PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D. MARKETING OF FINANCIAL SERVICES/NAMAF OUTLINE OF THE LECTURE 1. Human factor in FS 2. Internal marketing 3. Multilevel marketing 4. The importance of personal selling PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 1. HUMAN FACTOR IN FINANCIAL SERVICES • Participation of employees: • Employees FRONT OFFICE (first line)   fluctuations. • Employees BACK OFFICE (second line)   fluctuations. • Participation of customers: • The role of financial services co-producers. • The role of financial services users. • The role of financial services informant (WoM). PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 2. INTERNAL MARKETING • Internal marketing is ongoing process that occurs strictly within a company or organization whereby the functional process is to aligns, motivates and empowers employees at all management levels to consistently deliver a satisfying customer experience. • Every business has at least two types of customers: internal and external. While companies usually focus on the external customers - the people who purchase their products and services - internal customers are also important. • Internal customers are the employees that work for the company. Regardless of their job function, they rely on other employees, teams, and the company for support and information. As a result, marketing to these internal customers is a vital aspect to the effectiveness of a company. PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES INTERNAL MARKETING Source: PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES ASPECTS OF INTERNAL MARKETING • Every employee and every department in the company plays a dual role of internal customers and internal suppliers. • All employees must work in a way that is consistent with the corporate mission, strategy and defined goals. • Part of HR. PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES CORRECT INTERNAL MARKETING • Increase in effective internal communication. • Greatly increase in the employees´ working efficiency and their morale. • It also strengthens the corporate culture. • Increase in the competitiveness of the company. • Finally, it also saves the costs. „Satisfied employees serve their customers better than a disgruntled employee.“ PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES GENERAL CATEGORIZATION OF EMPLOYEES IN FINANCIAL SERVICES A. According to the scope of powers and responsibilities • Top management level - top management • Middle management level - directors of branches • Lower management level – department manager • Operational level - employees PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES GENERAL CATEGORIZATION OF EMPLOYEES IN FINANCIAL SERVICES B. According to the involvement of employees in the sales process • immediate - people whose main role is to initiate and maintain relationships with clients  FRONT OFFICE • mediated - bank employees whose function is to support workers who are in direct contact with clients  BACK OFFICE PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES GENERAL CATEGORIZATION OF EMPLOYEES IN FINANCIAL SERVICES C. According to the frequency of contact with the client and participation in regular marketing activities Direct relation to marketing mix Indirect relation to marketing mix Frequent contact with customer Contact staff Operating staff None or sporadic contact with customer Conceptual staff Supportive staff PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 2. MULTILEVEL MARKETING • Direct sales using the distribution net of independent distributors, which step by step recruit, train and motivate next sellers. • In MLM organisation each salesperson has two areas of responsibility, first to sell the product to family, friends and work colleagues and second to recruit more salespeople. • Each salesperson is paid on a commission-only basis, with no basic salary. • Advantages (customer and salesperson). • Multilevel marketing can be implemented very easily in financial services (various kinds of insurance, etc.). PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES MULTILEVEL MARKETING SCHEME PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 3. THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING • Personal selling is the process of influencing the customer through personal contact (element of marketing communication mix). • Seller abilities (persuasiveness, ability of observation, the ability to influence behaviour, speech,...) x seller properties (initiative, judgment, sense of commerce, ...). • Advantages: impact, targeting, interactivity, relationships, ... • Disadvantages: cost, reach and frequency, control, ... PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES EFFECTIVE PERSONAL SELLING Nature of salesperson customer relationship: • Quality of relationship • Relative power/dependence • Level of cooperation/conflict • Expectations Behaviour of salesperson: • Cultural awareness • Adaptation to customer • Relationship vs. Deal orientation • Usage of influential technique Resources of salesperson: • Training/analytic skills • Product/customer knowledge • Available alternatives • Company image/profile Nature of customer buying task: • Needs and believes • Relationship vs. deal orientation • Available alternatives • Importance of buying taste THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 4. THE IMPORTANCE OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION • Type of personal communication: verbal x nonverbal (facial expressions, haptics, kinesics, proxemics, gesture, …)  incongruence (inconsistency between verbal and nonverbal communication) • Halo effect (55 % appearance, 38 % voice, 7 % of communication content)! • Importance of non-verbal communication (body language): • 7% - textual behaviour (material content words) • 38% - vocal behaviour (the melody and rhythm of speech) • 55% - facial behaviours (facial expression, speech of the human body) • Over 700 000 possible physical signals can be sent through body movement alone. 60 to 75 % of all meaning is communicated non-verbally. Non-verbal communication is the primary means of forming first impression. PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES THE IMPORTANCE OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION • Nonverbal communication is the process of transmitting messages without spoken words, sometimes called body language. • Body movements, facial expressions and gestures, various acoustic properties of speech such as tone, accent, the role of eyes, handshakes, holding hands, kissing, the perception of physical space, … PEOPLE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES