YOUR NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TASK 6 – DISTRIBUTION IN THE FINANCIAL MARKET (FILL IN THE TABLE ACCORDING TO YOUR OPINION) A. Try to give example of typical financial products of the intensive distribution in your country: ??? B. Try to give example of typical financial products of the selective distribution in your country: ??? C. Try to give example of typical financial products of the exclusive distribution in your country: ??? D. Total number of bank accounts in the Czech republic (all banks) is 8 560 000. Try to find out the market share of the bank A in the market of current bank accounts (using information below). The number of current bank accounts of the bank A in the Czech republic is 2 250 000. The market share of the bank A is: ??? E. Choose one financial institution in your country and describe briefly its physical evidence (interior + exterior). Insert pictures. ???