Value proposition Marketing of services What we already know? •Marketing, value, need, wish, demand, goods and services, marketing mix. •What are services and its attributes. • MARKETING PRODUCTION CONSUMPTION MARKETING? PRODUCTION CONSUMPTION OUTCOME CONSUMPTION PROCESS CONSUMPTION From Business model to Marketing and vice versa Lean Canvas Value Proposition Canvas Completing your canvas in 9 easy steps 1)Choose your segment 2)Identify consumer jobs 3)Identify pains 4)Identify gains 5)Prioritize 6)Write down the list of products 7)Describe pain relievers 8)Describe gain creators 9)Prioritize 1) Choose your segment •Choose segment which you want to serve •Segment has to be representative •Large enough •There is internal homogenity and external heterogenity 2) Identify consumer jobs •Ask yourself a question: What are my customers trying to accomplish? •Map all their tasks – each of them is one postit 3) Identify pains •What limitations and problems are your customers facing? •Include risks as well 4) Identify gains •What gains your customers want to get? •What would make their lives easier? 5) Prioritize •Put the jobs, pains and gains in order: •JOBS: Important -> Inessential •PAINS: Extreme -> Slight •GAINS: Necessary -> Nice to have 6) Write down the list of products •All existing goods and services • 7) Describe pain relievers •How you solve your customers problem 8) Describe gain creators •What benefits do you deliver now • 9) Prioritize •Put the products, pain relievers and gain creators in order from most important to inessential