a variety of venues inside the hotel itself, for groups of between 20 and 150 people, with a choice of catering facilities and with or without accommodation. This year we are also able to arrange functions in marquees in the hotel grounds, with a more limited range of catering, but again with or without hotel accommodation. We have two lecture rooms, with audiovisual equipment - overhead projectors and video and DVD facilities - which might be of interest to you. There are also product displayfacilities within the hotel. If you require all or some of your delegates to be accommodated in the hotel, I recommend early booking, as July is one of our peak months. We offer 4-star accommodation, every room with en suite facilities, minibar, television, personal safe, trouser press. We have two restaurants, four bars, a fully equipped gymnasium, and an indoor/outdoor swimming pool. I look forward to hearing from you further, and I shall be happy to supply any additional information you might require; you will be very welcome to visit the hotel to see for yourself the facilities we offer. Yours faithfully, Hector Manning General Manager Enc. TEST 1. Business letters should be … and … to read. · simple … easy · oversimple … easy · complex … ponderous 2. In business letters it is advisable to use … voice. · imperative · passive · active 3. The first paragraph of a business letter should be comprised entirely of … · a friendly greeting and stating a main point in your letter · "small talk" · personal affairs 4. The first and second paragraph… · go into greater detail about your main point · conclude your general aspect of your main point · shorten your main point 5. The last paragraph should include … . · plans, wishes, and goodbyes · requests, reminders, and notes on enclosures · intention, notices, and notifications 6. In a business letter, it is advisable to refer to yourself as to … · “They” · “We” · “I” 7. A(n) … letter in business uses short, simple sentences and straightforward vocabulary. · competent · effective · impotent 8. In business correspondence it is advisable to use Mrs. if you are 100% sure that a woman is … . · married · single · divorced 9. Generally in business letters ... are used. · Ms. for girls and Mr. for boys · Ms. for women and Mr. for men · Mrs. for all women and Mr. for men 10. It is advisable to use … modals in a business letter. · polite · direct · indirect Shrnutí kapitoly V kapitole Customer satisfaction – business letters jsme se zabývali korespondencí v podobě obchodních dopisů. Zaměřili jsme se na pravidla, která se dodržují při jejich tvorbě – oslovení, zakončení, osnova, zkratky apod. 5 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - BUSINESS EMAILS Rychlý náhled kapitoly Kapitola se věnuje firemní korespondenci a jejím pravidlům, která jsou důležitá pro úspěšnou firemní komunikaci v mezinárodní prostředí a jsou prezentována na psaní obchodních emailů. Naučíme se, jakou slovní zásobu aplikovat při v současné době nejproduktivnější formě komunikace. Zaměříme se také na používání zkratek, které jsou jeden z prvků nezbytných pro úspěšné zvládnutí této formy firemní komunikace. Cíle kapitoly V kapitole se naučím: · slovní zásobu k tématu Business emails · pravidla psaní obchodních emalů · zkratky používané v mailové korespondenci Klíčová slova kapitoly attachment, copy, email, junk mail, recipient, reply, sender 5.1 Vocabulary @ (at) @ zavináč afford dovolit si appear objevit se appropriate vhodný attach připojit přílohu avoid vyhnout se něčemu bcc skrytá kopie casual přirozený, neformální cc kopie check zkontrolovat clear srozumitelný copy kopírovat courteous zdvořilý delete smazat dot tečka download stáhnout efficient účinný, schopný forgive odpustit, prominout formality formálnost forward přeposlat impolite nezdvořilý include zahrnovat initiate zahájit inquiry dotaz, otázka line řádek polite zdvořilý punctuation interpunkce purpose účel, cíl put sb. at ease uklidnit koho receive přijmout recipient příjemce reply odpovědět reply to all odpovědet všem run on zdlouhavý send odeslat send and receive odeslat a přijmout sender odesílatel sentence věta spelling pravopis step krok 5.2 How to write a perfect professional email in English Although emails are often seen as less formal than printed business letters, in the business world you cannot afford to let your language appear to be informal. Email may be faster and more efficient, but your client or business partner will not easily forgive correspondence that is too casual. Not to fear! Read on to discover simple secrets that will add a high level of professionalism to your English emails. Begin with a greeting It's important to always open your email with a greeting, such as "Dear Lillian,". Depending on the formality of your relationship, you may want to use their family name as opposed to their given name, i.e. "Dear Mrs. Price,". If the relationship is more casual, you can simply say, "Hi Kelly," If you’re contacting a company, not an individual, you may write "To Whom It May Concern:" Thank the recipient If you are replying to a client's inquiry, you should begin with a line of thanks. For example, if someone has a question about your company, you can say, "Thank you for contacting ABC Company." If someone has replied to one of your emails, be sure to say, "Thank you for your prompt reply." or "Thanks for getting back to me." If you can find any way to thank the reader, then do. It will put him or her at ease, and it will make you appear more courteous. State your purpose If, however, you are initiating the email communication, it may be impossible to include a line of thanks. Instead, begin by stating your purpose. For example, "I am writing to enquire about …" or "I am writing in reference to …" It's important to make your purpose clear early on in the email, and then move into the main text of your email. Remember to pay careful attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation, and to avoid run-on sentences by keeping your sentences short and clear. Closing remarks Before you end your email, it's polite to thank your reader one more time as well as add some courteous closing remarks. You might start with "Thank you for your patience and cooperation." or "Thank you for your consideration." and then follow up with, "If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know." and "I look forward to hearing from you." End with a closing The last step is to include an appropriate closing with your name. "Best regards,""Sincerely," and "Thank you," are all professional. It's a good idea to avoid closings such as "Best wishes," or "Cheers," as these are best used in casual, personal emails. Finally, before you hit the send button, review and spell check your email one more time to make sure it's truly perfect! Zdroj: Englishtown: Community. [online]. [cit. 2013-01-30]. Dostupné z: http://www.englishtown.com/community/Channels/article.aspx?articleName=184-email Otázky What is the main difference between a business email and a business letter? How do you begin a business email when addressing it to a company and a friend? What are some common expressions to be used for thanking the recipient? How to state your purpose in a business email? What are some common closing remarks in a business email and how do you end it? 5.3 Lexis 1. Match the words with their definitions: 1. reply to all a) get rid of an email you do not want 1 2. reply b) send a copy to someone else 2 3. delete c) send an answer to the person who 3 4. cc d) send a blind copy to 4 5. bcc sent an email e) send an email you have received to sent an email, and everyone who 5 6. forward . f) send an answer to the person who received a copy of it 6. 7. attach g) send a document, e.g. a picture, with an email 7. 2. Complete missing expressions in the following email: a) Looking forward, b) Please let me know, c) Thanks for, d) Please find attached, e) forward Petra, 1. … your email asking for budget breakdown for our current marketing campaign. 2. … an Excel with detailed figures for this. 3. … if you cannot read the attachment. I am copying Michael and Susan in on this. Please 4. … it to the rest of the marketing team if you feel that is a good idea. 5. … to your reaction. Best wishes, Brian 3. Explain the most common abbreviations in emails: 1. HTH a) not my problem 1. 2. FYI b) as far as I know 2. 3. FW c) to be forwarded 3. 4. NMP d) for your information 4. 5. TBF e) hope this helps 5. 6. AFAIK f) forwarded message 6. 5.4 Grammar 5.4.1 Comparative and superlative forms with adjectives Přídavná jména mají v angličtině tři stupně: základní tvar, druhý stupeň a třetí stupeň. Druhý stupeň se tvoří pomocí +er (faster, quicker, nicer), třetí stupeň pomocí the + est (the fastest, the quickest, the nicest). Dlouhá přídavná jména se stupňují pomocí opisů, a to slovy MORE (more interesting, more beautiful, more intelligent) a MOST (the most interesting, the most beautiful, the most intelligent). V angličtině se vyskytuje několik výjimek: · good, better, best · bad, worse, worst · far, farther, fartherst · far, further, furthest · many, more, most · much, more, most · little, less, least · few, fewer, fewest V druhém stupni při porovnávání vlastností předmětů používá angličtina slůvko THAN. V případě, že srovnáváme stejné vlastnosti předmětů, používá angličtina spojení AS … AS. K dalším menším změnám dochází například v těchto příkladech: long (dlouhý) longer (delší) longest (nejdelší) big (velký) bigger (větší) biggest (největší) nice (hezký) nicer (hezčí) nicest (nejhezčí) large (velký) larger (větší) largest (největší) clever (chytrý) cleverer (chytřejší) cleverest (nejchytřejší) funny (legrační) funnier (legračnější) funniest (nejlegračnější) dry (suchý) drier (sušší) driest (nejsušší) thin (hubený) thinner (hubenější) thinnest (nejhubenější) Nyní následují další příklady k uvedeným pravidlům výše. PŘÍKLAD 1 Your last offer is better than the first one. PŘÍKLAD 2 This is one of the worst situations that can happen in our company. PŘÍKLAD 3 The language in his email is less complicated than hers. Samostatný úkol 5.4.2 Grammar - exercises 1. Use the correct forms of the adjectives: 1. boring … 2. smart… 3. old-fashioned … 4. brave… 5. limited… 2. Complete the suitable comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives: 1. Our department is (big) … than yours. 2. Computers are (expensive) … than telephones. 3. Emails are the (cheap) … way of modern communication. 4. Dealing with foreign clients may be (difficult) … than with the ones you know well. 5. This is the (quick) … method of payment. 6. The (easy) … thing to do is to forward that message as soon as possible. 3. Say which of the tips you are supposed to use and which ones you are not in business emails: In business emails you are supposed to: DO! DO NOT! 1. check your spelling and grammar 2. use slang or swear words 3. include a greeting and a sign off 4. type in upper case 5. use smileys and emoticons 6. copy every email to the whole office 7. include proper punctuation 8. write an angry email 9. include a subject line 10. always use humour in emails 5.5 SPEAKING 1. Repeat the main rules for writing a business email in English. Otázky TEST 1. Could you please … that email you received from the boss. · forward me · forward to me · forward it to me 2. I am so sorry but I have not obtained your … in your last email. · copy · enclosure · attachment 3. Contemporary enterprises have a system, which … their employees' email. · mentors · monitors · advises 4. At the beginning of your email message, it is common to thank for the counterpart’s … · replication · replay · reply 5. Businesspeople pay always attention to their businesslike language in all … communications. · electronics · electric · electronic 6. Paul was upset yesterday and sent our quotation … to another company. · by-chance · by-accident · by error 7. In email correspondence when you send someone a "hidden" copy of an email it is known as: · deceiving · cc-ing someone · bcc-ing someone 8. Our secretary may have … your last email by mistake. · deleted · delete · destroyed 9. We are so sorry but your email ended up in my … folder. · trash mail · bad mail · junk mail 10. When you send your business report to Susan, make sure to… the boss as well. · forward · copy · send Odpovědi lexis 1. Match the words with their definitions: 1. reply to all a) get rid of an email you do not want 1.f) 2. reply b) send a copy to someone else 2.c) 3. delete c) send an answer to the person who 3.a) 4. cc d) send a blind copy to 4.b) 5. bcc sent an email e) send an email you have received to sent an email, and everyone who 5.d) 6. forward . f) send an answer to the person who received a copy of it 6.e) 7. attach g) send a document, e.g. a picture, with an email 7.g) 2. Complete missing expressions in the following email: a) Looking forward, b) Please let me know, c) Thanks for, d) Please find attached, e) forward Petra, 1. C your email asking for budget breakdown for our current marketing campaign. 2. D an Excel with detailed figures for this. 3. B if you cannot read the attachment. I am copying Michael and Susan in on this. Please 4. E it to the rest of the marketing team if you feel that is a good idea. 5. A to your reaction. Bests wishes, Brian 3. Explain the most common abbreviations in emails: 1. HTH a) not my problem 1. e) 2. FYI b) as far as I know 2. d) 3. FW c) to be forwarded 3. f) 4. NMP d) for your information 4. a) 5. TBF e) hope this helps 5. c) 6. AFAIK f) forwarded message 6. b) GRAMMAR-EXERCISES 1. Use the correct forms of the adjectives: 1. boring …more, the most boring 2. smart…smarter, the smartest 3. old-fashioned …more old-fashioned, the most old-fashioned 4. brave…braver, the bravest 5. limited…more limited, the most limited 2. Complete the suitable comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives: 1. Our department is bigger … than yours. 2. Computers are more expensive … than telephones. 3. Emails are the cheapest … way of modern communication. 4. Dealing with foreign clients may be more difficult … than with the ones you know well. 5. This is the quickest … method of payment. 6. The easiest … thing to do is to forward that message as soon as possible. 3. Say which of the tips you are supposed to use and which ones you are not in business emails: In business emails you are supposed to: DO! DO NOT! 1. check your spelling and grammar DO 2. use slang or swear words DO NOT 3. include a greeting and a sign off DO 4. type in upper case DO NOT 5. use smileys and emoticons DO NOT 6. copy every email to the whole office DO NOT 7. include proper punctuation DO 8. write an angry email DO NOT 9. include a subject line DO 10. always use humour in emails DO NOT Test 1. Could you please … that email you received from the boss. · forward me · forward to me · forward it to me 2. I am so sorry but I have not obtained your … in your last email. · copy · enclosure · attachment 3. Contemporary enterprises have a system, which … their employees' email. · mentors · monitors · advises 4. At the beginning of your email message, it is common to thank for the counterpart’s … · replication · replay · reply 5. Businesspeople pay always attention to their businesslike language in all … communications. · electronics · electric · electronic 6. Paul was upset yesterday and sent our quotation … to another company. · by-chance · by-accident · by error 7. In email correspondence when you send someone a "hidden" copy of an email it is known as: · deceiving · cc-ing someone · bcc-ing someone 8. Our secretary may have … your last email by mistake. · deleted · delete · destroyed 9. We are so sorry but your email ended up in my … folder. · trash mail · bad mail · junk mail 10. When you send your business report to Susan, make sure to… the boss as well. · forward · copy · send Shrnutí kapitoly V kapitole Customer satisfaction – business emails jsou shrnuta pravidla pro správné psaní obchodních mailů, které jsou momentálně významným prostředkem firemní komunikace. Zaměřili jsme se na slovní zásobu a jevy, které je nezbytné ovládat pro úspěšné zvládnutí tohoto způsobu komunikace. 6 JOB INTERVIEWS AND CAREER – JOB APPLICATION Rychlý náhled kapitoly Tato kapitola se bude zabývat problematikou pracovních inzerátů, zvládnutí odpovědi na pracovní inzerát, a také zvládnutí standartních situací a nejpotřebnější slovní zásoby z oblasti pracovního pohovoru, včetně vzorových otázek. Zaměříme se na techniky a tipy pro úspěšné zvládnutí pracovního pohovoru jak verbálního, tak neverbálního charakteru. Cíle kapitoly Po nastudování kapitoly budu umět: · Úspěšně přečíst a reagovat na inzerát v anglickém jazyce, · Zvládnout potřebnou slovní zásobu a fráze z oblasti pracovního pohovoru, · Techniky a tipy, které přispějí k úspěšnému zvládnutí pracovního pohovoru, · Nastuduji základní otázky používané při pracovních pohovorech. Klíčová slova kapitoly application, applicant, apply for a job, gesture, strength, weakness 6.1 Vocabulary agree souhlasit agreement dohoda, souhlas appear zdát se, jevit approach přístup attentive pozorný breathe dýchat calm klidný confident sebejistý, sebevědomý cross one’s arms křížit paže defensiveness bránění, obrana demonstrate ukázat, demonstrovat disappear zmizet emphasize zdůraznit engaged zapojený, angažovaný, zaujatý eye contact oční kontakt firm pevný, jistý gently pozvolně, mírně, lehce gesticulate gestikulovat grin šklebit se handshake podání ruky impression dojem intense silný, prudký, ostrý joker vtipálek limp-wristed slabý, chabý nervous nervózní nod kývnout overdo přehnat pitch výška, poloha (hlasu) posture držení těla prevent vyhnout se, zamezit, zabránit properly vhodně, patřičně provoke zlobit, dráždit, provokovat rapport vztah relaxed uvolněný rush spěchat, hnát se sprain vyvrtnout, vymknout stare zírat, civět strength silná stránka subtly jemně, nepatrně unnerving nervující, deptající, zdrcující upright vzpřímeně, rovně weakness slabá stránka wrist zápěstí 6.2 Text TEN ESSENTIAL INTERVIEW TACTICS 1. Don’t sit down until invited, and when you do, sit with an upright posture. This helps you to appear attentive and engaged in the conversation. It also helps you breathe properly too. 2. Smile, most of the time. Don’t grin like the Joker; smile naturally! Smiling suggests that you’re relaxed, confident, and that you want to be there! 3. Return a firm handshake – but not too firm. Spraining the interviewer’s wrist is a bad start. A firm handshake shows strength of character. A limp-wristed handshake will leavea bad impression. 4. Relax… or appear to be relaxed. Breathe like you normally do. Easier said than done, when you’re nervous. 5. Try to remember to not sit with your arms crossed – this will suggest defensiveness and it could change the approach your interviewer takes towards you. It’s surprising how easy it is to forget, and cross your arms in an unnerving situation. 6. Gently gesticulate (move your hands to emphasize your words) as this helps interviewers remember what you say. 7. Keep up eye contact with interviewers but don’t stare! Some people find this a bit intense and can provoke a nervous response. 8. Speak clearly, and don’t rush your sentences. This will prevent your voice from raising its pitch and you appearing nervous. 9. Mirror your interviewer’s posture subtly as it demonstrates agreement. It’s a tactic that can help develop rapport. 10. Nod your head regularly to show agreement – gently though. Don’t overdo the nodding! Zdroj: SimonStapleton.com: 10 Essential Body-Language Tactics for your Interview. [online]. Simon Stapleton, 2012. [cit. 2013-07-04]. Dostupné z: http://www.simonstapleton.com/wordpress/2010/04/14/10-essential-body-language-tacticsfor-your-inter view/ Otázky What are non-verbal tips for a successful job interview? What are verbal tips for a successful interview? What signals should an applicant send to the interviewer? What signals should an applicant avoid during the job interview? What are some other mistakes an applicant should avoid during the job interview? 6.3 Lexis 7. Which of the phrases are used for asking for clarification (A), playing for time (B), structuring your answer (C), giving concrete examples (D), and validating your answer (E)? 1. That is a very inetresting question … 2. I am sorry, could you expand on what you mean by … 3. Let me give you an example of what I mean … 4. Is that what you wanted to know? ... 5. I would like to answer your question in the following way… 8. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Zajímám se o …, jsem hrdý na …dokážu si představit … 6. Mám zkušenosti s podobnou práci. 2. Jsem dobrý v …, budu přínosem pro firmu. 7. Firmě můžu nabídnout … 3. Umím zvládnout stres…, dokážu řídit tým lidí. 8. Učím se rychle. 4. Mezi me silné stránky patří … 9. Rád absolvuji školení a další vzdělávací programy. 5. Toto nepovažuji za mou slabou stránku. 10. Mám logické myšlení, jsem spolehlivý, dochvilný a rád řeším problémy. 9. Which word is different? 1.confident self-assured assertive unconfident 2.concentrating heedless focused attentive 3.frown beam smile smirk 4.defensive self-protective aggressive self- justifying 10. Write nouns to the following verbs: verb noun 1.to approach … 2..… invitation 3..to relax 4.… emphasis 5..to refuse …. 6.… suggestion 7.to demonstrate … 8.to accept … 6.4 Grammar 6.4.1 Review of tenses 2 V angličtině jsme se již seznámili se základními pravidly tvoření a použití časů.V následující přehledné tabulce přinášíme nejdůležitější shrnutí pravidel a pouček týkajících se tvoření a použití budoucího času. Čas Příklad kladná věta, zápor, otázka Kdy se používá Typicka časová určení Budoucí prostý (will) Future simple I will be in myoffice. I won’t be in my office Will you be in your office? Události v budoucnosti. Předpoklady a odhady. Spontánní rozhodnutí. tomorrow, in 2120, in 20 minutes, next week/month/year/Tuesday Budoucí prostý (going to) Future simple I am going to buy some shares. I‘m not going to buy some shares. Is he going to buy some shares Pevná rozhodnutí, odhodlání Typicky věty, které by v ČJ začínaly "Chci ...","Hodlám ...", "Mám v úmyslu ...". Tomorrow, in 2120, in 20 minutes, Next week/month/year/Tuesday Budoucí průběhový (Future progressive) I will be waiting. I won’t be waiting. Will you be waiting? Událost, která bude probíhat v budoucnu, v přesně daném okamžiku. Událost, kekteré zcela jistě brzy dojde. tomorrow, in 20 minutes, next week/month/year/Tuesday Předbudoucí prostý (Future perfect simple) He will have spoken. He won’t have spoken. Will he have spoken? Totéž jako předpřítomný pro děje odehrávající se před budoucím dějem nebo bodem v budoucnosti. Nejčastěji ve větách typu: "Zítra to bude 5 let...". V praxi málo používaný. by Tuesday, in a week Předbudoucí průběhový (Future Perfect Progressive) You will have been waiting for hours when... You won’t have been waiting for more than 3 hours when... Will you have been waiting for more than 3 hours ... when he finally arrives? Totéž jako předpřítomný, ale ve vztahu k budoucí časové rovině. V praxi velmi málo používaný. when, by the time, for ..., the last couple of hours, all day long Zdroj: Ajslovicka.cz: Anglické časy – překlady. [online]. Anglická slovíčka, 2011 - 2013. Dostupné z: http://www.ajslovicka.cz/clanky/anglicke-casy-prehled.html Nyní následují další příklady k výše uvedeným frázím. Příklad 1 Paul will travel a lot in my new job. Příklad 2 They they will send them the invitation to the coming conference. příklad 3 We will have not finished the job in a week. 6.4.2 Grammar-exercises Select the correct tense: 1. I ……….. learn German for ten years now. 2. But last year I (not / work) ……….. hard enough for German, that is why my marks(not / be) really that good then. 3. As I (pass / want) ……….. my German exam successfully next year, I (study) ……….. harder this term. 4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ……….. me on a languagecourse to Berlin. 5. It (be) ………..great and I (think) ……….. I (learn) ………..a lot. 6. Before I (go) ………..to Berlin, I (not / enjoy) ……….. learning German. 7. But while I (do) ………..the language course, I (meet) ……….. lots of young people from all over the world. 8. There I (notice) ……….. how important it (be) ……….. to speak foreign languagesnowadays. 9. Now I (have) ……….. much more fun learning German than I (have) ……….. beforethe course. 10. At the moment I (revise) ……….. German grammar. 11. And I (begin / already) ……….. to read the texts in my German textbooks again. 12. I (think) ……….. I (do) ……….. one unit every week. 13. My exam (be) ……….. on 1 June, so there (not / be) ……….. any time to be lost. 14. If I (pass) ……….. my exams successfully, I (start) ……….. an internship in October. 15. And after my internship, maybe I (go) ……….. back to Berlin to work there for a while. 16. As you (see / can) ……….. , I (become) ……….. a real Berlin fan already. 6.5 Speaking Enact a short dialogue in pairs, in which you will train the ten tips regarding the successful job interview from the introductory article. Otázky 6.6 Test 1. I … for many different jobs. · have applied · applied · was applied 2. This month, we … several new job vacancies. · have considered · are considering · considered 3. Timothy … his new job next month. · starts · has started · is starting 4. It is more than obvious that hiring the new CEO … a positive impact on on the growth of the company. · had had · has had · is having 5. The part of the new employment contract is currently … · negotiating · being negotiated · negotiating 6. The outcome of the first round of the job interview … known until next week. · will be · is not · will not be 7. The new job advertisement … attract new potential employees, I think we should change it a bit. · does not · did · does 8. This job is an opportunity … more directly with potenial customers. · connecting · to connect · connect 9. The human resources department … various job interviews on a daily basis. · is organising · organised · organises 10. The three successful canditates … by the top management next Monday. · are being appointed · will have been appointed · will be appointed Odpovědi 6.7 Key 6.7.1 Lexis-exercises 1. Which of the phrases are used for asking for clarification (A), playing for time (B), structuring your answer (C), giving concrete examples (D), and validating your answer (E)? 1.That is a very inetresting question . B 2.I am sorry, could you expand on what you mean by … A 3.Let me give you an example of what I mean … C 4.Is that what you wanted to know? E 5. I would like to answer your question in the following way… B 2. . Translate the following sentences into English: 1. I am interested in …, I am proud of …I can imagine … 6. I have experience with similar work. 2. I am good at …, I will be beneficial for the company. 7. I can offer the company … 3. I can handle the stress…, I can manage a team of people. 8. I learn quickly . 4. My strenghts are … 9. I like attending/completing training and other educational programmes. 5. I do not consider this my weakness. 10. I have a logical mind, I am reliable, punctual and I like solving problems. 3. Which word is different? 1.confident self-assured assertive unconfident 2.concentrating heedless focused attentive 3.frown beam smile smirk 4.defensive self-protective aggressive self- justifying 4. Write nouns to the following verbs: verb noun 1.to approach approach … 2.to invite… invitation 3.to relax relaxation 4.to emphasize… emphasis 5.to refuse refusal…. 6.suggest… suggestion 7.to demonstrate demonstration … 8.to accept acceptance 6.7.2 Grammar-exercises 1. Select the correct tense: 1. I have been learning German for ten years now. 2. But last year I was not working hard enough for German, that is why my marks(not / be) really that good then. 3. As I want to pass my German exam successfully next year, I am going to studyharder this term. 4. During my last summer holidays, my parents sent me on a languagecourse to Berlin. 5. It was great and I think I have learned a lot. 6. Before I went to Berlin, I had not enjoyed learning German. 7. But while I was doing the language course, I met lots of young people from all over the world. 8. There I noticed how important it is to speak foreign languagesnowadays. 9. Now I have much more fun learning German than I had beforethe course. 10. At the moment I am revising German grammar. 11. And I have already begun to read the texts in my German textbooks again. 12. I think I will do one unit every week. 13. My exam is on 1 June, so there is not any time to be lost. 14. If I pass my exams successfully, I will start an internship in October. 15. And after my internship, maybe I will go back to Berlin to work there for a while. 16. As you can see, I have become a real Berlin fan already. 6.7.3 Test 1. I … for many different jobs. · have applied · applied · was applied 2. This month, we … several new job vacancies. · have considered · are considering · considered 3. Timothy … his new job next month. · starts · has started · is starting 4. It is more than obvious that hiring the new CEO … a positive impact on on the growth of the company. · had had · has had · is having 5. The part of the new employment contract is currently … · negotiating · being negotiated · negotiating 6. The outcome of the first round of the job interview … known until next week. · will be · is not · will not be 7. The new job advertisement … attract new potential employees, I think we should change it a bit. · does not · did · does 8. This job is an opportunity … more directly with potenial customers. · connecting · to connect · connect 9. The human resources department … various job interviews on a daily basis. · is organising · organised · organises 10. The three successful canditates … by the top management next Monday. · are being appointed · will have been appointed · will be appointed Shrnutí kapitoly V kapitole Job interview – Job application jsme se zaměřili na průběh přijímacího řízení od hledání vhodné pozice až po vlastní pohovor u budoucího zaměstnavatele. Naučili jsme se slovní zásobu, která je důležitá pro úspěšné zvládnutí pohovoru. Věnovali jsme se také komunikaci neverbální. Nastudovali jsme tipy jak uspět při žádosti u zaměstnání. 7 JOB INTERVIEWS AND CAREER - CV Rychlý náhled kapitoly Kapitola se zaměřuje na úspěšné zvládnutí vytvořit vlastní životopis, který je nedílnou součástí přijímacího procesu. Cíle kapitoly V kapitole se naučím: · jak správně vytvořit a členit životopis · jak správně prezentovat svůj životopis v anglickém jazyce · naučím se číst v pracovních nabídkách · klást otázky Klíčová slova kapitoly cv, degree, education, experience, part – time job, qualification, skill European Sales Director Salary: EUR 55.000 Location: Prague, Czech Republic Age range: 35-50 Qualifications: Qualified IT specialist preferred Degree in IT or Business Administration or similar Good level in two European languages, incl. English and Czech Are you motivated, enthusiastic and flexible? Based in London, we area leading British manufacturer of computer equipment. We are looking for someone with wide experience in the computer industry to manage our new East-European sales operation. You should have at least 5 years in the computer industry, of which five years in management. Please e-mail CV and covering letter to jobs@computernet.com. Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to apply for the post of European Sales Director advertised on your website. I am 46 years old, British, with an IT degree from the University of Manchester (1989), and a Master in Business Administration from the University of London (2002). I joined my present company, TOP Computers, in 1997. After two years as Marketing Manager for Ireland, I moved to Munich to take up my present position as Regional Director for Eastern Europe. Before joining TOP Computers I was in charge of several subsidiaries at New Computers, where I spent six years. I also have four years’ experience as a computer specialist, first with IBM, then with Microsoft. Concerning my language ability, I am fluent in English and German, and I am currently following an intensive course in Czech. I am hard-working, creative, and ambitious, and after a number of years with the same company, I would appreciate the opportunity of a new challenge. I look forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully George Middleborough V textu „Applying for a job“ doplňte vhodnou slovní zásobu: This year I am finishing my university studies at the University of … I would like to apply for a post with your company… My work experience is… I have had an internship with… I have worked part-time… My knowledge is… My skills are… I command… I can… I am capable of … My qualities are… My strength is… I am good at… I look forward to hearing from you… Do not hesitate to contact me immediately… I will be available on… I appreciate your… Průvodce studiem 7.1.1 Slovní zásoba k textu “applying a job” Nyní následuje slovní zásoba k tématu „applying for a job”. Jako první v pořadí uvádsíme anglicky výraz, za nímž následuje jeho český ekvivalent. Ability schopnost Aplicant uchazeč Candidate kandidát Fixed term contract of employment smlouva na dobu určitou Degree titul Duties povinnosti Employment zaměstnání Indefinite contract of employment smlouva na dobu neurčitou Job application žádost o práci Knowledge znalosti Overtime přesčas Probation period zkušební doba Qualified kvalifikovaný Remuneration odměňování Salary plat Sick leave nemocenská Skills dovednosti Strenght silná stránka To apply for a post ucházet se o místo To advertise vypsat inzerát To attend the interview zúčasnit se pohovoru To invite candidates for the interview pozvat kandidáty k pohovoru To make a final selection provést závěrečný výběr To perform tasks vykonávat úkoly To shortlist být zařazen do užšího výběru To terminate the contract ukončit smlouvu To work full time pracovat na plný úvazek To work part time pracovat na částečný úvazek Vacation leave dovolená Work experience pracovní zkušenosti Otázky 7.1.2 Otázky k textu „applying a job“ 1. What job is it for? 2. It is well-paid? 3. Where will the person work? 4. What qualifications, experience, and personal qualities will the person need? 5. If you are interested in the position, what do you have to do? Odpovědi 7.1.3 Odpovědi k textu „applying a job“ Complete the answers to the questions above: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.2 Lexikon 7.2.1 Cvičení k lexikonu Select the correct word: 1. We _______________ emphasis on work experience in a foreign country. · make · lie · put 2. In the job advertisement knowledge of two foreign languages is _______________. · need · required · offered 3. The applicants should _______________ interest in the advertised job. · show · motivated · prove 4. We offer a _______________. · good paid job · best paid job · well paid job 5. I _______________ promotion important. · treat · feel · consider 6. We expect our job applicants to be _______________. · high motivated · highly enthusiastic · discouraged 7. I could _______________ the following abilities and skills. · carry · utilize · suit 8. Our team is _______________ support, encouragement and reinforcement. · looking after · looking up · looking for 9. I have already handed in my notice and I would like to _______________ better promotion opportunities and career development. · posses · perform · find What is the most suitable word? 1. Brian O’Neill can _______________ his knowledge in the IT department. · prove · dispose · manifest 2. We are going to _______________ this order with the Irish company. · put · place · change 3. We attach _______________ to reliability and powers of self-assertion · value · significance · importance Odpovědi 7.2.2 Klíč k lexikonu 1. We _______________ emphasis on work experience in a foreign country. · make · lie · put 2. In the job advertisement knowledge of two foreign languages is _______________. · need · required · offered 3. The applicants should _______________ interest in the advertised job. · show · motivated · prove 4. We offer a _______________. · good paid job · best paid job · well paid job 5. I _______________ promotion important. · treat · feel · consider 6. We expect our job applicants to be _______________. · high motivated · highly enthusiastic · discouraged 7. I could _______________ the following abilities and skills. · carry · utilize · suit 8. Our team is _______________ support, encouragement and reinforcement. · looking after · looking up · looking for 9. I have already handed in my notice and I would like to _______________ better promotion opportunities and career development. · posses · perform · find What is the most suitable word? 10. Brian O’Neill can _______________ his knowledge in the IT department. · prove · dispose · manifest 11. We are going to _______________ this order with the Irish company. · put · place · change 12. We attach _______________ to reliability and powers of self-assertion · value · significance · importance 7.3 Grammar Samostatný úkol 7.3.1 Grammar exercises Andrew Kowalski, a businessperson working for DEF Company, is answering questions about his recent business trip. Make the questions and use the past simple verb forms: What? Why? What time? Who? When? How? Where? Example: I did my job. – Did you do your job? 1. I stayed at the Bavarian Inn Hotel. 2. I arrived on Wednesday. 3. I visited Dietrich Moller. 4. I travelled by car. 5. I hire a car because the headquarters of the company was 45 km outside the city centre. 6. We discussed a renewal of the existing contract. 7. I arrived back yesterday in the afternoon. 8. I started work this morning at 8.30. 9. I called Dietrich Mooler at 10.45. 10. He signed the contract with our company yesterday. Select the most suitable verb form: 1. Have you ever _______________ in the same line of business before? · a) work · b) working · c) worked 2. This is the shortest business trip I _______________ made. · a) have never · b) have ever · c) sometimes 3. “Do not forget the cover letter!” – “ _______________ it. · a) I’ve already posted · b) I posted · c) I am posting 4. Have your business partners_______________ to London? · a) ever be · b) ever been · c) never been 5. I have just _______________ the report for the coming business meeting tomorrow. · a) to finish · b) finished · c) finishing 6. The budget for our department _______________ yet. · a) haven’t been brought forward · b) hasn’t been brought forward · c) wasn’t brought forward 7. Our company _______________ in this region for years. · a) operates · b) have been operated · c) has operated 8. “Where is the CEO?”- “I reckon he’s_______________ to the head office. · a) been · b) gone · c) come 9. Patricia – our human resources manager - _______________ in New York all her life. · a) is working · b) has worked · c) works 7.3.2 Klíč ke gramatice Odpovědi Andrew Kowalski, a businessperson working for DEF Company, is answering questions about his recent business trip. Make the questions and use the past simple verb forms: What? Why? What time? Who? When? How? Where? Example: I did my job. – Did you do your job?. Where did you stay? I stayed at the Bavarian Inn Hotel. When did you arrive? I arrived on Wednesday. Who did you visit? I visited Dietrich Moller. How did you travel? I travelled by car. Why did you hire a car? I hired a car because the headquarters of the company was 45 km outside the city centre. What did you discuss? We discussed a renewal of the existing contract. When did you arrive back? I arrived back yesterday in the afternoon. When did you start work? I started work this morning at 8.30. What time did you call Dietrich Moller? I called Dietrich Moller at 10.45. When did sign the contract? He signed the contract with our company yesterday. Select the most suitable verb form: 1. Have you ever . . . . . . . . . . in the same line of business before? · a) work · b) working · c) worked 2. This is the shortest business trip I . . . . . . . . . . made. · a) have never · b) have ever · c) sometimes 3. “Do not forget the cover letter!” – “ . . . . . . . . . it. · a) I’ve already posted · b) I posted · c) I am posting 4. Have your business partners. . . . . . . . . to London? · a) ever be · b) ever been · c) never been 5. I have just . . . . . . . . . . . the report for the coming business meeting tomorrow. · a) to finish · b) finished · c) finishing 6. The budget for our department . . . . . . . . yet. · a) haven’t been brought forward · b) hasn’t been brought forward · c) wasn’t brought forward 7. Our company . . . . . . . . . . . in this region for years. · a) operates · b) have been operated · c) has operated 8. “Where is the CEO?”- “I reckon he’s. . . . . . . . . . . to the head office. · a) been · b) gone · c) come 9. Patricia – our human resources manager - . . . . . . . . . . in New York all her life. · a) is working · b) has worked · c) works. SAMOSTATNÝ ÚKOL Read the following CV and answer the questions below: CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Paula Argenti Date of birth: 1 st February 1973 Nationality: Italian Marital status: Married QUALIFICATIONS 1987 Obtained Degree in Human Resources, University of Bologna 1994 Obtained Diploma in Marketing Studies– London Institute of Marketing (2-year correspondence course) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1987 – 1989 University of London BusinessSchool Research scientist in Business Studies 1989 – 1991 European Commission, Brussels, Participated in European Community Business Development Programme, coordinating and financing projects between business in in the UK and other European companies. 1991 – 1998 IT Computers, Milan, Italy As Head of Subsidiary (3 years), I was responsible for the development of a new range of IT products. I then worked as Marketing Manager for Italy (4 years). 1998 – now IT Technologies, Paris IT Technologies sells IT products over the Internet. I joined the company as an IT consultant. Since 2000 I have been Marketing Manager for Europe. LANGUAGES English / Italian (native speaker) French (fluent) INTERESTS Skiing, tennis, Modern European literature, architecture 1. What is the applicant’s name and professional background? 2. Describe and stress the main career achievements. 3. What work experience does he have? 4. What languages does she command? 5. What are her hobbies and interests? Průvodce studiem Po zodpovězení otázek se pokuste sami hovořit o paní P. Argenti. Potom se pokuste zformulovat váš vlastní životopis. Můžete použít některých bodů ze samostatného úkolu 2. Samostatný úkol Doplňte své vlastní údaje a vytvořte svůj životopis: Complete your CV data: PERSONAL DATA SURNAME: FIRST NAME: ADDRESS: PRIVATE PHONE NUMBER: COMPANY PHONE NUMBER: DATE OF BIRTH: PLACE OF RESIDENCE: FAMILY STATUS: EDUCATION: SCHOOLS, WHICH I HAVE ATTENDED: FORMER JOBS: Samostatný úkol Complete the sentences below with the adjectives from the box. If necessary, use the English-Czech dictionary. Sensitive outgoing good with figures patient energetic ambitious adaptable attentive to detail creative persuasive 1. Paul just refuses to use the new software program. He’s not at all .................. 2. Peter never corrects his spelling mistakes in emails. He’s not .................. 3. Eva’s not good at coming up with original ideas. She isn’t really a .............. person. 4. Brian’snot interested in getting a better-paid job. He’snot at all .................. 5. Patrick never speaks to anyone. He just sits in his office. He isn’t at all .................. 6. David never wins arguments in negotiations with our boss. He’s not a .......... person. 7. Diana’s always tired, even first thing in the morning. She’snot very .................. 8. Daniel can’t work out 5 + 5 without a calculator! He’s not .................. 9. Olivia always says the wrong thing and gets people angry. She isn’t a ....... person. 10. Paula often gets angry with her boss. She isn’t very .................. Odpovědi 1. Paul just refuses to use the new software program. He’s not at all adaptable. 2. Peter never corrects his spelling mistakes in emails. He’s not attentive to detail. 3. Eva´s not good at coming up with original ideas. She isn’t really a creative person. 4. Brian´s not interested in getting a better-paid job. He’s not at all ambitious. 5. Patrick never speaks to anyone. He just sits in his office. He isn’t at all outgoing. 6. David never wins arguments in negotiations with our boss. He’s not a persuasive person. 7. Diana´s always tired, even first thing in the morning. She’s not very energetic. 8. Daniel can´t work out 5 + 5 without a calculator! He’s not good with figures. 9. Olivia always says the wrong thing and gets people angry. She isn’t a sensitive person. 10. Paula often gets angry with her boss. She isn’t very patient. Korespondenční úkol CVIČENÍ 1 Prepare the most suitable answers to the following questions, which are very likely to appear during the job interview: What experience do you have that relates to this position? Describe how your skills and education match the job requirements. Answer Tip: Be sure your answer includes many of the skills listed in the job description. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Answer Tip: Prepare at least 3 to 5 examples. (At the actual interview, choose one or two that feel appropriate.) Focus on professional strengths that relate to the position. Don’t feel you have to gloss over a weakness, but do explain how you’re addressing it. Tell me about yourself. Answer Tip: Don’t discuss any personal topics. Talk about aspects of your background that relate to the job, and that would make you a good fit. Why do you want to work for this organization? Why are you interested in this position? Answer Tip: Research the organization in advance and use the research in your answer. It's important to know basics about the organization. Interviewers also want to know you’re excited about the position, so show enthusiasm for it! Tell me about a project or challenge that didn’t go well, and how you handled it. Answer Tip: This is a big one. Expect to be asked this question. Be prepared to tell a story about a real challenge. Here are some further questions, which occur in the interview: What motivates you? Why did you choose this career? How do you work under pressure or stress? What do you consider your greatest achievement? Tell me about a mistake you made and what you learned from it. Give me an example of your organizational skills. What's most creative idea you’ve ever had? How will you evaluate your success after you graduate? Describe your work ethics. Tell me about someone you have a lot of respect for. Give me an example of a time you learned something new. What does diversity mean to you? Give me an example of a time you provided excellent customer service. What do you like best about our company/organization? What do you think would be most challenging about this position? Most rewarding? What five adjectives best describe you? Why did you choose the major you did? Give me an example of a time you worked on a team and what role you played. Give me an example of a time you set a goal at work or in school. How did you accomplish your goal? Were you satisfied with the outcome? Tell me about extracurricular activities you participated in, what role you played, and what you gained from them. Tell me about a situation where you had to resolve a conflict with another person. What did you like most about your previous job? Least? Describe your work style. What work environment best suits you? Describe the best supervisor you’ve ever had. If you could make one suggestion to that supervisor, what would it be? If I called a previous supervisor or a professor, what would they say about you? What would they say are areas you could improve in? What are your short- and long-term career goals? What are you doing to achieve those goals? Where do you want to be in 3 to 5 years?[1] Korespondenční úkol CVIČENÍ 2 Read the following job advertisement and prepare an appropriate response in a written form and apply for the specified job: OFFICE MANAGER – Full or Part Time Small team growing fast and needing organization Based in Brno with flexibility for some home-based work A local organization with global clients ABC Company is a fast-growing, young software company. We need an office manager with skills, experience and savvy to be the backbone of day-to-day operations. To thrive in this role, you'll need to love variety, work independently, communicate well and be super organized, even when you're working from home! We are looking fora motivated individual with a proven track record in office administration. You may have experience from a different field than small business or technology but will be have a proven ability to work under pressure and prioritize. The right candidate will play an integral part in the future expansion of our company. This is a unique opportunity and the role design can be flexible to fit the strengths and interests of the right candidate (including the days and hours to be worked). Key responsibilities involve: diary management, travel itinerary, scheduling and event co-ordination deal with any queries via phone, email and general correspondence set up systems and procedures as required manage procurement of all office supplies of stationery, supplies, equipment and furniture invoice clients and manage accounts payable personal administration duties for directors There will also be ad-hoc and project work such as you'd expect in a growing, dynamic company! You will need: strong business and finance administration knowledge basic accounting skills with a high degree of accuracy knowledge of MYOB would be very useful but not essential (we’ll train you) ability to produce business correspondence, proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy some sales support experience is desirable, but not mandatory experience managing the calendar of a busy office (or home!) the desire to make a real difference in a small company, and to have some fun along the way CVIČENÍ 3 First, read the CV guidance, and then do the quiz below in pairs. Subsequently, each pair should explain their decision based on the tips stated below: CV guidance A CV needs to grab the reader's attention quickly and hold them, by providing sufficient detail and relevant information to interest them enough to invite you for an interview. The reality is that you have less than 30 seconds to make an impression with your CV. There is no one set format for the perfect CV, but you should generally keep it to a maximum of two sides of A4 paper in a legible font size (around size 11 for text, larger for headings) and type (Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman). It should always be concise, neat and up-to-date. Short bullet point sections work well to get the key information across quickly, you can expand on any information when you get to interview stage. Generally speaking your work experience in the sector should be near the top, although if you are newly qualified you may want to place more emphasis on your other key skills. Here are some simple guidelines that should be followed to ensure that your CV is presentable and markets you to a prospective employer most accurately. Your CV should include the following basic information: Personal details It is essential that you include your name, address, contact telephone number and email address. Career profile This should be short and snappy (3 or 4 lines) and it is a really good opportunity to sell yourself. You can include your professional status with career highlights, skills, strengths and career ambitions. Employment history List in chronological order your work experience, with current/most recent position first and in the most detail. Include a brief description of any other roles and bullet point your key responsibilities/achievements. Education & qualifications List the most recent qualifications first and only list relevant education (no school qualifications unless you have just graduated). Interests & achievements Include a brief list of your main hobbies and interests to show that you are an interesting and likable person. However, this is not essential so if space is an issue leave it out. References Do not give details -simply state 'available on request'. DOs: DON'Ts: Be honest Under / over sell yourself Include your key achievements Leave gaps in your work history Spell check and proofread. Exceed 3 page[2] CV true or false quiz 1. Do you think that a single spelling/grammar mistake on a CV can stop employers from contacting you? T or F 2. 2. Do you think that all CVs should follow the same format? T or F 3. Do you agree with the statement that a CV should always be two pages long? T or F 4. In your opinion, do you think you should include a link to your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or any other social media accounts on your CV? T or F 5. Do you think it is best to use full sentences and paragraphs throughout your CV? T or F 6. Do you consider using in your CV all types of font sizes and types acceptable? T or F 7. Do you think it is essential that you include your name, address, contact telephone number and email address? T or F Odpovědi 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F Samostatný úkol 7.4 TUTORIÁL Pro potřeby tutoriálu si připravte následující úkoly: · Připravte si vlastní životopis · Představte ostatním vámi připravený životopis. Otázky 7.5 Test „Applying for a job“ 1. This year I will complete the Faculty of Management ________________ . · with success · in success · successfully 2. Let me ask you ________________ more details about your latest job advertisement · at · of · for 3. I ________________ usual skills, which are necessary for the advertised job performance. · dispose of · collect · have 4. I would be delighted if you could________________ the date of the coming job interview. · let · intervene · brief me on 5. Mrs.Payne worked for our company. She is a very friendly and __________ team member. · problematic · awkward · supportive 6. We appreciate __________ commitment and willingness to help. · of your · for your · your 7. Mr. Lewinsky can _____________in French and Spanish. · make himself understood · make himself clean · make himself understand 8. Please treat this information______________. · like private · as confidential · like confidential 9. It is recommended ______________ · record contact with our representatives immediately. · not to hesitate and contact our representatives immediately. · to take off contact with our representatives immediately. 10. We _____________ enthusiasm and zeal from our future staff members. · consider · compensate · expect 11. I could ________________ my skills, knowledge and experience to your company. · bring · carry · transmit 12. We offer our loyal employees different _______________. · money · perks · bonus 13. Our international team _______________ reinforcement on the local market. · is seeking · is looking · is searching 14. I would like to _____________ my internship in this British company. · do · apply · move 15. We believe it is important for us to have __________________ employees. · customer-unfriendly · customer-friendly · customer’s friend 16. Only the candidates with _________________ have the biggest chance to succeed in a job interview. · long abroad experience · long inborn experience · long international experience 17. Our company is looking forward to _____________ employees. · assertion · assertive · assertively 18. Mrs. Smith, one of your former employees, is applying _____________a post with our company in Edinburgh. · to · at · for 19. Erik has been ___________ several job offers by an employee from your recruitment agency. · taken · given · repeated 20. I would like to ask you _____________ the company structure in your company. · for · of · about 21. We are looking for young, enthusiastic team members, who can work _______________ pressure. · with · under · below 22. Mr. Nowak and Mr. O’Neill were ________________. · shortlisted · shortlist · shortened 23. When she lost her job, she received a big ____________ payment. · redundant · redundancy · advance 24. Pete came to see me last week to ask me for a _________________ to another branch. · transferring · transfer · transhipment 25. Susan seemed to enjoy working in our company. Everyone was surprised that she ______________ from the company. · resignated · resigned · resigning 26. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for _________________of new staff. · recruit · recruitment · taking 27. My colleague decided to take __________________ so he could spend more time with his family. · late retirement · early retirement · old retirement 28. The traditional company in Londonderry ______________ twenty people ___________ when they closed down. · did redundant · made redundant · called redundant 29. The new CEO from Wales_______a new head office in the UK. · runs · is in charge · operating 30. Our company is_____________ in team building training. · involved · included · consisted 31. We are looking for someone who will be ________________ Marketing. · responsible with · responsible after · responsible for 32. Our Sales Director is ________________ all operations in this country. · with charge of · at charge of · in charge of 33. Maggie works for Administration and Personnel. She ________________ recruitment and training. · deals in · deals off · deals with Odpovědi 7.5.1 Key „Applying for a job“¨ 1. This year I will complete the Faculty of Management ________________ . · with success · in success · successfully 2. Let me ask you ________________ more details about your latest job advertisement · at · of · for 3. I ________________ usual skills, which are necessary for the advertised job performance. · dispose of · collect · have 4. I would be delighted if you could________________ the date of the coming job interview. · let · intervene · brief me on 5. Mrs.Payne worked for our company. She is a very friendly and __________ team member. · problematic · awkward · supportive 6. We appreciate __________ commitment and willingness to help. · of your · for your · your 7. Mr. Lewinsky can _____________in French and Spanish. · make himself understood · make himself clean · make himself understand 8. Please treat this information______________. · like private · as confidential · like confidential 9. It is recommended ______________ · record contact with our representatives immediately. · not to hesitate and contact our representatives immediately. · to take off contact with our representatives immediately. 10. We _____________ enthusiasm and zeal from our future staff members. · consider · compensate · expect 11. I could ________________ my skills, knowledge and experience to your company. · bring · carry · transmit 12. We offer our loyal employees different _______________. · money · perks · bonus 13. Our international team _______________ reinforcement on the local market. · is seeking · is looking · is searching 14. I would like to _____________ my internship in this British company. · do · apply · move 15. We believe it is important for us to have __________________ employees. · customer-unfriendly · customer-friendly · customer’s friend 16. Only the candidates with _________________ have the biggest chance to succeed in a job interview. · long abroad experience · long inborn experience · long international experience 17. Our company is looking forward to _____________ employees. · assertion · assertive · assertively 18. Mrs. Smith, one of your former employees, is applying _____________a post with our company in Edinburgh. · to · at · for 19. Erik has been ___________ several job offers by an employee from your recruitment agency. · taken · given · repeated 20. I would like to ask you _____________ the company structure in your company. · for · of · about 21. We are looking for young, enthusiastic team members, who can work _______________ pressure. · with · under · below 22. Mr. Nowak and Mr. O’Neill were ________________. · shortlisted · shortlist · shortened 23. When she lost her job, she received a big ____________ payment. · redundant · redundancy · advance 24. Pete came to see me last week to ask me for a _________________ to another branch. · transferring · transfer · transhipment 25. Susan seemed to enjoy working in our company. Everyone was surprised that she ______________ from the company. · resignated · resigned · resigning 26. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for _________________of new staff. · recruit · recruitment · taking 27. My colleague decided to take __________________ so he could spend more time with his family. · late retirement · early retirement · old retirement 28. The traditional company in Londonderry ______________ twenty people ___________ when they closed down. · did redundant · made redundant · called redundant 29. The new CEO from Wales_______a new head office in the UK. · runs · is in charge · operating 30. Our company is_____________ in team building training. · involved · included · consisted 31. We are looking for someone who will be ________________ Marketing. · responsible with · responsible after · responsible for 32. Our Sales Director is ________________ all operations in this country. · with charge of · at charge of · in charge of 33. Maggie works for Administration and Personnel. She ________________ recruitment and training. · deals in · deals off · deals with Shrnutí kapitoly V této kapitole jste se věnovali - jednotlivým částem životopisu, - inzerátům v anglicky psaném tisku, - otázkám u přijímacího pohovoru, - základním pravidlům při psaní životopisu. Naučili jste se: - napsat písemnou žádost při ucházení se o místo, - sestavovat životopis, - jak se připravit na typizované otázky a možné odpovědi při pohovoru. Literatura ALLISON, J. and P. EMMERSON, 2014. The Business Pre-intermediate, Student´s book. London: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-43780-7. CHYLKOVÁ, M., 2015. English Grammar Workbook (Professional English 1-3). Karviná: SU OPF. ISBN 978-80-7510-171-6. MURPHY, R., 2006. English Grammar in Use. 3rd Edition. Cambridge: CUP. ISBN 0521537622. TURNBULL, J., 2015. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 9th Edition. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978-0-19-479879-2. Shrnutí studijní opory Po absolvování předmětu byste měli umět: - základní slovní zásobu související sjednotlivými tématy, orientovat se při absolvování zahraniční stáže, umět vést a úspěšně formulovat své názory při jednáních se zahraničními partnery, umět jednat se zákazníky, psát obchodní dopisy a emaily, vypisovat výběrová řízení na Vámi vybrané pozice ve firmě, reagovat na inzeráty v anglicky psaných nabídkách, - formulovat dopis, v němž se ucházíte o místo, připravit se na typizované otázky a možné odpovědi u přijímacího pohovoru, přednést i písemně napsat svůj životopis. Přehled dostupných ikon Čas potřebný ke studiu Cíle kapitoly Klíčová slova Nezapomeňte na odpočinek Průvodce studiem Průvodce textem Rychlý náhled Shrnutí Tutoriály Definice K zapamatování Případová studie Řešená úloha Věta Kontrolní otázka Korespondenční úkol Odpovědi Otázky Samostatný úkol Další zdroje Pro zájemce Úkol k zamyšlení Pozn. Tuto část dokumentu nedoporučujeme upravovat, aby byla zachována správná funkčnost vložených maker. Tento poslední oddíl může být zamknut v MS Word 2010 prostřednictvím menu Revize/Omezit úpravy. Takto je rovněž omezena možnost měnit například styly v dokumentu. Pro jejich úpravu nebo přidávání či odebírání je opět nutné omezení úprav zrušit. Zámek není chráněn heslem. Název: Cizojazyčná příprava AJ 1 Autor: Mgr. Martina Chylková PhDr. Janusz Karpeta Vydavatel: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné Určeno: studentům SU OPF Karviná Počet stran: 123 Tato publikace neprošla jazykovou úpravou. ________________________________ [1] UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: Guide to Effective Interviewing. In: [online]. [cit. 2012-09-18]. Dostupné z: http://www.clacareer.umn.edu/interviews/index.html [2] Capita Resourcing: CV guidance. [online]. [cit. 2012-10-21]. Dostupné z: http://www.capitaresourcing.co.uk/cvguidance