MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D. MARKETING OF FINANCIAL SERVICES/NAMAF OUTLINE OF THE LECTURE 1. Marketing communication defining 2. Marketing communication mix 3. Advertisement 4. Sales promotion 5. Personal selling 6. Public relations 7. Direct marketing 8. Sponsorship 9. On-line marketing communication (social networks, web presentation) MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 1. MARKETING COMMUNICATION DEFINING • MC involves answering the following questions: • who is the target audience? • what should be communicated and? • how should it be communicated? • „Marketing smog“ – a negative aspect of contemporary MC! • Marketing communication is an ever-changing field. New theories, new techniques, cultural changes and technological advances all combine to create a dynamic environment within which marketers try to ensure that their messages get through to their target audiences. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING COMMUNICATION DEFINING • Larger sense: all planned and unplanned communication in all contacts between company and its present and potential customers (the product package, brand perception, price, advertising, staff behaviour, tradition of company, car fleet, branches etc.)  Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) • Narrow sense: marketing communication mix! MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (IMC) • The strategic analysis, choice implementation and control of all elements of marketing communication which efficiently, economically and effectively influence transactions between an organization and its existing and potential customers. • The American Marketing Association defines Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) as “a planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time.” MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 2. MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX (MCM) • Advertising • Sales promotion • Personal selling • Public relations (P.R.) • Direct marketing (DM) • Sponsorship (new!) • On-line marketing communication (new!) MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES BTL ATL PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECT MARKETING SALES PROMOTION ADVERTISEMENT • TV • Press • Radio • Outdoor • Indoor • Internet • Cinema SPONSORSHIP, ON-LINE MC IMC= TTL MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 3. ADVERTISING • A paid insertion of a message in a medium. It is aimed at the mass market. YES Mass effect, allowing expressiveness and control over the message. NO Impersonal, no direct influence on purchase, difficult measurement of response. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES MEDIAL MIX • Television, radio, print, outdoor advertising, indoor advertising, internet, cinema, mobile phone, ambient media, people (word of mouth, viral marketing, buzz marketing), … MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES EMOTIONS IN ADVERTISING • Emotional appeals attempt to stir up some negative or positive emotions that will motivate purchase. Receivers are involved in the plot of commercial message. They forget that they watch commercial advertising. Receivers can remember emotions better than logical arguments. Emotions require less receivers´ effort. They don´t have to concentrate a lot. • Humour, fear, happiness, erotic, music, warmth, drama, … • Vampiric effect! • The use of neuromarketing! MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES MESSAGE SOURCE IN ADVERTISING • Message source – person who is involved in advertising to spread some commercial message in favour of some company, product, brand, … • Experts who have specialized knowledge  doctors, scientists, professors etc. • Well-known persons who are familiar to the audience (singer, actor/actress, sportsman/sportswoman etc.). • Users of the product who are not well-known persons, but they are representatives of the audience so that the target markets can identify with them. • Animated figures + animals • Historical persons MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 4. SALES PROMOTION • Activity designed to give a temporary boost to sales, such as money-off coupons, free samples, two-for-the price-of one promotions, free gifts, piggy-backing with another product, lottery, multi-packing, events, roadshow etc. YES Attracts attention and reaches an immediate effect, initiates the purchase. It is flexible, variable and can be easily combined with other communication elements. NO Easy to imitate by competitors, limited time of use. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES TOOLS OF SALES PROMOTION • POP/POS displays • Merchandising • 3D advertising • Discounts • 1+1 • Cross selling • Loyalty programmes • Competitions • The testing free of charge • Events (Road show) • … MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 5. PERSONAL SELLING YES Allows a flexible presentation and getting an immediate response, the possibility of using nonverbal communication, interactivity. NO Costs per one contact substantially higher than in other forms, it is not easy to recruit or train skilled dealers (agents), possibility to reach limited number of customers, more difficult control of agents. • Face-to-face communications between buyers and sellers designed to ascertain and meet customer´s needs on a oneto-one basis (non-verbal communication!). MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 6. PUBLIC RELATIONS • The planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics (press conference, annual reports, open door day, social projects, ecological business, press release, human relations etc.) YES The high level of credibility, long-term effect. NO PR can not be controlled as easily as other forms of communication. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES PUBLICITY • Publicity ≠ Public Relations • Publicity is a tool and target of PR. • Creating favorable or unfavorable news stories about the company and its products and activities. • Publicity is an unpaid place in media which paid attention to some company! MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) • CSR (corporate social responsibility) - the voluntary integration of social and economic aspects into everyday corporate operations and interactions with stakeholders (supplier, customer, employee, shareholder, ...). • Three levels of activities - economic activity of the company, social development and environmental protection. • voluntariness – all activities are performed voluntarily beyond the scope of legal obligations. • long-term character - CSR activities are realized in the long term and do not end when a company is in a worse economic situation. • credibility - CSR contributes to strengthening of confidence in company, activities must be transparent, durable. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATE IDENTITY X CORPORATE IMAGE • Corporate identity is the outward manifestation of the organisation, a visual means of identification. • Corporate image is the rating of the company by external and internal public. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 7. DIRECT MARKETING YES Effective targeting with the use of database, flexibility and timeliness of advertising messages, measurable response. NO Costs associated with the acquisition of the database. • An interactive system of marketing which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location. It is aimed at the individuals (direct mail, telephone marketing, commercial e-mails etc.) MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 7. DIRECT MARKETING • B2B (DM is effective!!!) • B2C • Disciplines for which the use of DM is effective (FITTT): • finance (F) - banks, insurance companies, savings banks, • software and hardware companies, system integrators, Internet service providers (IT), • companies in the field of telecommunications services (T), • courier services, airlines, travel agencies, car manufacturers (T). MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES TOOLS OF DIRECT MARKETING TOOLS Unaddressable Addressable Direct Response Advertising Catalogues Direct mail Telemarketing New interactive media (CD-ROM, Internet, mobile phone, …) Personal sellingUnaddressable distribution MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 8. SPONSORSHIP YES Cheaper, possibility not to respect the legislation in marketing communication. NO Less effective if the field of sponsored activity is not identical with the sponsor. • The goal-directed financing of other subjects in order to create and sustain goodwill (company image). • Sponsorship x PR! • Sponsorship fit! • Cultural, sports, sponsorship of broadcasting, ... • Ambush (Guerilla) sponsorship MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 9. ON-LINE MARKETING COMMUNICATION YES Accurate targeting, personalization, interactivity, multimedia content usability, simple measurability of effectiveness and relatively low costs. NO Loss of identity, abuse etc. • Online communications include for our purposes two large areas - the company web presentation and social media. MARKETING COMMUNICATION OF FINANCIAL SERVICES