Introduction Marketing of services Question no.0 •Who am I? About me • BTA Packaging logo Proud Consulting Marketing consultant Související obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro software condoms Výsledek obrázku pro moravec ponožky Výsledek obrázku pro arr Výsledek obrázku pro centrální registr referenčních listů Výsledek obrázku pro robe lighting Výsledek obrázku pro gumbooks Výsledek obrázku pro intelix olomouc SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro mepac logo png Výsledek obrázku pro projektovÄ› logo png Výsledek obrázku pro e-blue logo png About me •Business Gate – advisory board •Providing students with real business experiences •Ph.D. •Marketing communication of brands on social networks •Associate professorship •How e-stores grow? •Research projects and publications blah blah blah… • • Question no.1 •Who are you? Question no.2 •What do you know about marketing? Process •Delivering value to the customer at a profit Question no.3 •What is value? Question no.4 •What is value proposition? •See Alex Ostervalders model • Obsah obrázku text, hodiny Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Question no.5 •What is need? Question no.6 •What is wish? Henry Ford •“If I’d asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse.” Henry Ford (kolem roku 1919) Question no.7 •What is demand? Evolution of marketing thoughts •Production •Product •Promotion •Marketing Production focus 1930s • Profit driver - Production methods •Demand exceeded supply. Little competition in each market. Product design reflected production requirements more than customer requirements. Economies of scale. Product focus 1950s • Profit driver: Quality of the product •A firm would also assume that as long as its product was of a high standard, people would buy and consume the product Promotion focus 1960s • Profit driver: Selling methods •Such an orientation may suit scenarios in which a firm holds dead stock, or otherwise sells a product that is in high demand, with little likelihood of changes in consumer tastes diminishing demand. Marketing focus 1980s • Profit driver - Needs and wants of customers •Firm would employ market research to gauge consumer desires, use R&D to develop a product attuned to the revealed information, and then utilize promotion techniques to ensure persons know the product exists. Question no.8 •What type of markets do we know? Markets •B2C •B2B •B2G Question no.9 •What type of products do we know? Type of products •Goods vs. Services Type of products Goods Services A physical commodity A process or activity Tangible Intangible Homogenous Heterogeneous Production and distribution are separated from the consumption Production, distribution and consumption are simultaneous processes Can be stored Cannot be stored Transfer of ownership is possible Transfer of ownership is not possible Type of products •Exapmles? Examples •Health care – hospital, medical practice, dentistry, eye care. •Professional services – accounting, legal, architectural. •Financial services – banking, investment advising, insurance. •Hospitality – restaurant, hotel, bed & breakfast, ski resort, rafting. •Travel – air lines, travel agencies, theme park •Others – hair styling, pest control, lawn maintenance, counseling services. Question no.10 •What is marketing mix? •Old one: 4P – product, price, promotion, place •New one: 4C – customer, costs, communication, convenience •Extension for services: processes, people, physical evidence Summary •We all know now what is: •Marketing, value, need, wish, demand, goods and services, marketing mix. The end