1 FIRE ALARM DIRECTIVES for the premises Na Vyhlídce 1079/1, Karviná – Nové Město ___________________________________________________________________________ Fire alarm directives are prepared in accordance with the requirements of Act 133/1985 Coll., on fire protection, as amended and § 32 of Regulation No. 246/2001 Coll. on determining the conditions of fire safety and the performance of state fire supervision. Fire alarm directives define the activities of employees or other persons in the event of a fire. 1. Obligations of workers and students who spot a fire - to extinguish the fire as soon as possible with all available extinguishing agents. If it is not possible to extinguish the fire, make sure that a fire alarm is immediately sounded and that firefighters are summoned. When calling by phone, indicate the following to the operations center: - where there is a fire (if the event occurred in a location other than the one from which you are calling, specify this) - what is on fire and potential danger (e.g., danger of explosion, hazardous substances etc.) - who is calling (your name and surname) - phone number from which he or she is calling - do not hang up until the operator instructs you to do so - wait for callback - notify your superior (head of the study group, reception on the 1st floor of building "C") of any fires, as well as those that have been extinguished, who is required to notify the fire department 2. Method of announcing a fire alarm: Using the Electric Fire Alarm System, the Evacuation Radio and by shouting FIRE 3. Duties of all employees, students, and members of fire brigades after the announcement of a fire alarm: - concentrate in the expected intervention area and follow the instructions and orders of the head of the evacuation, or if he/she is unavailable, the commander of the fire brigade. Following the arrival of the firefighters, the incident commander of the unit of the fire brigade assumes command. 2 4. Duties of all staff and students after the announcement of the fire alarm: - follow the incident commander's instructions. The incident commander is in charge of the fire brigade, while the fire chief oversees the firefighters once they arrive. - wake up sleeping accommodated people by banging on the door and alert them to the fire alarm announcement - assist in the evacuation of people and material under the command of the incident commander - continue to perform work tasks at workplace if you are not in immediate danger and the incident commander does not require assistance 5. List of important numbers Fire Brigade of Moravian-Silesian Region 150 Single EU Emergency Number 112 Police of the Czech Republic 158 Rescue Service 155 Power Plant - emergency helpline 800 850 860 Waterworks – emergency helpline 800 292 300 Innogy - Gasworks – emergency helpline 1239 Fire Protection Officer of the SU 603 520 895 Faculty Secretary 596 398 225 Facility Administrator (Head of Dorms and Catering Services) 603 394 565 Doc. Ing. Pavel Tuleja, Ph. D. Rector In Opava, February 2020 Prepared by: Ivo Vrbický, fire protection officer of the Silesian University in Opava, cert. no. Z-255/97 in Opava, cert.no. Z-255/97