MARKETING MIX IN SERVICES PRODUCT Marketing of Services Ing. Veronika Braciníková, Ph.D. The Concept of Marketing Mix The elements an organization controls that can be used to satisfy or communicate with customers. Firstly, the phrase „marketing mix" was used by Neil H. Borden based on work of James Culliton. Borden's concept of MM consists of 12 variables. The Concept of Marketing Mix McCarthy summed up these variables into 4Ps: Product Price Place Promotion The customer — the target of all marketing efforts. The Concept of Marketing Mix PRODUCT Product variety Quality Design Features Brand name Packaging Si:rvii:i:k Warranties Returns PRICE List price Discounts Allgwances Payment period Credit terms PLACE Channels Coverage A irhrmi:-. Locations Inventory Transport PROMOTION Sales promotion Advertising Sales forte Public relations Direct marketing Modern Marketing Management Four Ps People Processes Programs Performance Source: Kotier & Keller (2016) Source: Kotier & Keller (2016) 4 The Concept of Marketing Mix of Services The reasons of developing the MM for services: • The traditional MM is more oriented to deal with goods marketing situations. • The traditional MM did not address the service manager's needs. • Differences in characteristics of physical products and services. • Inadequacy of conventional MM to address the service situations. The MM of Services: • Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence and Process. The Product Overall concept of objects or processes which provide some value to customer. The customers are not buying goods or services - they are really buying specific benefits and value. The success of marketing of services depends on existing of match between customer's view point and the supplier's view point. Core component (a) Packaging component (B) Support services component (C) The Whole Product Model Generic product — Bank Account: the basic function Expected product — BA: credit card, internet banking Augmented product — BA: international banking free, ATM free, loan, discount card Potential product — BA: everything that is on the market and everything that is possible to offer Product Life Cycle Maturnity Saturation Special Forms of Product Life Cycle Description of Life Cycle Stages Introduction Growth Maturnity Decline Sales LOW FAST GROWTH THE HIGHEST FALL Profits LOSS GROWTH THE HIGHEST FALL Customers INNOVATORS EARLY ADOPTIVE CUSTOMERS MAJORITY LATECOMERS Competitors LOW GROWTH MANY FALL MARKET EXPANSION MARKET PENETRATION SHARE DEFENCE PRODUCTIVITY The Customer Benefit Concept Origin of products in their benefits. Over a period of time, the benefits sought may also change. Specific benefits which the service offers is defined by service concept. The Service Offer In the case of centre for the performing arts, the service concept is to provide entertainment. Concerned with the specific elements that will be used to provide entertainment; drama, music, mime, dance. The Service Forms With decision-making process about the form of the services many questions need to be answered. Refer to the various options relating to each service element — the manner in which they are combined gives shape to the service form. The Service Delivery System In case of airlines - the aeroplane, pilot, crew members, airport, etc. — are the elements of delivery system. Tangible and intangible elements of the services are very important and influence their quality. The Service Delivery System The visit to a bank on two occasions brings different experiences — no two customer experiences are identical. Service levels should be set in accordance with the desired customer satisfaction. The Substitutes and The Complements Perfect substitutes. General substitutes The Product Branding Process of adding value to the product. No-Name product National Brand Private (Store) Brand The Brand Attributes • Brand name — part of brand which can be pronounced • Logo, symbol - visual part of brand • Colour • Style of sign The Brand Name • It should catch customer's attention. • It should be memorable. • It should create good association. • It should communicate something about the product. • It should have good graphics processing. • It should be pronounced easily in many foreign languages • It should be dateless. The Consumers Symbols • Graphical symbols which are put on package or directly on the product. • They mention the selected parameters of goods or the way how to use them. • Consumer's symbols are obligatory in some types of goods. The Product Standardization X Adaptation Standardization — „world product". Adaptation - completely new products for particular countries. Nestle Nescafe loreal ä B HP JL /\IS Scncful I_ 4» vichy ^-^ 0mku1 ------imiTjit imuuiM I I Vltlnl Thank you for your attention©