Statistics Lecture 11 ANOVA: Analysis of Variance (for a single factor) •David Bartl •Statistics •INM/BASTA Outline of the lecture •Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for a single factor •Bartlett’s test Two-sample t-test for the diff. of the pop. means // σX=σY Two-sample t-test for the diff. of the pop. means // σX=σY and Two-sample t-test for the diff. of the pop. means // σX=σY One-Way ANOVA • • One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA sum of squares (between) degrees of freedom (between) mean squares (between) One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA sum of squares (within) degrees of freedom (within) mean squares (within) One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA One-way ANOVA: the test One-way ANOVA: the test One-way ANOVA: the test One-way ANOVA: total variation sum of squares (total) degrees of freedom (total) mean squares (total) One-way ANOVA: total variation One-way ANOVA: total variation One-way ANOVA: total variation One-way ANOVA: total variation One-way ANOVA: total variation Bartlett’s test • • Bartlett’s test Bartlett’s test Bartlett’s test Bartlett’s test Bartlett’s test