Do they support the market position and/or the profitability of the strategic businesses? Or do they only absorb management capacity? • In markets with high competitive intensity, positive synergies can be an important competitive advantage, and negative synergies can be a decisive competitive disadvantage. Therefore, an assessment of synergies should complement the business portfolio analysis. • The financial figures of the businesses are also included in the assessment. For the business units, we look at contribution margins, whereas for the business fields, the financial performance is evaluated by EBITDA and free cash flow. The authors know a case of a capital goods producer, which transfers financial results to its portfolio using a color code for the circles of the businesses. As is the case in the analysis of the global environment and the relevant industries (see Chaps. 10 and 11), portfolio analysis is not limited to the current situation. In Step C, the strategy planning group should therefore look at future changes in the market growth or the market attractiveness of the served markets. Based on this, the consequences of the identified changes in the relative market share or the competitive strength of the businesses should be discussed. 12.4.5 Example of Applying the Process Inset 12.6 presents a portfolio analysis in a retail group based in the East of Switzerland. Inset 12.6. Portfolio Analysis in a Retail Group Baer is a large department store in downtown St Gallen which has belonged to the family of the same name for three generations. Thanks to its full range of goods, it has been able to defend its dominant position in the region. The following figure presents the range of goods and the turnovers of the previous year. The store’s competitors are retail chains on the one hand, and small specialized stores on the other. With an estimated total market volume of 800 million Swiss francs in the St. Gallen urban area, the Baer department store has a market share of 24 %. In contrast, its largest competitor only has a market share of 19 %. The average real market growth across all product groups is estimated to be approximately 1 %, while the growth rate of the Swiss economy is about 2 %. With an eye on the increasing ecological awareness among consumers, the owners of the store accepted an offer of franchising rights three years ago from The Body Shop for the cantons of St. Gallen, Appenzell and Thurgau. The Body Shop stores sell products, which are based on natural ingredients and have been developed without animal testing. Body Shops have been opened in Rohrschach, 132 12 Portfolio Analysis Grünig, R., & Kühn, R. (2015). Strategieplanungsprozess : Analysen, optionen, projekte : analyses, options, projects. Springer. Created from hud on 2022-04-25 07:56:29. Copyright©2015.Springer.Allrightsreserved. Wil and St. Gallen. The turnovers for the three shops confirm the positive assessment of the market. With a real market growth of 4 % for natural cosmetics, the Body Shops this year had turnover figures of 1.0 million Swiss francs in Rohrschach, 1.5 million Swiss francs in Wil and 2.5 million Swiss francs in St. Gallen. Textiles, clothing and shoes Personal-care products Food Household goods Sports goods Home electronics Fashion jewelry and accessories Books and magazines Flowers Miscellaneous Product groups Turnover in millions of CHF 70 10 20 40 25 20 2 2 1 2 Total turnover 192 Turnover of the product groups of the department store Some years ago, the owner of the store at the time, Fritz Baer, decided to make his advertising department independent of the store, hoping to widen its horizons and foster a more entrepreneurial mode of thinking among employees. The agency which was set up, Kreativ, at first only accepted very little outside work in order to use temporary overcapacity. The number of external contracts has steadily increased and they now constitute 60 % of its turnover of 2.4 million Swiss francs. With overall spending on advertising stagnating in the region, there is now a bitter struggle for business. With a market share of 7 % for the region, Kreativ is more than three times smaller than its strongest competitor, a national agency based in Zurich. The following figure shows how the activities within the Baer Group can be grouped into strategic business fields and strategic business units. As the figure shows, “fashion jewelry and accessories”, “books and magazines” and “flowers” have not been included as business units due to their minor importance. 12.4 Process of Portfolio Analysis 133 Grünig, R., & Kühn, R. (2015). Strategieplanungsprozess : Analysen, optionen, projekte : analyses, options, projects. Springer. Created from hud on 2022-04-25 07:56:29. Copyright©2015.Springer.Allrightsreserved. Department store Body Shops Advertising agency Kreativ Strategic business fields Strategic business units Textiles, clothing and shoes Personal-care products Food Household goods Sports goods Home electronics - Strategic businesses of the group Department store Textiles etc. Personal-care products Food etc. Household goods Sports goods Home electronics Body Shops Advertising agency Relevant area Unconso- lidated turnover in mio. CHF Business fields and business units Turnover of the strongest competitor in mio. CHF Average real growth rate for the last three years Relative market share St. Gallen urban area - - - Eastern Switzerland Eastern Switzerland 1% -2% 1% 0% 1% 4% 5% 4% 0% 192.0 70.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 25.0 20.0 5.0 4.0 150.0 85.0 13.0 100.0 24.0 16.0 20.0 1.7 13.3 1.28 0.82 0.77 0.20 1.67 1.56 1.00 2.94 0.30 Data for the current portfolio In Step A, the Boston Consulting Group approach is selected as the portfolio method. It is also decided to incorporate the business fields and the business units into a single portfolio. In Step B, the current portfolio is established based on a compilation of the relevant data on the businesses. The previous figure and the following figure show the underlying data and the portfolio. 134 12 Portfolio Analysis Grünig, R., & Kühn, R. (2015). Strategieplanungsprozess : Analysen, optionen, projekte : analyses, options, projects. Springer. Created from hud on 2022-04-25 07:56:29. Copyright©2015.Springer.Allrightsreserved. Real market growth Relative market share 6% 4% 0% -2% -4% 0.125 0.25 1 2 4 SBU Sports goods SBU Household goods SBU Food 80.5 2% 8% SBU Home electro- nics SBF Body Shops SBF Department store SBF Adverting agency SBU Personal care pro - ducts SBU Textile etc. = current position SBF = strategic business field SBU = strategic business unit Current portfolio of the group The assessment of the current portfolio in Step C is based on the assumption that real growth will, at best, remain at the current level. Managers even expect a slowdown by one to two percentage points. With its department store, the Baer Group has a strong position in the cash cow area. Thanks to the Body Shops, the sports goods and the home electronics, it has three businesses with future potential. Therefore, the portfolio as a whole is considered to be balanced. There is a need for action in the department store’s range of products. In addition to the weak position of the “food” business unit, there are product groups representing one percent or less of turnover. It is also decided to have a closer look at the “advertising agency” business field. The financial future, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of an in-house agency, will be analyzed. Finally, the creation of positive synergies between the “department store” and “Body Shops” business fields will be investigated. 12.4 Process of Portfolio Analysis 135 Grünig, R., & Kühn, R. (2015). Strategieplanungsprozess : Analysen, optionen, projekte : analyses, options, projects. Springer. Created from hud on 2022-04-25 07:56:29. Copyright©2015.Springer.Allrightsreserved.