Sociální média 7. přednáška Případové studie Výsledky učení •Kategorizovat sociální média •Popsat vývojové tendence odvětví médií •Porozumět fungování sociálních médií •Umět rozhodovat o tom kdy a jak komunikovat •Zakomponovat sociální média do kampaně •Posoudit jak sociální média ovlivňují ekonomickou úspěšnost podniku •Vést a spravovat profily na sociálních sítích Larische Brewery •Type of business: Small company •Product: Beer and restaurant •Distribution: Offline •Social media: Facebook + Instagram •Story: Using Facebook to promote beer and Instagram to present food Guess which one got higher reach? Previous agency • 12 in 2 weeks • AVG 411 • SUM 4942 • DAY 353 Our results • 12 in month • AVG 1080 • SUM 12 953 • DAY 431 CAMPAIGN LEVEL AD SET LEVEL AD LEVEL AWARNESS CONSIDERATION CONVERSION SETTING UP OVERALL GOAL OF ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN IN AD SET YOU CAN SET UP TARGETING PARAMETERS YOU SET YOUR BUDGET AND TIME PLAN CAMPAIGN LEVEL AD SET LEVEL AD LEVEL CAMPAIGN LEVEL AD SET LEVEL AD LEVEL HERE IN AD LEVEL YOU CAN SET FORMAT AND ADD TEXT TO THE ADVERT Dark post Post which is shown only to specifically selected audience by paid advertising • First Ale in brewery history • Traditional customer • Targeted by interests • Authenticity • Sold out 10 days before expiration • Czech tradition • Local targeting • 1km from the restaurant • Documenting over creating • Restaurant had to order more portions Conclusinos • We had to change the frequency and content • We started to be more authentic • Every promoted post was specifically targeted • We sold out every beer we promoted on Facebook • The restaurant was fully booked for special menu twice • We use new technologies to automate our work and provide better services for our fans If you know basic mechanics of Facebook you can promote offline business online and attract customers •Type of business: Entrepreneur •Product: Men's fashion •Distribution: Online + Offline •Social media: Blog + Facebook + Instagram •Story: The owner turned his passion into a succesful business Simple rules of content strategy What interests your customers What do you want to tell them What is your ideal content The story •Fashion blog •Facebook community •E-shop •Store (first offline advertising) •Printed magazine The story Self employed in 2011 - > 60 employees in 2018 7 showrooms around Czech Republic Turnover: 200 000,- CZK in 2011 150 000 000,- CZK in 2018 Readers -> Fans -> Customers Conclusions •You can develop business idea based on your social media activities •Niche market can be expanded by good content strategy •You can grow on social media but not indefinitely •You have to expect unexpected Cambridge analytica operations in US elections Ethical aspects of social media communication Ethical aspects of social media communication Consequences… Výsledky učení •Kategorizovat sociální média •Popsat vývojové tendence odvětví médií •Porozumět fungování sociálních médií •Umět rozhodovat o tom kdy a jak komunikovat •Zakomponovat sociální média do kampaně •Posoudit jak sociální média ovlivňují ekonomickou úspěšnost podniku •Vést a spravovat profily na sociálních sítích Děkuji za pozornost