Managing Innovation Ing. Žaneta Rylková, Ph.D. Department of Business Economics and Management Consultancy Hours oTuesday 10:00 – 11:00, office B303 oMaterials for studying oMoodle – e-learning o o Literature oCompulsory: nTIDD, J. and J. BESSANT. Strategic innovation management. Chichester: John Wiley, 2014. ISBN 978-1-118-45723-8. oRecommended: nGAULT, F. . Innovation Strategies for a Global Economy: Development, Implementation, Measurement and Management. IDRC, 2010. ISBN 978-1552504840. nLAZZARETTI, L. Creative Industries and Innovation in Europe: Concepts, Measures and comparative Case Studies.. Italy: Routledge, 2012. ISBN 978-0415677400. nSALMAN, G., ASCH, D. Strategy and capability: sustaining organizational chase. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0-631-22845-4. Structure of lectures o24. 2. Requirements + Introduction o3. 3. Top ten themes of business innovation and entrepreneurship o10. 3. Understanding innovation o17. 3. Success of company o24. 3. Promotion and sales o31. 3. Delievery and operations o7. 4. Capacity of production lines Structure of lectures o14. 4. Investment spending and economies of scale o21. 4. Innovation strategy o28. 4. Methods and techniques in innovation management o5. 5. Intelectual property + Seminar work presentations o12. 5. Seminar work presentations o19. 5. Possibility to write examination test o Requirements o oSeminar work (25 points) oFinal written exam (30 points) o Evaluation o55 – 48 points: A o47 – 43 points: B o42 – 38 points: C o37 – 34 points: D o33 - 30 points: E Requirements oSeminar work (presentations within 12. 5. 2021, 10 – 15 pages to selected topic, 14 - 16 min. presentation Power-Point) oExamination test: 19. 5. 2021 or June 2021 Seminar work evaluation o oPresentation at the right time: 5 points o10 – 15 pages to selected topic (printed version + power point presentation sent to my email): 10 points o14 - 16 min. presentation: 10 points o Seminar work – topics oInnovation as a factor of competitiveness oThe concept of innovation and types of innovation oProduct innovation oProcess innovation oOrganizational innovation oMarketing innovation oInnovation theories oMajor innovations in the 20th century oMajor innovations in the 21st century oInnovation support from European funds oInnovation systems (national, regional, innovation networks) oClosed and open innovations oFactors affecting the innovation activities of enterprises oInnovative enterprise oInnovations in a chosen industry oInnovation system of a chosen country Innovation - Introduction oThe basic goal of innovation is to create a value for business. oSchumpeter (1883 – 1950) – pioneer of theory of innovations oSchumpeter – Innovation as creating new combinations. Innovation is associated with a breakthrough or incremental innovation that occurs at any stage, such as production, process, or organization. oInnovation can be examined from different perspectives. Innovation means the process of putting any new idea into practice. oInnovation: Activities and processes of creating and implementing new knowledge to produce distinctive products, services and processes that meet customer needs and preferences in various ways, as well as more sophisticated processes, structures and technologies in a way that can bring prosperity among individuals, groups and society as a whole. oInnovation can be radical or incremental. oThe most important factor in organizational knowledge is human capital.